iOS Apps

Hidden pics still show in film

When I hide the pictures in my camera roll, they appear in the 'Hidden' folder, but they still appear in the film. Is not the purpose of this feature to not to show the photos in the camera roll? As much as I can say that I use this feature correctly

photos of the harvest in iOS 9.2.1

How can I pix camera iPhone IOS 9.2.1 culture

Is there a memo app on the app store music?

Hello team, can someone tell me if there is a memo app on the app store music?

How to get the new iOS Go makes a loop in your Mac

I was wondering why the new Go for iOS great new loops were not available after you import for mac via iCloud. You would think that these sounds would be also available on the Mac side, but they were not. So, when you import your song, you get a mess

Can GarageBand iOS Open GarageBand (Mac) file stored in iCloud

I created a file garageband on my Mac (capital el) and armed it on my iCloud drive. I would like to have on my iPad, but couldn't find how do. Is it compatible?

Help! I installed yesterday the music notes with approximately 900 MB of free space on my iPhone 8 gb 5 c. When I tried to record a song of the trial, I got a message saying that I had no space on my phone. ITunes says I have 2.7 GB on the other!

Help! I installed yesterday the music notes with approximately 900 MB of free space on my iPhone 8 gb 5 c. When I tried to record a song of the trial, I got a message saying that I had no space on my phone. ITunes says I have 2.7 GB on the other! Any

After having imported iOS song Garage Band. CAF missing files.

Are these files .caf assume to be on the Mac's Garageband version? I think they would unless it is a sound that must be changed manually in Garage Band for Mac. Does anyone know? The song sounds great, but when I import icloud, I get this message...

My ideas are parties?

k. I downloaded the application. I recorded a few songs. Maybe 8 or 9. I closed out of the app by habit when I switch to a different application. Just reopened the music memos app and all my "ideas" have disappeared. I just recorded a new test t out

Need to work if its use with the vocal participation

I'm an average singer - not the world largest, but nowhere near the worst either. I tried verses to sing a few songs in the music notes (Sinatra Strangers in the night and the (British) National Anthem), then tried adding the drums and bass. The resu

on the use of my garage band recordings I did on my iphone to the macbook

Hello I put 2 different users on my mac and then each user has a player different icloud? I ask to use my garageband files that are stored in my icloud drive in the mac with my user account. is this possible? Thank you very much for your help Eren

No MIDI of Bluetooth device after 2.1 update?

Updated to version 2.1 of Garageband. I used to connect to the Bluetooth MIDI devices to play on the keyboard. The menu seems to have disappeared now - anyone else seeing this?

Applications not supported

I bought an app a couple of days and had a problem.  I asked the support and said he was is no longer supported and it seems, that it has not been supported since approximately 2013.  They have also increased the price in the last two days.  It doesn

The ipad on-air garage band 2 is awesome, finally

I have just download the update on ipad, the new Go is awesome. Finally

Music note does not.

Music memo reports any attempt to record as "Too quiet", even if it makes the (quiet) records. Is it possible to fix grades? Also, I see no way to access the accompanying parts, which I think are supposed to be bass and drums.

Cannot send the podcast

I can't submit my podcast in iTunes. When I get my Podcast feed URL I get an error saying "we currently live technical difficulties. Please try again later. "This has been the case for two days, could someone please help.

My files


Is there a way to move the existing files to new music notes memo?

I love the new music notes app Apple has just come out. I have a ton of chords and riffs recorded in the memos. Is it possible to move these in the musical notes? Thank you for your courage!

I download the video from the cloud, and he just Gray with no inside pictures.

I see media in the sidebar to iMovie on my iPad pro. When I select a video clip, it must first download it. before it downloads I can see what is in the clip. After downloading, it goes gray. also, nothing ever appears in the section overview top of

Not found audio input device

When you record a voice on the audio input device says iphone not found. In the micro-life the iMovie app does not appear. What should do? Thanks Pierre
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