Hello everyone,

I need an answer everything into question of my mind.

I have an example of awr report and I wonder on below...

How is it 'execute sql elapsed time' and "DB CPU" are both is greater than the total duration of DB. Or the sum of all statisctics are greate than the total duration of DB.

I knew that TIME DB = DB CPU + sql execute elapsed time + analysis elapsed time...

But all of them are greater than 100, how and why.

Statistics name time (s) per cent of the time Total of DB

---------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------

DB time 124 564

Execute SQL time elapsed 95 118 853

DB 27 033 22 CPU

analysis time elapsed 12 15 552

12-14-868 elapsed hard analysis

elapsed time of bottom 6 7 804

hard analysis (sharing criteria) elapsed ti 4 5 198


PL/SQL 3 3 272 elapsed execution

time 2 2 546 background cpu

Statistics name time (s) per cent of the time Total of DB

---------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------

hard analysis (bind incompatibility) passed 1 1 672

PL/SQL compilation elapsed 1 1 050

elapsed time of connection management call 178 0

sequence of time charge 141 0

Time cpu RMAN (backup/restore) 38 0

repeated bind passed 13-0

could not parse elapsed 3 0

entering the time of PL/SQL rpc 0 0

881931 wrote:
Thank you my friend,

I saw this response drinking I did not understand, Tom explained sql out of time, but I want to learn "why all are 100% grater."

Thank you very much

The simple reason why the statistics add up to more than 100% is because the statistics are not designed to be added together in the way that you add statistics. Statistics of time DB is just the CPU and wait event total time for the sessions of the user, so it was a logical choice as a divider for all statistics. Most of the time model statistics contributes to the statistic of time DB, but there is overlap between the statistics - for example, time CPU DB is required to run SQL statements (these two are listed statistics). Also included in the report of statistics that are not components of the statistics of time DB, as background the elapsed time, time background and RMAN (backup/restore) time cpu - cpu but the report still divides these statistics of statistics of time DB, probably just so that you have a common point of reference.

Time model statistics should be seen in a tree that represents the parent relationships and the child between the statistics. The following article shows the directory structure and how you would interpret the statistics:

If you take another look at your statistics:

Statistic Name                           Time (s) Percent of Total DB Time
---------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------
DB time                                   124,564
sql execute elapsed time                  118,853                       95
DB CPU                                     27,033                       22
parse time elapsed                         15,552                       12
hard parse elapsed time                    14,868                       12
background elapsed time                     7,804                        6
hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed ti    5,198                        4
PL/SQL execution elapsed time               3,272                        3
background cpu time                         2,546                        2
hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time     1,672                        1
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time             1,050                        1
connection management call elapsed time       178                        0
sequence load elapsed time                    141                        0
RMAN cpu time (backup/restore)                 38                        0
repeated bind elapsed time                     13                        0
failed parse elapsed time                       3                        0
inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time                 0                        0

You can make certain assumptions as follows:
27 033 CPU seconds spent doing the work for user sessions. Because 124 564 seconds are indicated by the statistics of time DB, you can determine that about 124 564-27 033 seconds were spent in the events of waiting for user sessions. Sessions spent 15 552 seconds, the analysis of the SQL statements (note that some time CPU would be also consumed during analysis) and 14 868 seconds of this hard time parsing SQL statements, so sessions consume 15 552-14 868 seconds soft analysis of SQL statements. 14 868 seconds past hard analysis, 5 198 seconds were caused by sharing criteria and that 14 868-5 198 seconds were probably due to the unique SQL statements being submitted to the database. And so on.

Charles Hooper
Co-author of "Expert Oracle practices: Oracle Database Administration of the Oak Table.
IT Manager/Oracle DBA
K & M-making Machine, Inc.

Tags: Database

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    Does anyone know where my reasoning was an error?

    KDeWeerd wrote:
    Detailed analysis of an environment, trying to give meaning to all the numbers and to explain things to people doesn't make not easier if you can not all numbers that collects Oracle corresponding to some how.

    Yes, I understand. Here you can not because the statistical statement have no knowledge of what what call. This is probably why Oracle introduced the chronological model: it gives information that you can't derive from other sources.

