Seting a router, I need not the IP address of the DNS or a byte to 12 characters

using modem cable Comcast with wireless router Netgear G. unable to connect to the internet


Usually, you need DNS static type you set up the side of the router WAN automatically obtain DNS and that it will use Comcast DNS.

If you want static DNS.


However, there may be many other reasons for not having an Internet connection and you have not explained why you think DNS is the problem.

First step turn off the computer, unplug the router and the Modem.

Wait 3 nimutes, turn on the modem, wait 2 minutes and switch on the router, wait two minutes and turn on the computer.

If everything is ok this process resets the connection get a new ip address and returns the connection to the computer.

Jack-MVP Windows Networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

Tags: Windows

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    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

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    Hey @technosey,

    Welcome to the HP forums!

    I see that you are having problems with your PSC 2410xi scanning on your Windows PC. I can help with that.

    First of all, I see that you have the printer plugged into a USB port on your router. Which can cause a lot of problems and it would be better to plug directly into your PC. Once done you will add a printer via a local connection, rather than via a network connection.

    Then, using this printer on Windows 7 Enterprise is going to be difficult because there is no driver available for this operating system. I found a document but that can help you troubleshoot. Install your printer using the Windows built-in driver

    If this information helped you to scan then please let others know by clicking on accept as a Solution.

    I hope this helps and I hope you have a great rest of your day!

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    As you have arelady set up your WAG600N with WRT54GS router and it worked perfectly well. Then I think the problem lies on WRT310N router. Maybe your game adapter and computers are not connect to your wireless network. You must change some settings in your wireless router. Follow this steps on your router and I think this will make your adapter games work perfectly well.

    Open an Internet Explorer browser on your computer (desktop) wired page. In the address bar type - and press ENTER... Let the empty user name & password use admin lowercase...

    For wireless settings, follow these steps: -.
    Click on the Wireless tab
    -Here, select manual configuration... Wireless network mode must be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the name box of the wireless network (SSID) in order to differentiate your network from your network of neighbors...

    -Fix the Radio band to wide - 40 MHz and change the broad Channel 9 and channel Standard 11 - 2, 462 GHz... Wireless SSID broadcast should be enabled, and then click on save settings...
    Please take note of the name of the wireless network (SSID) because it's the network identifier...
    For wireless security: -.
    Click the sub-tab under wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the mode of WPA wireless security, encryption, select AES... Password input your desired WPA key. For example, MySecretKey, this will serve as your network key whenever you connect to your wireless network. Do NOT give this key to anyone.

    NOTE: The password must be more than 8 characters...

    Click the settings advanced wireless
    Change the interval of tag to 75 > change the Fragmentation threshold to 2304 change the RTS threshold to 2307 > click 'save settings '...
    Now let's see if you can locate your wireless network and try to connect...

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    Please follow these steps to configure the wireless settings and try to connect to the wireless network.

    Open an Internet Explorer browser on your computer (desktop) wired page. In the address bar type - and press ENTER... Let the empty user name & password use admin lowercase...

    For wireless settings, follow these steps: -.
    Click on the Wireless tab
    -Here, select manual configuration... Wireless network mode must be mixed...
    -Provide a unique name in the name box of the wireless network (SSID) in order to differentiate your network from your network of neighbors...

    -Fix the Radio band to wide - 40 MHz and change the broad Channel 9 and channel Standard 11 - 2, 462 GHz... Wireless SSID broadcast should be enabled, and then click on save settings...
    Please take note of the name of the wireless network (SSID) because it's the network identifier...
    For wireless security: -.
    Click the sub-tab under wireless > Wireless Security...
    Change the mode of WPA wireless security, encryption, select AES... Password input your desired WPA key. For example, MySecretKey, this will serve as your network key whenever you connect to your wireless network. Do NOT give this key to anyone.

    NOTE: The password must be more than 8 characters...

    Click the settings advanced wireless
    Change the interval of tag to 75 > change the Fragmentation threshold to 2304 change the RTS threshold to 2307 > click 'save settings '...
    Now let's see if you can locate your wireless network and try to connect...


  • Laptop suddenly can't find any available (Wifi) network, but the router is not the problem.

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    Hi Dubist,
    You have a reason to think it might be spyware?

    It sounds more like material if it has just stopped working and there is no other issue.

    Here's what I would do to try to understand the issue.

    Type cmd into the search bar and press to enter. On the command line, type ping and close to enter. You should get a response back as a result time. Something like that.
    Reply from bytes = 32 time<1ms ttl="">

    If you do not, close the window Device Manager and type in the search bar and look under network adapters. See if you have a wireless device it and make sure that there is no exclamation beside him points.

