adoption phase = failure of the commissioning

Hi all

EBS R12.2.4

11 GR 2


I apply a patch and almost finished, until failover failed

How can I fix this error?

Thank you


$ adop-status

Enter the password for APPS:

Current patch ID of Session: 9

Name of node node Type Phase status started completed elapsed

--------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------

Master fitr12 PREPARED COMPLETE February 7, 16 16:51:38 + 08:00 February 7, 16 17:01:29 + 08:00 0:09:51


FINALIZE FILLED FEBRUARY 7, 16 17:35:53 + 08:00 FEBRUARY 7 16 17:36:05 + 08:00 0:00:12

COMMISSIONING HAS NOT 7 FEBRUARY 16 17:35:47 + 08:00 FEBRUARY 7 16 17:50:08 + 08:00 0:14:21


Folder synchronization system used in this Patching Cycle: light

For more information, run ADOPTION Status Report using - option detail

Generating the ADOPTION status report to the location: /u01/appvis/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/status_20160207_175725/adzdshowstatus.out

$ adopscanlog-latest = yes




#(244-248) lines:

[STATEMENT] Sourcing of the Patch editing environment: /u01/appvis/VIS/fs1/EBSapps/appl/APPSVIS_fitr12.env

[EVENT]     [EARLY 2016/02/07 17:46:30] Starting the Services of intermediate level

[UNEXPECTED] Erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution « perl /u01/appvis/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ - promptmsg = cacher - console = off - sessionid = 9 - timestamp = 20160207_173516 - outdir = / u01/appvis/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/journal/adop/9/cutover_20160207_173516/VIS_fitr12 - action = forcestartup »

[UNEXPECTED] Implementation phase completed with errors/warnings. Check the log files

[STATEMENT] Phase SHIFT END TIME: 02/07/2016-17:50:08

#(245-249) lines:

[EVENT]     [EARLY 2016/02/07 17:46:30] Starting the Services of intermediate level

[UNEXPECTED] Erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution « perl /u01/appvis/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ - promptmsg = cacher - console = off - sessionid = 9 - timestamp = 20160207_173516 - outdir = / u01/appvis/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/journal/adop/9/cutover_20160207_173516/VIS_fitr12 - action = forcestartup »

[UNEXPECTED] Implementation phase completed with errors/warnings. Check the log files

[STATEMENT] Phase SHIFT END TIME: 02/07/2016-17:50:08

[PROCEDURE] [EARLY 2016/02/07 17:50:08] Unlock sessions table



#(78-80) lines:

TIME: Sun Feb 7 17:50:07 2016

FUNCTION: main::forceStartupServices [level 1]


PROGRAM: (/ u01/appvis/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/

TIME: Sun Feb 7 17:50:07 2016

FUNCTION: main::forceStartupServices [level 1]


[UNEXPECTED] Erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution « perl /u01/appvis/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ - promptmsg = cacher - console = off - sessionid = 9 - timestamp = 20160207_173516 - outdir = / u01/appvis/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/journal/adop/9/cutover_20160207_173516/VIS_fitr12 - action = forcestartup »

[UNEXPECTED] Implementation phase completed with errors/warnings. Check the log files

Log file: /u01/appvis/VIS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop/9/adop_20160207_173516.log

Hello Jenna.

An alternative is to try "adoption phase = failover mtrestart = no" if we can confirm that the issue is w.r.t. starting services.

Thus, the failover can be completed and starting the services can be looked in or fixed once the failover successfully completed.

Kind regards


Tags: Oracle Applications

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  • cancel the adoption phase = prepare duly completed successfully


    I was about to apply a Patch. But I realize that I didn't need.

    I have performed adoption phase = prepare and this is completed successfully.

    What should I do? nothing and adoption left to prepare the phase or: adopted phase = phase of demolition then = cleaning mode = full adoption?

    Thank you.



    According to the documentation, you must perform cleanup after interrupt you a cycle of correction.

    However, it does mention the abandonment of a cycle of correction without doing anything.

