What happens all by issuing the UPDATE statement

Hi all

Can you please tell me, what happens when problem user update statement in sga with background process?

Thank you

Hope you've finished reading your old post. "what happens all by issuing the select statement.
What happens all by issuing the select statement

Open the document since the last post and search "how Oracle database of the LMD processes."

Tags: Database

Similar Questions

  • Question about the update statement

    Hi all

    UPDATE table_name
    SET Column1 = value, column2 = value2
    WHERE condition;

    I have an update like this statement. What happens when I run the above statement, when there is no column named Column2 in the table? If it creates a column named column2 and value2 using?

    Instead should first create a new column named Column2 in the table first and then run this update statement?

    Please, someone good to explain.

    Hi, this statement (it is a dml statement) will give an error, because the Column2 does not exist in the table. You must add the Column2 by an alter (ddl statement) statement. Then, you can try to execute your statement.

    Kind regards

    Published by: 793420 on September 7, 2010 14:48

    Published by: 793420 on September 7, 2010 14:48

  • need help with the Update statement

    I received a question in a course and I tried my best to respond, and now my brain is giving. I would really appreciate help with the update statement. I don't mind if you do not validate a solution, a little nudge in the right direction would be really useful. I'll post that I got.

    / * For these agents disabled on more than seven missions, change their date of deactivation of the first date of deactivation of all the agents that have been activated in the same year as the agent that you update currently.

    I have it divided into parts, here is my select statement to agents disabled on more than 7 missions, which produces the deactivation_dates in the agents table that I want to update...
    count(m.mission_id) as nomissions
    agents a
    missions_agents m
    ) s
    s.nomissions>7 AND s.deactivation_date IS NOT NULL
    .. .and the code for the first date of deactivation for each year of activation agent
    agents a2
    where a2.deactivation_date= 
    select min(a.deactivation_date)
    agents a
    where to_number(to_char(a.activation_date,'YYYY'))=to_number(to_char(a2.activation_date,'YYYY'))
    ..... I am not real to marry these two statements together in the Update statement. I can't extract each date of deactivation produced in the first select statement and their match against the first date of deactivation in the year they have been activated for the second select statement.

    Any help greatly appreciated... :))

    I began to wonder how things would :)

    user8695469 wrote:
    First of all why he chooses the date the earliest of all agents

    UPDATE  AGENTS_COPY AC /* (1) */
    ,       AGENTS_COPY AC /* (2) */

    He recovers as soon as the subquery has not been correctly set in the SET clause. It seems you are trying to update a correlated, but we are still having a conceptual shift. I have added a few comments to your code above and below will explain.

    (1): when you do a correlated update it is useful to the table alias that you did right here.

    (2): this table statement is not necessary and is the reason why the FIRST deactivation date is selected. The alias that you use (3) refers to THIS table, not the one defined in the update statement. Remove the line indicated by (2) in the FROM clause and a correlated update will happen.

    and secondly why is it to update each row, when I thought that I'm just the lines where the agents are disabled and missions > 7? Pointers on where I'm wrong would be very appreciated. (SQL = stupid query language!) :)

    user8695469 wrote: then why is it to update each row, when I thought that I'm just the lines where the agents are disabled and missions > 7? Pointers on where I'm wrong would be very appreciated. (SQL = stupid query language!) :)

    agents a
    missions_agents m
    count(m.mission_id)>7 AND a.deactivation_date IS NOT NULL

    Once again this problem is similar to the question above that a correlation update doesn't work. Test existence of lines in an EXISTS subquery. Since your subquery is not related to the table that you are trying to update, it will be always return a line and, therefore, it returns true for EACH LINE in the AGENTS table. To limit the game to only agents > 7 missions results, you need to add a join condition that references the table in your update statement. I added one above (with comments) as a sample.

    I recommend you look over all material that you have associated with correlated subqueries, including documents that I posted above. This seems to be what you're having the problem more with. If you need me to explain the concept of correlated queries any better please let me know.

    Thank you!

  • the update statement modidy

    Hi all

    I have here is the update statement in my code

    UPDATE equip_stg stg

    SET stg.err = 'WRC '.


    FROM (SELECT stg.*

    Of equip_stg stg.


