A Remote Assistance connection could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer could not be resolved

I am trying to use remote assistance to help with my brothers computer. We both use XP, but when I try to open remote assistance to view and or even take control of his computer, I get an error message: connection A Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved. Why this might be happening?


It depends on how the computers are connected and their intellectual property regime.

They are on the same network (e.g., connected to the same router)?

Through the Internet? Something else?


Jack - Microsoft MVP, Windows networking. WWW.EZLAN.NET

Tags: Windows

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  • I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    You get the error "a Remote Assistance connection could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer could not be resolved" when the requesting computer (the computer 'demand' help) sends its private IP address instead of its public IP address in the request for assistance. The solution is 'easy' for some and difficult for others. I present here for your perusal:

    (1) obtain the public IP address of the requesting computer (by visiting a web page such as http://www.whatismyip.com)
    (2) save the remote assistance request computers
    (3) modify the remote request for Assistance (RcBuddy.MsRcIncident) using a text editor (such as notepad) and replace the private - section of IP address should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    with the public IP address from whatismyip.com or elsewhere - should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    (4) save the file of RcBuddy.MsRcIncident 'new '.
    (5) double click it to connect to the computer needing help
    (6) cross your fingers and hope it works!

    I hope this helps someone else - if it's too much trouble, feel free to use the tools mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

    -Computers Acorp

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    The remote session was disconnected because the local computer client access license could not be upgraded or renewed on Windows xp.

    Thank you
    Deepak Labonté.

    Hello annelabonnote

    Thank you for visiting the Microsoft Answers site. The question you have posted is related to Windows Server 2003 and would be better suited to the Windows Server TechCenter community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will support what ask you:


  • Cannot connect with active domain Directory, because the local policy of this system does allow you to log on interactively.

    Cannot connect with active domain Directory, because the local policy of this system does allow you to log on interactively.

    You will need to create a new post on the TechNet forum for assistance in the field of related issues:

  • Cannot convert Server 2008 R2 Machine get error: Instant The VSS cannot be stored, because there is not enough space on the source volumes or because the source computer does not all NTFS volumes. Error code: 2147754783 (0x8004231F).

    I have a couple of server 08 R2 machines where the P to V conversion fails.  I did some research and the problem seems to be related to the system reserved Partition that has 0% available 100 MB free space.  Conversion fails with the error below.

    VSS snapshots cannot be stored because there is not enough space on the source volumes or because the source computer has not all NTFS volumes. Error code:
    2147754783 (0x8004231F).

    Someone had this problem and came to the top with a solution or to get around?

    Thanks in advance

    Guessed it.  My snapshots Appassure did not also exist with a similar error, so that's what I did to solve it.  My servers now converted without any problem.

    1. Open disk management.
    2. Look at the partition of the PRS and see if it is 100% full.
      • If Yes, proceed to step 3.
      • If this is not the case, check if there are readers who have no more of 300 MB free (minimum requirement to use VSS).
    3. Click a drive, select properties and then select the instant snapshots tab.
    4. Ensure that all shadow copies are disabled and no limit on all players.
    5. Go to the partition of the SRP and assign the B:drive letter.
    6. Open the B: drive via disk management, and then locate the folder System Volume Information. Note: if necessary, change the folder options so that you can view hidden files, folders and drives.
    7. Right-click the System Volume Information folder, and then select Properties.
    8. On the Security tab, click Edit, and then add the group with full control everyone in the folder.
    9. Open the System Volume Information folder (you should see log files are full), open a running as an administrator command prompt and then type the following commands to unload the filter driver.
      • B:
    10. Navigate to the System Volume Information folder, and then type the following commands:
      • B:\>CD System Volume Information
      • B:\System Volume Information > AALOG_ DEL * (this will remove all of the log files, and then re-create a new)
      • B:\System Volume Information > CD\
    11. Close the command prompt window.
    12. In Windows, right click on the reserve system folder and remove the Group everyone.
    13. In Disk Manager, remove the B: drive (and click Yes when prompted with a warning window).
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    Thank you


    Since you are facing this problem only with MSN messenger, I suggest you to contact MSN messenger support group or posting in the support for assistance on the same forums.

    Here is the link: http://windowslivehelp.com/product.aspx?productid=2

    It will be useful.

