separate authentication and authorization for Active directory groups

Hi all

After a long search and failure, I write the question.

I use apex oracle 4.2 on windows server 2012 on oracle 12 c, all 64 bits.

We have configured Microsoft Active directory with LDAP.

in LDAP, we have a core group which is say A and an is down there students and the two groups.

According to the staff, there are many other groups and students, there are a lot of groups.

I created a mobile application, it has a main page that is publicly accessible without username and password.

in this home page, I have a list that contains two elements, personnel and another is a student.

When one of the list item, the login screen appears.

now I want to control when the user clicks on the staff list, only personnel should be authenticated.

If the end user is a student, it doesn't have to be authenticated.

the same goes for the student list item, if the end-user click on list of students, only students must be authenticated.

someone please guide me, I'm failed in research and testing.

Thank you.

Kind regards.

Hi Maahjoor,

Try this (it is written all the attributes for the user) by logging in to your schema to SQL Developer:


  -- Adjust as necessary.
  l_ldap_host    VARCHAR2(256) := '';
  l_ldap_port    VARCHAR2(256) := '389';
  l_ldap_user    VARCHAR2(256) := 'cn=hct\itnew';
  l_ldap_passwd  VARCHAR2(256) := 'itnew';
  l_ldap_base    VARCHAR2(256) := 'DC=hct,DC=org';

  l_retval       PLS_INTEGER;
  l_session      DBMS_LDAP.session;
  l_attrs        DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;
  l_message      DBMS_LDAP.message;
  l_entry        DBMS_LDAP.message;
  l_attr_name    VARCHAR2(256);
  l_ber_element  DBMS_LDAP.ber_element;
  l_vals         DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;


  -- Choose to raise exceptions.

  -- Connect to the LDAP server.
  l_session := DBMS_LDAP.init(hostname => l_ldap_host,
                              portnum  => l_ldap_port);

  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s(ld     => l_session,
                                      dn     => l_ldap_user||','||l_ldap_base,
                                      passwd => l_ldap_passwd);

  -- Get all attributes
  l_attrs(1) := '*'; -- retrieve all attributes
  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.search_s(ld       => l_session,
                                 base     => l_ldap_base,
                                 scope    => DBMS_LDAP.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                                 filter   => l_ldap_user,
                                 attrs    => l_attrs,
                                 attronly => 0,
                                 res      => l_message);

  IF DBMS_LDAP.count_entries(ld => l_session, msg => l_message) > 0 THEN
    -- Get all the entries returned by our search.
    l_entry := DBMS_LDAP.first_entry(ld  => l_session,
                                     msg => l_message);

    << entry_loop >>
      -- Get all the attributes for this entry.
      l_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.first_attribute(ld        => l_session,
                                               ldapentry => l_entry,
                                               ber_elem  => l_ber_element);
      << attributes_loop >>
      WHILE l_attr_name IS NOT NULL LOOP
        -- Get all the values for this attribute.
        l_vals := DBMS_LDAP.get_values (ld        => l_session,
                                        ldapentry => l_entry,
                                        attr      => l_attr_name);
        << values_loop >>
        FOR i IN l_vals.FIRST .. l_vals.LAST LOOP
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ATTIBUTE_NAME: ' || l_attr_name || ' = ' || SUBSTR(l_vals(i),1,200));
        END LOOP values_loop;
        l_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.next_attribute(ld        => l_session,
                                                ldapentry => l_entry,
                                                ber_elem  => l_ber_element);
      END LOOP attibutes_loop;
      l_entry := DBMS_LDAP.next_entry(ld  => l_session,
                                      msg => l_entry);
    END LOOP entry_loop;

  -- Disconnect from the LDAP server.
  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(ld => l_session);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('L_RETVAL: ' || l_retval);


NOTE: The DN parameter on line 29 requires exact unique name for the user. In addition, on line 37 to filter, you can use username i.e. "cn = firstname.lastname."

You can specify a specific attribute must be extracted from the user in order by changing line 33 of the:

l_attrs(1) := '*';


l_attrs(1) := 'title';

Then you can write a function based on above the code to extract the attribute LDAP user as follows:

create or replace function fnc_get_ldap_user_attr_val ( p_username in varchar2
                                                      , p_password in varchar2
                                                      , p_attrname in varchar2 )
return varchar2

  -- Adjust as necessary.
  l_ldap_host    VARCHAR2(256) := '';
  l_ldap_port    VARCHAR2(256) := '389';
  l_ldap_user    VARCHAR2(256) := 'cn='||p_username;
  l_ldap_passwd  VARCHAR2(256) := p_password;
  l_ldap_base    VARCHAR2(256) := 'DC=hct,DC=org';

  l_retval       PLS_INTEGER;
  l_session      DBMS_LDAP.session;
  l_attrs        DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;
  l_message      DBMS_LDAP.message;
  l_entry        DBMS_LDAP.message;
  l_attr_name    VARCHAR2(256);
  l_attr_value   VARCHAR2(256);
  l_ber_element  DBMS_LDAP.ber_element;
  l_vals         DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;


  -- Choose to raise exceptions.