    WHERE stg.equipment_fk = mer.equipment_pk

    AND stg.downtime_reason_code = mer.reason_code

    AND ((stg.status = 3 AND sea. REASON_TYPE = 1)

    OR (stg.status = 2 AND sea. REASON_TYPE = 3)

    OR (stg.status = 1 AND sea. REASON_TYPE = 4))

    ERS stg.downtime_reason_code AND IS NOT NULL)

    WHERE ers.equipment_fk = stg.equipment_fk

    AND ers.downtime_reason_code = stg.downtime_reason_code


    AND stg.status IN (3,2,1)

    AND stg.downtime_reason_code IS NOT NULL;

    The statement above sets updated the column equip_stg in WRC if err for corresponding material and reason, there is no line in the REASON_SETUP table.

    I want to change the code above so that the validation above is first done with REASON_SETUP according to equipment and column of type of reason. Is there is no line for this type of material and the reason in this table, then he must hit lookup table.  Example, I have data from equipment EQP1, status = 3, then it should check if REASON_SETUP has everything save for EQP1 equipment and the reasoning of type 1. If she made the next record should be validated on the table otherwise come file should be validated against the lookup table. For the table of choice also I have same join conditions

    STG.equipment_fk = lookup.equipment_pk

    AND stg.downtime_reason_code = lookup.reason_code

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards



    I think I see.  All lines for each (equipment, reason_type) will be removed completely on a table or another. reason_setup if possible and looking as if this combination never occurs in reason_type.  Another way to say it is that you want only (equipment, reason_type) groups of the best tablle, where reason_type is better than search.  Exactly what made a Request Top - N .  Here's a way to do it:

    UPDATE equip_stg

    SET err_code = "WRC".

    WHERE (equipment, downtime_reason_code) NOT IN


    WITH union_data AS


    SELECT 'A' preference AS, reason_code, reason_type, equipment

    OF reason_setup


    SELECT equipment, reason_type, reason_code, 'B' AS preferences



    got_r_num AS


    SELECT equipment, reason_type, reason_code


    ORDER OF preference

    ) AS r_num

    Of union_data


    SELECT equipment

    DECODE (reason_type

    1, 3

    3, 2



    OF got_r_num

    WHERE r_num = 1



    To see how this works, reconstruction of the NOT IN subquery, step by step.  First run just union_data as a stand-alone application.  When you understand what it does, run got_r_num and when you see what he's doing, run the set NOT IN subquery.

  • What happens IF we replace the default certificates for vCenter 5.1?

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    I found this below at page 19 of https://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/products/vCenter/VMware-vCenter-Server-Single-Sign-On.pdf

    Certificates update

    When you install the vCenter Single Sign-On, each component that registers with it - including

    vCenter Single Sign-On himself - uses SSL to communicate between components and saved solutions.

    By default, SSL certificates are generated automatically by VMware installation and upgrade process

    and are sufficient for the operational security for most VMware customers.

    Some clients prefer to use their own self-signed or purchased SSL certificates. A tool has been developed to

    help the insertion of these certificates after vCenter Server installation. Because of the additional knowledge

    required to create and install self-signed certificates, we recommend that you review the following knowledge of VMware

    basis of articles:

    "Deployment and using the tool to automate SSL certificate.

    (VMware 2041600 knowledge base article)

    "Generation of certificates for use with the VMware Certificate SSL automation tool"

    (VMware 2044696 knowledge base article)

    In 10 years your vCenter starts (because of expiry of the certificate).

    Your users will see pesky warnings of SSL certificate when connecting components.

    Apart from that all traffic is always secure and encrypted with certificates by default, you have simply a chain of trust for them.

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    What is the proper way to restart the NFS server?

    Thanks ^^

    If you mean 'a good' (without no timeout error appears in the log), then delete NFS datastore is the whole procedure before you restart the NFS server. Unlike datastore VMFS, by removing the NFS datastore, that this will not completely remove the storage at all, instead you only remove it from the ESX host and you can reconnect the NFS mounting even whenever you want.


  • How to use the user defined function in the Update statement

    Hi all

    I wrote under the update statement to update the column based on the return value of function. but it does not work. Could someone help me on this. This function returns a single value for each project.

