
Mask with a transparent visor

It is a very simple thing that I should know how to do...! But can someone please explain how I can paste a mask on an object and to remove anything below on the layer below to get out of the box transparant. Kel if I have a square 100 x 100 and want

can't draw a rectangle!

I had 8 fireworks for more than a year, and the other day started this problem: I can't draw a rectangle with sharp corners. I select the normal rectangle tool, not the rounded corners. As I drag my mouse to make the rectangle, the value of the round

Problem with trial version

I had a problem trying to open the trial version of Fireworks CS3. Here is the message I received: Was a problem when trying to load the Adobe Fireworks CS3 trial period. Click on leave to see if rebooting your computer or by reinstalling the softwar

Fireworks does not not at startup

Hi all IM pulling my hair out here... all applications (including Fireworks) in my Studio MX 2004 will not start. I can't find help or the recognition of this problem in Adobe's Web site. Someone had it happen to them... and if so, they were able to

Can I get layers save as a PNG saving as HTML?

My images are not well ina GIF format, I really need to do them in a format JPG or PNG, so that they appear on the Web site clearly. NOTE * I export as CSS layers. TIA

Close the window

HelloIn the behaviors panel, I have an "open window", but I don't see one for 'close this window '. Please could someone tell me how I apply javascript code to my image that I prepared in fireworks for "close this window". Thank you Dave Sofield

Cannot associate Fireworks PNG files in XP

Stats: Windows XP Pro SP2, Adobe Fireworks CS3 After that I've installed CS3 and then uninstalled Studio MX 2004, my PNG files are no longer associated with any program. When you click 'Open with' Adobe Fireworks does not appear in the list. When you

What happened to Alien Skin Splat in CS3?

Hi all. I searched the forum and not found a similar topic... so I apologize if this has already been answered elsewhere. In previous versions of fireworks, I enjoyed the ease of adding edge effects (for example the pixelated or torn edges), but the

hover link

Note that what to call what I'm doing?want the stationary action on a menu or any text to display different images on the same page; images of change based on what you spend.

Copy layer styles in fireworks

How can I copy and paste layer styles in fireworks from any file open in Fireworks itself or in photoshop psd or png? in photoshop, it's just right click and copy or paste layer styles. but in Fireworks, I see no similar option.

Corrupted files PNG in Fireworks CS3

I was halfway through save my huge PNG (a value of 15 pages) when the power is out and now I can not open the same (could not open file, unknown file type). Is there a way I can fix my TI? I made a backup copy of it yesterday but I have several hours

How to return multiple images using the batch command

With the help of Fireworks 8. I have a document with more than 200 executives. In the "Command"-> "Batch commands" menu I have the possibility of rotation and or multiple or individual images blur. What I would really like to do is to return all 200

Fireworks Brush Lag?

I really want to learn how to effectively use the Fireworks, but it just is not happening like that... I don't know if it's something wrong with just my install or software, but when I use the Brush tool and the Brush tool only, it is extremely laggy

FireWorks CS3 - Admin Install

Hello Is there a tool or documentation on how to create an administrative installation so that the product can be distributed by a system such as SMS or Radia? Also, someone at - he could verify that the ADBEFWKSCS3_WWE.exe download web content is th

Delete the photo outside of a circle

I want to draw a circle around a photo (easy enough) then just out of the picture set to white. Sounds easy enough, but I just cannot find a way to do it. Can anyone explain it please?

Strange color fill problem

I'm having a strange problem in my version of Fireworks MX 2004. When I try to color fill a selected area of an existing image and I chose a specific web-safe color, filled it with a completely different color. For example, I am filling my bitmap wit

Double line

Hi all I'm using fireworks 8. I would like to explain a rectangle with double contour or double line. I can't find this type of stroke under 'stroke options' on the property Panel. Any help in this matter is much appreciated.

Fireworks, Photoshop, and Illustrator

Hello I don't know whether to show this in the Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator forums or. Horrible design of two other forums and the fact that no matter how it was referenced, I could not find a button to add a topic (and Yes, I was connected) bro

Question on the amendment of the fires of artifice-errasing.

How can I have errase stuff in fireworks? For example, I have a cirle and I want errase about 30 percent of that circle... as a tool for erraser in the paint. How do I do that?

[SOLVED] How to create transparent watermarks with Fireworks?

I am creating a watermark for a few pictures using Fireworks and I can't find a way to make the text transparent/faded so that you can see the picture through them. Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.