SanDisk Products

System Windows 10 image

Hi people, I am not tech savy and need help.  I just bought a microsoft surface 4 pro and a 128 GB ultra sandisck. I tried to create a system image and 10 ultra says windows must be NTFS. So I reformatted it in NTFS.  Now windows 10 says this ultra i

Cannot copy file names that include the slashes, commas, etc.

Hello. I am trying to copy files from my old Mac G5 tower (about 10 years).  But my copy fails with an error message when trying to copy a file name that includes a special character.  Is there a way to get around this? To clarify: when it runs in a

can't view photos on file?

I have a lot of pictures in my CruzerGlide 3.0 32 GB in the SecureAcces folder. Everything works very well about the secure vault etc... etc... However, I would like to browse the photos as usual photos on a Pc by clicking NEXT or PREVIOUS (or with t

Extreme problem USB 3.0 on Windows

I have the wrong huge... I got my extreme USB3.0 flash drive 64GB and everything works perfectly on my OS to the MacBook.Whenever I have insert the drive to the Windows computer, it is not recognized... and wants format me it to size 200 MB max. I ha

Unable to access Extreme Cruzer 16 GB USB 3.0

Strange thing happened to my Cruzer. When I attach to USB port I hear this sound characteristic that something is plugged. In Device Manager, it seems almost instantly. But when I open my computer most of the time I don't see anything. When my Cruzer

Win7 Ultra USB 3.0 - cannot install

'OK' is gray, after I enter and confirm my password. I turn Read/Only in the vault and downloaded the current version (identical to the version on Ultra). Attempt to install on Win 8.0 system;  'Ultra Installation' of the installation on my SSD files

What is the individual metal ring sticking out the top of my new Cruzer 16 Gb usb flash drive?

A quick question: what is the little metal ring sticking out the top of the page top of my new Cruzer 16 GB "micro" flash?  What can it be used? Thanks for your advice. -G. Roberts 'Gary' Stevenson

Cruzer 16 GB - error message Pop

Hello I just bought Cruzer 16 GB Pop. I tried to transfer a 6.5 GB file and received the following message: "the issue cannot be copied because it is too large for the size of the volume. If I transfer a file of 1 GB is fine. rrrr stange. What Miss m

setting up a USB SanDisk flash drive

I just bought a SanDisk 8 GB flash drive for use with my iMac running OS10.5.8 and can't find how to access the download of the software required for Macs. Can someone tell me where it is. Thank you very much Bernard Watson


Hello! Well, I just bought the USB last week during a visit in new york (best buy). Now, back in my country (Argentina), I opened the box and she asked for the format. also it only regnizes 64 MB. Format does not work (I tried all different types of

SanDisk Cruzer power 32 GB USB recognized as a hard drive instead of the removable storage driver.

Hi, my sandisk Cruzer power 32 GB USB key is recognized as hard disk, which appears in the section hard drives instead of the section of removable storage. I would like to know how to solve this problem. I want to create bootable USB driver.pls. ~ I

Fixed/Local Flash drives.

If I understand the situation, flash drives (almost?) always identified themselves as removable. With the release of Windows 8, SanDisk has taken the decision that their readers identify as fixed/Local, which is not removable. However, Sandisk and th

SanDisk Extreme USB 3.0 unusable as Windows support install all other key 3.0 USB works

Hello I've explained the problem that is described in detail in the following thread, please read full for understand what is the problem. http://www.wincert.NET/forum/topic/11021-SanDisk-Extreme-30-32GB-cant-go-on-at-install-destination/ In short: T

Media converter is not converting

Try using Sansa Media Converter on a jpg image. I click on "Convert", and some activity seems to happen.  But when it's over, there is no converted image.  There is nothing.  Nothing in the designated destination folder and no change to the original

Cards for new SDXC (extended capacity Secure) USB drives

Hello Just a question for Dr.Lucky or someone who can help. I read the info SDXC to sdcard website but there are a few points I want to be clarified. New SDXC format was launched and are of exFAT file system format, I long as I understand it, you can

Ultra Backup 64 GB: how to restore files on a public computer?

Hello I recently bought a Sandisk Ultra Backup flash with a capacity of 64 GB drive. U3 removed, the software installed on my PC - everything worked well. Now, if I come to a public computer with my USB key, I can not install the backup software. So,

Cruzer 8 GB video question

I want to put a 13 min. (6 GB) video on my drive but it says that the file is too big.  How?

Oh noes! My SanDisk Cruzer has stopped working!

When I plug it, nothing happens. I tried my mother's cell phone, my laptop (on Linux AND windows) and a computer at school. The light does not illuminate and the computer behaves as if nothing is fixed. "It's an 8 GB drive that I got from

4GB micro card does not work with my PC

I just went out and I bought a 4 GB micro SDHC for my phone, and I want to put a bunch of music on it from my PC. but my PC does not read the card, and whenever I try to ring its menu, my computer crashes. Can someone help me please?


I bought a Sandisk Sansa for me about a year ago and I loved it.  So, because I was happy with it, I bought one for my 12 year old daughter.  We went online together and spotted a few dozen songs she liked and she went on her merry way.  A few weeks
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