Saving hash() in a data store.


In my view, it is not possible to save a hash() to the data store object.

Pleas confirm.

Get the error below

Error in eapply (x,. ore.extrefobjs, do.reg.finalizer, envlst, all.names = TRUE):

the argument must be an environment

When you try to save a hash in the data store.

Thank you


Hi Jessica,.

I am able to reproduce this in Oracle company R 1.4.  Oracle Enterprise R 1.4.1 upgrade will solve this problem.

Kind regards


Tags: Business Intelligence

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    //Import section
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.system.*;
    import net.rim.device.api.util.*;
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        //Variables for user interface fields
        private EditField numMeasureDev;
        private AutoTextEditField observation;
        private EditField lecture;
        private ObjectChoiceField choice;
        private EditField date;
        //Persistent data
        private static Vector data;
        private static PersistentObject store;
        //Resource bundle variable
        private static ResourceBundle _res;
        public static void main(String[] args){
            measure app = new measure();
        //Save Menu
        private MenuItem saveItem = new MenuItem(_res, SAVE, 110, 10){
            public void run(){
                StoreInfo nfo = new StoreInfo();
                nfo.setElement(StoreInfo.NUM, numMeasureDev.getText());
                nfo.setElement(StoreInfo.LEC, lecture.getText());
                nfo.setElement(StoreInfo.DAT, date.getText());
                nfo.setElement(StoreInfo.SEL, _res.getString(choice.getIndex()));
                nfo.setElement(StoreInfo.OB, observation.getText());
                //Storing data
        //Get Menu
        private MenuItem getItem = new MenuItem(_res, GET, 110, 10){
            protected int index;
            public void run(){
                    data = (Vector) store.getContents();
                    LabelField label = new LabelField();
                    label.setText("Selecciona el dato a mostrar: ");
                    BasicEditField bef = new BasicEditField();
                    index = Integer.parseInt(bef.getText());
                    if (!data.isEmpty()){
                        StoreInfo nfo = (StoreInfo) data.elementAt(index);
        //Persistent Object
            //Resource Bundle
            _res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("measure");
            //Get the reference to PersistentObject and set value to Vector if is empty
            store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(0xdec6a67096f833cL);
            //key is a hash
                if (store.getContents() == null){
                    store.setContents(new Vector());
        //Class created for a persistent object StoreInfo
        private final static class StoreInfo implements Persistable{
            //Data for elements
            private Vector elements;
            public static final int NUM = 0;
            public static final int LEC = 1;
            public static final int SEL = 2;
            public static final int OB = 3;
            public static final int DAT = 4; 
            //in StoreInfo, add a new empty Vector with capacity of 4 elements and persist
            public StoreInfo(){
                elements = new Vector(5);
                for(int i = 0; i < elements.capacity(); ++i){
                    elements.addElement(new String(""));
            //Retrieve Vector element
            public String getElement(int id){
                return (String) elements.elementAt(id);
            //Set Vector Element
            public void setElement(int id, String value){
                elements.setElementAt(value, id);
        //Measure constructor declaration
        public measure(){
            //Create a main screen
            MainScreen mainS = new MainScreen();
            numMeasureDev = new EditField(_res.getString(TEXT1),"",
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE, EditField.FILTER_NUMERIC);
            lecture = new AutoTextEditField(_res.getString(TEXT5),"",
                    Integer.MAX_VALUE, EditField.FILTER_NUMERIC);
            date = new EditField(_res.getString(TEXT6),"");
            choice = new ObjectChoiceField(_res.getString(TEXT2),_res.getStringArray(OPTION));
            observation = new AutoTextEditField(_res.getString(TEXT3),"");
            //Adding elements to Screen
            //Adding menuItems to menu
            //Push all elements to screen

    If anyone knows what I m hurt you showme how please!

