Why doesn't Illustrator colorize some Photoshop TIFF, but not others?

In aid of Illustrator CS5 and new analysis from digital capture of the black and white linework (RGB). Previous tiff files are placed in artificial intelligence, selected, multiplied (background left), click a color, and the work is instantly colorized (ie. black lines turns into the Blues). With these new scans, they don't change color. PS files appear all the same upward. If I is not read files, or what I'm doing wrong with these new scans? Super thanks in advance. LF

Color of the files do not work.

Levels of gray or color bitmap images.

Tags: Illustrator

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  • Application of air using URLLoader w/HTTPS fails on some Win7 computers, but not others

    We have an Air (SDK 4.5) application, we are ready to deploy, but fails to connect via the HTTPS URL with error #2032 on some Win7 computers, but not others.

    For troubleshooting, I can reproduce the problem by using the example of app simple test given in the AS3 URLLoader documentaton.

    The problem is that when you run the application on some Win7 boxes, trying to connect to various servers via https and download a simple document, the request fails with "Error #2032".

    The version of the Air runtime is 3.0, and we have updated to 3.1 with the same result. The problem is related to the HTTPS only: the same URLS work fine with HTTP.

    Now for the fun: an application exact air works fine on another Win7 box, of the area of XP, OSX 10.6 and 10.7, pointing to the same URL HTTPS OSX.

    More fun: on Win7 boxes that in case of failure, it only fails with some https URL and not others, and URLS that fail with this Air app on these some win7 boxes work perfectly with the same air application on several others mentioned computers (XP, OSX and other win7).

    I know that #2032 Error is a very generic error "io" and could be the result of many things, but in this case, I did some research to isolate what could happen;

    on win7 boxes where the air application fails:

    If we point the air application on a virtual host on our setup of server apache with a self signed SSL certificate, the air application appears a sign saying the cert isn't trused, and if we click on 'continue', we get the error 2032 and a 0 http status code. Apache never logs on demand. This tells me that the application of air attempts to negotiate an SSL session with the apache server, but never succeeds.

    If we indicate the air even application a virtual host on the same configuration of Apache Web server with a REAL SSL cert, the air application never appears unreliable Panel, but still does not work, 2032 and the http status code returned 0.

    If we indicate the air even application a virtual host on the same server apache but HTTP instead of HTTPS, there is no failure and demand ends with an http 200 status code.

    Interestingly, if we note the same air application various other HTTPS URLS on different hosts, our servers and others on the internet that we know work, some fail the same way and some work very well.

    Now: If we run the same tests with the same air app, using the same URL HTTPS on other computers mentioned (XP, OSx and other win7), there is no failure and demand always ends well.

    Another finding: you could theorize that there is something wrong with those boxes of win7, but the HTTPS URLS that fail with the air app, nice job on these boxes in IE and Chrome, also the same test app compiled as a Flex application and executed in the browser on computers that fail to work fine with the same HTTPS URLS that fails and the application of air , for the air runtime of problems on some win7 boxes.

    It is a BIG problem for us, our Air application is a consumer application and will be widely deployed, and we cannot have it not be performed only on some computers and have no idea why.

    Any help would be apprechiated.

    Thank you

    Bob Reynolds

    Software engineer


    PROBLEM SOLVED (mostly), however I end up with big problems in this...

    The problem was on the failure both Win7 boxes were sigficantly off the coast. Their synchronization solved the problem. I assume that others who have similar problems check the time on the computers/servers.

    This raises the question of why the AIR runtime cannot negotiate an SSL connection under this condition, but each browser we tested on those same computers could?

    I can buy that maybe the SSL protocol must by definition fail under these conditions, however for use by consumers, where it can not be controlled, the implementation must be loose to allow upward, and indeed all commercial browsers can negotiate SSL under these conditions connections (time synchronization offset) - ecommerce would be in trouble if consumers can probably not to connect to a service secured via Internet simply because the time is out of their computer.