    To be in the right side, run the cleaning with or after the demolition.

    adoption phase = abandonment, cleaning cleanup_mode = full

    Kind regards


  • JSF keeps displaying the old values after the failure of the Validation Phase

    Hi all
    I would like to ask for help to understand a given behavior that JSF indicates that the Phase of Validation fails.
    I use:

    -Tomcat 7.0.2
    -JSF 1.2_12
    -RichFaces 3.3.3

    Description of the problem.
    I wrote a form with input fields 4: an inputText and selectOneMenu 3. There the inputText while the selectOneMenus require no validation.
    Attached to the first selectOneMenu (line 32) is an a4j tag: support, so that, whenever the change event is triggered, the list of items of the second
    and the third (line 44 and 58) selectOneMenu are filled correctly (note that the agent of the inputText is ignored with the ajaxSingle attribute).
    In particular, after the loading of two lists of items, the actionListener requires the value of the second and the third selectOneMenu null.
    This mechanism seems to work fine until I submit the entire form without completing the text entry: as expected, JSF validation fails but if I change the value of
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    selectOneMenu (note that the actionListener is still called and the values of the second and the third selectOneMenu are always forced to null).

    Since I'm on a simple PhaseListener, I noticed the following: before JSF validation fails, whenever I change the value of the first selectOneMenu, life JSF
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    After the validation failure, JSF stop to call these getters when I change the value of the first selectOneMenu.

    I hope that my explanation was clear enough, thank you very much for your help.

    Kind regards

    Web page
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?> 
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    <html xmlns=""
      <title>Prove Rich</title>
      <h2>Prove Rich</h2>
      <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
        <h:messages style="color:red" />
         Input required: <h:inputText value="#{provaProbReplyBean.inputRequired}" required="true" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli il canale:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu value="#{provaProbReplyBean.canale}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Profamily" itemValue="Profamily" />
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="Captive" itemValue="Captive" />
            <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{provaProbReplyBean.caricaProcBanche}"
                                  ajaxSingle="true" reRender="procedure, banche" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli la procedura:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu id="procedure" value="#{provaProbReplyBean.procedura}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItems value="#{provaProbReplyBean.procedureList}" />
            <!-- immediately save the current value -->
            <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true" />
           <h:outputText value="Scegli la banca:" />
           <h:selectOneMenu id="banche" value="#{provaProbReplyBean.banca}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="--" itemValue="" />
            <f:selectItems value="#{provaProbReplyBean.bancheList}" />
            <!-- immediately save the current value -->
            <a4j:support event="onchange" ajaxSingle="true" />
      <p><h:commandButton value="Submit" /></p>
    public class ProvaProbReply {
         private String inputRequired;
         private String canale;
         private String procedura;
         private String banca;
         private Map<String, List<SelectItem>> canaliProc = new HashMap<String, List<SelectItem>>();
         private Map<String, List<SelectItem>> canaliBanche = new HashMap<String, List<SelectItem>>();
         private List<SelectItem> procedureList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
         private List<SelectItem> bancheList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
         public ProvaProbReply() {
              List<SelectItem> l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("Cessione del quinto"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("Credito al consumo"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("Mutui"));
              canaliProc.put("Profamily", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("Credito al consumo"));
              canaliProc.put("Captive", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              canaliBanche.put("Profamily", l);
              l = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              l.add(new SelectItem("BDL"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("BM"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("BPM"));
              l.add(new SelectItem("CRA"));
              canaliBanche.put("Captive", l);
         public String getInputRequired() {
              return inputRequired;
         public void setInputRequired(String ir) {
              inputRequired = ir;
         public String getCanale() {
              return canale;
         public void setCanale(String c) {
              canale = c;
         public String getProcedura() {
              System.out.println("\ngetProcedura called\n");
              return procedura;
         public void setProcedura(String p) {
              procedura = p;
         public String getBanca() {
              System.out.println("\ngetBanca called\n");
              return banca;
         public void setBanca(String b) {
              banca = b;
         public List<SelectItem> getProcedureList() {
              return procedureList;
         public List<SelectItem> getBancheList() {
              return bancheList;
         public String caricaProcBanche() {
              System.out.println("\nListener called\n");
              if(canale != null && !canale.equals("")) {
              System.out.println("BEFORE setting:\n");
              System.out.println("\nProcedura: "+procedura+"\n");
              System.out.println("Banca: "+banca+"\n");
              procedura = null;
              banca = null;
              System.out.println("\n\n\nAFTER setting:\n");
              System.out.println("\nProcedura: "+procedura+"\n");
              System.out.println("Banca: "+banca+"\n");
              return "";
    Published by: 869000 on 14.05 giu-28-2011

    I think it has to do with the fact that the UIComponents use the localValue after the validation failure. This prevents values are overwritten when the re-rendering of the page, i.e. the entries keep the value defined by the user.

