SanDisk Products

SanDisk Ultra Drive Letter missing problem

Did a search but don't seem to find something that fits to my problem. I have several Sandisk Ultra USB flash drives, for most versions of 16 GB with a 32 GB version and for some strange reason, whenever I have insert in a Windows computer (Windows 7

3 Glide 3.0 Cruzer 16 GB not recognized by my computer

I bought 3 of these at Costco. None of them are recognized when I plug it into a socket USB 3. They simply do not exist. I tried the windows Disk Manager and two different third-party partitioning programs. NADA. How can I fix it? I'm on a critical u

iXpand App update 1.4.2 - Select + button freezes the screen and blocking app

After removing the SanDisk iXpand version 1.4.1 of my Air iPad app and my iPad Pro and then restart the devices - and then download and install the latest app iXpand 1.4.2 (available today 3/4) I still have problems with the app crashing. I have more

iXpand Flash Drive with firmware 4.4.7 and iPhone/iPad with iOS 9.2.

I have 5 (!) iXpand Flash Drives (all updated with latest firmware 4.4.7) and have tried on iPhone and iPad with iOS 9.2. None of them are able to find the real or videos in folders on my iPhone/iPad, just the cards where the photo files and images v

How to remove ixpand for ipad

Am sure that if you are 'with it' my question seem you stupid. I know that to eject ixpand main PC pressing on eject safely... How can I remove ixpand of iPad safely? I look everywhere and impossible to find all the instructions... I have just come o

How to load ixpand

can someone tell me... To load ixpand, I know I can plug it into computer. But I can also use the card to apple... Remove the cable for iPad and connect the ixpand? My apologies in advance if I'm posting this evil... New on this

A way to select a range of photos to transfer?

I am manually transfer of photos, because the iXpand is having major problems, you try to transfer all files at the same time, my iPhone to the iXpand.    It simply stops transfer. So, I'm now trying to transfer 300-400 at the same time. Sometimes wo

SecureAccess iXpand for mac

I tried to install the software on my Mac, but unfortunately it does not work. It just says that it cannot be installed on this drive. Any thoughts?

the export-NTFS option is missing

Hello have buy usb etxrme (64 GB) a year default NTFS? I don't remember if I convert it to FAT 32.i have 3 questions: (1) why when I formatting through windows, I see two options? (NTFS and exFAT) of other usb drives, I see 3 options: NTFS-FAT

SanDisk Extreme 64 GB readyboost compatible?

Hey all. I can't find the answer to this question anywhere on the net. SanDisk 64 GB Extreme is compatible with readyboost for windows 8.1? Thank you!

I want to buy a new flash drive, help me choose please :(

Hello guys! )) I am looking to buy a new flash drive, I transfer a lot of files and folders that exceed the limit of 4 GB to fat32 I liked the Extreme Sandisk 64 GB, but I did some research and apparently has two versions, one that reads 190 MB/s and

Decryption of the .dat files

If I lost my USB, but still had a backup stored on my computer, I would be able to buy a new SD card and extract the files?


Apparently my sansa fuse + died made pay now for more than 24 hours said I am connected battery is turned on but the lightning passes through it understand nt... MY question is since I can use the player to listen to my music on my PC is possible tha

confusion of space

My Cruzer 2 GB gives me. He says that I only 686 (or almost) of space to this topic, but the thing is, I'm not anywhere near this amount of things on it. The biggest record on this is about 94 MB or so, the second being more large 10 MB, the third wi

To remove a virtual CD to the USB

I have a USB flash, who is suspended for an extended period when inserted, and I suspect it's the partition CD virtual ROM I created awhile back. I can't diskmanager (Win7) to delete the partition. Are there available utilities to remove the virtual

microSD adapter is not read on my laptop

I have the microsd adapter with a card of 8 GB that he will read on other computers, but not mine. has deleted something by accident? do I need to download certain types of software to make it work again? Help, please!

microSD 8 GB put in shape

I have a 8 GB microsd card that I used for a cricket phone I got I went to at & t and now my phone won't store pictures on the map... How do I format so I can use it on my new phone?   I don't know if it's important but I have windows 7 and an at & t

Need remote, power supply, A / V cable and IR transmitter

Hello, I just bought a V-Mate from Amazon, but it came only with the USB cable and the unit itself. The seller claims she only used as a card reader and never received all the 'other' things. Well, what makes it pretty useless unless I can find a sou

CLIP + must show the title of the album during playback

My CLIP + does not show the title of the album during playback.  It shows only the artist and title of the song.  This is ridiculous and should be easily solved.

How about some sofrtware for linux?

It would be a great help!
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