    Any timed operation will be buffer at most 5 seconds of time data. This means that if a timed (such as the SQL execution) takes a long period of time to perform, the data published to this point of view lack maximum 5 seconds of the time accumulated for the operation.

    Can't really make sense of interpretation which

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    Thank you and best regards,


    Hi Julie,.

    It is not possible to change the frequency of refresh in real time of 20 seconds. The vim. PerformanceManager interface is limited to a minimum of 20 seconds sampling period.

    In addition, it is always recommended to call the QueryPerfProviderSummary API on the entity to verify the refresh rate and use this query for performance statistics refresh rate.

    I hope this answers your concern!


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    SQL ordered by Elapsed Time
    CPU Time   ... % Total DB Time
     0                            12.21
    Please explain, how is it possible
    DB-time does not time CPU here?

    Thank you and best regards,

    Published by: Pavel on April 18, 2012 04:17


    for explanation of time CPU and DB, please visit

    In your case, I think that the numbers is not reliable due to errors of instrumentation (for example, I saw 0 time processor in an extremely overloaded system).

    Best regards

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  • Appeal of CVP Server error


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    IPC = 1011, point routing CTI = 6322337, label the network VRU (type 10) = 1000003 with client routing CUCM

    The call server logs is as below

    193: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.625: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd = DATAI. 0} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - [INBOUND]: display name ["Kenon Woo CPIC"] is using survival [fake] CallServer build CVP_8_0_1_0_0_0_1440
    194: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.625: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-PARAM: {Thrd = DATAI. 0} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - [INBOUND]: sip ReqURI (DN):[email protected]/ * /: 5060 FromURI sip:[email protected]/ * / video m_needs_postcallsurvey:false: false
    195: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.625 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd = DATAI. 0} NEW CALL with guid = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 legid = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac dn = 10000036322337 = 1011 ani karim = null calldate = Thu Feb 03 16:01:58 GMT + 08:00 2011 video = false cachecallcontext = false is_postcallsurvey = false RouterCallKey = null, RouterCallKeyDay = null, RouterCallKeySequenceNumber = null
    196: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.625: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd = DATAI. 0} send msg: > HEADERS: (JMSType) = MsgBus:NEW_CALL (JMSDestination) subject = (CVP. SIP. CC. REQ) (JMSTimestamp) 1296720118625 = > BODY: replyto = true callguid = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 ani = 1011 dnis = 10000036322337 timezone = GMT + 08:00 version = CVP_8_0 pstntrkgrpsrcip = calldate = Thu Feb 03 16:01:58 GMT + 08:00 2011 calltypeid = 4 localOffset = 480 calllegid = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac > STATE: isTabular = false isWriteable = true cursor =-1
    174: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.640 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-115-ICM-2} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = - 1 [null] - treatment, [MsgBus:NEW_CALL], ssId = SYS_SIP1, mediaType =, location =, locationpkid is, locationsiteid =, port is, pstntrunkgroupid =, pstntrunkgroupchannelnum = 2147483647 sipheader =, rckey =, rcday is, rcseq =, mikiduta is, CallContext:, EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, LEGID = null, DNIS = - 1, ANI =-1
    175: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.640: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-115-ICM-2} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 - correlation ID call routed
    176: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.640 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-115-ICM-2} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - edition, [ICM_REQUEST_INSTRUCTION], dialogueId = 1 sendSeqNo = 1, trunkGroupId = 200, trunkNumber = 0, serviceId = 2, = Karim, correlationId = 6322337, location =, locationpkid =, pstntrunkgroupid is, pstntrunkgroupchannelnum = 2147483647, sipheader =, LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac, DNIS is 10000036322337, ANI = 1011