    The solution is to manipulate the components directly in the AJAX request, when the first drop down menu is changed. Use the binding attribute to place them in your beans and clear the value directly. In this way, that it won't matter that the expression is not evaluated.

  • adoption phase = prepare failed

    Hi all

    EBS R12.2.4

    11 GR 2


    I'm running adoption phase = prepare but I got error

    Please help how to solve problems.

    Thank you


    $ adop-status

    Enter the password for APPS:

    Current patch ID of Session: 7

    Name of node node Type Phase status started completed elapsed

    --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------

    fitr12 master PREPARE failed February 3-16 15:12:58 + 08:00 February 3-16 15:16:09 + 08:00 0:03:11





    Folder synchronization system used in this Patching Cycle: light

    $ adopscanlog-latest = yes




    #(166-170) lines:

    [EVENT]     The call: /u01/appcrp/CRP/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/

    [STATEMENT] Output directory: / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adoption/7/prepare_20160203_151059/CRP_fitr12

    [UNEXPECTED] Erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution « perl /u01/appcrp/CRP/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ - promptmsg = cacher - console = off - patchtop = / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch - mode = mise à jour - sessionid = 7 - timestamp = 20160203_151059 - workercount = 4 - outdir = / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/journal/adop/7/prepare_20160203_151059/CRP_ fitr12 - autoskip = no ".

    [UNEXPECTED] Error then that subroutine runSyncFS called

    [PROCEDURE] [EARLY 2016/02/03 15:15:57] Check and stop Patch Server Admin

    #(167-171) lines:

    [STATEMENT] Output directory: / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adoption/7/prepare_20160203_151059/CRP_fitr12

    [UNEXPECTED] Erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution « perl /u01/appcrp/CRP/fs1/EBSapps/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ - promptmsg = cacher - console = off - patchtop = / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch - mode = mise à jour - sessionid = 7 - timestamp = 20160203_151059 - workercount = 4 - outdir = / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/journal/adop/7/prepare_20160203_151059/CRP_ fitr12 - autoskip = no ".

    [UNEXPECTED] Error then that subroutine runSyncFS called

    [PROCEDURE] [EARLY 2016/02/03 15:15:57] Check and stop Patch Server Admin

    [EVENT]     [EARLY 2016/02/03 15:15:58] Check and stop Patch FS Server Admin

    #(177-181) lines:

    [STATEMENT] Skip the check and Stop Patch Node Manager step.

    [PROCEDURE] [END 2016/02/03 15:16:09] Check and stop the Patch Node Manager

    [ERROR]     Prepare phase completed with errors or warnings. Check the log files.

    [STATEMENT] SQL statement: "update ad_adop_sessions".

    set status = 'F'



    #(316-318) lines:

    TIME: Kills Feb 3 15:15:57 2016

    FUNCTION: main::validatePatchLocation [level 1]

    ERRORMSG: / u01/appcrp/CRP/fs_ne/EBSapps/patch/18955265 directory does not exist.

    I mean to the point where you have cloned the source environment.

    When clone you your source environment, which is your level of apps, / U01/U02.

    Why you have 2 level apps mount points.

    According to my understanding, this leads to confusion.

    Kind regards


  • adoption phase = fs_clone

    I'm a bit confused about the impact of the action FS_CLONE in ADOPTION.

    Some document indicated that you CAN run AFTER a full course of the ADOPTION, so that you save time when you start the next cycle (and also to perform a sort of validation already).

    But, isn't the new cycle ADOPTION already started using this command? I am meaning: when you run this command, is there not a gap between Editioned file systems, where the captain is actually switching?

    I request this because of ANY change that is done within the whole Editioned files, but excluding the ADOPTION and OPATCH.

    Let's assume that you do not work FS_CLONE at the end of the cycle, but only at the beginning of the next cycle. Is there not a difference then?


    Standard phases of adoption are prepare, apply, finalize, commissioning, cleaning.  These five phases must be used.

    special cases using adoption abort, actualize_all, fs_clone.  fs_clone in fact entirely copy the system file to run the patch file system.

