Writing terminal COM data to graph using Visa

Hi all.

This is my first post so try not to tear me to shreads for my lack of knowledge!

Well, my basic project idea is to have an arduino read a signal in labview in series using the XBee. So far, I'm able to get current values of the chart in by numerical values, but I can't seem to actually be able to GRAPH it. I have an example VI that I 'borrowed' from another source... my field of labview knowledge is so small. My goal is to actually chart an ECG signal fairly quickly so that theres a complete waveform that appears for the chart. In fact, I started learning the basics of this February. If it can be done, can someone give me directions? Something will help you!

On the side of the arduino, it is the code. The last 'delay' determines the sampling rate. I read the ECG/EMG of sampling signal must adhere to the theory of Nyquist sampling. Frequency maximum EMG is around 500 Hz (filter before low pass of the ADC is set to cut 500 Hz), the sample should be at least twice the maximum frequency - at least 1000 Hz.

int potPin = 0;    Select the entry for the potentiometer pin
int val = 0;       variable to store the value from the probe

void setup()
Serial.begin(9600) (9600);    Opens the serial port, establishes the rate of 9600 bps data

void loop() {}
Val = analogRead (potPin); read the value of the voltage divider
Serial.println (Val);
Delay (1);

Tags: NI Software

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    IM new in labview I just learn the tutorial to youtube.

    If not can someone give me an idea how or can give me an example vi.


    Your front panel can be... catchy (and frankly annoying), but your VI does not make much sense. If you want that your 'start' code when the user presses a façade 'Start' button, then you have to sit and wait for the user to press start, doesn't depend on the user to press Start before you run your VI.

    In addition, you have:

    • Wired the value that configures 'Port' at the entrance to "Activate the tank of termination" of the VISA. Why? You should know whether it should be enabled based on what you're trying to talk. The unit will stop his messages with a specific character? If so, a real thread of this entry and a value of thread at the end tank entry matches the value ASCII of the nature of the instrument used to put an end to his messages.
    • Wired a zero for the number of bytes Read VISA. Why? This means that you do not read anything by definition.
    • Do you need to wait a certain amount of time after sending the order before data are available?
    • Do you need to terminate the order that you send with something?
    • You currently have the set loop in place as an infinite loop. This means that the only way to stop your VI is using the button abandon in the toolbar. IT OF BAD. Provide a stop button on your façade to allow your VI finish properly.

    See attached mod as a better starting point.

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    'Re missing you the section history of this window. See the screenshot I posted below.

    Try Firefox SafeMode to see how it works there.

    A way of solving problems, which disables most of the modules.

    (If you use it, switch to the default theme).

    • You can open the mode without failure of Firefox 4.0 + by pressing the SHIFT key when you use the desktop Firefox or shortcut in the start menu.
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    Do not choose anything at the moment, just use 'continue in safe mode.

    To exit safe mode of Firefox, simply close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the shortcut of Firefox (without the Shift key) to open it again.

    If it's good in Firefox Safe mode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to understand that one.


    When find you what is causing that, please let us know. It might help others who have this problem.

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    Your problem is the ASCII conversion attempt.  As I said before, you have raw binary data.  Therefore do not touch anything that deals with ASCII.  All you have to do is take your byte array and convert each element in an array of Booleans.

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    Hello world

    This is a very urgent investigation. can someone help me please? Thank you very much!!

    I wrote a few commands in several registers using VISA write. now, I want to read the value of a different register.

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    This is the format of the command, and I enclose the sheet... I want to read the value of register (0 * 41)


    Ravens, if you have something more than me, do not so much it at all =)

    The command you have posted has several components:

    The gray area of the transport layer uses for a checksum

    several bits set to 0.

    a single bit to define if it's a read/write operation

    a byte to identify the register of interests.

    two bytes for the data.

    With what you have provided, there are only three things we need to worry:

    (1) set the R/W bit to 0 to mean we're reading rather than write.

    (2) set the second byte 0 x 41 to focus on the register of interests.