  • How to connect two ESXi hosts with a connection to 1Gbps via ADJUSTABLE and the transfer of files between them?

    Dear community,

    Like many of you, I am facing the problem of executing an effective backup of VMs. unfortunately I can't use standard methods: my servers are rented from the root servers and therefore haver some limits. Their main NIC is connected to the Internet on the speed of 100 MB. It's very slow, if I try to VM backup via this connection images. In addition, backup sessions running through the shared management interface are affecting the production of virtual machine performance.

    To resolve this problem, I ordered an additional network card to each server and asked the data center to connect my themwith a physical link (crossover cable). OK, between my servers 1Gbit link is established, but how do you use now?

    -I can not move the management interface of these cards, because they have no connection to the internet.

    -I can't use among the guest computers because the guest computer is unable to access the files on disk on the host computer.

    So, I've exhausted all my ideas. Maybe someone knows the trick that will let me use 1 GB link between two machines of ESXi to mutually backup disks of virtual machines from one host to another.

    Thanks in advance for your ideas.

    Who is King


    Create a vSwitch on each host and set the NETWORK adapter that you will use with the x-over cable.

    Create a portgroup Console of service on each vSwitch and assign it an IP address on the same subnet for each server (router/gateway address does not necessary) for example and on each host.

    Connect the cables between the server network cards.

    You should have a link between two service consoles. I now download and deploy the device of the vMA, on the two hosts for the fault tolerance. Write a script on the VMAs on each host to a-i vmkfstools from one host to another and vice versa.

    If you have virtual machines registered pointing these VMDK on both hosts, then have your scripts remove the VMDK and re - the clone using vmfkstools whenever you back up, you should have a backup solution of rudimentary virtual machine (full copy) in place.

    Now you do not miss the service console?

    Good luck



  • Firefox can't analyze my certificate while IE can. I imported my this at once, IE is fine, Firefox says that the certification is valid for the period of INQUIRY only, not the DNS name

    Details: - created a CA with PfSense - created server SSL certificates imported from my own servers (ESX, PfSense, email,...) -the authority of certification in Internet Explorer as a certification authority root of new trust - connect to my server with their local DNS names and receive the page without warning - any HQ in Firefox as a new authority - to connect to my server using the DNS name - a error message: certificate is valid only for (the IP address of the server) - to connect to my server using Firefox and the IP address and receive the page without warning

    The AC is very good because it is used by IE and Firefox and even complaining, Firefox don't doubt the authority. The server certificate does not include the name, and can find it. It is true that when I created the certif, I added an additional field with the IP address. The certificate should be valid for both the DNS name and IP address. When I try to connect to the server with IE using the IP address, now it's THE who complains that the certificate is valid for the name :-)

    What should I do for Firefox to accept my certificate in his name and validate with the CA instead of making several exceptions for everything?

    This is the certificate sent by the server:




    This is the certificate of the CA that signed it


    MIIGbjCCBFagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0Ex DzANBgNVBAgTBlF1ZWJlYzERMA8GA1UEBxMITW9udHJlYWwxDTALBgNVBAoTBEhv bWUxGzAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDGFkbWluQGpiLmxhbjESMBAGA1UEAxQJSkJfTGFu X0NBMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVJVFNlYzAeFw0xNjExMDYxMTQzNTJaFw0zNjExMDExMTQz NTJaMIGBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJDQTEPMA0GA1UECBMGUXVlYmVjMREwDwYDVQQHEwhN b250cmVhbDENMAsGA1UEChMESG9tZTEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMYWRtaW5AamIu bGFuMRIwEAYDVQQDFAlKQl9MYW5fQ0ExDjAMBgNVBAsTBUlUU2VjMIICIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtRfmJ8HhxD6OeBSTdiK36DF/Gw7HmOIO CN9LktUCcnXZfsbkyPwGq8AtLTURfYU1VKHw066g0XD0hEbFEaYIWvVKijiqaPZg Pc / pIAj + M7vzojeCnv6QiRTcC9q5rY9 + Ff7MuTkWKEPzjuXpHd + IoS4To3sVZgsy YcxrdRndcirxm6aFjGXIYaImPm3hLuMteSagacsjduGEDOpJ5hJoMIIX4kHE/x8J DFBvlllXIGiOgCHU + 8hcN1IadNFqQcWA3eFB5SgLPFxOOmR4xpB1LsrESC4Zgk/E XmZYBCsYHzg58Cq6r4xuwckutcd5Gjo9ujaafCfAlUFHFJxqLxyy + N0nd3P + i5Kd zPpwpyIAzOCPeZvM2chspspl3pER + RlqZODLoU3gSAz4z + knxKxeyyiK8cttMHkV Di5veqSRIxYeYtJqu0asEaBiQ0ZpdqsNcQEU3rwzo6uoxxgvRr2Ujb6csr8CqhuA 2Sz0W1upgcpZhuL0VMTkMS8P8fgzZZeIU85v7drldXsvpjzaMwHdm/MKGewA0eCZ fUTI6V + uY9oaT9GH8MPzGWzB4oYb3sRgKgLkvWGckyHe3YVwUpb4z/MXRFB3bN/Z qxIyochY8pJMcJe2jrTw79Sf9FAR/txonPBAxuNtGLIdcL4ElGjlXPDXlQrI8XbI n/Abbs3iFHsCAwEAAaOB7jCB6zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa/KknjBwXw HZEwga4GA1UdIwSBpjCBo4AUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa / KknjBwXwHZGhgYekgYQwgYEx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZRdWViZWMxETAPBgNVBAcTCE1vbnRyZWFs MQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRIb21lMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxhZG1pbkBqYi5sYW4xEjAQ BgNVBAMUCUpCX0xhbl9DQTEOMAwGA1UECxMFSVRTZWOCAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB /zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBAHVLp0nsXNHjvcjWado0 v1M167gEv8SnLMzDRJ7rOwfQlG0JWIXgrMk + 9bLQixFPbClG2MzOGhq2gyXbTFEH PYLfOxRy5gsrYhBYKso4PNrP8ouBaedl / + huobFtd1SR4bNrZ5Be3crQkZhULmlv hSVWklOC + o0rdfPnDffDRtoWH1x1 / + ZRS0N0MSwXqeoQTEgu9CYRCEeLnidcdd1v e6XR + Qw2qLfPqBCKzCVNGZvpVjqakERxaLgWPqwixIQ4sdPjvtnUJxsUEo5hN + 6 / + os/HZ1iO3Bgi6DgAGToTSmsf5 + pI/z + o2FjDrDvbBhvf4FulvvOCsRBNkA5BK NgisFXP / FN3WlkrbM1OZjWIan1phQAw5mDLfqwxJE + BuedK1HqLRNTay9eOGSRSu TRIi26fwwMAdsPnDj3X7/aUCWslVrvZPRmsIOgykLuHlCgYD99mpzF0v + t8y05iE V3115CCve + qFHH52j078jxo1aKyfQTnRGvdGehWI77Pd/l9CMgNJ7K0ZRx6RUoEV 9CMH6kgqagkXU7eT2CXszxrGHAgybnNaJ/z4BjxDme0TH3bgLc4AOIiP8doe7KlJ lYvrG8UMtCkL1jhYFX4Rz/BH5yte7aqzwBVUZrcmvM2gU9ZyPNaAfCDygCUMeMqt OWQEicvGZtRj2ZK6PKv5hk0a


    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

  • "Error 720: a connection to the remote computer could not be established.

    Earlier, it was working fine. One day it stopped working. I don't write my windows key and the serial number of HP for reasons of confidentiality, but it is authentic.

    I use Windows 7 Home Premium on my laptop HP bought 4 months ago. While trying to connect to internet through my USB data card (I use Auntie Photon +) I get an error message "error 720: a connection to the remote computer could not be established. When I connect the same device to another laptop, it works fine. The USB card company suggests that it is a matter of TCP/IP and I need my OS resintall. I don't have any CD of windows with my HP laptop. I tried to restore my machine, but that did not help. Please help me.


    Do the methods and check if this solves the problem.

    Method 1: Try to run the network troubleshooter, check the link for more information on the same.

    Using the troubleshooter from network in Windows 7


    Method2: You can try the steps outlined in the article and check if this gives a probable solution.