  -- Connect to the LDAP server.
  l_session := DBMS_LDAP.init(hostname => l_ldap_host,
                              portnum  => l_ldap_port);

  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s(ld     => l_session,
                                      dn     => l_ldap_user||','||l_ldap_base,
                                      passwd => l_ldap_passwd);

  -- Get specific attributes
  l_attrs(1) := p_attrname;
  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.search_s(ld       => l_session,
                                 base     => l_ldap_base,
                                 scope    => DBMS_LDAP.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                                 filter   => l_ldap_user,
                                 attrs    => l_attrs,
                                 attronly => 0,
                                 res      => l_message);

  IF DBMS_LDAP.count_entries(ld => l_session, msg => l_message) > 0 THEN
    -- Get all the entries returned by our search.
    l_entry := DBMS_LDAP.first_entry(ld  => l_session,
                                     msg => l_message);

    << entry_loop >>
      -- Get all the attributes for this entry.
      l_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.first_attribute(ld        => l_session,
                                               ldapentry => l_entry,
                                               ber_elem  => l_ber_element);
      << attributes_loop >>
      WHILE l_attr_name IS NOT NULL LOOP
        -- Get all the values for this attribute.
        l_vals := DBMS_LDAP.get_values (ld        => l_session,
                                        ldapentry => l_entry,
                                        attr      => l_attr_name);
        << values_loop >>
        FOR i IN l_vals.FIRST .. l_vals.LAST LOOP
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ATTIBUTE_NAME: ' || l_attr_name || ' = ' || SUBSTR(l_vals(i),1,200));
          l_attr_value := l_vals(i);
        END LOOP values_loop;
        l_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.next_attribute(ld        => l_session,
                                                ldapentry => l_entry,
                                                ber_elem  => l_ber_element);
      END LOOP attibutes_loop;
      l_entry := DBMS_LDAP.next_entry(ld  => l_session,
                                      msg => l_entry);
    END LOOP entry_loop;

  -- Disconnect from the LDAP server.
  l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s(ld => l_session);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('L_RETVAL: ' || l_retval);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Attribute value: ' || l_attr_value);

  return l_attr_value;

END fnc_get_ldap_user_attr_val;

Then create an Application AI_USER_AD_TITLE tell you item request-> shared components.

Create following procedure to define the point of application on the connection of the user in your APEX application:

create or replace procedure ldap_post_auth

  l_attr_value varchar2(512):


  l_attr_value := fnc_get_ldap_user_attr_val ( p_username => apex_util.get_session_state('P101_USERNAME')
                                             , p_password => apex_util.get_session_state('P101_PASSWORD')
                                             , p_attrname => 'title' );

  apex_util.set_session_state('AI_USER_AD_TITLE', l_attr_value);

end ldap_post_auth;

Change the "name of procedure after authentication' in your 'ldap_post_auth' authentication scheme

Then modify the process in charge on your homepage to your application of PORTALS to:


    if :AI_USER_AD_TITLE = 'Student' then
    end if;


I hope this helps!

Kind regards


Tags: Database

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    The answers you got up to present every point in the right direction. ADF security see the authentication of WLS, even for business authorization with respect to user roles defined on the WLS server. During the deployment, ADF security defined application roles are mapped to the user enterprise groups

    Application developed using Jdeveloper ADF +.

    This would use WLS for authentication

    Users of authentication - LDAP (OID) - are stored in LDAP

    Use the OID authentication provider in WLS

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    No. I have not found an existing solution. I have developed my own simple solution for authentication and authorization.

    I recommend you do the same thing.

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    Thank you.

    Hello Andy,

    That is right. As previously mentioned, a FK works only with objects that are located in the same database instance.
    Regarding option 2, bi-directional updates are usually difficult to manage. If you can't make it master / slave somehow, you better use the first option.


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    You should check the download user under domain option. Download the users once belonging to a group is specified on the ad and then test the connection.

    Thank you


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    You can only use the locally stored accounts within the ACS.

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    For now, it is not possible to assign the Admin role to a group of users. However, you can promote individual users to the Administrator role. You can search for a user name and click on the user name to view the details of a user. On the left side, you will see a role (s) and the 'User' text is clickable. When you click on that text you will be able to change the role.

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    I discovered that it is more possible for FDMEE create Aboriginal groups for the security of the location.

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    Jaikrit Negi


    If you find this answer useful please consider giving points by checking the correct or helpful answer.

    Best solution is to not not P2V for the use of a domain controller, but use dcpromo on a virtual computer to build a new domain controller and use on the old dcpromo to demote.