    Can anyone in the Group Air address Adobe this concern on the use of AIR for applications of consumer under this condition where you can't rely on your application to install or run on who knows how many computers to consumers?  And to make things worse, AIR doesent provide revised, detailed error information so it is VERY tedious or impossible to even troubleshoot a comply with instructions like that--on the ground, it would be rather impossible.

    Thank you

    Bob Reynolds

  • Why Oracle ManagedDataAccess ( throws a System.FormatException "first chance" exception to the debugger when you use OracleCommand.BindByName (on some machines, but not others)?

    Why Oracle ManagedDataAccess ( throws a System.FormatException "first chance" exception to the debugger when you use OracleCommand.BindByName (on some machines, but not others)?

    This occurs when calling a ref cursor-returning packaged function stored with OracleCommand.BindByName set to true.

    When BindByName undefined, it works as expected.

    I've only been able to recreate this problem on a machine in my control. This issue has also reported to me by a customer.

    I tried to change the locale of the system of EN - UK EN-US, but I was not aware of any change in behavior.

    Similarly, I've tried explicitly overriding the default locale of the system with the OracleGlobalization parameters, and it also had no effect.

    Please see the example below.


    Environment (default):

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Visual Studio 12.0.21005.1 REL / / CAN BE SIGNIFICANT

    .NET framework 4.5.51209

    Local system: EN - UK (but also does not, EN-US).


    "< supportedRuntime version ="v4.0"sku =". NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/ >

    Environment (base):

    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Updated Visual Studio 12.0.31101.00 //SEE above 4

    .NET framework 4.5.51209

    Local system: EN - UK


    "< supportedRuntime version ="v4.0"sku =". NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/ >

    Call stack:

    mscorlib.dll. Unknown System.Number.StringToNumber(string str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, ref System.Number.NumberBuffer number, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info, bool parseDecimal)
    mscorlib.dll. Unknown System.Number.ParseInt32(string s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleRefCursor.OracleRefCursor (connection Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleRefCursorImpl refCursorImpl, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long initialLongFS, long initialLobFS, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleParameterImpl.ExtractRefCursorFromAccessor (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection conn, accessor OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.PrmEnumType enumType, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution, int currentRow) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleParameterImpl.GetRefCursorFromBytes unknown (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection conn, accessor OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.PrmEnumType enumType, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameter.PostBind_RefCursor (connection Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, OracleInternal.TTC.Accessors.Accessor bindAccessor, long fetchSize, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types.OracleIntervalDS sessionTimeZone, string commandText, string paramPosOrName, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleCommandImpl.ExtractAccessorValuesIntoParam (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameterCollection paramColl, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection connection, string commandText, long longFetchSize, long lobFetchSize, long [] scnFromExecution) unknown
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Unknown Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteReader(bool requery, bool fillRequest, System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior)
    Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll! Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteReader (unknown)

    > ManagedSimpleRefCursor1.exe! NoddyConsole.Program.Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails (Line 63 c#)



    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Text;

    using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;

    using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Types;

    using System.Data;

    namespace NoddyConsole


    public class Program


    public static int Main (string [] args)


    Error int = 0;

    Errors += Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails();

    Errors += UseReturnValue_Command_ExecuteNonQuery_BindByName_Fails();

    return errors;


    public static int Command_ExecuteReader_BindByName_Fails()


    Error int = 0;



    var conn = new OracleConnection ("UID = USER; Password = PASS; ("Data Source = / / your-host: 1521 / yours-sid");

    var conn = new OracleConnection ("user Id = UNIT620; Password = UNIT620; ("Data Source = / / ln1apidb01:1521 / fm");

    Conn. Open();


    OracleGlobalization og is conn. GetSessionInfo();

    og. DateFormat = "HH24:MI:SS MON-DD-YYYY";

    Conn. SetSessionInfo (og);

    var cmd is conn. CreateCommand();

    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

    BindByName. cmd = true;

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 (in_code = >: in_code); END; « ;

    var prm1 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM1. ParameterName = "rc";

