ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the appellant

I get this error and I think I understand, but I look at my code and the enemy doesn't seem to be on the stage. The error is on the last line of the It cannot remove the enemy display object as it seems that the scene is not like a child.

Main.As (instantiated enemy: enemy)

Enemy.As (contains the problem code) it is basically saying that the scene is not the enemy of display object.

I'll post the parts where the enemy is mentioned.


private var enemy: enemy = new enemy (Stadium, Heroes);


for (var i: int = 0; i < 5; i ++)


enemy = new enemy (Stadium, Heroes);

Enemy.x = 100 + offsetEnemy;

enemyVector [i] = enemy; populate the vector with enemies.

addChild (enemy);

enemy.cacheAsBitmap = true;





import flash.display.MovieClip;

import flash.display.Stage;


import flash.display.Stage;

SerializableAttribute public class enemy extends MovieClip


private var stageRef:Stage;

private var vy:Number = 1; Speed y

private var ay: Number =. 1; acceleration of y

private var target: Hero;

public void enemy (stageRef:Stage, target: Hero): void


this.stageRef = stageRef; = target;

x = Math.Random () * stageRef.stageWidth;

y =-5;

addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop, false, 0, true);


private void loop(e:Event): void


Vy += ay;

y += vy;

If (y > stageRef.stageHeight)



private void removeSelf(): void {}

removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);

If (stageRef.contains (this))

stageRef.removeChild (this);




If I add the enemy in the main class, while I would like to remove the enemy in the main class.

If you want the enemy to refer to the scene, and then use an ADDED_TO_STAGE event listener in the instantiation function and have sound handler to deal with anything whatsoever from the scene for this instance of treatment.

Do not use the same name for different instances of variables.  You're not going anywhere the assignment of a variable to itself ("this" is the most often useless in AS3)...

this.stageRef = stageRef; = target;

Tags: Adobe Animate

Similar Questions

  • #2025 error: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    Hi all

    I would appreciate help with this.

    I'm working on a piece of flash that will play 4 videos, according to the key pressed. First button will launch the first video, 2e-2e video and so on. Once the video is done playing, close_btn, learn_more_btn and replay_btn appear, plus a final image that is different for each of the videos (BoxLivePic, BoxSleepPic and BoxFeelPic). So - in fact 4 things appear after the movie stops playing and the last image depends on a user has clicked on the buttons...

    My question is, when I click on the close button (andI'm sure even apply for the other 2 buttons), I get the error below:

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at AER1_r5_fla::MainTimeline/closeVideo()

    I understand is actually that it's because each image is not added to the display list, unless it has clicked the appropriate button... However, I don't know how to fix it! I hope that this will make some sence - here is my Code... Thanks a bunch:

    import com.greensock;
    com.greensock.easing import. *;
    import com.greensock.easing.CustomEase;
    import com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    to import flash.display.SimpleButton;

    Last buttons Variables
    var close_btn:Button_close = new Button_close();
    var learn_more_btn:Button_learn_more = new Button_learn_more();
    var replay_btn:Button_replay = new Button_replay();

    Last Pic Variables
    var BoxLivePic:Box_Live_Pic = new Box_Live_Pic();
    var BoxFeelPic:Box_Feel_Pic = new Box_Feel_Pic();
    var BoxSleepPic:Box_Sleep_Pic = new Box_Sleep_Pic();

    Video Variables
    var Video_Breathe:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader ("Breathe_Video.f4v", {container:,})
    x: 0, y:0});
    var Video_Live:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader ("Live_Video.f4v", {container:,})
    x: 0, y:0});
    var Video_Sleep:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader ("Sleep_Video.f4v", {container:,})
    x: 0, y:0});
    var Video_Feel:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader ("Feel_Video.f4v", {container:,})
    x: 0, y:0});

    Video complete event listeners
    Video_Breathe.addEventListener (VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, donePlaying_breathe);
    Video_Live.addEventListener (VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, donePlaying_live);
    Video_Sleep.addEventListener (VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, donePlaying_sleep);
    Video_Feel.addEventListener (VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, donePlaying_feel);

    OverwriteManager.init (OverwriteManager.AUTO);

    Invisible buttons
    breathe_mc.learn_btn. Visible = false;
    breathe_mc.video_btn. Visible = false;
    live_mc.learn_btn. Visible = false;
    live_mc.video_btn. Visible = false;
    sleep_mc.learn_btn. Visible = false;
    sleep_mc.video_btn. Visible = false;
    feel_mc.learn_btn. Visible = false;
    feel_mc.video_btn. Visible = false;

    Custom acceleration
    CustomEase.create ("myCustomEase", [{s: 0, cp:1.14999, e:1.4}, {s:1.4, cp:1.65, e: 1}]);

    var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onComplete:showBreathe});)
    addChild (removeChild (better_mc)); (better_mc, 2, {alpha: 1, y: 186.6, ease:Bounce.easeOut});})

    timeline.appendMultiple([) (breathe_mc, 1, {alpha: 1, y: 117, ease:CustomEase.byName ("myCustomEase2")}); (live_mc, 1, {alpha: 1, y: 117, y: 37, ease:CustomEase.byName ("myCustomEase2")}); (sleep_mc, 1, {alpha: 1, y: 77, ease:CustomEase.byName ("myCustomEase2")});
    [ (feel_mc, 1, {alpha: 1, y: 77, ease:CustomEase.byName ("myCustomEase2")})], 1, TweenAlign.START,. (2);

    function showBreathe (): void

    breathe_mc.learn_btn. Visible = true;
    breathe_mc.video_btn. Visible = true; (breathe_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (breathe_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (breathe_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:CustomEase.byName("myCustomEase")});})

