Weird login screen

Any ideas how to solve this problem... Windows 10.  Sign is obscured as the razor gable dark J right in Creative Cloup Desktop app

log in.jpg

Please follow the steps below:

1. right click on the desktop, click display settings.

2. drag the slider under "change the text size, applications, and other components: custom" left most corner(100%).

Tags: Adobe

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    I'll try an older version to see if it helps. Enjoy clues.

    Thanks, Jose

    This forum is dedicated to email security product.

    Please post your queries in the forum network security for the net Extender problems.

    Here is the link for the forum on safety network-> here

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    If that had happened to me, I would try Safe Mode boot because that passes through a few additional system checks.

    Try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning - Apple Support

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    Thanks for posting in the HP Support forum. Welcome!

    This screen is called authentication of pre-launch - its purpose is to provide additional security before loading your operating system. It usually comes with the encryption drive, but not necessary.

    Disk encryption is a technology that protects information by converting it to an unreadable code that cannot easily be deciphered by unauthorized persons. Encryption of disk uses software encryption of disk or hardware to encrypt every bit of data that are placed on a disk or a disk volume (Soruce: WikiPedia). Disk/Disk encryption can protection your information if your computer is stolen or if a person not authorized are nearby and want to read your data.

    All part of the software for computers in business manager called HP customer and/or HP Drive Encryption (both free) security.

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    It seems that it is a problem with the mac and display negotiate the appropriate resolution.

    You can use the mac at all? After the reboot, does it work?

    It works with a different view?

    You can try to connect "blind"? It is possible that after a disconnection of the display and the figure of mac it. (Weird, I know; but it is not really difficult to connect even without the screen, if you know what position in the list, your account is just press the left or right arrow keys, enter, password, enter).

    Maybe better, if you have access to another mac, use the screen sharing feature to connect; then go to system-> Display Preferences and try to choose a frame that works.

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    See these articles to support:

    How do I change the layout of the keyboard to the login window

    How to change the display language in the login window

    Change the language that your Mac uses

    In some cases, it may be necessary to reset the PRAM from your computer.

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    The last thing I remember before this happened was rip the CD using an external optical drive. I'm not tech savvy so I'll probably not much terminology on computers, but I'll do some research if necessary.

    I see. Try the following steps to perform a reset. Let me know how it goes.

    1. Turn off your computer
    2. Next to the power button (on the right side), there are little, a small button. Press this button. This button is called the OKR (a key recovery) button.
    3. At the start, you will be asked about 4 option. Select the option that says recovery (or a key recovery).
    4. Follow the prompts on the screen.

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    You will need to create a post on for questions and assistance in connection with the Windows Live programs and services.

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    Cannot be a Windows 7 problem, because we are still in XP!
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    Any experienced this before?

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    Your culprit is SUN JRE 1.6.18 and/or 1.6.19. We stumbled upon it when we updated / removed jinitiator this past weekend.

    Details can be found in Metalink 1065293.1 Doc, but to summarize, Oracle advises that decline you to 1.6.17 and/or use Foxfire.

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    Try to start in safe mode (hold down the key of the SIFT when starting) once or twice. The login screen freezes?

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    Please do not suggest changing the wallpaper in the system preferences is not what I am referring is login screen image that I would like to replace.

    Any help appreciated.

    My image of login is in the folder Macintosh HD/Library/Caches, as it has always been.

    Check again.

  • BONES of Sierra crashing to the LOGIN screen while using the service of mission control.

    After Sierra OS upgrade my MacBook Pro hangs on login screen every time I have used the function of mission control.

    Hey hernj103,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support. I can see your post after upgrading to Mac OS Sierra that reboots your MacBook Pro, if you use mission control. There could be a number of reasons that could cause this and I want to help you have a reliable working Mac, so I'm here to help! If you have not already done, you want to make sure that you have a backup of your data and you can use the option in the link below:

    Use Time Machine to back up or restore your Mac

    Once your data is secure, you'll want to test this function in Mode safe mode and see if you get the same effect. Safe mode (sometimes called secure boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents certain software from loading automatically or opening. Also, it verifies your startup disk and trying to fix problems if necessary directory and delete font caches, hiding the kernel and other files of the system cache. The following link can show you how to start your MacBook Pro in Mode safe.