    177: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.656 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-116-ICM-3} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - treatment, [ICM_DIALOGUE_FAILURE_EVENT], dialogueId = 1 sendSeqNo = 1, errorCode = E_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac, DNIS = 10000036322337, ANI = 1011
    178: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.656 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-116-ICM-3} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - edition, [MsgBus:DIALOGUE_FAILURE], ssId = SYS_SIP1, errorCode = E_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE, LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac, DNIS = 10000036322337, ANI = 1011
    197: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-3-SIP_CALL_ERROR: CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - [INBOUND] - DIALOGUE_FAILURE of ICM router sends 404 rejection to call. ErrorCode = 15 [id: 5004]
    198: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-117-SIP-583} send MSG BUS: > HEADERS: (JMSType) = MsgBus:CALL_STATE_EVENT (JMSDestination) subject = (CVP. SIP. CC. EVENT) (JMSTimestamp) 1296720118656 = > BODY: callguid = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 RouterCallKeySent = false causecode = 1 timezone = GMT + 08:00 version = CVP_8_0 calldate = Thu Feb 03 16:01:58 GMT + 08:00 2011 localOffset = 480 eventid = 6 calllegid = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac > STATE: isTabular = false isWriteable = true cursor =-1
    199: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-117-SIP-583} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - DURATION [INBOUND] (MS) = 31 - hang UP with the call history
    200: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-3-SIP_CALL_ERROR: CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - [INBOUND] - ANORMALEMENT FINISHING - code SIP [404], reason not found [SIP; cause = 404] Hdr, GW call using flags SURV TCL [false], NO NORMAL [true] and USE ERROR REFERER flag [true] with AGE (MS) 31 and calls history: [id: 5004]
    201: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-117-SIP-583} is 92929292 to
    202: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-117-SIP-583} using local static Route for sip:[email protected]/ * /.
    203: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_SIP-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-117-SIP-583} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac - [ARRIVAL] REDIRECT with 302 response.
    179: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.656 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-118-ICM-4} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - treatment, [MsgBus:CALL_STATE_EVENT], ssId = SYS_SIP1, eventId = DISCONNECT, causeCode = NORMAL_COMPLETION, LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac, DNIS = 10000036322337, ANI = 1011
    180: February 3, 2011 16:01:58.656 + 0800: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-118-ICM-4} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - edition, [ICM_EVENT_REPORT], dialogueId = 1, sendSeqNo = 2, eventId = DISCONNECT, causeCode = NORMAL_COMPLETION, LEGID = 46f49180-d4a15ff8-44-59815ac, DNIS = 10000036322337, ANI = 1011
    181: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-118-ICM-4} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - deleted dialogue. Duration: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 16 ms
    182: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:01:58.656: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd=pool-1-thread-118-ICM-4} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7 - deleted call.  Duration: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 16 ms
    183: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:02:11.625: % CVP_8_0_ICM-7-CALL: {Thrd = ICM Garbage Collector} CALLGUID = EA8AC3611000012D504332B053EA67F7, DLGID = 1 [SIP_LEG_PRERTE_CORRID] - purged dialogue.
    830: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:06:50.750: % CVP_8_0_Infrastructure-6-STATS: % [stats_maps_logged = {STATS_RT_JVM_TOTAL_MEM = 1065484288, STATS_RT_JVM_CURRENT_MEM_USAGE = 71541696, STATS_RT_JVM_THREADS_IN_USE = 627, STATS_RT_JVM_AVAIL_MEM = 993942592, STATS_RT_JVM_PEAK_MEM_USAGE = 98248320, STATS_RT_JVM_UPTIME = 13201547, STATS_RT_JVM_PEAK_THREADS = 627}] [stats_obj_id = JVMStats] [stats_obj_type = real time] : Statistics object [id: 9019]
    831: February 3, 2011 + 0800 16:06:50.750: % CVP_8_0_Infrastructure-6-STATS: % [stats_maps_logged = n/a] [stats_obj_id = JVMStats] [stats_obj_type = interval]: stats statistics object [id: 9019]

    Thank you and best regards,


    OK, these steps will seem familiar.

    5. NVRU Explorer - Type 10 Network VRU, label for the CUCM routing client associated with the customer instance. Let's say this is 1000003.

    6. NVRU Explorer - Type 10 Network VRU, label for the CVP routing client associated with the customer instance. Let's say this is 1000001 and 1000002.