    Where when you run prepare phase it will copy that all incremental changes to file system to run the patch file system.


  • Agent failure during the ownership change processing


    Could someone help me in this issue:

    Data collection is stopped due to the following error:

    15-02-2013 02:08:43.916 ECHO ERROR [IncomingMessage-12294] - an unexpected error has occurred which may cause undesired behavior. You can contact Quest Software customer support if you see this error again: Agent failure during the ownership change processing no connection is made to
    to$ ListenerAdapter.propertiesChanged (
    to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Worker.runTask (
    to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (

    15-02-2013 02:08:43.916 ECHO [IncomingMessage-12294] INFO - failure reported Agent
    15-02-2013 02:08:49.673 ECHO VERBOSE [ AgentStatusService] - data collection to stop

    What does this error mean?

    Kind regards


    Hey Shiva,

    you are probably using the OS cartridge inherited on x86_64, RHEL or CentOS 6.3 or earlier.

    You must install both 32-bit libraries to do the data collection:

    • -glibc.i686
    • -nss - softokn.i686

    Why is this?

    By dΘfaut x86_64 installation does not seem to install libraries 32 bits, which prevents OSCart commissioning agents.

    Fortunately, OSCart agents are largely independent, and only the C 32-bit kernel libraries (and their dependencies) must be installed in order to get the agents running. Needed to support packages are available on the RedHat 6 32-bit installation DVD in the directory {{packages}}.

    Best regards, Falco

  • lyingWhen application of a fix via ADOPTION, he failed with the AutoPatch error: you must be in Maintenance Mode to apply the patches.

    Everything by applying the patch Patch 18345006 as explained in Doc 1981206.1 , in the phase to apply it, I get the error

    AutoPatch error:

    You must be in Maintenance Mode to apply the patches.

    You can use the AD Administration utility to set the Maintenance Mode.

    I'm on Oracle EBS 12.2.4, Windows 2008 R2 x 64, 2 appl_tops not shared and the error occurs on the primart node.

    How I applied the patch

    source, run fs

    adoption phase = apply patches = 18345006 = no allnodes

    The issue was that my tns ifile was entered incorrectly for _PATCH entered tns. After having corrected the phase to APPLY fine.

    Apparently, the maintenance mode error is just a smoke screen

  • adoption phase = patch = 18483995 in 12.1.3

    How to apply the patch with adoption phase = patch = 18483995 in 12.1.3?

    I get command not found error


    The adoption is only available in paragraph 12.2.

    You must use adpatch for 12.1.3 and below.

    Kind regards


  • adoption phase = prepare error R12.2

    Hello, I'm going to install a patch in 12.2 EBS server. LIVE demo version

    I use adoption. but initially when I'm in: adopted phase = prepare I got the I got an ERROR:


    Someone can help me.

    I have attached the log.

    Thank you!

    Hi . Bashar and Kj - Kiran jawad

    Finally, I found the solution.

    I checked anoter newspaper found in:

    / D01/Oracle/screws/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adoption/4/fs_clone_20150520_105729/VIS_ebs122/TXK_SYNC_create_Wed_May_20_10_58_31_2015

    'CloneContext_FSCloneApplyAppsTier_05201058.log '.

    This log shows:

    Check if the EBS_LOGON trigger is enabled

    Disable the EBS_LOGON trigger.

    Fusion Middleware House value: / d01/oracle/SCREWS/fs2/FMW_Home

    Value of the Oracle Home tools: /d01/oracle/VIS/fs2/EBSapps/10.1.2

    Web Oracle Home value: / d01/oracle/SCREWS/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier

    Appl TOP value: / d01/oracle/SCREWS/fs2/EBSapps/appl

    COMMON HIGH value: / d01/oracle/SCREWS/fs2/EBSapps/comn

    Default Base instance: / d01/oracle/SCREWS

    srcJDKDirName = util/jdk32

    s_fmw_jdktop for the 64-bit platform is = / d01/oracle/SCREWS/fs2/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk64

    Determination of ConfigHome...

    ERROR: Could not clone the file of execution because of the following exception context:

    AC-00005: no write permission to create the folder context - /tmp/temp.xml

    Asked by

    ERROR: Failed to clone the runtime context file to refresh the context of Patch file

    Then, the solution was in / tmp, the permissions:

    with the root user:

    chmod 777-r/tmp

    And now I can do: "adoption phase = prepare."