    PRM1. Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

    PRM1. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm1);

    / * SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 * /.

    var prm2 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM2. ParameterName = "in_code";

    PRM2. Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

    PRM2. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

    PRM2. Value = "A";

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm2);

    /* */

    var reader is cmd. ExecuteReader(); FAILS to System.Number.StringToNumber (String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer & number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

    /* *-/

    OracleRefCursor orc = null;

    cmd ExecuteNonQuery()); must fail here

    ORC = cmd. Parameters ["rc"]. Value as OracleRefCursor;

    If (orc is nothing)

    throws InvalidOperationException new ("Invalid return the ref cursor type");

    var = orc player. GetDataReader();

    /* */

    While (reader. Read


    var values = new object [reader. FieldCount];

    drive. GetOracleValues (values);

    for (int i = 0; i < values.) Length; (++ I)





    drive. Dispose();

    cmd. Dispose();

    Conn. Dispose();


    catch (Exception ex)


    Console.Error.WriteLine (ex) Message);

    Errors ++;




    Return (true);


    return errors;


    public static int UseReturnValue_Command_ExecuteNonQuery_BindByName_Fails()


    Error int = 0;



    var conn = new OracleConnection ("UID = USER; Password = PASS; ("Data Source = / / your-host: 1521 / yours-sid");

    Conn. Open();


    OracleGlobalization og is conn. GetSessionInfo();

    og. DateFormat = "HH24:MI:SS MON-DD-YYYY";

    Conn. SetSessionInfo (og);

    var cmd is conn. CreateCommand();

    BindByName. cmd = true; // ####

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 (in_code = >: in_code); END; « ;

    cmd.CommandText = "START: rc: = SHAUN.recreate_issue_2; END; « ; No params, works

    var prm1 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM1. ParameterName = "rc";

    PRM1. Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

    PRM1. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm1);

    / * SHAUN.recreate_issue_1 * /.

    var prm2 is cmd. CreateParameter();

    PRM2. ParameterName = "in_code";

    PRM2. Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

    PRM2. OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2;

    PRM2. Value = "A";

    cmd. Parameters.Add (prm2);

    /* */

    var reader is cmd. ExecuteReader();

    OracleRefCursor orc = null;

    HERE does NOT cmd. BindByName = true; System.FormatException first-chance exception in at System.Number.StringToNumber (String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer & number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)

    cmd ExecuteNonQuery());

    ORC = cmd. Parameters ["rc"]. Value as OracleRefCursor;

    If (orc is nothing)

    throws InvalidOperationException new ("Invalid return the ref cursor type");

    var = orc player. GetDataReader();

    While (reader. Read


    var values = new object [reader. FieldCount];

    drive. GetOracleValues (values);

    for (int i = 0; i < values.) Length; (++ I)





    drive. Dispose();

    ORC. Dispose();

    cmd. Dispose();

    Conn. Dispose();


    catch (Exception ex)


    Console.Error.WriteLine (ex) Message);

    Errors ++;




    Return (true);


    return errors;





    create or replace package THAT SHAUN is

    type ref_cur_type is ref cursor;

    function recreate_issue_1)

    in_code varchar2: = null

    ) return ref_cur_type;

    end SHAUN;


    create or replace package body what SHAUN


    function recreate_issue_1)

    in_code varchar2: = null

    ) return ref_cur_type is ref_cur ref_cur_type;


    Open the ref_cur for

    Select UO.object_name from user_objects UO;

    Return ref_cur;

    end recreate_issue_1;

    end SHAUN;



    Thanks a lot to qualify again for me Alex.  I'll try upgrading to the latest version of the provider.

    The difference in behavior between the two hosts was found to be reduced to differences in configuration VS.

    Checking 'Just my code' prevents the first chance thrown in the debugger exception. As in fact, the exception is handled in the provider, it is enough for me.