    Display text (breathe_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 1});

    Event listeners
    breathe_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, breatheOpen);
    live_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, liveOpen);
    sleep_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, sleepOpen);
    feel_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, feelOpen);

    For the video game event listeners
    breathe_mc.video_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, breathe_play_video);
    live_mc.video_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, live_play_video);
    sleep_mc.video_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, sleep_play_video);
    feel_mc.video_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, feel_play_video);

    Event listener for the close video
    close_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, closeVideo);

    Functions of the buttons of the VIDEO and find OUT more
    function breathe_play_video(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    Video_Breathe.load ();
    this.addChild (Video_Breathe.content);

    function live_play_video(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    Video_Live.load ();
    this.addChild (Video_Live.content);

    function sleep_play_video(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    Video_Sleep.load ();
    this.addChild (Video_Sleep.content);

    function feel_play_video(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    Video_Feel.load ();
    this.addChild (Video_Feel.content);

    function closeVideo(event:MouseEvent):void {}
    Video_Breathe.Unload ();
    Video_Sleep.Unload ();
    Video_Feel.Unload ();
    Video_Live.Unload ();
    removeChild (close_btn);
    removeChild (learn_more_btn);
    removeChild (replay_btn);
    removeChild (BoxLivePic);
    removeChild (BoxSleepPic);
    removeChild (BoxFeelPic);

    Finally breathe buttons added to the stage
    function donePlaying_breathe(e:Event):void {}

    addChild (close_btn);
    addChild (learn_more_btn);
    addChild (replay_btn)
    close_btn.x = 313;
    close_btn.y = 183;
    learn_more_btn.x = 434;
    learn_more_btn.y = 183;
    replay_btn.x = 554;
    replay_btn.y = 183;

    Last direct buttons
    function donePlaying_live(e:Event):void {}

    addChild (BoxLivePic);
    addChild (close_btn);
    addChild (learn_more_btn);
    addChild (replay_btn)
    close_btn.x = 43;
    close_btn.y = 183;
    learn_more_btn.x = 164;
    learn_more_btn.y = 183;
    replay_btn.x = 284;
    replay_btn.y = 183;

    Last sleep buttons
    function donePlaying_sleep(e:Event):void {}

    addChild (BoxSleepPic);
    addChild (close_btn);
    addChild (learn_more_btn);
    addChild (replay_btn)
    close_btn.x = 313;
    close_btn.y = 183;
    learn_more_btn.x = 434;
    learn_more_btn.y = 183;
    replay_btn.x = 554;
    replay_btn.y = 183;

    Latest sensation buttons
    function donePlaying_feel(e:Event):void {}

    addChild (BoxFeelPic);
    addChild (close_btn);
    addChild (learn_more_btn);
    addChild (replay_btn)
    close_btn.x = 313;
    close_btn.y = 183;
    learn_more_btn.x = 434;
    learn_more_btn.y = 183;
    replay_btn.x = 554;
    replay_btn.y = 183;

    Functions of breathing
    function breatheOpen(event:MouseEvent):void
    { (breathe_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (breathe_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (breathe_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Live close (live_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (live_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (live_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Close the sleep (sleep_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (sleep_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Feel close (feel_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (feel_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (feel_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    See photo (pic_breathe_mc,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other photos (pic_live_mc,.5, {alpha: 0}); (pic_sleep_mc,.5, {alpha: 0}); (pic_feel_mc,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Display text (breathe_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other texts (live_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (feel_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0});

    Live functions
    function liveOpen(event:MouseEvent):void
    { (live_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});})

    live_mc.learn_btn. Visible = true;
    live_mc.video_btn. Visible = true; (live_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (live_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Close to breathe (breathe_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (breathe_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (breathe_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Close the sleep (sleep_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (sleep_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Feel close (feel_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (feel_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (feel_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    See photo (pic_live_mc,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other photos (pic_sleep_mc,.5, {alpha: 0}); (pic_feel_mc,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Display text (live_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other texts (breathe_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (feel_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0});

    Sleep functions
    function sleepOpen(event:MouseEvent):void
    { (sleep_mc, 1, {y: 37, ease:Elastic.easeOut});})

    sleep_mc.learn_btn. Visible = true;
    sleep_mc.video_btn. Visible = true; (sleep_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (sleep_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Close to breathe (breathe_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (breathe_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (breathe_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Live close (live_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (live_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (live_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Feel close (feel_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (feel_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (feel_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    See photo (pic_sleep_mc,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other photos (pic_feel_mc,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Display text (sleep_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other texts (live_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (breathe_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (feel_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0});

    Feeling of functions
    function feelOpen(event:MouseEvent):void
    { (feel_mc, 1, {y: 37, ease:Elastic.easeOut});})

    feel_mc.learn_btn. Visible = true;
    feel_mc.video_btn. Visible = true; (feel_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 1}); (feel_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Close to breathe (breathe_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (breathe_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (breathe_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Live close (live_mc, 1, {y: 117, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (live_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (live_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    Close the sleep (sleep_mc, 1, {y: 77, ease:Elastic.easeOut});}) (sleep_mc.learn_btn,.5, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_mc.video_btn,.5, {alpha: 0});

    See photo (pic_feel_mc,.5, {alpha: 1});

    Display text (feel_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 1});

    Hide other texts (live_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (sleep_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0}); (breathe_txt_mc, 1, {alpha: 0});


    This error means that you are trying to access an object on the display (object) list is not there.

