Windows Store promp 8.1 Windows Installer, but nothing happens

My computer with Windows 8 keeps prompting me to install Windows 8.1. I go to the store as he tells me, and I click to download it. He acts as if she done something and tells me that I can continue to work on my computer. But nothing happens and before you know it my computer is once again inviting me to reinstall Windows 8.1.  Can anyone help me please with this problem?


There have been similar problems happening when you use a cell phone type of internet connection.

Maybe even fixed line...

One of the workarounds I've read is to start downloading from another connection, pause the download bit after it starts and then continue with the original connection, if desired.

He has also had similar problems with 3rd party security programs. If you have one, turn it off...

In some cases the program must actually be deleted with a removal tool, not just uninstalled...

Tags: Windows

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