    Sorry, why you have different VRU transfer labels for your customers to routing two CVP? These should be the same. The front door will be a dial peer to make up for it and run the bootstrap, so he would look to 1000001 T. Everyone does the same thing (the doc of Cisco uses 8111111111).

    I always like to do these EXACTLY the number of digits configured on the tab of the Max Length of DNIS ICM - this allows the server to call out the correlation ID. So in your case I 100000003 (CUCM RC) and 100000001 (all CR CVP).

    Routing model has sent the 1000003xxxx call to CVP. It would normally start a new call, but the presence of the correlation ID that means it sends the info to the router and he finds the script, he stopped at the first send to VRU and it resumes.

    10. CVP has a static route on 1000003* to send the call to the CVP Call Server.

    You don't want the above.

    Now, he meets a second Envoy to VRU. In this case, the RC is CVP - then it returns 1000001xxxx to the CVP and there is a static route to the gateway to start the bootstrap. If you're good.

    I recommend the explicit send to VRU node. Easier to spot the error.

    Kind regards


  • SG300-10 Ethernet connected, but no IP connectivity


    I have a strange problem with a SG300-10 (our first SG300) works as a desktop switch.

    When a PC that is connected to the switch is turned off and is more later (a few minutes or next day) turned on, the PC has an Ethernet switch, but no IP connectivity.

    PC-statistics show that ethernet is connected and it sends out packets, but the PC receives not all packages.

    At the same time statistics SG300 for port said, that ethernet is connected (same parameters as the PC) one that the switch sends packets (broadcast and unicast) IP to port, but not all packages received. The switch displays the following entries in the log ram for the port:

    09:11:35 Warning STP-W-PORTSTATUS %: IG3: STP State Forwarding aggregated (1)
    09:11:31 Information % W-LINK-Up: IG3, aggregated (1)
    09:11:28 Warning % W - LINK at the bottom: IG3
    09:11:24 Warning STP-W-PORTSTATUS %: IG3: STP Forwarding State
    09:11:19 Information % W-LINK-Up: IG3

    With the older firmware IP connectivity worked after 5-10 minutes of waiting.

    With the new firmware I can wait another 15 minutes, there is no change and nothing happens.

    But when I change some settings 'unimportant' port (i.e. to change the speed of the port of autonegation to fixed 1000M, or vice versa), then save the configuration to the startup-config running, about 5-10 seconds after the configuration is saved, the port Gets a full IP connectivity, and after it works fine (until the PC is powered on and ON again).

    It is a very strange behavior. As 'PC', I tested cela with-workstations HP, Lenovo Thinkpad and a MAC Mini. Switch 'reacts' to everything the same.

    After I joined the config of the switch.

    It would be much appreciated if someone could give me some advice on how to solve or to debug this issue further.

    Thank you very much





    v1.3.0.59 / R750_NIK_1_3_647_260

    CLI v1.0

    system setting mode switch

    file plain text indicator SSD


    no native incompatibility of cdp journal

    No cdp journal incompatibility voip

    do not allow any device of cdp - tlv

    Jumbo-frame of port

    database of VLAN

    VLAN 2, 4-5, 10


    State of vlan voice disabled

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 0001e3 Siemens_AG_phone___

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 00036 b Cisco_phone___

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 00096e Avaya___

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 000fe2 H3C_Aolynk___

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 0060 b 9 Philips_and_NEC_AG_phone