    (3) with a reading, I can't imagine the last issue of two bytes.  They probably ignored.  The documentation you provided does nothing to explain this.  The most logical thing I can think is that these two bits contain the data, you go to the registry if you set the R/W bit to 1.

    There are two parts to this communication.  The first part is an entry VISA to send this control unit.  It is likely that you will need to complete the message.  You will need to know how to do this.

    The device must respond with the message that you mentioned in the original post.  Crows is right.  He's coming back as a string.  You can use the subset of string to separate the components defined by the standard.  You can use these components to determine if the data is legitimate and then do what you want with the data.

  • Issue of campus Solution 9.0: Table prompt Application Center cannot come data


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    I found that the problem is that the quick table PS_ADM_APPLCTR_SVW is a view involving 3 tables as below:




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    I don't see any process runs about the Application Security Center.

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    Thanks in advance.


    Hello. The problem is solved by myself. Table prompt Application Center now come from the data. Thank you.

  • exporting data to Excel using XSSFWorkbook

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    having error javax.el.ELException: means: lots of Java space now I need to change my code to BigGridDemo.java



    How can I change my code for BigGridDemo.java

    This is my code

    import com.bea.common.security.xacml.context.Result;

    import com.sun.jmx.snmp.Timestamp;

    to import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

    import java.io.IOException;

    import java.io.OutputStream;

    import java.util.HashMap;

    to import java.util.Iterator;

    import java.util.Map;

    Org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel import. *;

    Import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi import. *;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;

    Import oracle.adf.view.rich.component.rich.data.RichTable;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIDocument;

    import org.apache.poi

    Import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import. *;

    Import oracle.jbo.Row;

    Import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;

    Import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySetImpl;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;

    Import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    public class PoiBean {}

    RicheTableau CustomTable;

    public PoiBean() {}


    public static BindingContainer {} getBindingContainer()

    return (BindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");

    return (BindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();


    public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer() {}

    return (DCBindingContainer) getBindingContainer ();


    ' Public Sub generateExcel (FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {}

    try {}

    Workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();  or new HSSFWorkbook();

    Spreadsheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Fonts");

    Get all lines of an iterator


    Links DCBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();

    DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings = bindings.findIteratorBinding("CustomClientView1Iterator");

    Line rowss = worksheet.createRow (0);

    ViewObject yourVO = dcIteratorBindings.getViewObject ();

    Get all the lines of a ViewObject

    RowSetIterator iter = yourVO.createRowSetIterator ("CustomClient");

    ITER. Reset();

    int rowCounter = 0;

    While (iter.hasNext ()) {}

    A cell = null;

    line oracle.jbo.Row = iter.next ();

    print header on the first line in excel

    If (rowCounter == 0) {}

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    int cellCounter = 0;

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    cellA1.setCellValue (colName);

    cellCounter ++;



    print the data from the second row in excel

    rowCounter ++;


    short j = 0;

    int cellCounter = 0;

    excelrow = (HSSFRow) worksheet.createRow ((int) i);

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    System.out.println ("Hello" + row.getAttribute (colName));

    System.out.println ("Hello" + name of column);

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    rowCounter ++;

    cell.setCellValue (new HSSFRichTextString (rs.getS));

    {if (! isBlank (colname))}

    If (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    System.out.println ("column name" + colName + "row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ()" + row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    logic for the cell formatting

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnName")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    make double if you want to convert as a result

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnRegDate")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCancelDate")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    } ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnUndertaking")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode8")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    }                                                                                                            }

    on the other

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    cellCounter ++;


    worksheet.createFreezePane (0, 1, 0, 1);


    Workbook.Write (OutputStream);

    outputStream.flush ();



    catch (Exception e) {}

    e.printStackTrace ();



    The demo "big grid" is obsolete and has been replaced by SXSSF, which is compatible with XSSF (seehttp://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/how-to.html#sxssfthe new Halloween Document) API.

    Theoretically, all you need to do is replace "new XSSFWorkbook()" by "new org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook ()" in your program.

    You better post any specific questions of POI on the forum of the user Apache POI (see mailing lists , Apache POI)

    Kind regards


  • a sql id have more than explain the plan so I'd like to come up with plan used at runtime.

