Lenovo Tablets

I couldn't put a password for my laptop

Hi all I tried to put a password for my laptop but I can't, he says that I have to take something away from UBS even I don't have nothing put on do you know if I can solve this problem?

ZTE a219a does not connect crashes upward on obtaining IP address

I have a linksys router. I rebooted the router and the ZTE. I disabled my firewall. I don't know what else to try. He just hangs up on obtaining IP address...

Drop in power during an A2109 charger.

Hi all: I've had my A2109 for the right to a week now. And for all the portΘs I like it, but I have a little problem I do not understand. I'll use my Tablet while on power adapter Lenovo it will be clocked at 100% for a few hours or more. Then it wil

IdeaTabA2109A cover rear

I write this request again that I have not much response last time :-) I can't understand how to remove the rear cover to the SIM/SD Sockets. Can someone please help? Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a manual for this product on the website of

A2109 2 problems with networking and an HDMI output

I had an A2109 for Christmas and have 2 occurring of questions that I need help on. 1. I was never able to get the HDMI to work. I tried 2 different cables, as well as 2 different TV and when I plug the microphone to the Tablet and the TV, my TV cabl

A2109 - what is the screen? I guess what no gorilla glass?

Hello I have 2 of A2109 on command.  I was trying to get an iPad, but saw these on sale at Newegg for 229 and decided that I could get one for my wife and one for me for the same price as a single Apple device.  And specifications are superb.  Yes, I

A2109 Roma?

I see a thread for the Roma in k-1, but the list is not for the A2109. Or I'm mssing something? If I am, could someone please either share a link or a post-it? Thank you very much! :-)

A2107 Soft Reset

There is a reset button software under the camera behind the cover of the SIM card. Found this morning after it crashed so that the alarm! Only took me half an hour frantically web! Found nothing so it took a punt! Lenovo please get your act together

Is there a bluetooth issues with ICS / Jellybean on IdeaPad A2109

Hi all: I was wondering is there any kind of problems with the bluetooth on an A2109 with her wanting to disconnect at will and being almost impossible to get it to reconnect.I know it's a problem inheirent with ICS and on my Iconia A500 it was drivi

Mount point of the external SD card

The SD card works obviously, since I updated to 4.1 I can't find the volume with Windows Explorer ARE. What is the path to the external sd card? Link to image Moderator comment: images > 50 KB converted for programming. Community rules.

A2109A: No debugging with 4,1,1

Since I've updated to 4.1.1 JB with my A2109A, the entire development part is gray. I can't turn on USB debugging, I need to write a udev for my ubuntu-box rule with "udevadm monitor - environment - udev. Is there another way to find the ID, when deb

A2109A: Alternative update (connection failure)?

Since that my A2109A does not (failed to connect,) but Web sites work, I ask for an alternative to install Jelly Bean.

A2109 kernel/Bootloader lock?

Guten Tag, der ist the win Gerates Bootloader? Trotzdem, dass ich "fastboot oem unlock" lasst sich kein others submarines. ZB: 'fastboot boot boot.img ". Die boot.img - Datei contains den core standing auf basis von den Ruhreier Kernelquellen und der

Where can I find a power supply for the IdeaPad A2109?

How are you? Looking for an another power for the A2109 adapter... Havnt found the original in eBay... Anyone know where to find the power adapter? Is if not the original - a generic alternative in good quality? All the details? Please do not hesitat

How to disable the UI on A2109

I noticed in my question about 2 Anti Virus programs exisiting on the same shelf witout rooting togethr I could go back to settings and disable Norton and then I could install my favorite Anti Virus safe. My question is if I can do the samething to g

Carpet of dead idea A1 - switched itself off the coast, does not load

Hi, can someone please help me? Yesterday my A1 itself turned off and could not Ωtre amorcΘ up/lit again. Thought it was at least 50% charged, but I tried plugging charger anyway. No answer, no charging orange or green LED but leave all night. Still

A1 7 "help please. I want to calibrate the touch screen

help please. I want to calibrate the touch screen and I get touch calibration failed. "my tablet is lenovo ideapad a1 7" Oppressed accidentally touch calibration and restart the Tablet, but it is now very sencible and just put my finger is selected.

K1 Micro SD card Question

I just installed a micro SD card in my K1 and I don't know how to tell if it is recognized. I went to settings, then storage, then SD card and pushed "mount SD card" and nothing seems to happen. Can someone tell me what I need to do?

A1 - Micro SD problem

Hey guys, new to the Forum My problem is with the Micro SD, stay inside its compartment. I push, he goes deep, but do not click / press in place, if you know what I mean. How can I solve temporarily is buy closing the door of the compartment, thus ke

K1 browser stop since update system a few days ago

K1 browser stops on some websites now since the update of system a few days ago.  It worked well on those same sites, last week before the update.   ANDROID KERNEL K1-A301-12-12-111109-US BUILD 321
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