Lenovo Tablets

Android keyboard

I'm new on this I hope forgive me if I ask fundamental questions that I should know the answer.  I've owned an A2109 Ideapad for two weeks.  Yesterday that I got an error message that says that "Unfortunately the android keyboard has stopped".  It ap

SD card not recognized in A07

Dear I have upgraded my device (A1-07) to 4 android but the Sd Card not recognized by Tablet what should I do. I can not install any program. Please help me Kind regards M.S.Homayouni

[Solved] Intermittent WiFi dropouts of A2109A-F

Hi all A few days ago I bought the Tablet and am going nuts top soon. With ICS so JB I have experience the same problem on 3 of 4 WiFi I have intermittent dropouts where first the indicator turns gray then disappears and comes back on after a few sec

IdeaPad format SD A2107A-H

Hi I have an A2107A-H ideapad someone tell me if you can put a bigger size, sd card, then a 32 gb as a 56 or 128 GB if it isn't what they out do thank you babylonzoo5

A2107A-F Bloatware Android uninstall help

I have a new model of A2107A-F 2298. He has a lot of apps that I don't need. Application management screen offers only an off button. How to uninstall unwanted applications?

Where can I get the sources of the S2109 kernel?

I saw that you have unlocked, some sources for some of your pills, but I can't find the source of the kernel or android for S2109, I would like to develop for the S2109, but I can't find sources, could release you?


Hello.. My A1 tab has been updated to Android 4.0. It'sfine. But in android 2.3, we used to have Navdroyd application where it will be wor GPS offline. But in ICS android 4.0, it is not available. Please give me the link to download the same or give

Idea Pad A1 turns off when connecting to WiFi

Ive done a complete reset, but it still occurs. Any ideas?

Help! A 2109

Please help me to root and install google game for A2109

How can I access the boot of a lenovo a2109?

Hello. I have a lenovo, a China shop. the thing is that the tablet had no google shop installed (only the lenovo, in Chinese), so when I tried to install the Google store, it did not work. I downloaded (A2109 us firmware A2109A_A404_02_04_120821_LV_W

Lenovo A2109

Hello guys, I just bought a lenovo A2109 of a Chinese Web site. the Tablet works fine but the thing is I is not market google on this subject, only the Witch of lenovo is in chinease, and I can not install many Jules Destrooper on it. I want to chang

line flashes across the screen

I am a thin line of black flash when I read a book on kindle or when I use the internet. It is visible only when I'm on a blank page and sometimes in 1 minute increments. No idea what the problem is, or is - it just a normal thing

Launcher activity does not

I kept getting this message and it took ages to move between applications. I did a search and found this solution that worked. 04-03-201209:25 AM

ZTE S2109 - Hebrew keyboard installation

Bought in the United States and now in train to install the keyboard - Hebrew, this possible? Looking for info but I can't find "will be happy to get some help, thanks.

Can post us links to offers stand?

I bought my A2109 for $250 on a contract of limited availability.  I want to post links to the offers that I find.  Is this allowed and if so, the appropriate forum or is he a dedicated thread? Thank you. FloRider

Need HELP: ICS update

I tried everything that I can to update my K1 to ICS. I was able to download the drivers and followed the instructions but I still keep on this error message. Please help me. I know I'm late in this game, but appreciate any advice on how to get past

Problems with error frequent messages re: Google Services Framework

I have an a-1 IdeaPad I bought two months ago.  I get this very common error message: "Sorry!"  The application Google Services Framework (process com.google.process.gapps) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. » So, I click on 'Force close' an

A1 does not recognize the internal or external SD card

Well, as you have read, my A1 cannot recognize the internal SD. When I go to configuration< storage="">< internal="" storage,="" it="" says="" that="" there="" is="" nothing,="" i="" mean="" 0.00="" gb="" availables="" and="" 0.00="" being=""> It hap

Help! No instructions on moving from 2.3.4 to ICS? IdeaPad A1

is there anyone can help with the installation of ICS on A1? Displacement of 2.3 last to ICS official version --- A1 16G

Force nearby mystery APA each Power On

Hi all I have 822_SG build I bought in Singapore.  Since I did the 1st and the system update only to 822, I have a recurring problem "force close".  It makes me crazy, because I can't understand what app is causing the problem.  This is the error mes
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