    Two thoughts:

    1. If you have changed somehow the object type that you want to keep, you must remove the Simulator files before running again.
    2. How about you provide a clue as to where the class cast exception that happens? You are more likely to help in this way.
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    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance,

    I had the answer... When we target as a "temporary database. After run the interface what it will look like "yellow interface. This yellow interface is the stote of temporary data. We can use this temporary database as 'the source table.

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    Figured it out.  For anyone else who wants to know:

    I created two actions, one to return a hash of the id of naa-online data store object and another action to return a hash of the naa-online drive scsi id

    // actions
    var o_diskHash = new Properties();
    for each (var scsiDisk in u_host.config.storageDevice.scsiLun)
      //System.log("-> LUN: " + scsiDisk.canonicalName);
      for each (var dataStore in u_host.datastore)
      if ("extent"))
      for each (var scsiDiskPartition in
      if (scsiDiskPartition.diskName == scsiDisk.canonicalName)
      o_diskHash.put(scsiDisk.canonicalName, dataStore);
    return o_diskHash;
    // getScsiDisksKeyedByLUN
    var o_diskHash = new Properties();
    for each (var scsiDisk in u_host.config.storageDevice.scsiLun)
      o_diskHash.put(scsiDisk.canonicalName, scsiDisk);
    return o_diskHash;
    // in workflow
    for each (var can in dstoreMap.keys)
      System.log(dstoreMap.get(can).name + "(" + lunMap.get(can).canonicalName + ")");
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    Thank you.


    There are several ways to approach this problem

    1. you can storage vmotion, some VMs who are currently used and this will free space.

    2. check the clichés that you don't use, and delete those.

    3. reduce the memory of some other virtual machines which are turned on so that the swap space can be saved.

  • Script in time of latency list vm e/s and the data store the virtual machine is on

    Hello.  We have a vsphere 5.0 environment and we live a latency of IO heavy.  I'm looking for powercli script will get the latency of i/o for each virtual machine and get the data store name, to what it is now.  We will access our storage on optical fiber.  I'm trying to get a good overview of the latency of IO in a nice view in a csv file.  I found what could be a good basis to & tstart = 0 , but I'm not sure how to get the name of the data store in the table and I think that it is written to the nfs in any case storage.  Thanks in advance for any info\advice!

    Try the next version, it includes the average latency time read/write for the virtual machine and PAHO are / s average for the virtual machine.

    Since the CSV has a row for each data store, the values for the virtual machine are repeated.

    I also added the host name

    $vmName = "VM*"
    $stat = "datastore.totalReadLatency.average","datastore.totalWriteLatency.average",  "datastore.numberReadAveraged.average","datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average"$entity = Get-VM -Name $vmName$start = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
    $dsTab = @{}Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Type -eq "VMFS"} | %{  $key = $_.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Uuid  if(!$dsTab.ContainsKey($key)){    $dsTab.Add($key,$_.Name)  }  else{    "Datastore $($_.Name) with UUID $key already in hash table"  }}
    Get-Stat -Entity $entity -Stat $stat -Start $start |Group-Object -Property {$_.Entity.Name} | %{  $vmName = $_.Values[0]  $VMReadLatency = $_.Group |    where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.totalReadLatency.average"} |    Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |    Select -ExpandProperty Average  $VMWriteLatency = $_.Group |    where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.totalWriteLatency.average"} |    Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |    Select -ExpandProperty Average  $VMReadIOPSAverage = $_.Group |    where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.numberReadAveraged.average"} |    Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |    Select -ExpandProperty Average  $VMWriteIOPSAverage = $_.Group |    where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.numberWriteAveraged.average"} |    Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |    Select -ExpandProperty Average  $_.Group | Group-Object -Property Instance | %{    New-Object PSObject -Property @{      VM = $vmName      Host = $_.Group[0].Entity.Host.Name      Datastore = $dsTab[$($_.Values[0])]      Start = $start      DSReadLatencyAvg = [math]::Round(($_.Group |           where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.totalReadLatency.average"} |          Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |          Select -ExpandProperty Average),2)      DSWriteLatencyAvg = [math]::Round(($_.Group |           where {$_.MetricId -eq "datastore.totalWriteLatency.average"} |          Measure-Object -Property Value -Average |          Select -ExpandProperty Average),2)      VMReadLatencyAvg = [math]::Round($VMReadLatency,2)      VMWriteLatencyAvg = [math]::Round($VMWriteLatency,2)      VMReadIOPSAvg = [math]::Round($VMReadIOPSAverage,2)      VMWriteIOPSAvg = [math]::Round($VMWriteIOPSAverage,2)    }  }} | Export-Csv c:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • Add the total size of data store and space remaining