    For example, if the instance of close_btn is not added as a child, the following line will throw this error:

    removeChild (close_btn);

    One of the ways to remedy this situation is to confirm that the object is added:

    If (Contains (close_btn)) removeChild (close_btn);

  • Add Radio button dynamically, twice - #2025 error: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of


    I have some difficulty to the dynamic addition of user interface controls. For the most part with radio buttons.

    Here is an example that illustrates my problem:

    < s:Application
    ' xmlns:fx = ' "
    xmlns:s = "library://".
    xmlns:MX = "library://".
    creationPolicy = "all".

    < fx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    Import mx.containers.Form;
    Import mx.containers.Panel;
    Import mx.controls.Label;
    Import mx.controls.NumericStepper;
    Import mx.controls.RadioButton;

    private var theChar:String = 'B ';.

    protected function btnAdd_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

    var theForm:Form = new Form();
    theForm.label = theChar;

    1 label
    var myLabel:Label = new Sun;
    MyLabel.set_Text = "My Label";
    myLabel.width = 120;
    theForm.addChild (myLabel);

    2. digital stepper
    var myNumStepper:NumericStepper = new NumericStepper(); = "numPointHigh" + theChar; = "numPointHigh" + theChar;
    myNumStepper.minimum = 0;
    myNumStepper.maximum = 120;
    myNumStepper.width = 50;
    myNumStepper.height = 30;
    theForm.addChild (myNumStepper);

    3. radio button
    var myRadioButton:RadioButton = new RadioButton; = "myRadioButton" + theChar; = "myRadioButton" + theChar;
    myRadioButton.label = "my button";
    myRadioButton.selected = true;
    theForm.addChild (myRadioButton);

    4. expert group
    var thePanel:Panel = new Panel();
    thePanel.width = 300;
    thePanel.height = 475; = theChar;
    thePanel.title = 'my profile sign ';
    thePanel.setStyle ("backgroundColor", "blue");

    Add the shape in the Panel
    thePanel.addChild (theForm);

    Add the Panel to the list control
    myList.addChild (thePanel);


    protected function btnClear_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    var numChildren:Number = myList.numChildren;
    for (var i: Number = numChildren - 1; i > - 1; i--) {}
    myList.removeChildAt (i);

    []] >
    < / fx:Script >

    < mx:VBox width = "100%" >
    < mx:List id = "myList" / >
    < mx:Button id = "btnAdd" label = "Add a Panel" click = "btnAdd_clickHandler (event)" color = "black" / > "
    < mx:Button id = "btnClear" label = "Clear" click = "btnClear_clickHandler (event)" color = "black" / > "
    < / mx:VBox >

    < / s:Application >

    ^ Running. Click on the button "add a Panel." Then click on "delete". Then click again on the button "add a Panel." You will see the error:

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildIndex()
    at mx.core::Container/getChildIndex() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core \]
    at mx.containers::Panel/getChildIndex() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\co ntainers\]
    at mx.controls::RadioButtonGroup/breadthOrderCompare() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\fram ework\src\mx\controls\]
    at mx.controls::RadioButtonGroup/breadthOrderCompare() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\fram ework\src\mx\controls\]
    at mx.controls::RadioButtonGroup/breadthOrderCompare() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\fram ework\src\mx\controls\]
    to Array$ / _sort)
    table / ()
    to mx.controls::RadioButtonGroup / ([E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects \framework\src\mx\controls\])
    at mx.controls::RadioButton/addToGroup() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\c ontrols\]
    at mx.controls::RadioButton/commitProperties() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\sr c\mx\controls\]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\ mx\core\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateProperties() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\framewor k\src\mx\managers\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projects\frame work\src\mx\managers\]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback() [E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\projec ts\framework\src\mx\managers\]

    I don't understand why I can't add the option button? If you comment out the code for the button of the radio (comment #3 of the article) you can easily add the panels. It happens only when I have radio buttons is added to the form/Panel.

    Why this is happening and how to fix it? Why is this only happening radio button? I thought that I had this problem

    I have responded on the stack overflow.  Make sure your Radio buttons are in a group of Radio buttons and your error disappears.

  • The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the appellant please help!

    Hi hope someone can help me with this.

    IM child added to a bg MovieClip


    for (var i: int = 1; i < = cols; i ++)


    for (int var q = 1; q < = lines; q ++)


    var random_card = Math.floor (Math.random () * colordeck.length);

    tile = new colors();

    tile.width = widthvar;

    tile.height = widthvar;

    tile.col = colordeck [random_card];


    tile.gotoAndStop (9);

    tile.x = (i +. 2) * xvar;

    tile.y = (q + adjust) * yvar.

    tile.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, tile_clicked);

    bg.addChild (tile);




    When I removeChild (bg) it does not remove its children and dear I addChild (bg) again

    He adds more children on top.