    "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error when you view a Web site in Internet Explorer


    Reset Internet Explorer WARNING:
    Please note that reset the settings of Internet Explorer running resets all of the settings defined by the user, including those established by the installed extensions, toolbars and other add-ons for IE by default. This includes all the security, privacy and settings area. Also this will erase browsing history, delete all temporary Internet, cookies, form data files and especially all the passwords.

    I hope this helps.

  • The Client computer could not connect to the remote computer


    Relating to the name or a customer request. They have a few problems with the remote desktop connection in Windows XP.

    They haveWindows Home Edition and XP Professional on his laptop computer on his desk.

    They say:

    "I took the liberty to install Office remotely on computers, because it was not installed on the desktop.   I was able to connect to my laptop through my desk, but not vica versa. »

    "When I try to connect to my desktop from my laptop, I get an Error Message"the Client computer could not connect to the remote computer... »


    You can read the following article and install the patch available to see if contributing to the issue.

    You receive an error message "the client could not establish a connection to the remote computer" when you try to establish a desktop remote connection to a Windows XP-based computer

    I suggest that you post your question in the TechNet forums if you encounter other issues related to the remote desktop connection.

    Windows XP IT Pro Forums.

  • PC migration - converter could not connect to the remote computer. A general error occurred: unknown internal error


    I am brand new to fusion m v so forgive me if I miss useful information of the first post time around.

    I try to use migrate your PC, feature of VM Fusion 8 but I see the error in the title of the topic when I try to start the import operation.

    I have disabled the firewall on the PC and MAC

    I tried over ethernet and direct connections

    When I run the migration of PC Windows tool, he complains that UAC is enabled even if it is not (confirmed via Control Panel and evolution via the command prompt)

    When you try to migrate, it accepts the PIN and then shows a warning on this certificate, that I choose to browse

    He will then ask admin username/pass on the PC (I tried my only regular and also tried setting a new admin user and try this)

    After that, I see the error: the migration of PC - Converter could not connect to the remote computer. A general error occurred: unknown internal error

    Should I keep trying to get this working, or that it will be more easy to find a way less direct to turn the PC to a virtual machine on the Mac?

    I found the logs on mac and have posted what I think is the appropriate one below, but not really sure:

    LOGS *.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: Log for USB VMware pid = 3550 Arbitration Service version 12.1.0 = Build = build-3272237 option = output

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: The process is 64-bit.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: Host codepage = UTF-8 encoding = UTF-8

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: Host is Mac OS X 10.10.5 (14F1713), Darwin 14.5.0

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: VTHREAD initialize main thread 3 'usbArb' tid 119357

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: DictionaryLoad: could not open the file "/ Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config ': no such file or directory.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: Preference of option of PREF file found in/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion / config. Using the default values.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: DictionaryLoad: cannot open the file ' / dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY / settings ": not a directory.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: Preference of option of PREF file not found at/dev/null / Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/settings. Using the default values.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: DictionaryLoad: cannot open the file ' / dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY / config ': not a directory.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.088Z | usbArb | I125: Preferences optional PREF file not found in/dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY / config. Using the default values.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.089Z | usbArb | I125: DictionaryLoad: could not open the file "/ var/root/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion / config ': no such file or directory.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.089Z | usbArb | I125: Preferences optional PREF file not found in/var/root/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion / config. Using the default values.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.089Z | usbArb | I125: Deactivation of the preferences of the user PREF because disableUserPreferences is set.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.089Z | usbArb | I125: PREF cannot load the user's preferences.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - PARAMETERS GLOBAL/dev/null / Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/settings

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - NON PERSISTENT

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - USER PREFERENCES

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - default USER IS/var/root / Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - HOST by default IS/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/config

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.090Z | usbArb | I125: DICT - SITE by default IS/dev/null/Non-existing DEFAULT_LIBDIRECTORY/config

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.091Z | usbArb | I125: USBArbRuleStore: loading rules of "/ Library/Application Support/VMware/usbarb.rules".