    What would be the easist way to add the total datastore size and remaining datastore size to the following.
    I do emphasise, esasiest, since I'm as green as can be to powercli, powershell for that matter. I'm trying to learn in babysteps

    Get - VM $VM | %{ $_. Name; ($_ | get-datastore | select name). Name}

    At the moment I get day like this, I get to the above.

    DataStoreName (Add info here on DS size?)


    DataStoreName (Add info here on DS size?)





    Thank you!!

    The $_ represents the object that has been passed through pipeline (the ' |') of the previous cmdlet.

    For example

    Get - VM | %{$_. Name}

    The cmdlet Get - VM will get all the VMs on the servers of vSphere to which you are connected.

    The pipeline ('|) ') said these VM objects one by one to the following code.

    In what is a Foreach-Object (alias is '%') who will send the name of the virtual machine (available in the variable $_) to the default output.

    On a Select-Object cmdlet, you can select properties of the object that was passed through the pipeline, or you can use what is called a "calculated property. Such a calculated property consists of a pair of hash, name (N) and Expression.

    Obviously, name is the name you want to give to this calculated property.

    Expression is the block of code that must be executed.

    For example

    Get-Datastore. Select Name,@{N="CapacityGB; E={$_. CapacityMB/1 KB}}

    All database objects are passed to the Select-Object cmdlet.

    The Select cmdlet displays the name of the data store, and it will display a property called CapcityGB, which displays the ability to store data in GB.

    Notice how the property CapacityMB that is present in the data store object is converted to GB by the code in the Expression block.

    The part of the Expression has not always need to do something with a property of the object that was passed.

    For example

    Get - VM | Select Name, @{N = 'Current time'; E = {Get-Date}}

    In this case the Select-Object cmdlet displays the Name property of the virtual computer object that has been sent.

    And it will display the current time as the propertyname "current time".

    This is an example of a calculated property that has nothing to with the object passed through the pipeline.

    I hope that clarifies the code a bit.

  • get the names of Get-ScsiLun data store

    Im stuck here...  Can anyone help me to get the names of data store for storage devices using the script below? My requirement is to get the naa (ConsoleDeviceName) address and the names of data store for each storage device.

    $esxName = "esxsrv1".

    $report = @)

    Get-ScsiLun - VmHost $esxName - LunType "disk". %{

    $row = "" | Select the host, ConsoleDeviceName, model, provider

    $ = $esxName

    $row. ConsoleDeviceName = $_. ConsoleDeviceName

    $row.vendor = $_. Name of the vendor

    $row.model = $_. Model

    $report += $row


    $report | Export Csv c:\Temp\results.csv - NoTypeInformation

    Thank you very much, Kev - o

    Try it like this

    $esxName = "esxsrv1"
    $dsTab = @{}
    foreach($ds in (Get-Datastore -VMHost $esxName | where {$_.Type -eq "vmfs"})){
        $ds.Extensiondata.Info.Vmfs.Extent | %{
            $dsTab[$_.DiskName] = $ds.Name
    $report = @()
    Get-ScsiLun -VmHost $esxName -LunType "disk" | %{
        $row = "" | Select Host, ConsoleDeviceName, Vendor, Model, Datastore    $ = $esxName    $row.ConsoleDeviceName = $_.ConsoleDeviceName
        $row.vendor = $_.Vendor
        $row.model = $_.Model
        $row.Datastore = &{
        $report += $row}
    $report |Export-Csv c:\Temp\results.csv -NoTypeInformation

    The script begins by creating a hash table where he maps the CanonicalName with the DatastoreName.