    Hi all

    In a sql oracle11g having id several explain the plan so I'd like to come up with plan used at runtime.

    For example SQlID:-8yczg5zav14vt have 5 sql plan and I want to check that we execute at any time, please let me how I can check by sql queries



    RanjeetSohale wrote:

    I am ok for that but active only plans is right, but in accordance with the foregoing, two data line table in the table SQL V$ so both active and plan cost is high and the other is low.

    Yes that's right cost is different, he means here another effective plan for oracle will analyze the declaration again and stored as new slider of the child. Especially since I explained that.

  • How to determine if a data type is used in the comic book?

    I am currently planning to install GoldenGate proof of Concept and have questions about the data types supported by the capture mode (pg 1-5, 1-6 in the installation guide). Is not in itself a matter of GoldenGate.

    Our source and target databases are
    The GG server will be
    I'm new to the environment and want to confirm that we needn't upgrade the source and target the DBs to in order to use the integrated capture mode. This forces me to know if 3 specific types of data are used in the comics. The problem is, Oracle docs aren't clear to me, when they refer to 3 specific data types.

    Here's the question:

    Does anyone know how I can confirm that the following 3 data types are used in the DB by querying the dictionary: "XML stored in binary form',"XML stored as object-relational","abstract data Type "?

    If I select the types of data separate from dba_tab_columns, I see no data enumerated type that indicates, for example, that an XML string is stored as a ' binary '.

    For me, when Oracle made reference to a "stored as binary XML" on page 1-6 on the installation guide, I guess that makes Oracle refers to a BLOB that contains an XML reference, but I can't be sure.

    Someone has an idea that they could share? I just want to confirm that we do not have to upgrade our source and target DBs at by searching in the database is possible to confirm that the above 3 data types are not used by the application.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Tony G

    You should find XML columns stored in binary form or CLOB using the DBA_XML_TAB_COLS view referenced in http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e23094/xdb01int.htm#g644983.

    You should find XML tables using storage relational object in the view DBA_OBJECT_TABLES with:


    To abstract data type, you can query DBA_TAB_COLUMNS using ADT as literal for DATA_TYPE column:

    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> drop table t purge;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop type adt;
    Type dropped.
    SQL> --
    SQL> create type adt is object
      2  (
      3   c1 number,
      4   c2 varchar2(30)
      5  ) final
      6  /
    Type created.
    SQL> show errors
    No errors.
    SQL> create table t
      2  (
      3  c adt
      4  )
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> show errors
    No errors.
    SQL> --
    SQL> column table_name format a10
    SQL> column column_name format a10
    SQL> column data_type format a10
    SQL> select
      2  table_name,
      3  column_name,
      4  data_type
      5  from user_tab_columns
      6  where
      7  table_name='T';
    ---------- ---------- ----------
    T          C          ADT

    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 8 Apr. 2013 20:28

    Edited by: P. Forstmann on 8 Apr. 2013 21:05

  • Should what data type I use to store more than 4000 characters in a column

    Hello friends,

    I am currently using the suite oracle version for my database:

    SQL > select * from v version $;

    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
    PL/SQL release

    SQL > create table clobexample (clob t1);

    SQL > insert into clobexample values ('aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... ») ;

    Error in the command line: 2 column: 8
    Error report:
    SQL error: ORA-01704: string literal too long
    01704 00000 - "string literal too long."
    * Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
    * Action: Use a string literal of more than 4,000 characters.
    Longer values can only be entered using bind variables.

    My request is that what kind of data can I use table to enter more than 4000 characters in the table, I even tried with clob (example) above, but it is not favourable.
    Is there another way of letting?

    Please help me.
    Thank you in advance.
    Kind regards.


    You can use the same CLOB, but you cannot insert directly, you may need to use the pl/sql.

    Try the method mentioned in this link.


    see you soon


  • Cannot load data into Essbase using ODI

    Hi guys,.