    Try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning

    If you continue to have problems after the safe boot mode, let know us and we can continue to solve the problems there.

    See you soon.

  • Message starts with the iMessage login screen

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    How to past the login screen?  My information is correct, but the program will not always be in front of the login screen


    He was working before you upgrade to the Sierra?

    No chance that your logic/mother Board has been replaced?

    This keeps the serial number of the Mac and is used to provide a specific connection of the device.

    Go to the Menu icon Apple and select about this Mac.

    Tab preview is to display the serial number.  (if this is not you must go to an Apple Store or the repairer so it will be again).

    Go to the menu icon Apple once again, but hold down the ALT key and select System Info.

    Open Hardware > network > locations

    The list on the right list en0 for one of your connections?

    On the old Mac en0 was Ethernet and Wi - Fi and Thunderbolt on newer Gets the following figures.

    There are some Mac without Ethernet en0 so can Wifi

    You can also look in Applications/Utilities and open the network utility and use the Info tab and fall down.

    Is missing the en0 then you need to remove some system side .plists and restart the Mac.

    I saw some information to remove all these

    Note the path bar across the bottom.

    Simply remove the Airport (WiFi), one maybe.

    If they did not work, then after that the appeal of Apple process is lengthy to explain.

    (you can get blocked by devices and this requires the server reset on your Apple ID on a single device)

    21:42 Thursday; September 22, 2016

     iMac 2.5 Ghz i5 2011 (El Capitan)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro (Snow Leopard 10.6.8) 2 GB
     Mac OS X (10.6.8).
     iPhone and iPad (2)

  • iMac returns to the login screen once logged on 10.11.6 version

    After you install the update for El Capitan 10.11.6 my iMac (21.5 "mid-2010) returns to just login screen after I connect.  The disc is fine and the permissions are correct.  I can start safe mode and connect without problems.  Any ideas?

    Greetings JPfromFairfield,

    Thanks for your post. I see that your Mac goes back to the login screen after you connected. You mentioned that you have done to ensure that the disc is fine and the permissions are good. Those who are very advanced. I know how much I rely on my Mac so I'll be more than happy to help.

    With your computer is able to start properly in Mode safe, this indicates that there may be a third-party service that is causing problems. I have some articles for you to check.

    OS X El Capitan: If you have problems with startup items

    OS X El Capitan: login users & groups preferences pane items

    You can remove all items start and the login items, and then test to see if you can boot normally, if you can, you can add one item at a time and continue his tests to see how the origin of the problem.

    Take care!

  • How to you turn off the user invited on the login screen?

    How do disable you the guest user account on the login screen?

    Basically, I have a brand new Macbook, but can't for the life of me figure out how to get rid of the guest user account.


    • MacBook 2016
    • El Capitan 10.11.6
    • FileVault is enabled
    • Find my Mac is disabled
    • Comments User in users and groups is set to Off

    Tried the following from another forum:

    1. make sure that 'find my Mac' and guest user are disabled, restart;

    2. check if the system integrity Protection is enabled or disabled by running: csrutil status to the Terminal.

    3 if she says ' Protection of the integrity of system status: activated. "go to 4.1.

    4. If not, only 4.4 and 4.7;

    4.1 restart in "Recovery Mode": stop and hold command + R after pressing the power button.

    4.2 go in "utilities > Terminal" and run the command: csrutil disable.

    4.3 restart;

    4.4 open the Terminal and run: sudo touch /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/EFILogin.framework/Resources/EFIResourceBuild er.bundle/Contents/Resources, this will force the update of the connection EFI;

    4.5 reboot (again) in "Recovery Mode": stop and hold command + R after pressing the power button.

    4.6 go in "utilities > Terminal" and run the command: Activate csrutil;

    4.7 reboot and it's fixed!

    4.8 re activate 'Find my Mac' as you wish.

    • FileVault is enabled

    You cannot disable the Guest user. This is especially in the case where you cannot unlock your hard drive. It provides a limited capacity of Safari so that you can access the services of help on the internet.

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