    In the 2nd part of the script of the hash table is used to find the DatastoreName through the CanonicalName.

  • The data store could not be found.


    I have Esxi installed 4.0 on HP DL 380 G6. I have 2 x SAS (2x146GB) drives and I have also attached storage iSCSI (from HP MSA P2000 G3). on which I recorded a few servers. When I run the script ghettoVCB I get the result:

    /SKRIPTA #./ f lista g /skripta/ghettoVCB.conf
    . / /skripta/ghettoVCB.conf: line 14: not found
    Recording output to ' / tmp/ghettoVCB-2011-08-23_12-00-27.log '...
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: = ghettoVCB NEWSPAPER BEGIN =.

    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - CONFIGURATION GLOBAL GHETTOVCB = /skripta/ghettoVCB.conf FILE using
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VERSION = 2011_06_28_1
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - GHETTOVCB_PID = 33245431
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VM_BACKUP_VOLUME = VMFS/Synology.
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VM_BACKUP_ROTATION_COUNT = 2
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VM_BACKUP_DIR_NAMING_CONVENTION = 2011-08-23_12-00-27
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - DISK_BACKUP_FORMAT = thin
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - ADAPTER_FORMAT = buslogic
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - POWER_VM_DOWN_BEFORE_BACKUP = 0
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - ENABLE_HARD_POWER_OFF = 0
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - ITER_TO_WAIT_SHUTDOWN = 3
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - POWER_DOWN_TIMEOUT = 5
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - SNAPSHOT_TIMEOUT = 15
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - LOG_LEVEL = info
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - BACKUP_LOG_OUTPUT = /tmp/ghettoVCB-2011-08-23_12-00-27.log
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VM_SNAPSHOT_MEMORY = 1
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VM_SNAPSHOT_QUIESCE = 1
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - VMDK_FILES_TO_BACKUP = all
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info: CONFIG - EMAIL_LOG = 0
    2011-08-23 12:00:27 - info:
    The data store could not be found.

    The data store could not be found.

    The data store could not be found.

    2011-08-23 12:00:36 - info: start backup for Windows 2008 R2 coaching
    2011-08-23 12:00:36 - info: creation of snapshot "ghettoVCB-snapshot-2011-08-23" for Windows 2008 R2 coaching

    2011-08-23 12:03:40 - info: ERROR: error in the backup of "/ vmfs/volumes/4d5ed225-cdb17961-51bb-d8d385ac2800/Windows 2008 R2 coaching / Windows 2008 R2 Podpora_1.vmdk" for Windows 2008 R2 coaching

    2011-08-23 12:03:40 - info: ERROR: error in the backup of "/ vmfs/volumes/iSCSI/Windows 2008 R2 coaching / Windows 2008 R2 Podpora.vmdk" for Windows 2008 R2 coaching
    2011-08-23 12:03:42 - info: Instant withdrawal of Windows 2008 R2 coaching...
    2011-08-23 12:03:47 - Info: backup duration: 3.18 Minutes
    2011-08-23 12:03:47 - info: ERROR: unable to backup Windows 2008 R2 coaching because of the error in VMDK backup!

    2011-08-23 12:03:47 - info: # final status: ERROR: No. VMs saved! ######

    2011-08-23 12:03:47 - info: = ghettoVCB JOURNAL END =.

    I also do backups on iSCSI NAS storage.

    First ghetto script does not detect the data stores that are local disks where I run few servers and secondly I get error of backup server located on iSCSI for HP MSA.

    Thank you.

    Your destination data store is set incorrectly


    It should be

    VM_BACKUP_VOLUME = / vmfs/volumes/Synology.

  • How to download the VM of remote data store after the backup of veaam task?

    Hi all.

    I created the backup job with veaam in the remote data store and now I want to download the VM fmrom backup store, but I can't find the jobs saved only 4 files veaam VMX file: VMDK, NVRAM, VMXF, VMSD but not VMX... How can I download the virtual machine with these files?

