Someone already sync was my computer wtihout know me?

I went today to download Firefox bc, Internet Explorer gave me so much trouble. I found that Firefox has been downloaded just to my computer just around the time that I started to have problems with IE two weeks ago. I wonder... is is possible could someone (inside my house or to the outside through an internet connection) you download Firefox already * and * implement synchronization so that they could see what is on my desk? I clicked the sync button, but I can't know if a synchronization has been implemented.

Hi Harris!

Don't worry, if you have not used Firefox there is nothing that could synchronize the sync account. The service only synchronizes the information stored in the browser (pages visited, usernames, username, passwords, bookmarks, etc.).

You can remove Firefox Sync by going to Preferences-> Synchronize tab, and then select remove this device at the bottom of this window.

In this window, you can see the email address that is used to synchronize the browser. Who can help you identify who created the account in your computer.

I hope it helps.

Tags: Firefox

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