    If you have exclamation points or of any error, reinstall the driver. If there is no device listed, it could just be dead and you can watch that need to buy a new external wireless card.

    Tell us what you find and we can go from there. Matt
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • WRT1900AC OpenVPN sees only not the side of the router LAN

    I have a WRT1900AC with the OpenVPN server, put in place.

    Can I access with my laptop running the OpenVPN client on the internet (the router is in one State other than me).

    I ping the hotspot side WAN, internet access at the router.

    I can't see or ping devices on the side of the router LAN.

    The address of the router LAN is which I can not ping when I am connected through the OpenVPN client.

    The OpenVPN am assinged IP is and the DHCP server on the LAN router is not a fixed range of to with cameras with IP in the range of the DHCP server.

    I guess that once I connect to the OpenVPN server in the router it automatically will fill for the devices connected to the router ports, is this correct? Y at - it a setting I need to change?

    Thanks in advance!

    The router firmware is up-to-date (we keep turned on the auto update feature).

    Today, I can access the devices connected to the router ports via the VPN.

    I do nothing else than yesterday, but it works... so for now, the issue is resloved...

    I guess I had the correct settings.

    I hate it when things get fixed, but I don't know why!

    Thank you for your support.

  • When I connect my computer to the Netgear router, they do not seem to recognize the signal from the modem. I have to run each device directly to the modem (one at a time) for internet access.

    I have both a laptop and a desktop computer and use a modem wired high-speed internet.  I bought a router "Netgear" 5 port so that I could have both online at the same time, but when I connect my computer to the router, they do not seem to recognize the signal from the modem. I have to run each device directly to the modem (one at a time) for internet access. It gets very tedious, please help...

    Original title: router does not work...


    Welcome to the Microsoft community.

    I see that when you connect multiple computers using the Netgear router, it does not recognize the signal from the modem.

    You must contact the ISP to verify if they can help you with this question.

    In addition you can keep these items handy, it might help you.

    Set up a wireless router

    Install or remove a modem

    Change modem settings

    It will be useful.

    If you need help with Windows, let know us and we will be happy to help you.

  • F &amp; G Committee &lt; ' F &amp; G Committee' &gt; is not a valid e-mail address because it is not the form user@host. You need to correct before sending the e-mail message.

    Out with the new v.31.1.0, the: 2 September 2014 version of Thunderbird, I can email is no longer a list of recipients, getting the error msg: F & G Committee < ' F & G Committee' > is not a valid e-mail address because it is not the form user@host. You need to correct before sending the e-mail message. In earlier versions, the addresses of individual e-mail in the list (F & G Committee in this case) are automatically placed in as the e-mail is sent. Is there a solution to this problem?

    Read this.

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    I need to create a table of contents in iPages but I want only one word for the title, not the line of holes. Or, how can I change the contents of the table? Thank you!

    Yes, you can have a one word title, by assigning a paragraph style title to this one word. No, you cannot change the text in a Table of contents, but you can change paragraph style font attributes (line) and add for example, a head of points between the types of OCD paragraph and page numbers. No part of the table of contents will not provide hyperlinks in exported PDF documents.

    When you look up in the menu bar, you can see the word iPages, or simply Pages. There is no product of iPages.

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    Your laptop seems to be a Satellite L300 - 03C PSLB8C-03C01X.
    As already indicated on your first visit to thread the Toshiba Canada page and choose this model of laptop on the driver page.

    Then download the Intel Matrix Storage Manager (SATA) - image of floppy drive. It of for Vista, but the files in this package should work with Win XP too.
    Include these files using nLite to create the new disk Win XP that contains SATA drivers.

    Finally use this disk to start.

  • Is the monitor of imagery needed on the taskbar if you do not print? How many...

    I have checked old solutions here and do not have quite the same issue, I would like to ask.

    I have the Solution Center on the old pc with XP. Works well, thank you, and several resources always help the XP'. I also have a HP with 8. How many resources it takes and don't forget that it is a netbook pc which tend to be more slow start. All I could eliminate might help.

    My question is on the XP that monitor must be loaded every time if you do not plan to print? Could not be loaded just before the solution center if that was the program that I run?  Thank you very much!

    'Jack :-{D '.

    Find thumbs upward, then click on to a KUDO
    Look to the right and see the OPTIONS to mark ACCEPT as a SOLUTION. Thank you!