  • Can break some intersections Guide and not others

    In Illustrator CC 2015, I run the questions where I can snap to intersections Guide (90 degrees, a vertical guide and a horizontal guide) but not others. The two intersections are on a single vertical line. I have unlocked all the guides, and brought them all to the front layer (just in case where what matters) and still nothing. When I select the pen tool and hover on the intersection A, the pointer snaps to the intersection, the indicator displays "intersect". When I select the pen tool and hover on the intersection of B, the cursor follows the horizontal Guide, but as soon as I get near the intersection, it stops after the guide, as if the intersection is pushing the snap.

    Is this a problem of layers? If I move the vertical line (not the Guide) at the intersection of B away, I can line up the intersection to Guide very well. All Guides are arranged for the 'front' (right-click > reorganize > bring to front). The cursor does not follow the vertical Guide at the intersection B at all for some reason any. I'm baffled that I can't get the reliable behavior in identical situations, and I can't find a way to fix and more to remove the vertical line, which should play second fiddle to the Guide!

    My preferences are:

    Selection and display of the anchor:

    Tolerance: 3 px

    Checked the selection of object by trace only

    Snap to Point: 8 px

    Checked the Ctrl-click to select objects behind


    All boxes checked except for measurement labels

    Alignment of tolerance: 4 pt

    You have any 3rd party utility or a Tablet?

    My Mac cc2015 is good to work and get the intersect, even with your settings. Your settings are customized, I recommend you to reset your preferences.

  • Rocket support some .jpg, but not others? Pls help =.

    Okay so I'm a bit confused why doesn't my 4 GB Fuze in charge of some .jpg and then others?  Sorry if it took a LOT, but it's confusing and I'd like TO get this understood b4 I deploy here next week.

    TX and GL!

    Always use the Sansa Media Converter to put the photos in your Sansa. MSC can accept a large number of picture formats.

    Stylesheet wrote:

    Okay so I'm a bit confused why doesn't my 4 GB Fuze in charge of some .jpg and then others?  Sorry if it took a LOT, but it's confusing and I'd like TO get this understood b4 I deploy here next week.

    TX and GL!

  • El Capitan open Photoshop CS4, but not Bridge CS4

    Have tried to open Bridge in El Capitan of applications and also 'browse them in Bridge' of Photoshop CS4, but bridge keeps crashing. I know that CS4 is getting old, but if PhotoShop CS4 works, why not fill... suggestions welcomed.

    Try and update the Camera raw for CS4 Bridge

    Mac: Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter: for Macintosh: Camera Raw 5.7 update

    Windows: Adobe - Photoshop: for Windows: Camera Raw 5.7 update

    Also, check if you are able to see the thumbnails for Nef files in the Finder

    Let us know if it helps.

    Kind regards

    ~ Mohit

  • Why does my site display properly in Firefox but not Safari/Chrome?

    I have looked through all my code and do not understand why my previews site perfectly well in Firefox, but in Safari or Google Chrome all elements of the site work but the images that make up the background appear empty or with a blue question marks in a box on them.  I made the site by slicing layers in Photoshop then saved the HTML as a template and added the relevant divs.

    It displays a good overview on Dreamweaver as well but it is precisely these browsers on that it does not work.  It is used to preview very well on these browsers while I was doing it until I added the flash element to it, so I don't know if this has something to do with it, although all Flash elements appear and function ok.

    methumeddwl wrote:

    Thanks SnakEyes, I managed to get rid of the Alt error now.  My structure automatically becomes a tabular presentation due to the importation of the slices directly from Photoshop in a fixed layout?  All of a sudden I have all these new upcoming errors for no leftmargin, topmargin, marginWidth don't and marginheight as well as the height, so it would be ok if I just deleted all references to the latter in the code?

    Nancy Merci for these links to page layouts ready to use, they will definitely come in handy for my next site.  As I want my site to be a fixed 1024 x 700 does what a function table plan?  I want it be fixed instead of liquid that I want all the Flash animations to show in specific locations on the site.

    This is why you should not export the HTML from Photoshop.  To answer your question that exports only Photoshop like HTML 4.01, which is why he has these attributes.  In addition, everything is an image in a table cell, which leads to many problems.  Learn how to cut out pictures and use everything that CSS can offer will make better code.