    Thanks in advance.

    SET Months_In_Stage_Cnt = Months_In_Stage_Cnt_ret (o.project_id) select the double;

    Thank you

    PLS-00231: function 'MONTHS_IN_STAGE_CNT_RET' cannot be used in SQL

    -What is the function that is declared private in a package? If Yes, then it must be public, otherwise the SQL engine cannot be used.

    Published by: Dom Brooks on November 18, 2011 09:43

  • Decode function in the Update statement

    Hi all

    I'm writing a query where I can update a pastdue_fees column in a table of book_trans based on a difference between the return_dte and due_dte columns.

    I use Oracle SQL. That's what I have so far for my decoding function:

    2 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    3 '-1 ', ' 0',
    4 '1', '12', 'Null')
    5 FROM book_trans;

    Null value
    Null value

    If the logic is that, if the sign is - 1, the value in the return_dte column must be 0; If it is + 1, then it has 12 and everything else is Null.

    So now, I have to conclude my function of decoding of the update statement to update the columns. However, I get the error messages.

    The logic should be:
    UPDATE book_trans SET PastDue_fees = decode (expression)

    I gave him a few different tests with the following results:

    SQL > UPDATE book_trans
    2 SET pastdue_fees = SELECT
    3 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    4 '-1 ', ' 0',
    5 '1', '12', 'Null')
    6 FROM book_trans.
    SET pastdue_fees = SELECT
    ERROR on line 2:
    ORA-00936: lack of expression

    SQL > UPDATE book_trans
    2 SET pastdue_fees =
    3 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    4 '-1 ', ' 0',
    5 '1', '12', 'Null')
    6 FROM book_trans.
    OF book_trans
    ERROR on line 6:
    ORA-00933: SQL not correctly completed command.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated I got SQL for about six weeks and not very competent!

    Thank you!

    882300 wrote:
    Hi all

    I'm writing a query where I can update a pastdue_fees column in a table of book_trans based on a difference between the return_dte and due_dte columns.

    I use Oracle SQL. That's what I have so far for my decoding function:

    2 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    3 '-1 ', ' 0',
    4 '1', '12', 'Null')
    5 FROM book_trans;

    Null value
    Null value

    If the logic is that, if the sign is - 1, the value in the return_dte column must be 0; If it is + 1, then it has 12 and everything else is Null.

    So now, I have to conclude my function of decoding of the update statement to update the columns. However, I get the error messages.

    The logic should be:
    UPDATE book_trans SET PastDue_fees = decode (expression)

    I gave him a few different tests with the following results:

    SQL > UPDATE book_trans
    2 SET pastdue_fees = SELECT
    3 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    4 '-1 ', ' 0',
    5 '1', '12', 'Null')
    6 FROM book_trans.
    SET pastdue_fees = SELECT
    ERROR on line 2:
    ORA-00936: lack of expression

    SQL > UPDATE book_trans
    2 SET pastdue_fees =
    3 DECODE (SIGN ((return_dte-due_dte) * 2),)
    4 '-1 ', ' 0',
    5 '1', '12', 'Null')
    6 FROM book_trans.
    OF book_trans
    ERROR on line 6:
    ORA-00933: SQL not correctly completed command.

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated I got SQL for about six weeks and not very competent!

    Thank you!

    If you really really really want to update the entire table, the syntax would be...

    UPDATE book_trans
          pastdue_fees  = DECODE(SIGN((return_dte - due_dte)*2), -1, 0, 1, 12, Null);

    I took out all the single quotes. If you actually have a string column and store all numbers in there so it must be reported as a NUMBER column and not a column of type character (varchar2).

    ALWAYS use the appropriate data type, it will save you a ton of headaches in the future.

    Also, since you are new to the forum, please read the FAQ to learn etiquette and what not.


  • Commit to taking a lot of time for the update statement to bulk - 11 GR 2

    Hi team,

    We have a source table, which is the main table for our application.

    When I commit a transaction after update block, it takes long about 2 to 4 minutes.

    I don't understand why it takes too long...

    Could you please help me on this fix, please...