    Thanks for your help.

  • Failure to the final control of Oracle CRS stack. 10 on the first node.

    Hello world

    I tried to install a RAC Oracle 10 g on Oracle Enterprise Linux AS release 4 2 (October 7 update), but I'm having this problem

    root@fporn01 crs #./
    Check to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured

    Set the permissions on OCR backup directory
    Setting up NS directories
    Configuration of the Oracle Cluster registry upgraded successfully
    clscfg: version Setup detected EXISTING 3.
    clscfg: version 3 is 10 G Release 2.
    Award of fporn01 default hostname for node 1.
    Award of fporn02 default hostname for node 2.
    Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
    Using the ports: CSS = 49895 49896 EVMC = SRC = 49898 and EVMR = 49897.
    < nodenumber > node: nodename > < private interconnection name > < hostname >
    node 1: fporn01 fporn01-priv fporn01
    node 2: fporn02 fporn02-priv fporn02
    clscfg: Arguments help you get success.

    NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Power - setting force to override.
    -force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster
    Oracle Cluster registry cluster has already been initialized
    Startup will be queued to init within 90 seconds.
    Adding to inittab demons
    Expected CRS demons to be in place within 600 seconds.
    Failure to the final control of Oracle CRS stack.
    + 10 +.

    Forget the names!

    but on the second node everything went well, so I don't know that this is not a connectivity problem.
    the iptables service is stopped and disabled
    check the results after you run the script

    root@fporn02 ~ # /u01/app/crs/
    Check to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
    + / etc/oracle does not exist. Create now. +

    Set the permissions on OCR backup directory
    Setting up NS directories
    Configuration of the Oracle Cluster registry upgraded successfully
    clscfg: version Setup detected EXISTING 3.
    clscfg: version 3 is 10 G Release 2.
    Award of fporn01 default hostname for node 1.
    Award of fporn02 default hostname for node 2.
    Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
    Using the ports: CSS = 49895 49896 EVMC = SRC = 49898 and EVMR = 49897.
    < nodenumber > node: nodename > < private interconnection name > < hostname >
    node 1: fporn01 fporn01-priv fporn01
    node 2: fporn02 fporn02-priv fporn02
    clscfg: Arguments help you get success.

    NO KEYS WERE WRITTEN. Power - setting force to override.
    -force is destructive and will destroy any previous cluster
    Oracle Cluster registry cluster has already been initialized
    Startup will be queued to init within 90 seconds.
    Adding to inittab demons
    Expected CRS demons to be in place within 600 seconds.
    CSS is active on these nodes.
    CSS is not active on these nodes.
    Node local verification.
    Run the on the remaining nodes script to start the demons of the CRS.

    It is the newspaper of crs on the first node

    root@fporn01 bin # cat /u01/app/crs/log/fporn01/alertfporn01.log
    + 17:27:37.695 + 2009-06-24
    customer (9045) CRS-1006: / u02/oradata/orcl/OCRFile_mirror location of the OCR is inaccessible. Details in u01/app/crs/log/fporn01/client/ocrconfig_9045.log.
    + 17:27:37.741 + 2009-06-24
    customer (9045) CRS-1001: OCR has been formatted using version 2.
    + 17:28:24.544 + 2009-06-24
    customer (9092) CRS - APB - rac configured with nodes fporn01 fporn02 1801:Cluster.

    It is the newspaper of crs on the second node

    root@fporn02 ~ # cat /u01/app/crs/log/fporn02/alertfporn02.log
    + 18:09:09.307 + 2009-06-24
    CSSD (16991) CRS - 1605:CSSD file to vote is online: / u02/oradata/orcl/CSSFile. Details in u01/app/crs/log/fporn02/cssd/ocssd.log.
    + 18:09:09.307 + 2009-06-24
    CSSD (16991) CRS - 1605:CSSD file to vote is online: / u02/oradata/orcl/CSSFile_mirror1. Details in u01/app/crs/log/fporn02/cssd/ocssd.log.
    + 18:09:09.310 + 2009-06-24
    CSSD (16991) CRS - 1605:CSSD file to vote is online: / u02/oradata/orcl/CSSFile_mirror2. Details in u01/app/crs/log/fporn02/cssd/ocssd.log.
    + 18:09:12.441 + 2009-06-24
    CSSD (16991) CRS - 1601:CSSD complete Reconfiguration. Active nodes are fporn02.

