With the help of the index function based! =


Is it possible to create an index of basic function that is used when the! = operator is used?

I have a question with the following in the where clause


Thank you


Published by: Carl Holmes on November 5, 2009 10:18

But you can create a FBI such as the following which will be a NULL entry when the condition is not put in correspondence:


Then you might change your SQL to match the FBI:


Tags: Database

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    im still new to pl sql and experienced an issue with the INSTR function. I need to analyze some values of a CLOB containing the xml code and use INSTR to determine the beginning and end of the value, I would like to analyze.

    the data I need is in a <!-[CDATA [[Some Text]]]-> block. up to this point, I managed to take the start of the word, but I can't seem to capture the end of the CDATA block. I use this statement:

    POS: = INSTR (TO_CHAR (input_clob) [,'] ', pos2 + 6, 1);

    but it doesn't have the desired effect. [It seems to sort of go back to the length of the string, while the]-sign is actually in the xml file. my result would look to "Some Text]]--> < xmlxml >... < / xmlxml >...» ». [I tried to escape by writing ' \] "but if I do, the function returns zero and my parsed string is left blank.

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    Thank you

    Edited by: user8719779 the 25.08.2009 02:23
    with my_tab as (select ''||chr(10)||
                           '  '||chr(10)||
                           '   '||chr(10)||
                           '  '||chr(10)||
                           '' col1 from dual)
    -- end of mimicking your data; USE SQL below:
    select substr(col1, instr(col1, '', 1, 1) - instr(col1, 'Hello

    I am facing a problem with the GetParameter() function in IScript. I created a URL below and appellant IScript

    GenerateScriptContentURL ("EMPLOYEE", "MFC", Record.WEBLIB_REPT_SJ, Field.ISCRIPT1, "FieldFormula", "IScript_GetAttachment"). "? FileName =' | & AttachUserFileURL;

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    Please get this.

    Thank you

    Edited by: 936729 may 25, 2012 03:35

    + and = are allowed in URLS. You just have to URL encode like this EncodeURLForQueryString(&AttachUserFileURL) before adding them to your URL:

    GenerateScriptContentURL("EMPLOYEE", "HRMS", Record.WEBLIB_REPT_SJ, Field.ISCRIPT1, "FieldFormula", "IScript_GetAttachment") | "?FileName=" | EncodeURLForQueryString(&AttachUserFileURL);

    Here is the entrance of PeopleBook for EncodeURLForQueryString:


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    You can select everything on every layer, Ctrl/CmdClicking on the names of layers, Ctrl / Cmd + A and Ctrl / Cmd + C to copy the whole and then open a new document, deselect the layers of dough remembers in the layers flyout and Ctrl / Cmd + F to insert a single layer.

    I'm still with 10, and there may be more easy/more smart solutions (in later versions).

  • Need help with the analytic function

    I want to get the highest employee details and the 2nd highest employee for a particular service. But also the Department should have more than 1 employee.
    I tried the query and it gave me the correct results. But I wonder if there is another solution than to use the subquery.

    Here is the table and the query result:
    with t as
    select 1 emp_id,3 mgr_id,'Rajesh' emp_name,3999 salary,677 bonus,'HR' dpt_nme from dual union
    select 2 ,3 ,'Gangz',4500,800,'Finance' from dual  union
    select 3 ,4 ,'Sid',8000,12000,'IT' from dual  union
    select 4 ,null,'Ram',5000,677,'HR' from dual  union
    select 5 ,4,'Shyam',6000,677,'IT' from dual union
    select 6 ,4 ,'Ravi',9000,12000,'IT' from dual   
    select * from 
    (select emp_id, mgr_id, emp_name, dpt_nme, salary, row_number() over (partition by dpt_nme order by salary desc) rn from t where dpt_nme in 
    (select dpt_nme from t group by dpt_nme having count(*) > 1)) where rn < 3


    You need a subquery, but you don't need more than that.
    Here's a way to eliminate the additional subquery:

    WITH     got_analytics     AS
         SELECT  emp_id,     mgr_id,     emp_name, dpt_nme, salary
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  dpt_nme
                                   ORDER BY          salary     DESC
                           )         AS rn
         ,     COUNT (*)     OVER ( PARTITION BY  dpt_nme
                                       )         AS dpt_cnt
         FROM     t
    SELECT  emp_id,     mgr_id,     emp_name, dpt_nme, salary
    ,     rn
    FROM     got_analytics
    WHERE     rn     < 3
    AND     dpt_cnt     > 1

    Analytical functions are calculated after the clause WHERE is applied. Since we need to use the results of the analytical ROW_NUMBER function in a WHERE clause, which means that we have to calculate ROW_NUMBER in a subquery and use the results in the WHERE clause of the main query. We can call the COUNT function analytical in the same auxiliary request and use the results in the same WHERE clause of the main query.

