SanDisk Products

USB 3.0 64 GB - access Windows 7 problem

I used the disc flash Ref for a long time. Appear as an icon in my computer (local disk), it asks me to format it. I can see it in devices and printers. Is there something wrong with the file system? Is it possible to restore it?

SanDisk Cruzer power 32 GB has boring secureaccess v2

Hi all I have 5 Sandisk Cruzer 32 GB Force, I will use them to deploy .bin image on my company PC. I use imageUSB by the pass mark, to create an image of USB .bin file. The problem is, after the process is done and finished checking, no files have be

USB drive not appearing is not in UEFI

Hello This is my first post, its probably in the wrong place. My 8 gb Sandisk cruzer has a picture of Kali Linux on it that I am using to boot from. However, when I go into my startup options, I can't choose to boot from USB even when its plugged in!

Reading full drive and cannot see the files! Mac OSX 10.4.11 to 10.6.8 - 32 GB Cruzer USB Glide

I just bought the Sandisc Cruzer Glide 32 GB flash drive to move photos from one MAC to another. -J' have plugged my MAC running 10.4.11 and slipped the records on that I wanted to move. I have not install or use the software Sandisc because it was c

Multiple Cruzers?

Why should I reassign the drive letter to the USB port every time I use a different Cruzer? This is the only way Vista will be recoginize the flash player. THX,

SanDisk extreme pro 128 GB cannot create the NTFS partition

HelloI have a sandisk extreme pro 128 GB usb and I try to format it to NTFS in windows and it is impossible.The only way I success for formatting on my MAC but the NTFS partition is not visible in Windows...Use NTFS or HFS partition without problems,

SanDisk Cruzer Slice

Hello world I hope that this will be answered quickly, because it is urgent. I bought the cruzer slice and apparently there a vault with a password. I don't have this need. I wanted to copy a 13 GB file in the main directory, but my system was told t

Cruze Slice 32 GB declaring open, when it is not open.

Every morning. I recently bought a new 32 GB Cruzer Slice and it comes back with the message Sandisk Secure Access is already open, which is not. Delete or restart does not solve the problem, another thing I notice is copied a link to another drive o

I bought a 32 GB USB CRUZER EDGE today. I can't use it (RAW problem)

I bought a 32 GB USB CRUZER EDGE today. I can't use it. USB is in RAW format and I can't format it. How do I do for change in NTFS or FAT32?

Cruzer Fit - included files

Hello Just bought one of these Fit USB Cruzer flash drives and initially, I want to put a top lightweight linux distro to work with my PC bios.  However, I see that this player comes with the following files and would like to know please if I copy th

SanDisk cruzer 16 GB - error adding files

Hello I recently bought Adobe C6 and opted for download, rather than discs.  Now that I installed it on my computer, I wanted a return to the top on a Flash drive, just in case we need on the road. I picked up a sandisk cruzer 16 GB disk because the

SecureAccess for Cruzer Edge

I recently bought a Cruzer Edge 16 GB of Office Depot. This was done after that I read in the characteristics of the product on the SanDisk website that it comes with the SanDisk SecureAccess software to protect the contents of the Flash Player. When

Pension product

Well well after 3 years or more than 8 hours, a day use that my rocket starts acting wonky. I decided to completely withdraw my Connect 5 years and make the "rocket" my player going to bed... which means that I only will use during the night. Regardi

Cruzer / Keychain incompatibility?

I recently bought an 8BG Cruzer and was taken aback when I discovered I couldn't attach it to a key ring.  The small metal rod does not accept any type of ring or hook. I called technical support and they it's new design, and it is actually designed

Sort by year, album, disc number

I think the rocket and the clip kind something like (alphabetically) artist > album (alphabetically) > songs (according to track number). It would be better if this was sorted in this way: (alphabetically) artist > album (per year) > songs (with numb

Radio recorded covers of songs - legal?

I have recorded a bunch of songs on the radio with my rocket, replaced .wav .mp3 format, edited the songs (gave good titles, artists, albums, years, genres) and put them in the section music of the "rocket".  First of all, I did it with Rhapsody.  Ho

Question contact Sansa?

Sansa always takes awhile to respone to your mail electronics/question? I was wondering.

Well, I'm stupid. How to post photos?

I give up. I can't understand how to insert an image in my response messages. I tried the Insert/edit image, paste from Word button button and just copy and paste. I get the "your message was changed because the incorrect HTML code was found in the b