    In any case if you really want to do a P2V just be sure this tip:

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    • Make sure that the zero of the FSMO role are on the domain controller that you are to P2V (during the conversion you can move them again)

    • don't forget that the replication is fine before and after (use replmon)

    • If possible, during P2V do no AD on another DC change

    • When you DC are converted into virtual NEVER power on the old (connected to the network)


    * If you found this device or any other answer useful please consider awarding points for correct or helpful answers

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    Hi Kerry,

    The question you posted would be better suited in the TechNet Server Forums since we have dedicated to this support; We recommend that you post your question in the TechNet Forums to get help:

    Keep us informed on the status of the issue.

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    The hostd.log file has nothing in it which is very informative, just a line saying "status: success accepted password for the user", followed by the event 131: could not connect the user without permission.


    If you are in 6.0 Update 2? Then, this article could describe your problem:

    Please try the fix and let us know if it helps.


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    Thank you

    Fred Tarpley

    Announcement is not a consumer product.  You'll be much more likely to get an answer as to where you can buy it on TechNet (for IT Pro)

    This issue is beyond the scope of this site (for consumers) and to be sure, you get the best (and fastest) reply, we have to ask either on Technet (for IT Pro) or MSDN (for developers)

    If you give us a link to the new thread we can point to some resources it
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    I integrated successufully Weblogic & Active Directory Kerberos (SINGLE sign-on). I tested a web application and successifully logined with authentication.
    The system automatically recognizes my Active Directory user name. It worked.

    For authentication in my weblogic.xml I used

    < security-role-assignment >
    Admin > role name < < / role name >
    Kursat < SPN > < / main-name >
    < SPN > Fenerbahçe < / main-name >
    < / security role assignment >

    Now I am trying to allow all domain members authenticate my request. For my application, I need only the usernames of the directory an actress for them.

    To do this, I removed "Chris", "fenerbahce" of my weblogic.xml
    Kursat < SPN > < / main-name >
    < SPN > Fenerbahçe < / main-name >

    I added
    users in domain < SPN > - < / main-name >
    rather than write all users in the domain.

    However, I could not authenticate. I got the "Error 403 - Forbidden".

    Y does it can someone help me?

    test by creating a domain users groups and use it as your primary name in your weblogic.xml


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    Need help bad in this. I'm trying to implement kerberos on my active directory. What I understand is kerberos is the default and the primary authentication protocol used when connected to a domain, but where and how do I configure kerberos settings in group policy? I managed to find configurations of kerberos in the "Local Group Policy Editor", but this would not push configurations to my clients right?

    I want to disable NTLM authentication as well and once again I can found under local policies > security options, but they are all local policies right? Is it possible that I can disable NTLM on my active directory and ensure that these settings are applied to my both client computers?

    Thank you so much in advance!
    PS: Sorry if I got some of my facts wrong, I'm a student performs internship and my understanding in active directory is not as strong.

    Server forums are more on the side the web site of Microsoft TechNet,
    This is where you find people who know.

  • order of the authentication and authorization air ISE


    I am looking to configure ISE to authenticate joined AD PC (Anyconnect NAM help for user authentication and the machine with the EAP chaining) and profile Cisco IP phones. The Pc and phones connect on the same switchport. The switchport configuration was:

    switchport access vlan 102
    switchport mode access
    switchport voice vlan 101
    authentication event fail following action method
    multi-domain of host-mode authentication
    authentication order dot1x mab
    authentication priority dot1x mab
    Auto control of the port of authentication
    added mac-SNMP trap notification change
    deleted mac-SNMP trap notification change
    dot1x EAP authenticator

    The configuration above worked well with authentication sessions 'show' of the switch showing dot1x as the method to the field of DATA and mab for VOICE. I decided to reverse the order of authentication/priority on the interface of the switch so that the phone would be authenticated first by mab. As a result, the authentication sessions 'show' of the switch showing mab as a method for both VOICE and DATA.

    To avoid this I created a permission policy on ISE to respond with an "Access-Reject" when the "UseCase = Lookup host" and the endpoint identity group was unknown (the group that contains the PC AD). This worked well worked - the switch would attempt to authenticate the PC and phone with mab. When an "Access-Reject" has been received for the PC, the switch would pass to the next method and the PC would be authenticated using dot1x.

    The only problem with this is that newspapers soon filled ISE with denys caused by the authorization policy - is possible to realize the scenario above without affecting the newspapers?

    Thank you

    Hi Andy -.

    Have you tried to have the config in the following way:

     authentication order mab dot1x authentication priority dot1x mab

    This "order" will tell the switchport always start with mab , but the keyword 'priority' will allow the switchport to accept the authentications of dot1x to dot1x devices.

    For more information see this link:

    Thank you for evaluating useful messages!

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