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.091Z | usbArb | I125: VMware USB Arbitration Service Version 15.1.7

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.091Z | machPoll | I125: VTHREAD beginning thread 4 'machPoll' tid 119359

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.366Z | usbArb | I125: USBArb: trying to connect to an arbitrator on/var/run/vmware/usbarbitrator-socket.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.366Z | usbArb | I125: SOCKET create new socket, connect to/var/run/vmware/usbarbitrator-socket

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.366Z | usbArb | I125: SOCKET connection failed, error 2: no such file or directory

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.366Z | usbArb | I125: USBArb: unable to connect to the existing arbitrator.

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.398Z | usbArb | I125: USBArb: UsbArbPipeConnected: connected to the customer, outlet: 4

    2016 04-21 T 11: 12:50.399Z | usbArb | I125: USBArb: 3450 Client connected (version: 7)

    Well well just in case someone found this one in the future, the question turns out to be that my PC has been joined to a domain, but I was connected to a local account. I solved the problem by leaving the field. There may be other ways to work around this problem.

  • Windows Server 2003 r2 64-bit Remote Desktop RDP connection does not


    I went through most of the support guides I can find on the internet and nothing seems to work.

    I enabled and disabled the service. Enabled and disabled Internet connection sharing. I totally disabled the firewall on the server and I can not always connect to the server via RDP

    I only get an error message.

    Remote Desktop cannot connect to the remote computer to one of the following reasons:

    (1) remote access to the server is not enabled

    (2) the remote computer is disabled

    (3) the remote computer is not available on the network

    Make sure that the remote computer is on and connected to the network, and remote access is enabled.

    When should I wear analysis server there is no enabled 3389 port. I am using RDP just for administrative purposes. I used to connect to the machine via RDP but one day it just stopped working.

    I also checked a few updates selection to determine if they are installed. All updates that might have compatibility problems are not installed on the server.

    Any request for information will be answered promptly.

    Thanks in advance.


    Please post your apparent in the following link for assistance with problems of desktop connection remotely:


    I hope this helps.

  • Unable to repair the connection of local error: Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action could not be completed

    Original title: Repair the connection to the local network.

    When I try to repair the connection to the local network I get the following message: "Windows could not finish repairing the problem because the following action could not be completed: clear the cache DNS."  For assistance, contact the person who manages your network. "How can I solve this problem?


    1. what exactly is the problem you are experiencing when connecting with Internet?

    2. what type of Internet connection you have (wired or wireless) sound?

    3. don't you make changes to the computer until the problem occurred?

    Method 1: To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

    (a) click Start, click run, type services.msc, and then click OK.

    (b) in the list of services, click DNS Client.

    (c) ensure that the status column displays started and that the Startup Type Automaticcolumn.

    (d) if the service is not set to started or if the startup type for the DNS Client service is not set to Automatic, follow these steps:

    a. right click on Client DNS and then click Properties.

    b. in the Properties of the Client DNS dialog box, click the general tab and then click Automatic in the list Startup type .

    c. click Start, click applyand then click OK.

    Method 2: Wi - Fi and in Windows network connection issues.


    Hope this information is useful.

  • My remote desktop connection will not register

    Recently, my laptop crashed and I completely restored it to factory settings. I didn't use it much, but recently, my remote desktop connection did not work as I restored it. My school has a server where I can connect to the server, but it has not worked at all and says "the logon attempt has failed. I know it's just my phone because it works on the desktop...

    Hi Emily,.

    I would say to contact your school TO verify what settings/connection information is necessary for configuring the desktop remotely.

    As your question is more complex that what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums, it suits better for Windows Server on TechNet forum. You can also ask your question in the Forums TechNet Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Server Services) for assistance.

  • Remote assistance - unable to connect to the desktop computer using the remote connection


    I'm currently running vista Professional 64 bits for portable and desktop computers.

    -I am not able to connect to the desktop computer by using the remote connection.

    -Setup the remote asstance for the Username (account login) designated
    -looked up the IP address
    -entering the IP then username and password
    Failed connection *.

    Little Question, too:
    -I run behind a router with 3 machines connected to the router, it would change my location from IP address? I think that's where I'm stuck at.

    The following article should you guide through the process and solve your problems:http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/116361-remote-assistance.html.

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck!

    Lorien - MCSA/MCSE/network + / has + - if this post solves your problem, please click the 'Mark as answer' or 'Useful' button at the top of this message. Marking a post as answer, or relatively useful, you help others find the answer more quickly.

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