    Help help. I have problem loading data into essbase using ODI. The error message is
    java.sql.SQLException: unexpected token: ACCOUNT in the statement [select C1_ACCOUNT "" account]

    I have a very simple flat file that are similar to the below:

    Account, resources, time, data
    Active, Na_Resource, Jan, 10
    Active, Na_Resource, 12, February

    With the same flat files, I am able to load data to load rules.

    I use and ODI essbase. I use the ODI to load members and data in the planning without any problem.

    Thank you


    It seems to generate an extra set of quotation marks around the SQL, in my interface it generates.

    SQL = "" "select C1_ACCOUNT 'Account', C2_PERIOD 'Period', C3_RESOURCE 'Resource', C4_DATA 'Data' of the" C$ _0TestApp_testData "where (1 = 1) «»

    Note the single quotes around the account.

    If you go to the topology Manager, on the tab of the physical architecture, right-click 'Hyperion Planning' > 'change '.
    Select the "Langugage" tab for the "JYTHON" line, make sure that the "Object Delimiter" field has no quotes, if it's remove and apply and save.

    See you soon


  • A Web site can store data for offline use without asking?

    In options, advanced, network, web content offline and the user data, I 'tell me when a website asks to store data for use in offline mode"checked

    And then in the box below that lists Web sites that are allowed to store data for offline use there is an entry "https://forecast.io".

    This site never asked me to store data offline, and I never did anything to him. The website showed there before, I removed it and now it's back.

    So, since I have the box checked to tell me when a site asks you, means that there is not just ask?

    Yes, a Web site can store data for offline use without asking and can do even if you have checked the option 'tell me when a website asks to store data for use in offline mode', because this option does not work correctly. See the bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=959985

    As far as I know, it does not mean that the site simply "did not", it's just that the option does not work (or maybe only works in the case where the data are larger than the pref in offline mode - apps.quota.warn?)

    The workaround given by cor - el above, must currently off - apps.allow_by_default set to false.

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    I have limited wifi data. I exceptionally voluminous data to be used and cannot identify the cause. I find that I keep seeing on the bottom line of firefox something like: "loading 500 5678 email." However, I don't, of course a lot of emails saved. Could this be a cause of excess data usage?

    The question here is, a full synchronization actually occurred, or there is still ongoing... Or is Thunderbird re download all your emails again and again.

    There the question is one of these things what you want anyway?

    So right click on the gmail account in the folder tree and select settings.
    Composition and addressing uncheck "keep messages for this account on this computer. This will mean that the information used to build summary lists to download. The rest will be downloaded only when you click on an email to see. It is the most stingy bandwidth setting.

    Make a right click the Gmail account again and this time choose to subscribe. Deselect all messages and other files that you don't really want to see. Important is one that I have clear as they are in the Inbox anyway. This will reduce more downloads and duplicates in all mail will be not downloaded nor will be unsubscribed folders.

  • I have a problem. Update of Flash Player required you must download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to view this content. but my Flash player is up-to-date. I use ubuntu10.4, firefox 8.0

    I have a problem. Update of Flash Player required you must download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to view this content. but my Flash player is up-to-date. I use ubuntu10.4, firefox 8.0

    You are welcome

  • potential problems with executable files using VISA

    Hi, I have a LV 2012 SP1 source code developed under Windows 7. The source code uses VISA for serial communication. I built from this source code executables that work without problems on a PC with Windows 7.
    Now I use Windows 8 and build the executables from the same source code, I have used before. However, when you use the new executables (under Windows 8) on the same PC with Windows 7 as before, I get an error in the communication of VISA.

    The error is: property node (arg 1) in .vi VISA set up a Serial Port (Instr)

    Once again: 1. executables built under Windows 7 work on a PC under Windows 7

    2. executables built under Windows 8 will not work on a Windows 7 PC (error VISA)

    the source code is the same

    Suggestions, which could be at the origin of this are most welcome.

    An EXE that uses the VISA must be the VISA installed runtime.  It is like not having not drivers for your program.  Create a Setup program using the similar project about how you made an EXE file.  Include the exe in the installation program and under additional installers choose the software that is required by the EXE.  This will usually include the runtime LabVIEW and VISA.  From 2013 the additional installers will try to predict the software needed by the EXE.

Maybe you are looking for

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