    How can I remove these BG?

    I tried:


    If (bg.contains (tile))


    for (var i: int = 1; i < = cols; i ++)


    for (int var q = 1; q < = lines; q ++)


    bg.removeChild (tile);





    but get an error:

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()

    If you can help id rly appriciate it

    THX pavel

    You can also use some methods such as:

    for (i = mc.numChildren - 1; i > = 0; i--) {}

    trace (MC.getChildAt (i). (Name)

    mc.removeChildAt (i);


  • ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    I have a button that creates mc what mouse downwards and remove it when the mouse upwards.

    can someone tell me why I get this error and how to fix it.

    the error only appears when I repeat the mouse down.

    Thank you


    brown.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, GB)

    function createCircle (xx:Number, yy:Number, d: Number, color: number live: Boolean = true)


    brown.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goo)

    var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip

    mc.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, kav);

    mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, goo);

    MC.visible = live;

    mc.buttonMode = true;

    addChild (mc); (color); (xx, yy, d);

    function kav(e:Event) {}

    MC.y-= 0.2


    function goo (MouseEvent) {}

    removeChild (mc)



    function GB (MouseEvent) {}

    createCircle (250,200,Math.random () * 40 + 10, Math.random () * 0xFFFFFF)


    When you create an object, there is, and by using addChild it simply brings in the display list.  Using removeChild removes it from the display list, but it's not the object disappear... it still exists, you just can't see. So the next time you make one event MOUSE_UP, you try to remove a child who has already been deleted.

    When you work with listeners and dynamic objects, you should remove listeners when you delete objects.

    Another thing, you shouldn't nest named within the functiions functions.

  • #2025 error: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the appellant - delete table object

    Hi guys, I'm fairly new to as3 and I'm doing a game where the player clicks on so-called onstage and 3 towers which I generated dynamically must pull the space. Everything works on the plane of rotation of the Tower, etc., but bullets will not be removed from the scene when I leave the level in another scene. Control of the border is fine, also.

    Here is a part of the code in the file.

     private function clickTower1(e:MouseEvent):void 
    for each (var tower1:mcTower1 in tower1Array)
    var newLaser1:mcLaser1 = new mcLaser1();
    .rotation = tower1.rotation;
    newLaser1.x = tower1.x + Math.cos(newLaser1.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * 40;
    newLaser1.y = tower1.y + Math.sin(newLaser1.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * 40;
    newLaser1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, laser1Handler);
    tower1BulletArray.push(newLaser1); stage.addChild(newLaser1);

    private function laser1Handler(e:Event):void
    //Make laser move in direction of turret.
    var newLaser1:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;
    newLaser1.x += Math.cos(newLaser1.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * laser1Speed;
    newLaser1.y += Math.sin(newLaser1.rotation * Math.PI / 180) * laser1Speed;
    //Boundary checking if (newLaser1.x < -50 || newLaser1.x > 800 || newLaser1.y > 600 || newLaser1.y < -50)
    newLaser1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, laser1Handler); stage.removeChild(newLaser1);
    tower1BulletArray.splice(0, 1);

    I have a function called exitLevel, coming out, as its name suggests, the level when a button is clicked. It worked perfectly before you start coding the bullets.

        private function exitLevel(e:MouseEvent):void
    .frameRate = 6;
    gamePaused = false;
    gotoAndStop(1, 'exitLevel');
    btnExitLevel.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, levelSelect1);
      private function clearLevel():void
    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
    stage.removeChild(buttonCreep1); stage.removeChild(buttonCreep2);
    for (var i = creep1Array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    creep1Array.splice(i, 1);
    //trace ("Creep1 Removed");
    for (var j = creep2Array.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
    .splice(j, 1);
    //trace ("Creep2 Removed");
    for (var k = tower1Array.length - 1; k >= 0; k--)
    removeChild(tower1Array[k]); tower1Array.splice(k, 1);
    for (var l = tower1BulletArray.length - 1; l >= 0; l--)
    tower1BulletArray.splice(0, 1);

    After debugging, it is said that the error is at the end, where I'm trying to remove the child from the scene. What's wrong? Sorry, I'm a newbie to as3, so the answers could be gave... I'll try to learn and understand, however. Thank you!

    I took the code out of a guide on the web, and I do not fully understand, then someone can explain to me what this code does as well? What is e.currentTarget? Thank you!

     var newLaser1:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;

    Here is the .as file full if someone wants to take a look.