  • I sent 2 SMS to the iPhone even from the same location 1 hour out. Why I was charged for the second message, but not the first?

    I sent 2 SMS on the phone even in the same place 1 hour apart. I was charged for the second message, but not the first. Why charge me? I was under the impression that the messages sent between iPhones are free?

    I was under the impression that the messages sent between iPhones are free?

    It's a little more complicated than that.

    If the message is sent as an iMessage (blue) uses the data that could be part of your cellular data allowance or WiFi depending on what you are connected to. If it is sent as SMS (green) it takes however your carrier charges you for SMS.

    For a message to be sent in an iMessage, both parties need to have a device capable of iMessage (e.g., iPhone, iPad, Mac), iMessages allowed to have (settings > Messages > iMessage > on) and be connected to the data (Wifi or cellular).

  • Approval of education is active in Photoshop CC but not in Indesign CC

    We have a teaching license (16 approvals, Creative Cloud Applications), which has been deployed with creative cloud conditioner. The administration Console shows that all licenses are active. On all devices, it seems that CC Photsohop is ok, undder in Photoshop CC, SYSTEMINFORMATION shows a subscription serial number. But Indesign shows the indication: 'Testmodus - 0 days left.

    What's not? Is this a Bug?

    I expect not to see a license to work for a single application, but not another instrument.

    Can update you InDesign to see if the problem persists?

  • Does anyone have an idea why my kerning and leading some pull-down do not work in my toolbox Illustrator (CS2015)?

    Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 1.59.37 PM.png

    Hi Robert,.

    Do you mean that you are not able to click on the drop-down list choose values? Please close HAVE and re run with pressing and now Alt + Ctrl + Shift (Windows) or Option + command + shift (Mac OS) as you start Illustrator. Who resets the preferences and then check again.

    Thank you


  • Why do AS3 highlighting some fonts, but not others (which are quite common)?

    Hi all!

    I have a simple question that hopefully has a simple answer (which mocks me with his elusive). In the code below (from "University of Programming ActionScript 3.0 Game" of Gary Rosenzweig (2nd ed.)), I declare a style sheet simple using AS3 supported all the tags/attributes to emphasize a HTML link. My question is this: why AS3 don't highlight the chosen font (Arial), but still it will highlight some other fonts I have to substitute (such as "Times New Roman" and "Garamond")?

    // create a basic format
    var myFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = "Arial";
    myFormat.size = 24;
    myFormat.bold = true;
    var myStyleSheet:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    myStyleSheet.setStyle("A",{textDecoration: "underline", color: "#0000FF"});
    // create a text field with a Web URL link
    var myWebLink:TextField = new TextField();
    myWebLink.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    myWebLink.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;
    myWebLink.selectable = false;
    myWebLink.htmlText = "Visit <A HREF='http://flashgameu.com'>FlashGameU.com</A>!";
    myWebLink.x = 80;
    myWebLink.y = 90;
    myWebLink.width = 400;
    myWebLink.height = 30;
    var myLink:TextField = new TextField();
    myLink.defaultTextFormat = myFormat;
    myLink.styleSheet = myStyleSheet;
    myLink.selectable = false;
    myLink.htmlText = "Click <A HREF='event:testing'>here</A>";
    myLink.x = 80;
    myLink.y = 190;
    myLink.width = 400;
    myLink.height = 30;
    addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, textLinkClick);
    function textLinkClick(event:TextEvent) {

    The underscore is here, that you're not just allowing sufficient height for the textfield object to show him.  TNR is a shorter police to the same font size, he manages to appear in 30 height.

  • Why did datasocket works on some of the computers in a windows 2000 network, but not others?