    Yes, in the wizard, select use the existing drive...

  • LOST or CORRUPT VMFS (data store)


    strange symptoms, when saving comments via the network on the NAS Server freeze.

    No disk error, allow to manage but no o off not restart guest system.

    Restart Vmware (4.0.0 261974 on HP DL380G4 - Smart Array 6i) and Datastore disappeared!

    No errors on the disc,

    2 disk raid 6i, a RAID 1 OK (36 GB X 2) a RAID 5 (146 X 3) ok ok but this data store is gone!

    On the storage card, I see 'Vmware disk Local (mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0) but no data store '.

    No vmfs or another partition...

    I try this solution:

    -Rescan store, but not reassign datastore

    -Rescan with change EnableResignature and disable DiallowSnapshotLun.

    A lot of help via the forum vmware or google:

    and many other, but no solution.

    in/dev/disks I see


    But if fdisk /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 answer me

    Fdisk: can't read /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0

    I'm trying to suggest to the KB 1009829 and esxcfg-scsidevs - c see my unrecognized store

    but fdisk my same error response:

    Fdisk: can't read /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0

    If I try /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1 response is

    Fdisk: cannot open of /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1

    I guess that the syntax is correct, because if I put another store (C0:T0:L0) I get the correct message

    fdisk-l don't see C0:T1:L0

    in other KB (1008886) suggest me to use parted, but console vmware 4 do not have this command! I tried partedUtil and I see this:

    partedUtil get /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0

    35697 255 63 573480304

    What is - this? change this? which?

    I have download parted (gnu) but everything installed try I get "configure: Permission denied ' suggest?

    I try KB (1009565)

    and I get this:

    ~ # vmkfstools Pei /dev/disks/mpx.vmhba1\:C0\:T1\:L0

    devfs-1 file system, spanning partitions 0 00.

    File system label (if applicable):

    Mode: private

    Capacity 398563991040 (blocks of files 778445295 * 512), 398563991040 (778445295 blocks) prevail

    UUID: 00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000

    Partitions split (on "notDCS"):

    No UID e NO value from partition

    I try KB (1002281)

    but fdisk 'can not read... ". »

    Please help with suggest another way...

    Thank you!

    There is a road to try to recover partition?

    That's why I suggested to run the ACU. To check the controller has all the problems and presents the logical volume properly to the operating system.


  • Block size is too small - reformat the data store or create files VMDk 2?


    I'm new to VMware and so far I absolutely love everything about her!  Well, I was not too happy when I realized that I can't create more than 256 GB a drive without reformatting the VMFS datastore.   Apparently, I accepted the block size of 1 MB by default during the installation...   I now need to configure a file server with about 500 GB of storage.  The data store with a larger block size (4 MB would be fine for me) reformatting is easy enough?  I am currently working on the first host ESXi 4.1 and will move to set up 2 more hosts in the coming weeks.  I read somewhere on the forum that ESXi 4.0 doesn't let you change the block size by default of 1 MB - is this true or relevant to 4.1?

    Currently, I have only 2 small VMs on that host, and these can be easily saved and put offline for a few hours, if necessary.  When starting the server, I created a single RAID array that holds ESXi and all virtual machines - does that mean that I have to reinstall ESXi in order to increase the size of the block?

    An alternative that I can get to is to simply create 2 255 GB VMDK each and load distribution of storage in the guest operating system (Win 2008).   Performance wise, is a disc more great and better (or worse) than the two smaller disks?

    On a related note, what should I choose for the "Independent" option when you add a new virtual disk?  Default is disabled (not independent).

    Your thoughts, focus and expertise are welcome and will be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance,



    You should power (after the virtual machine backup) remove the current data store and create a new one with the new block size. I did not have this on ESXi 4.1 again, however, he worked on ESXi 4.0.

    The maximum size of VMDK. If you want ot be able to take pictures, make sure you subtract twice the size of block in GB of the documented maximum size.