    If fleas are still on the screen, you or the other

    1. did you not run this code just before the change of scene or

    2 Add bullets to the displaylist without adding to tower1BulletArray or

    3. continue to add chips to the displaylist after this code executes

  • #2025 error: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.      to flash. display::DisplayObj

    Hi guys I am pullying my hair since 2 days

    Plese help me

    Is my document class



    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

    import flash.display.StageAlign;

    /public class Main extends MovieClip


    scrollerBg:ScrollerBg private var;

    public void Main()


    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;

    scrollerBg = new ScrollerBg();

    addChild (scrollerBg);

    scrollerBg.x = 39;

    scrollerBg.y = 572;




    My ScrollerBg is connect to this class

    package com.elements


    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import LeftArrow.

    import RightArrow;

    import flash.display.Sprite;




    import flash.display.Loader;



    import com.elements.PreloaderObject;

    import com.greensock.TweenMax;

    /public class Scrollercontainer extends MovieClip


    leftArrow:LeftArrow private var;

    rightArrow:RightArrow private var;

    scrollerBg:Sprite private var;

    scrollerMask:Sprite private var;

    private var xmlPath:String = "xml/scroller.xml.

    xmlLoader:URLLoader private var;

    private var preloader: PreloaderObject;

    public static var bgImage:Array;

    public static var thumbImage:Array;

    public static var labelArray:Array;

    xmlData:XML private var;

    public void Scrollercontainer()


    addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedtoStageHandeler, false, 0, true);


    onAddedtoStageHandeler(evt:Event):void private function


    scrollerBg = new Sprite(); (0 x 000000, 1); (0,0,865,78); ();

    addChild (scrollerBg);

    scrollerBg.x = 28;

    scrollerBg.y = 13;

    scrollerMask = new Sprite(); (0 x 000000, 1); (0,0,865,78); ();

    addChild (scrollerMask);

    scrollerMask.x = 28;

    scrollerMask.y = 13;

    scrollerBg.mask = scrollerMask;

    left arrow = new LeftArrow();

    leftArrow.x = 14;

    leftArrow.y = 44;

    leftArrow.buttonMode = true;

    addChild (leftArrow);

    right arrow = new RightArrow();

    rightArrow.x = 901.

    rightArrow.y = 44;

    rightArrow.buttonMode = true;

    addChild (rightArrow);



    private function lodXMLinit (): void


    bgImage = new Array();

    thumbImage = new Array();

    labelArray = new Array();

    xmlLoader = new URLLoader();

    xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

    xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest (xmlPath));

    preloader = new PreloaderObject();

    preloader.buildPreloader ();


    xmlLoaded(evt:Event):void private function


    xmlData = new XML (;

    var xmlList:XMLList = xmlData.slide;

    var point: XML;

    / / trace (xmlList.toXMLString ());

    for each (xmlList)


    bgImage.push (item.slide);

    thumbImage.push (item.thumbImage);

    labelArray.push (item.label);


    / / trace(thumbImage[1]);



    private function buildThumbScroller (): void


    for (var i: int = 0; i < thumbImage.length; i ++)


    var thumbBackground:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    var thumbImgeBackground:Sprite = new Sprite();,1); (0,0,100,78); ();

    thumbBackground.addChild (thumbImgeBackground);

    thumbBackground.x (100 + 20) = * i;

    thumbBackground.indexs = i;

    thumbBackground.src = thumbImage [i];

    thumbBackground.buttonMode = true;

    var preloader: PreloaderObject = new PreloaderObject(); = String (i);

    preloader.buildPreloader ();

    var imageContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();

    var thldr:Loader = new Loader();

    thldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.OPEN, pairs loadStarted);

    thldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);

    thldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, showProgress);

    thldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);

    thldr.load (new URLRequest (thumbBackground.src));

    imageContainer.addChild (thldr);

    thumbBackground.addChild (imageContainer);

    scrollerBg.addChild (thumbBackground);



    loadStarted(evt:Event):void private function


    trace (this); Traces [object ScrollerBg];

    this.addChild (preloader);


    imageLoaded(evt:Event):void private function



    showProgress(evt:ProgressEvent):void private function


    / / trace (this);

    var percent: Number = (1.0 / evt.bytesTotal) * evt.bytesLoaded;

    / / trace (percent);

    si (p == 1)


    this.removeChild (preloader); Here's my problem when it draws traces [object ScrollerBg];




    preloader.loadBar.width = stage.stageWidth * per cent;



    onError(evt:IOErrorEvent):void private function





    and my Preloader object class is the following

    package com.elements


    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import flash.display.Shape;

    /public class PreloaderObject extends MovieClip


    public var loadBar:Shape;

    public void PreloaderObject()



    buildPreloader(color:uint_=_0xffccdd,height:uint_=3):void of the public service


    Gauge = new Shape();,1); (0.0,0.0,100,100); ();

    loadBar.width = 0.0;

    loadBar.height = height;

    addChild (loadBar);




    Here, I want to show the preloader on each thumbloading process
    When tracing both parent show is the same but preloader does not work please help me
    Thanks in advance

    This is not going to work.

    you have a problem with your logic.  you have a preloader.  you have several objects that you load into a loop for.  the first object will finish loading, preloader is removed and then the next object end of loading.

    1. There is no preloader displaying prices charge when the first object is completed loading

    2. the preloader first shows the load progress of the first object only, not the load course of whatever it is you want to load

    3. the error of you know: preloader seeks to be removed, after it is already deleted.

    If you don't like about 1 and 2 do not resolve your issue, use the code that I suggested in my first post:

    {if (preloader.stage)}

    this.removeChild (preloader);


    If you want to display the load progress of the rest of the loop for loads, you will need to decide what exactly you want to display.