    Would what results you if there is a link for the 2nd highest salary in some Department? For example, if you add this line to your sample data:

    select 7 ,3 ,'Sunil',8000,12000,'IT' from dual  union

    ? You can use RANK rather than ROW_NUMBER.

  • Please help improve the query with the analytic function

    The mentioned below query takes about 10 hours to complete (

    There are 3 tables (table t has a relationship 1: n with table e and k table also has a relationship 1: n with table e).
    Table a contains 200,000 lines. (this table is truncated and inserted several times a week)
    E table contains rows of 1Mio.
    K table contains rows of 170Mio.

    drop table t;
    create table t
       t_id number,
       constraint t_pk primary key (t_id)
    drop table e;
    create table e
       e_id number,
       e_doc nvarchar2(16),
       e_date date,
       constraint e_pk primary key (e_id)
    drop table k;
    create table k (
       t_id number,
       e_id number
    create unique index k_i1 on k(t_id, e_id);
    exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'T');
    exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'K');
    exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, 'E');
    -- Sample data:
    insert into t(t_id) values (100);
    insert into t(t_id) values (101);
    insert into t(t_id) values (102);
    insert into t(t_id) values (103);
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (200, 'doc 200', to_date('01.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (201, 'doc 201', to_date('02.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (202, 'doc 202', to_date('03.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (203, 'doc 203', to_date('04.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (204, 'doc 204', to_date('05.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (205, 'doc 205', to_date('06.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (206, 'doc 206', to_date('07.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into e(e_id, e_doc, e_date) values (207, 'doc 207', to_date('08.01.2010', 'DD.MM.YYYY'));
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (100, 200);
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (100, 201);
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (100, 202);
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (100, 203);
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (101, 203);
    insert into k(t_id, e_id) values (101, 204);
    select k.t_id, e.e_date,  e.e_id, e.e_doc
    from   e, k, t
    where  k.e_id = e.e_id
    and    k.t_id = t.t_id
    order by k.t_id, e.e_date desc;
          T_ID E_DATE         E_ID E_DOC
    ---------- -------- ---------- ----------------
           100 04.01.10        203 doc 203
           100 03.01.10        202 doc 202
           100 02.01.10        201 doc 201
           100 01.01.10        200 doc 200
           101 05.01.10        204 doc 204
           101 04.01.10        203 doc 203
    I need a query that takes the latest 3 posts for a given t_id:
          T_ID E_DOC_LIST
    ---------- -----------------------
           100 doc 200/doc 201/doc 202
           101 doc 203/doc 204
    Sample query:
    select t_id, e_doc_list
       from (
       select  k.t_id,
            row_number() over(partition by k.t_id order by k.t_id, e.e_date desc) r_num, 
            rtrim(       lag(e.e_doc, 0) over(partition by k.t_id order by k.t_id, e.e_date) || 
                  '/' || lag(e.e_doc, 1) over(partition by k.t_id order by k.t_id, e.e_date) || 
                  '/' || lag(e.e_doc, 2) over(partition by k.t_id order by k.t_id, e.e_date), 
                  '/') e_doc_list
         from  e,
         where  k.e_id = e.e_id
         and    k.t_id = t.t_id
         order by k.t_id, e.e_date desc
    ) where  r_num = 1   ;
          T_ID E_DOC_LIST
    ---------- --------------------------------------------------
           100 doc 203/doc 202/doc 201
           101 doc 204/doc 203
    The example query takes several hours in production.
    The r_num = 1 filter is applied quite late. Is there another way to generate the query or even review the tables.
    For the sample query:
    | Id  | Operation                        | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                 |      |     6 |   468 |     6  (50)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  VIEW                            |      |     6 |   468 |     6  (50)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK        |      |     6 |   216 |     6  (50)| 00:00:01 |
    |   3 |    WINDOW SORT                   |      |     6 |   216 |     6  (50)| 00:00:01 |
    |   4 |     NESTED LOOPS                 |      |     6 |   216 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   5 |      MERGE JOIN                  |      |     6 |   198 |     4  (25)| 00:00:01 |
    |   6 |       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| E    |     8 |   208 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   7 |        INDEX FULL SCAN           | E_PK |     8 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  8 |       SORT JOIN                  |      |     6 |    42 |     2  (50)| 00:00:01 |
    |   9 |        INDEX FULL SCAN           | K_I1 |     6 |    42 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |* 10 |      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | T_PK |     1 |     3 |     0   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter("R_NUM"=1)
       2 - filter(ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY "K"."T_ID" ORDER BY
                  "K"."T_ID",INTERNAL_FUNCTION("E"."E_DATE") DESC )<=1)
       8 - access("K"."E_ID"="E"."E_ID")
      10 - access("K"."T_ID"="T"."T_ID")
    and for query in production
    | Id  | Operation                 | Name         | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT          |              |  3118K|   425M|       |   160K  (1)|
    |   1 |  VIEW                     |              |  3118K|   425M|       |   160K  (1)|
    |   2 |   SORT ORDER BY           |              |  3118K|   163M|   383M|   160K  (1)|
    |   3 |    WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK|              |  3118K|   163M|   383M|   160K  (1)|
    |   4 |     WINDOW SORT           |              |  3118K|   163M|   383M|   160K  (1)|
    |   5 |      HASH JOIN            |              |  3118K|   163M|    40M| 33991   (1)|
    |   6 |       TABLE ACCESS FULL   | E            |  1053K|    28M|       |  4244   (1)|
    |   7 |       NESTED LOOPS        |              |  3118K|    80M|       | 21918   (1)|
    |   8 |        TABLE ACCESS FULL  | T            |   144K|  1829K|       |   282   (2)|
    |   9 |        INDEX RANGE SCAN   | K_I1         |    22 |   308 |       |     1   (0)|