    I rechecked the remote access / user equivalence

    After execution of the command here OCRCHECK have this information

    root@fporn01 bin #. / ocrcheck
    Status of the Oracle Cluster registry is:
    Version: 2
    Total space (in kilobytes): 262144
    Used space (in kilobytes): 312
    Amount of available space (KB): 261832
    ID: 255880615
    Device/file name: / u02/oradata/orcl/OCRFile
    Verifying the integrity of file/device succeeded
    Device/file name: / u02/oradata/orcl/OCRFile_mirror
    Verifying the integrity of file/device succeeded

    Checking cluster registry integrity succeeded

    on the second node, I get the same result

    root@fporn02 bin #. / ocrcheck
    Status of the Oracle Cluster registry is:
    Version: 2
    Total space (in kilobytes): 262144
    Used space (in kilobytes): 312
    Amount of available space (KB): 261832
    ID: 255880615
    Device/file name: / u02/oradata/orcl/OCRFile
    Verifying the integrity of file/device succeeded
    Device/file name: / u02/oradata/orcl/OCRFile_mirror
    Verifying the integrity of file/device succeeded

    Checking cluster registry integrity succeeded

    I have reviewed the following metalink notes, but none of them seem to solve my problem

    * 344994.1*
    * 240001.1*
    * 725878.1*
    * 329450.1*
    * 734221.1*

    I made a low of research from many forums, but failure is always on the second node, but my failure is on the first node.
    I hope someone could help me.

    It's the output of cluvfy

    Conducting due diligence to install cluster services

    Audit accessibility of node...

    Check: Accessibility of node of the node 'fporn01 '.
    Accessible destination node?
    ------------------------------------ ------------------------
    fporn01 Yes
    fporn02 Yes
    Result: Check accessibility node from node 'fporn01 '.

    Verify the equivalence of the user...

    Check: Equivalence of the user for the user 'oracle '.
    Comment by node name
    ------------------------------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 spent
    fporn01 spent
    Result: Use equivalence CONTROL passed to user 'oracle '.

    Checking administrative privileges...

    Check: Existence of user 'oracle '.
    User name of node are comments
    ------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 Yes
    fporn01 Yes
    Result: Use CONTROL existence increased for 'oracle '.

    Check: Existence of group 'oinstall '.
    Name of node status group ID
    ------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 is 501
    fporn01 is 501
    Result: Check existence for "oinstall" group

    Check: The user 'oracle' in group 'oinstall' primary members
    Name of node user is group is user in the main group comment
    ---------------- ------------
    fporn02 Yes Yes Yes Yes past
    fporn01 Yes Yes Yes Yes past
    Result: Membership check for user 'oracle' in group 'oinstall' as primary past.

    Past check administrator privileges.

    Verify node connectivity...

    Interface of the node information to "fporn02".
    IP address subnet of the interface name
    ------------------------------ ----------------

    Interface of the node information to "fporn01".
    IP address subnet of the interface name
    ------------------------------ ----------------

    Check: Subnet node connectivity ""
    Source Destination connected?
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02:eth0 fporn01:eth0 Yes
    Result: Verification of node connectivity for subnet "" with one or more nodes fporn02, fporn01.

    Check: Subnet node connectivity "
    Source Destination connected?
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02:eth1 fporn01:eth1 Yes
    Result: Verification of node connectivity for subnet "" with one or more nodes fporn02, fporn01.

    Check: Subnet node connectivity ""
    Result: Verification of node connectivity for subnet "" with one or more nodes fporn01.

    Interfaces adapted for private interconnection on the subnet "":
    fporn02 eth0:
    fporn01 eth0:

    Interfaces adapted for private interconnection on the subnet "":
    fporn02 eth1:
    fporn01 eth1:

    Could not find an appropriate interface for the VIP range.

    Result: The node connectivity test failed.

    Check the system requirements for 'Sir '...