    Block size 1 MB--> 254 GB (= 256 GB, 2 GB)

    Block size of 2 MB--> 508 GB (= 512 GB - 4 GB)

    Size of block 4 MB--> GB 1 016 (= 1 024 GB - 8 GB)

    Block size of 8 MB--> GB 2 032 (= 2 048 GB to 16 GB)


    EDIT: Just the KB for the maximum sizes.

  • Prevent write access to a data store


    I hope someone can advise me on this problem?

    The scenario:

    We have introduced a new LUN in our ESX 4.0 cluster, configured as a data store VMFS and storage vmotion to migrate from a number of virtual machines on this data store. Each virtual machine is turned off. Logic unit number is presented an IBM DS8100 storage array. At a specified time, the LUN is migrated to a remote data center, where we intend to present the LUN to a cluster of replacement and saving virtual machines on this LUN. This provides a method of migration of virtual machines between remote sites.

    The problem is when we test this guy storage advise that there are tracks out of sync in the replicated data, which they claim is due to the LUN writes during replication (which seems unlikely that all the virtual machines on this LUN were stop). According to me, the question is at the end of storage but have been asked to determine if there is a method to isolate completely the LUN of the cluster ESX source to ensure that no data is written during the migration.

    The methods that I have considered are:

    (1) delete the data store - not a viable option that he would destroy all data on the LUN.

    (2) turn off all the paths to the data store by using the vSphere client. It resembled a possibility - I can deactivate 3 of the 4 paths to an ESX host, but get an error when I try to disable the fourth.

    (3) use esxcfg-mpath to disable paths - not convinced that this will work any different use of the GUI.

    (4) get the guys from storage to use to prevent ESX hosts to 'see' the LUN of LUN masking. My problem with this is how ESX will react if she can't see the data store.

    My question is, is anyone know of any method I can use to ensure that this LUN cannot be written in during the migration to the remote site?

    Many thanks in advance,


    Yes, ESX will complain, but once you log LUN return - everything will be ok.

    Remove the inventory of VMs (but don't delete disk) before disconnection LUN and ESX will not say anything.


    MCSA, MCTS, VCP, VMware vExpert 2009

  • root properties in the connected data store: error when accessing the date/time storage

    When you browse the properties my connected data store I get an error message when you try to read the value of the property of 'storage date/time': object doesn't support this property or method.

    Here is a minimal example:

    Dim oMyDataStore, MyProperty, oMyProperties
    Set oMyDataStore = Navigator.ConnectDataStoreByParameter ("TOC", "" & "C:\Program Files (x 86) \National 2012\Examples\Data\Example_data.tdm" & "" ')
    Set oMyProperties = oMyDataStore.RootElements (1). Properties
    For each MyProperty in oMyProperties
    Call MsgBoxDisp ("property name:" & MyProperty.Name & + "\n"&"property value:" & MyProperty.Value "")

    Why can I not access this particular property by default?

    Hi Phex,

    for the date/time properties, an object called UsiTimeDisp is returned. This object allows to that extend features of service as access to each part separately (day, year, hour, seconds,...) of your date/time value. If you want to print the value of time with MessageBoxDisp, you can use the VariantDate this object property.

    Your code might look like this then:

    Dim oMyDataStore, MyProperty, oMyProperties
    Set oMyDataStore = Navigator.ConnectDataStoreByParameter ("TOC", "" & "C:\Program Files (x 86) \National 2012\Examples\Data\Example_data.tdm" & "" ')
    Set oMyProperties = oMyDataStore.RootElements (1). Properties
    For each MyProperty in oMyProperties
    MyProperty.DataType = eTime Then
    Call MsgBoxDisp ("property name:" & MyProperty.Name & + "\n"&"property value:" & MyProperty.Value. ' ") VariantDate)
    On the other
    Call MsgBoxDisp ("property name:" & MyProperty.Name & + "\n"&"property value:" & MyProperty.Value "")
    End If

    I hope this helps.

    Good day


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