    TimWong765 wrote:
    Table a contains 200,000 lines. (* this table is truncated and inserted several times a week *)

    You could be in one of the rare cases where the index should be rebuild, take a look in the following thread:
    http://asktom.Oracle.com/pls/asktom/f?p=100:11:0:P11_QUESTION_ID:6601312252730 #69571308712887 (search for 'index of Sweeper')
    Make sure that you have checked if you are in this case before going for an expensive index rebuild.




    I'm trying to force an index based on a function in a query with a condition OR .
    It seems that INDEX INDICATOR does not work if the query has an OR condition.

    I created a test case to describe the problem:
    create table tab1 (col1 VARCHAR2(300))
    ....load the table.......
     CREATE INDEX col1_IX ON tab1
    The plan of the explain for a simple query command is:
    select * from tab1 where my_FUNCTION(col1) = '+23452081'
    Plan hash value: 2179519467
    | Id  | Operation                   | Name    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |         |   871 |   512K|     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| TAB1    |   871 |   512K|     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | COL1_IX |   348 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       2 - access("my_FUNCTION"("COL1")='+23452081')
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement
    If the simple query has a CONDITION or:
    select * from tab1 where ( MY_FUNCTION(col1) = '+23452081' or col1       <> '')
    Plan hash value: 2211052296
    | Id  | Operation         | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |  5183 |  3047K|    59  (31)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |  5183 |  3047K|    59  (31)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter("COL1"<>'' OR "MY_FUNCTION"("COL1")='+23452081')
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement
    I tried to force the index using the trick without success:
    select /*+ index(tab1 col1_IX) */ * from tab1 where ( MY_FUNCTION(col1) = '+23452081' or col1       <> '')
    Plan hash value: 2211052296
    | Id  | Operation         | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |  5183 |  3047K|    59  (31)| 00:00:01 |
    |*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| TAB1 |  5183 |  3047K|    59  (31)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter("COL1"<>'' OR "MY_FUNCTION"("COL1")='+23452081')
       - dynamic sampling used for this statement
    Can you help me?

    Published by: Dom Brooks on January 28, 2011 11:26

    Sorry too hasty.

    If you have an index on COL1 and your predicate can use this index, then you might get a BITMAP CONVERSION.

    If you do not have an index on COL1 or you cannot use it, then you will do a FTS.

    Useful relevant info:

    Based on an index function are not used in the expansion of GOLD in 10gR 1 (or beyond - restriction still documented in 11 GR 2)

    See here:

    Dion Cho spoke here:

  • Problems with the sound function and scrolling on the touchpad on my Satellite A500/026


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    Thank you



    The touchpad settings are placed in Control Panel-> mouse
    You can find the additional tab which would be you can access touchpad properties.

    As I know the touchpad properties contains many different options that allows you to configure the scrolling function, to activate and assign different actions to the touchpad corners, etc.

    Check it!

