IPhone lost for more than a year

My phone Iphone 5 is lost and I can't find any more.  Can anyone share their experiences.

Updated my phone and now it won't let me back in without activating it all first.

Hello, I was wondering if there was someone who could help me. Updated my phone and now it won't let me back in without activating it all first. Then I entered the Apple ID and password, and he repeated that they were all both wrong. So I double chec

Portege Z30 - A - 13 H - problem connecting to 3 / 4g, WIN 7

Hello. I bought a laptop a week ago and was never able to use the 3 g connection.Toshiba WIRELESS MANAGER says "device Mobile Broadband is not communicate." I tried to reinstall the driver (using the last one), used 3 different Sims - the same proble

You had better make it compatible with Kazpersky Firefox 6.0.2 or I EVER use Firefox again. You left my unprotected browser and that is not acceptable!

You asked me to the latest update of Firefox. Yes, I did. then a box appears on the screen and says that the latest Firefox and my antivirus, Kazpersky protection, were not compatible. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Satellite A200-196 - corrupted display driver

The download display - 20070809135415.zip file is corrupted when downloaded from the Toshiba site, it is the VGA driver for this laptop. Any chance someone has a valid copy, that they could send me or is there a moderator on the site that can get thi

HP 550 with Windows7 driver

Hi HP! I have a problem. I want to change my operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7. But I can't find the drivers on the HP home page. I would like to than all the drivers on my laptop (Lan, chipset, video, sound, exactly all, etc.) you can se

The sport is now a special edition watch with band marine?

I have a sports watch 42mm provided with stripes Navy Blue Gold. I noticed that this is one of the only models with a pine of gold on the strap. Is it a specific edition?

Vulnerability ID: NON-2015-0211 on my WNDR4500v3 router

I use Avast Internet security and he said that my router is vulnerable. I click on details and the ID: NON-2015-0211 shows. How can I fix it? I have already made sure that my router has the latest firmware.

Why AppNib resumes as much memory on Mac?

For the past few weeks. I've been doing the "system runs out of memory for the application" WARNING when I have only 2 programs open. Google Chrome and iTunes. He stopped the fact for a week. I thought I solved the problem, but today he came creeping

Number of averages for time waveform acquisition

Hello It is on the configuration of the device - settings of the acquisition. in the parameters of the collection file, can I know is there a way to feed the number of averages and % of overlap between averages aquire waving time. Thank you!! BR Patt

Please help - what software would be useful? (im not sure in the right category here)

Hi guys,. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction about what follows. I am a student in abrasive particles and I several stills SEM of 10 to 120 Micron particles. I'm looking for a software that will allow me to easily calcul

HP Pavilion G4 1322tx display drivers

I need help to find a compatible driver for my laptop. Model: HP Pavilion G4 1322tx with AMD Radeon HD 7450 M (1 GB dedicated DDR3) I could not find a compatible for Windows 7 64-bit. Please help me.

Spectrum of HP x 360 i7 x 64: can't get the update of Windows 10 November

Hello In early September, I bought spectrum HP x 360 with Windows 8.1. It to update Windows 10 so far here and I am really happy with it. (So he already spent 31 days after the upgrade of the it to windows 10 home edition)... When I go on Windows upd

SE can create a mi VI practicable?

MI pregunta are; ¿mediante you can crear programas VI los ejecutables?. If you so how to you can hacer? Gracias

PXI-2530 defies the laws of physics trying to quantify the resistance of the pairs of specific relay relay.

I have a problem with a PXI-2530 switch card work in matrix mode 4 X 32. I need to determine the resistance of the pairs of specific relay within the matrix. I have a PXI-4130 and a PXI-4071 in the same chassis, so I take measures 4-wire in a configu

C410 series print last fax

Is there a fax feature last reprint on a C410?

different pressure readings

Hi members of the community. I have recently implemented a program using LabView 8.0 that works on my Dell laptop. I'm always collecting data from four different channels - AI po, 100 Hz, 100 s/channel I'm collecting data: (1) linear encoder #1 (2) l

I'm not the smartest computer person and I need help. (piracy)

How will I know if I am being hacked? I was downloading Adobe Reader and he said: if I'm unable to download, and then disable the safe_mode so then something strange has happened and my computer locked out for a while. I did close everything and clos

Cannot use any of my desktop icons

Hello, I can not use my desktop Ikons, why?