    It's the details on the table,

    Total number of records: 35 M record

    Validation interval: 500 records / commit

    Total scores: 3

    total number of columns: 95 - including primary, unique and foreign key columns (all columns will be updated for each update because update from the app online)

    Total no of the foreign key columns: 12

    Unique key column: 1

    Total index: 27 ( including the key index foreign 12 + 1 + 1 index of primary key Unique key index )

    example of update statement,

      COLUMN_1 = :VAL_1
      COLUMN_94 = :VAL_94

    The table is.

    Plan hash value: 2997337465
    | Id  | Operation          | Name                  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT   |                       |     1 |   308 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  UPDATE            | DIRECTORY_LISTING_STG |       |       |            |          |
    |*  2 |   INDEX UNIQUE SCAN| XPKDLS_STG_PARTPN     |     1 |   308 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("RECORD_KEY"=TO_NUMBER(:P_KEY))

    Details of the database,

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production

    Thank you


    2793617 wrote:


    I am updating table via an application using Hibernate jdbc connection online.

    If the update statement will be sent to the database in a pack of 500 documents (batch update).

    Thanks Ram

    line-by-line UPDATE is slow by slow transformation

    In Oracle no other session can 'see' upgrade from uncommitted changes.

    The only way to significantly reduce the elapsed time is to have only 1 UPDATE & 1 COMMIT!

  • Hi, I have installed sqldeveloper - - x 64 with JDK and tried to run SQLDeveloper.exe its does not work. A flash comes and goes. It worked fine until two days ago. Don't know what happened all of a sudden its not working. Need help.

    Hi, I have installed sqldeveloper - - x 64 with JDK and tried to run SQLDeveloper.exe its does not work. A flash comes and goes. It worked fine until two days ago. Don't know what happened all of a sudden its not working. Need help.

    I use Windows 7 Pro.

    I have read other threads and tried to launch SQLDeveloper.exe from the CMD prompt, nothing is shown a flash comes and goes.

    Tried to change of SetJavaHome sqldeveloper.conf to the path JDK that it didn't work.

    Please guide me.

    Thank you

    Maybe there is a problem with SQL Developer, being able to write to the network share of desktop directory.  Add the following to your sqldeveloper.conf file to force the settings of the user to store locally also:

    AddVMOption - Dide.user.dir = some_local_dir_to_own_system4.

    I hope this helps...

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    What happens if I remove the battery when I use my laptop directly on the AC adapter / CC?

    Thank you


    If the laptop is ON it s not advised to remove the battery.
    You can remove the battery while the laptop is OFF.
    Remove the battery, connect the AC adapter and turn on the laptop

    Good bye

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    I have Windows XP Home Edition. What happens if I delete the Hello from my computer? Thank you

    Nothing, really. It allows to find other devices generally (computers and printers) on your network.

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    After reset Windows Activation within 30 days, what happened then? Reset the Windows Activation again? PLSS, answer to my question, I don't know what happened after windows activation for 30 days... Thank you

    After reset Windows Activation within 30 days, what happened then? Reset the Windows Activation again? PLSS, answer to my question, I don't know what happened after windows activation for 30 days... Thank you

    Activate Windows.

    Once actually activate you Windows with a product key legitimate - you should be * fact *.

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    Since you say that it works perfectly in safe mode, I think that there is a problem with a driver or an application causing this boot loop.
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    Using Oracle 11 g 2. If I call the following update statement of meeting A, meeting A locks the line until a statement commit / rollback is emanating from the session has. If the session B calls the same statement was updated and the same line, session B will have to wait until the lock is released in the session. However, application developers are expressed in terms of discussions. Would it be possible that the update statement is called in the same session by several requests? If so, the case statement can be evaluated without the line being locked which could lead to erroneous results? Trying to keep this short message.

    tableA has column (number of key, primary) and columnB (number)


    Update tableA

    Define columnB = case when columnB = 3 then


    When columnB = 4 then


    on the other



    When columnA = 6;


    2 applications (almost at the same time) in the same session could assess columnB 3. The goal would be the first query sets in column 4 and the second request sets in column 5.

    > However, application developers are expressed in terms of discussions.

    Of course, they are...

    But each application thread will have its own dedicated database session.

Maybe you are looking for

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