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    I wonder why you do so in the first place.

    a bit of history. This feature was added to the problem write to items in front by reference is about 1000 times slower than writing to the Terminal. I think that this feature works by writing directly to the transfer buffer. It always ends up by being slower than writing to the Terminal, but only about 10 times slower.

    My company made use of this new feature. We needed it because we have updated thousands of values of frontage on the same VI by reference and labview couldn't keep it up (Yes, probably could have worked around him in a different way, but there is more detail than this...). If your ' e does not update thousands of articles, probably you should not use this feature. Performance savings is not worth the additional development effort it takes.

    It does not work probably because the transfer buffer does not exist when the vi is not running

  • Using the data logged in an interface with the aggragate function


    I'm trying to use logged data from a source table in one of my interfaces in ODI. The problem is that one of the mappings on the columns target implies a function (sum) overall. When I run the interface, I get an error saying not "a group by expression. I checked the code and found that the columns jrn_subscriber, jrn_flag, and jrn_date are included in the select statement, but not in the group by statement (the statement group contains only remiaining two columns of the target table).

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    Also I'm using Oracle GoldenGate JKM (OGG oracle for oracle).

    Thanks and really appreciate the help


    "ORA-00979"when the CDC feature (logging) using ODI with Modules of knowledge including the aggregate SQL function works [ID 424344.1]
    Updated 11 March 2009 Type status MODERATE PROBLEM

    In this Document

    This document is available to you through process of rapid visibility (RaV) of the Oracle's Support and therefore was not subject to an independent technical review.

    Applies to:
    Oracle Data Integrator - Version:
    This problem can occur on any platform.
    After successfully testing UI integration ODI using a function of aggregation such as MIN, MAX, SUM, it is necessary to implement change using tables of Journalized Data Capture operations.

    However, during the execution of the integration Interface to retrieve only records from Journalized, has problems to step load module loading knowledge data and the following message appears in the log of ODI:

    ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    Using the two CDC - logging and functions of aggregation gives rise to complex problems.

    Technically, there is a work around for this problem (see below).
    WARNING: Problem of engineers Oracle a severe cautioned that such a type of establishment may give results that are not what could be expected. This is related to how ODI logging is applied in the form of specific logging tables. In this case, the aggregate function works only on the subset that is stored (referenced) in the table of logging and on completeness of the Source table.

    We recommend that you avoid this type of integration set ups Interface.

    1. the problem is due to the JRN_ * missing columns in the clause of "group by" SQL generated.

    The work around is to duplicate the knowledge (LKM) loading Module and the clone, change step "Load Data" by editing the tab 'Source on command' and substituting the following statement:

    <%if ((odiRef.getGrpBy().length() > 0) && (odiRef.getPop("HAS_JRN").equals("1"))) {%>

    2. it is possible to develop two alternative solutions:

    (a) develop two separate and distinct integration Interfaces:

    * The first integration Interface loads the data into a temporary Table and specify aggregate functions to use in this initial integration Interface.
    * The second integration Interfaces uses the temporary Table as Source. Note that if you create the Table in the Interface, it is necessary to drag and drop Interface for integration into the Source Panel.

    (b) define the two connections to the database so that separate and distinct references to the Interface of two integration server Data Sources (one for the newspaper, one of the other Tables). In this case, the aggregate function will be executed on the schema of the Source.

    Display related information regarding

    * Middleware > Business Intelligence > Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) > Oracle Data Integrator


    Please find above the content of the RTO.
    It should show you this if you search this ID in the Search Knowledge Base

    See you soon

  • STUCK - indexing a list and with the index as a variable

    Hello world. I imagine that this is not a difficult task, but I can't find any information on exactly what I need to accomplish.

    Let's say I have a table with fruits. The name of the fruitid and fruitname fields.

    I have query select * from fruit by fruitname. Then I take this data and create a list (or a table?) with the fruitnames.

    What I want to do is list the results with their place in the list or a table. Not their fruitid. For example:

    1 Apple
    2 Orange
    3 pears

    Where the 1,2,3 is the order of the list and not any recovered data form the query. I need to use the 1,2,3 as variables separately form the Apple, Orange, pear.

    I've been search in the online help, CFWACK and search for information about indexed lists is cheating on me. I was looking at listgetat but the results will be different each time and it just didn't seem like the solution ListGetAt returns the variable... for example:
    Apple Apple
    Orange Orange

    Any thoughts? Any help in a new direction is welcome. I use CF7.01 on WinServer2003 and SQLServer2008.

    Google "".  Find the cfml reference manual page and read it.  Pay special attention to the variables are produced by cfquery.

Maybe you are looking for

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