Thickness of underscore ALTER in Muse

Hi, me again. I'm changing the thickness of underscore in my project of Muse.
Topics in particular is huge! I'm pretty new, so in simple terms you can explain it please.

Screen Shot 2015-10-21 at 00.15.21.png

Thanks in advance

You can create a text box for each line of text you have and add an edge rather than the underline feature effect. Click on the link of the race when you have your selected text box. Make sure that you click the 'link' in the center of the STROKE adjustment field. Then set the thickness of line to your liking by clicking on the top and bottom for the bottom line of the text box. You can also change the colors to make giving you more features. If the text seems to come from top the underscore, you can then click on the link at the top right of the toolbar text and make adjustments to the position of the text in the text box.

Hope this is clear enough for you.

Tags: Adobe Muse

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    Best regards


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    Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 13.11.19.png

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    Disable this

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    Ooooh, that's so nice! This fast-growing field underscore, the relatively moving and scaling of the text of the label, the point culminating box jerking... You would almost to ' Sign Up ' just to see if the Send button has any final surprise in stall for you! But none of them can be imitated with Muse.

    There are some Muse of third-party widgets (some have even free) which offer fancy shape stuff:

    Form Widgets | Created by

    Download Adobe Muse free form Widgets


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    So, it is recommended to create a website construction company, which is based on the exclusive ability to build on Muse?

    Not by a long shot - for the simple reason that you have nothing unique to offer to the beyond a gigazillion other people. Anyone can download Muse and create reasonably good pages to research as anyone can use templates or publishers online by other vendors, but this does not mean they are "sophisticated" operation beyond what is already there. Unless you care about making web sites at low prices for "friends & family" and other villagers for the rest of your life, just down the serious things and learn the HTML, CSS, some JavaScript and all that thing of server for configuration of hosting file transfers and so on. And once you do, you will be able to do much better, web sites, including to rectify errors that may be in your published code of Muse. Or in other words: I hire someone who is just trying to sell me a model, which it also sells to other customers for a lot of money? Unlikely. I hire someone who can really fix my broken existing site, make it more attractive and help me boost business by understanding SEO and specific optimizations and tricks? Absolutely! It's the thing you need to cope with and once that you actually get into the thick of things your other questions answer themselves. You also will all understand why be stuck with Muse and do the same thing over and over again will quickly become boring and tiring for you as an artist / creator and why it isn't business prospect beyond doing 'on the side' or in customer packets to other work.


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    English: (translated automatically)

    Hello, I have a little problem with my muse page. I won from little a new computer and open the project file to this my home page, I then created and maintained on my old computer. (I just got the file on a USB flash drive from my old computer to the new and opened) Now, however, I miss all the links of the elements (images etc.) Because the paths have changed on the new computer. I could continue, of course, with each point go to "link new instance" and find the file on my new computer, but will not more comfortable / easier? To 500 items, I'm not all manually re-binder. I would be very happy on a good piece of advice, thanks! =)

    (FYI, old computer is a Windows, is a new MacBook, if it's relevant.)

    Unfortunately if the links are links then them you will need to do that for all items, you can use a storage shared as a solution.

    Thank you


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    Thank you!

    In the properties of your site, make sure that your links styles did not check an underline. If you have more than one style of link, you should check each node individually.

    If this is not the case, can you provide a link to the site so that we can watch?

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    Weird how? Am I missing something here? No doubt.

    Oh gosh, I think I can have just answered my own question. There is something called PageLayers that allows you to convert HTML PSD layers. Here is the link: Page layers - site screenshots for Mac OS X

    On their site:

    Just open any page in the built-in browser and save the page as a PSD with layers or plain PNG image. In the HTML code to PSD conversion each Web page element (each image, link, block,...) will be rendered as distinct, named layer. Layer groups will be created according to the structure of the site.

    I hope this helps others my dilemma even!

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    When converting a Word 2010 to PDF document by printing to PDF Maker or by using the option "Convert to PDF" integrated, my highlights appear different thicknesses when I made them in word.

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    Hey everyone, I think that I thought about it. I have read this thread: where Peter suggested to turn off "Enhance fine lines ' in the display options Page, which seems to have solved the problem. As I said, the conversion seems to have worked, but Adobe had it wrong, no doubt trying to increase the thickness of the thin lines for some reason any.

    Thank you!

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    I fixed it. I put the folder of the cover in the libraries folder, I had to replace spaces by underscores

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