    Hi @jnepoore,

    Now, I'm not 100% certain, but I'm sure that the digital imaging monitor is not necessary. However it helps maintain a constant communication between the printer and the software. Take a look at what I found:

    Posted by rnfolsom

    Picardjc wrote that "Digital imaging monitor is part of the HP software that communicates with your HP printer. This program allows to read the ink levels, get an out of paper message, scan from the device to the computer and so on. Its not necessary, but it will limit the use of printers if you delete. "Understood. But for my printer HP Officejet Pro 8000 A809a, what is the purpose of having the digital imaging monitor icon in the taskbar Windows7 sp1 of the Notification area (aka system tray)? My A809a is NOT an all-in-one that includes a scanner; It is simply a very good printer. When I start to print something, if you need ink or paper, that information is displayed on the screen of my computer. So I ask again: why is the icon of monitor digital imaging on the taskbar? I clicked on at the time of this icon (I not print anything, but as usual, the printer is turned on), and nothing happened. R.N. (Roger) Folsom

    P.S., Below I'll post some other discussions (with links to their locations) of the digital imaging monitor, I discovered before finding this site on which I am writing. There are a variety of opinions on what makes the digital imaging monitor. HP Digital Imaging Monitor is for HP director system tray access. This is necessary if you want to use the buttons of all-in-one on a HP printer all in one to scan documents or transfer photos from a camera manually. Closing the icon monitor HP digital imaging in the Windows system tray can cause the HP all-in-one to lose part of its scanning features and not the connection error message. In this case, you can restore all functionality by restarting the computer or by starting the HP digital imaging monitor. SOURCE: Yahoo

    Re: WITHDRAWAL HP Digital Imaging Monitor Systray? [Edited] 03/08/2011 14:05 - edited? 03/08/2011 14:08 Yes, it is safe to remove. In my view, it is usually in the program group under start / all programs / startup. Simply navigate under the Start button, right-click on it and delete! If it is not there, then remove it from the registry: run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and delete it from the list in the right pane. If she is not there, then try hkey_current_user\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run it's better than using msconfig and uncheck it. In my opinion, msconfig must always be set to Normal startup. Your printer will always print without that annoying obstructive utility called Digital Imaging Monitor. Ciao! Casey Henderson, MCP SOURCE:

    I know that the information is specific to Windows 7, but the bottom line is, no, there is no need to run all the time. Registry keys are significantly different for XP as they are for Windows 7 while blurb does not apply. I just copied the post in its entirety for you to read through.

    Another thing to consider is uninstall the software and then download and install the base driver.

    Please let me know if this is useful, or if you have any other questions. I'm happy to do my best to help.

  • Why not the new iPhone 6 connect to iTunes? It says I need to download the latest version of iTunes, but my version is the latest. 12.2.2

    Why not the new iPhone 6 connect to iTunes? It says I need to download the latest version of iTunes, but my version is the latest. 12.2.2

    What is the eversion of Mac OS X on your Mac? The latest version of iTunes is 12.3.2. You need to update your OS X to download the latest version of iTunes.

  • My HP shows it is connected to the new router, but does not connect to the internet. How should I do?

    I have a HP G60 Notebook PC with Windows Vista Home Premium, it is about 4 years old. I recently got a new Cisco Linksys E1500 wireless router, which is connected to my home computer. My laptop shows that it is connected to the home network, but it does not connect to the internet. Other laptops in the House are able to connect to the network and to the internet. Mine seems to be the only one not working do not. Why it is not working? What should I do about it?

    I ran the network diagnostics. It is said "a problem with you network router or modem broadband could prevent an internet connection." I have disconnected these two and tried again. It did not work! I have also connected my laptop directly on the modem and it does not always connect to the internet. I tried to reset the network card. My IP settings are set to automatic.

    My internet connection was not a problem before last week (when I got a new router). What is the problem with my computer? Help, please!


    If you have an Atheros wireless adapter in your PC and you have not updated the driver, I recommend that you install it.

    Wireless adapters Atheros with former pilots, dislikes the new Linksys routers.

    If you have an Atheros wireless card, and your wireless driver is more than 2 years, I am very confident that this will solve your connection problem.


  • trying to connect to the PS3 online, my router is microsoft but the SSID is not displayed? Help, please

    Trying to connect to the PS3 online, my router is microsoft but the SSID (or our wireless network name) is not displayed!  Help, please!



    1. What is the brand and model of Microsoft Router?

    If you use Microsoft MN - 700 router see link below and follow the steps.

    MN-700 Base Station Configuration Guide

    Download the guide and open page 3 that contains instructions for recording in the router. Page 16 has also the steps to configure the router to broadcast the SSID

    If in case you use a Microsoft MN - 700 router, I suggest you to provide exact model name to get more information about the issue.

    I hope this helps.

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