    Check: Total memory
    Name of node available comment required
    ------------ ----------
    fporn02 7,93 GB (8310276 KB) 512 MB (524288 k) transmitted
    fporn01 7,93 GB (8310276 KB) 512 MB (524288 k) transmitted
    Result: The total past memory check.

    Check: Disk space in "/ tmp" dir
    Name of node available comment required
    ------------ ----------
    fporn02 9.57 GB (10037300 KB) 400 MB (409600 KB) transmitted
    transmitted fporn01 GB 9.55 (10012168 KB) 400 MB (409600 KB)
    Result: Check the free space on the disc passed.

    Check: Swap space
    Name of node available comment required
    ------------ ----------
    fporn02 from 1 GB (1048576KB) of 8,81 GB (9240568KB)
    fporn01 from 1 GB (1048576KB) of 8,81 GB (9240568KB)
    Result: Checking space last Swap.

    Control: System Architecture
    Name of node available comment required
    ------------ ----------
    fporn02 i686 i686 spent
    fporn01 i686 i686 spent
    Result: Audit had system architecture.

    Control: Kernel Version
    Name of node available comment required
    ------------ ----------
    2.6.9 - 2.4.21 - 15EL spent fporn02
    2.6.9 - 2.4.21 - 15EL spent fporn01
    Result: Last kernel version control.

    Check: Existence of package for 'do-3, 79 '.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02 make-3, 80 - 7.EL4 spent
    fporn01 make-3, 80 - 7.EL4 spent
    Result: Package checking for 'do-3, 79 '.

    Check: Existence of package for ' binutils - 2.14.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    binutils - - 25 fporn02 spent
    binutils - - 25 fporn01 spent
    Result: Package checking for ' binutils - 2.14.

    Check: Existence of package for "gcc - 3.2.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02 gcc - 3.4.6 - 10.0.1 spent
    fporn01 gcc - 3.4.6 - 10.0.1 spent
    Result: Package checking for "gcc - 3.2.

    Check: Existence of package for ' glibc - 2.3.2 - 95.27.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02 glibc - 2.3.4 - 2.41 spent
    fporn01 glibc - 2.3.4 - 2.41 spent
    Result: Package checking for ' glibc - 2.3.2 - 95.27.

    Check: Existence of package for "compat-db - 4.0.14 - 5.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    past fporn02 compat - 4.1.25 - DB9
    past fporn01 compat - 4.1.25 - DB9
    Result: Package checking for "compat-db - 4.0.14 - 5.

    Check: Existence of package for "compat-gcc-7, 3 - 2.96.128.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    lack of fporn02 failed
    lack of fporn01 failed
    Result: Failure of the existence Package control for "compat-gcc-7, 3 - 2.96.128.

    ++ Check: package of existence "compat-gcc-c++ - 7.3 - 2.96.128" ++
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    lack of fporn02 failed
    lack of fporn01 failed
    ++ Result: failure of packet existence check for "compat-gcc-c++-7, 3 - 2.96.128. ++

    ++ Check: package of existence "compat-libstdc ++ - 7, 3 - 2.96.128" ++
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    lack of fporn02 failed
    lack of fporn01 failed
    ++ Result: failure of packet existence check for "compat-libstdc ++ - 7, 3 - 2.96.128. ++

    ++ Check: package of existence "compat-libstdc ++ - devel-7, 3 - 2.96.128" ++
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    lack of fporn02 failed
    lack of fporn01 failed
    ++ Result: failure of packet existence check for "compat-libstdc ++ - devel-7, 3 - 2.96.128. ++

    Check: Existence of package for "openmotif - 2.2.3.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    openmotif - 2.2.3 - 10.2.el4 spent fporn02
    openmotif - 2.2.3 - 10.2.el4 spent fporn01
    Result: Package checking for "openmotif - 2.2.3.

    Check: Existence of package for "setarch - 1.3 - 1.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------------------------ ----------------
    fporn02 setarch-1, 6-1 adopted
    fporn01 setarch-1, 6-1 adopted
    Result: Package checking for "setarch - 1.3 - 1.

    Check: Existence of group for "dba".
    Name of State comment node
    ------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 are past
    fporn01 are past
    Result: Check group existence for "dba".

    Check: Existence of group 'oinstall '.
    Name of State comment node
    ------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 are past
    fporn01 are past
    Result: Check existence for "oinstall" group

    Check: Existence of user "nobody".
    Name of State comment node
    ------------ ------------------------
    fporn02 are past
    fporn01 are past
    Result: Use existence CONTROL passed to "nobody".