  • ArgumentError: Error #2025:

    Hi, I created a game called Piggy Attack.

    I am trying to remove some video clips off the stage.

    I also tried adding them to the stage using as3, but it is not successful.

    They all upward with the error code:

    ****************************************************************************************** *************

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at Piggy_Attack_fla::MainTimeline/fl_st() [Piggy_Attack_fla. MainTimeline::frame3:67]

    ****************************************************************************************** *************

    Here's the code by removing...

    If (p4.x < 90)
    Speed = 0;
    Speeda = 0;
    speed3 = 0;
    SPEED4 = 0;
    mySound.stop ();
    removeChild (p1);
    removeChild (p2);
    removeChild (p3);
    removeChild (p4);
    gotoAndStop (4);

    If anyone knows anything please please answer.

    No, just that if you are using an ENTER_FRAME listener, you need to delete under this code, you have demonstrated to stop his execution.  So, if you have a line of code somewhere that assigns this listener, similar to something like...

    "SomeObject". addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, someFunction);

    Then in the code you showed that you must include a line to remove it while it does not continue to try to remove the abducted children...

    "SomeObject". removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, someFunction);

  • ArgumentError: Error #2025 - I can't removeChild?

    function urunlergelsin (e:MouseEvent): void {}
    var urunlermenum:urunlermenu = new urunlermenu();
    bg.solurunmenusu.addChild (urunlermenum); / / Added a new
    var geridonbuton:geridon = new geridon();
    BG.geridonus_mc. AddChild (geridonbuton);
    BG.geridonus_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, geridon_f);

    function geridon_f(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    bg.urunbtn.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, urunlergelsin);
    BG.geridonus_mc. RemoveEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, geridon_f);
    var urunlermenum:urunlermenu = new urunlermenu();

    bg.solurunmenusu.removeChild (urunlermenum); / / But when I try to delete ro it does not work


    When I try to removeChild I get this error how can I solve this problem?

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at avas_fla::MainTimeline/geridon_f()

    Your problem likely to be is to declare the object inside a function.  It will be only worn within this function when you do this.  I see where you create a new instance of the object in the function where I guess you are trying to remove the first class... the second is the only one seen at this point here, and it has not been added.  Try the following:

    var urunlermenum:urunlermenu; Declare it outside any function

    function urunlergelsin (e:MouseEvent): void {}
    urunlermenum = new urunlermenu();
    bg.solurunmenusu.addChild (urunlermenum); / / Added a new
    var geridonbuton:geridon = new geridon();
    BG.geridonus_mc. AddChild (geridonbuton);
    BG.geridonus_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, geridon_f);

    function geridon_f(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    bg.urunbtn.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, urunlergelsin);
    BG.geridonus_mc. RemoveEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, geridon_f);

    var urunlermenum:urunlermenu = new urunlermenu();  remove this
    bg.solurunmenusu.removeChild (urunlermenum);


  • Gallery of images - ArgumentError: Error #2025

    Hi guys,.

    I'm new to flash cs3 and action script 3.0. I did 3 galleries of images, all work fine by themselves, however I recently tried to link them to a central flash file and I get the error:

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at home_fla::MainTimeline/gotoHome()

    I enclose the code for the central/home flash below file.

    Basically, all I'm trying to achieve is to add the client_images.swf like a child when the customer images button is clicked and then listen to a click on the button home client_images and remove the child. This works if I click on the home button immediately. If I click on the home button with in 3 seconds, I get the error.

    I had a good look for a solution to this problem and did not have much luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can send the .fla if you need more information.

    See you soon,.

    you are repeatedly executing the code in Image1 House and who is initially two instances of clientsLoader (among others) to exist. When you try to delete the most recently created one, it is not added to the display list, so it cannot be deleted.

    to remedy this, put a stop() in frame 1 of the home.fla.

  • Problem creating ANE, ArgumentError: Error #3500: the context of the extension doesn't have a method with the name

    I'm bit confused about ANE generation, I'm already all direction, but the error always #3500 when I try to call the DONKEY.

    I create NSAS using java android.

    The tools I use: Flash Builder running on Win-64 win.7. I think I have to, right to the point, here, what I did first step by step;

    1. I create the JAVA application first, with the package then I create 3 files,,,


    Code Source Sample.Java

    import android.util.Log;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREContext;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREExtension;
    public class Sample implements FREExtension {
      public FREContext createContext(String arg0) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Log.i("Sample", "createContext");
      return new SampleContext();
      public void dispose() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Log.i("Sample", "Dispose");
      public void initialize() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Log.i("Sample", "Initialize");

    Source code for SampleContext.Java

    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    import android.util.Log;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREContext;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREFunction;
    public class SampleContext extends FREContext {
      public SampleContext()
      Log.i("SampleContext", "constructor");
      public void dispose() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Log.i("SampleContext", "dispose");
      public Map<String, FREFunction> getFunctions() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      Log.i("SampleContext", "getFunctions");
      Map<String, FREFunction> functionMap = new HashMap<String, FREFunction>();
      functionMap.put("passText", new PassTextFunction());
      return functionMap;

    Source code for PassTextFunction.Java

    import com.adobe.fre.FREContext;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREExtension;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREFunction;
    import com.adobe.fre.FREObject;
    public class PassTextFunction implements FREFunction {
      public FREObject call(FREContext arg0, FREObject[] arg1) {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      FREObject result = null;
      result =  FREObject.newObject("Hello World");
      }catch(Exception e)
      return result;

    After all the files, I create the jar file using the right click on the tree > > export > > Jar file > > Sample.Jar (I already create jar file that contains just the src folder and after I got frustrated, I create the .jar file contains all the project folder as a whole but still did not work).

