Set the Keyboard.typematicMinDelay parameter

Found a wonderful but script can't seem to make it work for all virtual machines in my environment. I don't know there is that syntax, just can't seem to find what it is specifically. No error is generated.

SE connect-VIServer

$key = "keyboard.typematicMinDelay".
$value = "2000000".
$vm = get - View (Get - VM VMName). ID
$vmConfigSpec = new-object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$vmConfigSpec.extraconfig += new-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
$vmConfigSpec.extraconfig [0]. Key = $key
$vmConfigSpec.extraconfig [0]. Value = $value
$vm. ReconfigVM ($vmConfigSpec)

When using PowerCLI 4.x, you can do it like this

$Spec = new-object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
$Spec.extraconfig += new-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
$Spec.extraconfig [0]. Key = "keyboard.typematicMinDelay".
$Spec.extraconfig [0]. Value = "2000000".

Get - VM | % {
$_. Extensiondata.ReconfigVM ($Spec)

To check the configuration, you can do

Get - VM | Select Name,
@{N = "MinDelay"; E={($_. Extensiondata.Config.ExtraConfig | where {$_.} Key - eq "keyboard.typematicMinDelay"}). Value}}

Tags: VMware

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    Have unfortunately no solution for you, but on this forum I found an interesting discussion on the similar theme.

    If you want you can check it out on

    Good bye

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    I put t know what is wrong exactly with your keyboard, but I guess the keyboard needs to be replaced.
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    Have you found that one slot at the bottom of the device memory or why you want to remove the keyboard?

    I m not 100% sure but in my opinion the two slots should be placed at the bottom of the unit and the removal of the keyboard is not necessary.

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    Jon,, you can write policy based on query parameters.

    When you set the OAM resource in your case, set the query string parameter:

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    Hi sugenghariyono,

    ·         Did you do changes on the computer before the show?

    ·         What is the brand and model of the computer?

    ·         Are you able to boot to the desktop?

    Follow the steps in the article.

    Error message: "Windows did not start because of a configuration of the disk of the computer problem.

    For reference:

    Advanced Troubleshooting for General startup problems in Windows XP

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