    I use an executable program of labview which write Boolean arrays on multiple computers in a network and their bed on a computer 'server '.  All the client computers are running windows 2000 with the labview run time engine 8.6.  The server computer is running windows 2000 with the labview 8.6 developers edition.  I can only contact between a client computer and the server computer.  Communication will work either way between these two computers.  Either the computer can sucessfully read or write data datasocket.  Other computers cannot communicate in both directions.  All the computers are on the same network in the same workgroup and can see through the network.  It doesn't seem to be a firewall on all computers.  Suggestions?

    It seems he needs the installation standard/full engine runtime 8.6 with decision-making data.  I had the engine smaller run time file installed on the computers that did not work.

  • Inspiron 530 s CPU Upgrade - why some Dual Core and not others?

    Hi all

    Inspiron 530 s been chugging along fine (although strong), but has now been replaced, so decided to take a look inside, radiator & fan felt loose so unscrewed it and he lifted directly out absolutely no resistance, so I think that the cpu and the radiator cleaning and put thermal paste on would be a good idea.

    When I opened it, I thought that I might as well upgrade the processor as older bicoeur are going for about $10-15 here, (he currently has a 1.87? double heart in it), so I got a reading of the forum to find what was possible

    from the bottom of post

    quote - shesageordie

    Inspiron 530 s has a mother FoxConn G33m02 meets the specifications of Dell and will support the following Socket LGA 775 processors:

    Processor Intel Celeron 430
    Intel Celeron 420 processor (1.6 GHz, 800 FSB)
    Intel Pentium Dual Core 2140 (1.6 GHz, 800 MHz FSB)
    Intel Pentium Dual-Core 2160 (1.8 GHz, 800 MHz FSB)
    Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 (2.5 GHz, 800 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 (1.8 GHz, 800 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 (2.0 GHz, 800 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 (1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 (2.13 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 (2.33 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 (2.66 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 (2.66 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E7400 (2.80 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB)
    Wolfdale Core 2 Duo E8400, 3.0 GHz, 6 MB, 1333 MHz FSB, 65W, E0
    Wolfdale Core 2 Duo E8500, 3.16 GHz, 6 MB, 1333 MHz FSB, 65W, C0
    Wolfdale Core 2 Duo E8500 (3.16 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)
    Wolfdale Dual-Core Kit, E8600 3.33 GHz, 6 MB, 1333 MHz FSB, 65W, E0

    Also, Intel Pentium E6500 2.93 GHz processor dual core.

    Before installing the processor, that you should check that you have BIOS Version 1.0.15 or above, when support for the new Intel processor has been added.

    Note: The Quad Core 2 processors are not supported by the Inspiron 530 s [Slimline]


    Theres now my problem

    Seem some of the processors used cheap available locally does not not at these figures (and they seem to be somewhat of Eug than those that match)

    for example the E8200 E6850, E7200, what of these processors prevents them from working?

    And as a note aside will upgrade the radiator and the fan, if I get a different processor?


    The E7200 and E8200 are 65w/45nm Wolfdale processors and should work.

    The E6850 is a 65w/65nm Conroe and will not work

    There should be no need to replace the entire radiator/fan of the 530 Inspiron s, but remember to check the version of the BIOS before installing the processor.


  • Why doesn't my volume on my Windows Surface (not pro) 32 GB?

    So the night before it was working fine this morning I pressed the buttons on the side, even if she showed that the volume was higher than it did not all sounds when I played a video...

    I would try a complete reboot to see if it's a temporary problem.  Also try some other audio sources, such as youtube, music or audio files.

    Or on the desktop, click the taskbar volume icon and see if this slider plays the sound "ding" normal that you expect.

    Of course, it could be a hardware problem.

  • Why the Smart Guides work on some objects, but not others?

    Hello world. I try to use benchmarks commented to help me align a small arc in a corner, so I can merge into a larger shape. Well, I got my bow on one of the anchor points and I drag the path to full fitness, but no hanging, no label 'path' or 'intersection' appears. I have all the options for Smart Guides is checked and I've got Snap to Point activated but still no luck. It's a precise alignment, a guessing game. Any idea? -Mike


    Hold down the Cmd key while dragging.

Maybe you are looking for