    Okay, after that, I create project Flex Library Project, which is to contain the actionscript code to call the native and extension.xml, here the code.


    Test Source code. As, FYI: I have already create the public function and the static function the error always the same #3500.

      import flash.external.ExtensionContext;
      public class test
      private static var extContext:ExtensionContext = null;
      public function test()
      trace ("Test Constructor");
      if (!extContext)
      public static function get passText():String
      trace ("Test Pass Text");
      if (!extContext)
      return"passText") as String;
      private static function initExtension():void
      trace ("Vibration Constructor: Create an extension context");
      extContext = ExtensionContext.createExtensionContext("", null);

    extension source code. XML

    FYI: Flex when I put the Native Extension, they said have Windows - x 86 so I already create 3 DONKEY, that contain Android-ARM, ARM Android contain by default, Android contain ARM, Default, and Windows - x 86, but still the same error. I don't have it where is the error.

    <extension xmlns="">
      <platform name="Android-ARM">
      <!-- <platform name="Windows-x86">
       <platform name="default"> 

    After that I created, I copy the sample file of file and extension with the file Sample.jar .swc.

    I have extracted the .swc file, copy the library.swf file Android-ARM, by default, Windows-86 and I create build.bat containing the command like this

    adt -package  -storetype PKCS12 -keystore senigo.p12 -storepass l10nk1ng -target ane extension.xml -swc AndroidLib.swc -platform Android-ARM -C ./Android-ARM/ . -platform default -C ./default/ .

    the I put the donkey for bending mobile project I created:




    I run, but received the error #3500, I get really confused? What is wrong with my code? is there something that I have wrong or I just missed?

    Please someone help me... and what is already donkey file I can debug in Flex Mobile project? I want to log.i code I wrote, but I confuse air how to the Levant in flash builder.

    in the end, I want to said sorry if my English is not very goods and thank you, because want to see my problem and I appreciate it a lot if you can give me a solution

    So you're saying that I created belongs to android?


    Okay, so then why when I put just ANE build contain Android-ARM, the error still appear?

    Because that when you launch it engine running Windows AIR request use default implementation in this case. But looks like the default implementation, you use the same Android and default value.

    is that what I have to put Windows-86 to run it on windows?

    If you are creating applications / DONKEY for mobile platforms you don't need it.

    I have to use another actionscript that does not ExtensionContext content?


    For example, look at this: mesmotronic/air-full screen-ane · GitHub

    record full screen-ane-android - Android app

    full screen-ane-default - default implementation (for all other platforms exclude Android)

    It is an excellent example. It's pretty simple, you understand how it works.

  • Error when the appellation newly created folder: this item is not found


    I found the thread when people are struggling to remove the folder.  However, I have the opposite problem.

    When I create a new folder, type to replace the name "New folder" and then on enter, I get this error:

    This item is not found

    It is no longer in C:\folder1\folder2.  Check the location of the item and try again.

    Two options: retry and cancel.

    I did Try Again and it works.

    How can I fix it?

    Thank you

    Found the thread with replies

  • error #2025: addChaild and removeChild

    Hi all

    I have the app, but I had a problem

    ArgumentError: Error # 2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    at flash.display: DisplayObjectContainer / removeChild)

    to xxxxx_fla: MainTimeline / hitPoint)

    my code



    var pencilta:Shape = new Shape();

    var activeColor:uint = 0 x 000000;

    var aaa: a = new a();

    AAA.x = 0;

    AAA.y = 0;

    addChild (aaa);

    var bbb:c1 = new c1();

    BBB.x = 308;

    BBB.y = 108;

    addChild (bbb);

    var ccc:c2 = new c2();

    CCC.x = 265;

    CCC.y = 175;

    addChild (ccc);

    var ddd:c2 = new c2();

    DDD.x = 235;

    DDD.y = 260;

    var eee: c2 = new c2();

    EEE.x = 200;

    EEE.y = 355;

    bbb.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hta1drag);

    bbb.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hta1drop);

    bbb.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitPoint);

    function drawingta()


    addChild (pencilta); (10, activeColor);


    function drawPencilta(e:MouseEvent):void

    { (bbb.x, bbb.y);

    e.updateAfterEvent ();


    function hta1drag(e:MouseEvent):void

    { (); (bbb.x, bbb.y);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilta);



    function hta1drop(e:MouseEvent):void



    stage.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilta);


    function hitPoint(e:Event)


    If (bbb.hitTestPoint (ccc.x, ccc.y, true))


    removeChild (ccc);

    addChild (ddd);


    ElseIf (bbb.hitTestPoint (ddd.x, ddd.y, true))


    removeChild (ddd);

    addChild (eee);


    on the other


    trace ("Benoit lah");