    Failure of the system requirements for 'Sir '.

    Check prior to the installation of cluster service failed on all nodes.

    We thank you for your comments ;)

    If you advise/etc/inittab file... don't ' forget to uncomment (that's run when the system starts)

    #h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.evmd run > / dev/null 2 > & 1
    fatal #h2:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.cssd > / dev/null 2 > & 1
    #h3:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.crsd run > / dev/null 2 > & 1


    H1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.evmd run > / dev/null 2 > & 1
    H2:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init. Fatal CSSD > / dev/null 2 > & 1
    H3:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.crsd run > / dev/null 2 > & 1

    By the way... Have fun and take advantage of Oracle RAC ;)

  • I have problems to restart of Yosemite, after power failure during the new backup, and now HD is also blocked.

    I have problems to restart of Yosemite, after power failure during the new backup, and now HD is also blocked.

    I tried the holding of 'command-r' and 'option' to see if the problem can be resolved or try any boot from a boot disk, my old backup, USB function start - but after a slow long process it all just stops.

    There is software on my HD that I don't want to lose by simply reformatting the computer, because I am now in a different country, far from my house, which is another problem of the Apple Store, to reinstall my OS from Yosemite on the www.

    Hey AmnonMikeCohen,

    Thank you for being a part of the communities of Apple Support.

    I understand that your Mac is not start properly after the power went out.  Let's start with resetting the SMC and NVRAM on your Mac and see if he can start from there:

    Reset the management system (SCM) controller on your Mac.

    How to reset the NVRAM on your Mac.

    See you soon.

  • Interesting solution of failure of the fans occasionally cold start?

    Interesting solution of failure of the fans occasionally cold start?

    Normally I do a reset of the SMC, sometimes it's the solution.

    When kick cooling fans as soon as I start my cold iMac, I just quickly swivel the iMac slowly from right to left and the cooling fans have stopped.


    All the answers?

    Note: I use an iMac 21 inch end 2013-2, 7 GHz Intel Core i5

    Thank you in advance for the answers.

    This sounds like a sensor loose or pinched wire.

    You may be able to see the problem of sensor or sensor wire with the diagnosis of Apple to test or a third party temp. followed by the application, but the best would be to book a service appointment at your local CENTRE.

    Apple Diagnostics using - Apple Support

  • failure of the SIM, why I this message all the time?

    failure of the SIM, why I this message all the time?

    This means that your SIM card is defective or otherwise expired

    Can you make and receive calls and texts?

    If so - go out the SIM card - wait about 45 seconds and re insert it back

    If not - contact your carrier for a new SIM card

    Remove or change the SIM card in your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support

  • Qosmio X 70-B-10 t - failure of the graphics card

    Hello. I offen had failure that the graphics card driver hang up and recovered himself. But today, I got this failure to the course to watch live TV streams and it seemed to me that the laptop does not work correctly. I tried to restard and then I get this message: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (cmdhlp.sys). It must be the graphics card and I don't think it's a hd or RAM failure in this case.

    Any tips? Repair? New graphics card?

    Thank you!

    On this virtual path, it is not easy to say what can be the reason of this failure.
    Repair is always the last step. What you can do is to test the features using Notepad with "factory settings, without having to install additional software.

    What operating system do you use?
    Do you use the original display driver or some day?

  • Failure of the audit on the iPhone, but works in iTunes


    I had a strange problem:

    I can log on successfully to my desktop (Windows) by using my AppleID, can see my account balance and buy free apps.

    But I use the same AppleID on my iPhone 6Plus, it always shows: "failure of the audit, your Apple ID or password is incorrect."

    can anyone help?

    Thank you very much.

    Hi all

    After 2 hours of research and new attempts, I finally solved this problem.

    1. just to keep a new attempt on the iPhone, until the account is locked.

    (Note, only the account on the iPhone is locked, can I still use iTunes Windows and web to connect on the same Apple ID]

    2. then follow the instructions on the screen to unlock the account.

    (you will be asked 2 secret questions when the account is set up a few years ago)...

    Once the reset is OK, the same account is included to connect the iPhone and buy apps.  (Yes..!)

    Hope this will be useful.


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