    Thank you




    var pencilta:Shape = new Shape();

    var activeColor:uint = 0 x 000000;

    var aaa: a = new a();

    AAA.x = 0;

    AAA.y = 0;

    addChild (aaa);

    var bbb:c1 = new c1();

    BBB.x = 308;

    BBB.y = 108;

    addChild (bbb);

    var ccc:c2 = new c2();

    CCC.x = 265;

    CCC.y = 175;

    addChild (ccc);

    var ddd:c2 = new c2();

    DDD.x = 235;

    DDD.y = 260;

    var eee: c2 = new c2();

    EEE.x = 200;

    EEE.y = 355;

    bbb.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, hta1drag);

    bbb.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hta1drop);

    bbb.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitPoint);

    function drawingta()


    addChild (pencilta); (10, activeColor);


    function drawPencilta(e:MouseEvent):void

    { (bbb.x, bbb.y);

    e.updateAfterEvent ();


    function hta1drag(e:MouseEvent):void

    { (); (bbb.x, bbb.y);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilta);



    function hta1drop(e:MouseEvent):void



    stage.removeEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drawPencilta);


    function hitPoint(e:Event)


    If (bbb.hitTestPoint (ccc.x, ccc.y, true))


    {if (CCC.stage)}

    ccc.parent.removeChild (ccc);

    CCC = null;?


    addChild (ddd);


    ElseIf (bbb.hitTestPoint (ddd.x, ddd.y, true))


    {if (DDD.stage)}

    ddd.parent.removeChild (ddd);

    DDD = null;?


    addChild (eee);


    on the other


    trace ("Benoit lah");



    Thank you

  • Error 2025 and children with an ItemRenderer

    Try to determine whether to add another element of custom to a list (using an itemRenderer) component depending on whether the list item clicked is in the last position

    The component code
    private void addPanel(event:Event):void {}
    If {(
    this.parentApplication.addASWB (this);

    The code in the application:
    public void addASWB(aswb:ASWBox):void
    var idx:int = getIdx (aswb as DisplayObject);
    If (idx == (targetData.length - 1)) {}
    var aswb2:ASWBox = new ASWBox();
    targetData.push (aswb2);
    cmp.dataProvider.refresh ();

    public void getIdx(item:DisplayObject):int
    Return cmp.getChildIndex (item);

    I get the following error:
    #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

    Is this a problem with the help of an itemRenderer for a list? Positions and index not accessible because of this or get an imperfect understanding of lists, the data suppliers and ItemRnderers?

    "... Positions and not accessible indexes... "Correct. You must work with the dataProvider only, you never can programmatically access an instance of point rendering engine. Well, you can, but it will be without any value.

  • ArgumentError: Error #2100 when opening adobe muse cc 2015

    Hello, I'm an ArgumentError: Error #2100 when opening adobe muse cc 2015

    Here is the log txt:

    Logging ended at: my Sep 26 12:21:24 2015

    12:21:31.007 [00:01:03.937] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Server: openresty/
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 19:21:22 GMT
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    12:21:31.010 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    12:21:31.010 [00:01:03.937] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    12:21:31.052 [00:01:03.984] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    12:21:31.052 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Server: openresty/
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 19:21:22 GMT
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    12:21:31.054 [00:01:03.984] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    12:21:37.711 [00:01:10.641] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:01:10.641] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:08:57 2015
    13:09:28.688 [00:00:27.688] | Full recovery
    13:11:17.349 [00:02:16.328] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    13:11:17.377 [00:02:16.359] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    13:11:28.099 [00:02:27.078] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    13:11:28.099 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:11:19 GMT
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:11:28.629 [00:02:27.609] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    13:11:28.629 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:11:20 GMT
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:12:20.577 [00:03:19.563] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:03:19.563] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:25:10 2015
    13:25:24.713 [00:00:13.359] | Full recovery
    13:26:15.857 [00:01:04.500] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    13:26:15.871 [00:01:04.515] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:26:24 GMT
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:26:33.279 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:26:33.279 [00:01:21.922] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:26:24 GMT
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:26:40.729 [00:01:29.359] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:01:29.375] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:27:27 2015
    13:27:39.133 [00:00:11.781] | Full recovery
    14:49:50.802 [01:22:23.453] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    14:49:50.832 [01:22:23.485] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Server: openresty/
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 21:49:50 GMT
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    14:49:59.696 [01:22:32.344] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    14:49:59.696 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Server: openresty/
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 21:49:51 GMT
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.360] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    14:50:06.380 [01:22:39.031] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [01:22:39.047] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 15:10:20 2015
    15:10:38.666 [00:00:17.984] | Full recovery
    15:11:49.007 [00:01:28.312] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    15:11:49.017 [00:01:28.328] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Server: openresty/
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 22:11:48 GMT
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Header: Server: openresty/
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 22:11:49 GMT

    Please delete the folders "tk1", 'tk2', 'tk3' and "tk4" found in:

    Mac: "~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.0/Local Store" (copy and paste into the go > dialog go to the folder in the Finder)

    Windows: store "%appdata%/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.0/Local" (copy and paste into a file Explorer window)

    In both cases above, include everything between the quotation marks (including the tilde ~ on Mac) in the copy/paste, but not the quotation marks themselves.

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