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 00d01e Pingtel_phone___

    VLAN voice Yes-table add Polycom/Veritel_phone___ 00e075

    Add a voice vlan Yes-table 00e0bb 3Com_phone___


    No Hello activation

    sw3 hostname

    line console

    no selection


    line console

    Speed of 19200


    debug logging in buffered memory

    No complexity of passwords allow

    username cisco password encrypted privilege 7 15 xxxxxxxxxxxx

    property intellectual ssh server

    Server SNMP Server

    clock timezone "" 1

    summer time clock web recurring EU

    clock source sntp

    unicast SNTP client enable

    unicast SNTP client survey SNTP server

    IP domain name

    name of the IP-server


    interface vlan 1

    no ip address dhcp


    interface vlan 2

    name 2


    interface vlan 4

    name 4


    interface vlan 5

    name 5


    IPv6 2001:abc:100 b address: 25: 15 / 64


    interface vlan 10

    name 10


    interface gigabitethernet1

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet2

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet3

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet4

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet5

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet6

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet7

    no activation of eee

    negotiating 1000f

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5

    No eee lldp enable

    energy-don't detect any green-ethernet


    interface gigabitethernet8

    No mdix

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5


    interface gigabitethernet9

    no activation of eee

    trading 100 h 100f 1000f

    switchport mode access

    switchport access vlan 5

    No eee lldp enable

    energy-don't detect any green-ethernet


    interface gigabitethernet10

    no activation of eee

    No mdix

    switchport mode general

    switchport general allowed vlan add the tag 2: 4-5: 10

    switchport General disable filtering of capture

    pvid switchport General 5

    No eee lldp enable

    energy-don't detect any green-ethernet

    default switchport vlan tagged



    auto macro disabled

    IP route metric 1

    Hi Andreas, this is not usual. I guess if you make the switch it will work very well.

    I have 4 of them running right now on my desk and none that they behave like that.

    It should be 2-5 minutes for the connectivity entirely after a reboot. And no more than 52 seconds (based on spanning tree protocols) for the new connection without starting.

    Please mark replied messages useful

  • How the County table script Fund?

    Hi all

    I want to generate the list of counties of table in this format:


    Can you help me the sql statement please.

    Thank you



    Petra-K wrote:

    Hi all

    I want to generate the list of counties of table in this format:

    table-name County
    COUNTRY 100
    DEPT 10
    EMP 1000
    JOBS 50
    REGIONS 300

    Can you help me with the script please.

    Thank you


    These numbers are the number of rows in each table (in other words, the 'SELECT COUNT (*) FROM countries' output would be 100)?

    If so, and if you're happy with an account may be estimated from the last time statistics were gathered, you can do something like this:

    SELECT table_name
    From all_tables
    Owner WHERE = 'SCOTT '.


    If you want the exact number at run time, you need dynamic SQL statements.  Here's a way to do it:

    SELECT table_name

    , EXTRACTVALUE (XMLTYPE (dbms_xmlgen.getxml (' SELECT COUNT (*) AS num ")))

    || 'FROM ' | owner | '.' || table-name



    , ' / LINES/LINES/NUM.

    ) AS num_rows

    From all_tables

    Owner WHERE = 'SCOTT '.


    Whatever it is, you get results like:


    ------------------------------ ----------

    DEPT                                    4

    EMP                                    14

    BONUS                                   0


  • OGG on Win x 64 Abends without error on VAMRead

    Hello, dear community!

    Today, I got strange error when MS SQL Sever 2005 (pre CU6) replicating to Oracle

    The error is on the source site.

    First extract added with the following message:

    TABLE resolved (entry dbo.EventMaster):
      table dbo.EventMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    Using the following key columns for source table dbo.EventMaster: id.
    Source Context :
      SourceModule            : [ggvam.gen]
      SourceID                : [../gglib/ggvam/cvamgen.cpp]
      SourceFunction          : [com_goldengate_vam::CVamGen::vamRead]
      SourceLine              : [689]
      ThreadBacktrace         : [9] elements
                              : [gglog.dll(??1CContextItem@@UEAA@XZ+0x32e2) [0x0000000180109C42]]
                              : [gglog.dll(?_MSG_ERR_VAM_API_ERROR_MSG@@YAPEAVCMessage@@PEAVCSourceContext@@PEBDH1W4MessageDisposition@CMessageFactory@@@Z+0xde) [0x000000018002C00E]]
                              : [extract.exe(GGDataBufferGetNextChunk+0x534d5) [0x0000000140248485]]
                              : [extract.exe(GGDataBufferGetNextChunk+0x61d) [0x00000001401F55CD]]
                              : [extract.exe(<GDataBufferGetNextChunk+0x61d) [0x000000014000D6EE]]
                              : [extract.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x1f28) [0x00000001400C87E8]]
                              : [extract.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x1c1ea) [0x00000001400E2AAA]]
                              : [extract.exe(VAMRead+0x92850) [0x0000000140335DB0]]
                              : [kernel32.dll(BaseProcessStart+0x2c) [0x0000000077D5969C]]
    2014-02-19 06:44:31  ERROR   OGG-00146  VAM function VAMRead returned unexpected result: error 600 - VAM Client Report <[mssqlvam::MetadataResolver2K5::InternalGetColumns] Timeout expired Error (-2147217871): Timeout expired
    2014-02-19 06:44:31  INFO    OGG-00178  VAM Client Report <Last LSN Read: 001818b5:00009c04:0004
    Open Transactions
    0x0000:2e1c3a72 (2014/02/19 06:43:47.500) @ 001818b5:000082d2:0007: Upd(Comp) = 2(0), Row(comp) = 5(0)
    0x0000:2e1c3a7a (2014/02/19 06:43:47.703) @ 001818b5:00009c04:0003: Upd(Comp) = 0(0), Row(comp) = 0(0)
    2014-02-19 06:44:31  INFO    OGG-00178  VAM Client Report <Sanity checking is not enabled.
    *                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *
    Report at 2014-02-19 06:44:31 (activity since 2014-02-18 13:06:21)
    Output to C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1:
    From Table dbo.ShipmentHeader:
           #                   inserts:        43
           #                   updates:      8144
           #                   befores:      8144
           #                   deletes:       219
           #                  discards:         0


    No records have been replicated from dbo. EventMaster

    This happened after I have included several new tables in the replication. And everything went very well for several hours

    Table of contents PRM:

    extract E1
    SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryCount = 100)
    SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryDelay = 5000)
    sourcedb GGODBC, userid GGATE, password !@cGate34
    discardfile C:\GoldenGate\dirrpt\E1.dsc, purge
    exttrail C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1
    tranlogoptions managesecondarytruncationpoint
    table dbo.LPNHeader , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.LPNHeaderJournal , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderDetail , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderHeader , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderHeaderEvent , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderHeaderSchedule , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderShipmentHeader , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrderShipmentLPN , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.OrgMaster , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ScheduleCode , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ScheduleDetail , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ScheduleEvent , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ScheduleHeader , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.Sys_code , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.UserMaster , tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.EventHeader, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.EventMaster, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ShipmentHeader, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ShipmentHeaderEvent, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.LocationMaster, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;

    Trandata has been added successfully to new tables.

    After trying to restart the extract, he started without any error message abend in RPT files:

                   Oracle GoldenGate Capture for SQL Server
         Version OGGCORE_11.
    Windows x64 (optimized), Microsoft SQL Server on Jul 25 2012 04:00:23
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                        Starting at 2014-02-19 12:08:22
    Operating System Version:
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition, on x64
    Version 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
    Process id: 7516
    **            Running with the following parameters                  **
    2014-02-19 12:08:22  INFO    OGG-03035  Operating system character set identified as windows-1252. Locale: en_US, LC_ALL:.
    extract E1
    SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryCount = 100)
    Set environment variable (GGS_CacheRetryCount=100)
    SETENV (GGS_CacheRetryDelay = 5000)
    Set environment variable (GGS_CacheRetryDelay=5000)
    sourcedb GGODBC, userid GGATE, password *********
    2014-02-19 12:08:22  INFO    OGG-03036  Database character set identified as windows-1252. Locale: en_US.
    2014-02-19 12:08:22  INFO    OGG-03037  Session character set identified as windows-1252.
    discardfile C:\GoldenGate\dirrpt\E1.dsc, purge
    exttrail C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1
    tranlogoptions managesecondarytruncationpoint
    table dbo.EventHeader, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.EventMaster, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ShipmentHeader, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.ShipmentHeaderEvent, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    table dbo.LocationMaster, tokens (
    TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"),
    TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"),
    TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores;
    2014-02-19 12:08:22  INFO    OGG-01815  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
        anon alloc: MapViewOfFile  anon free: UnmapViewOfFile
        file alloc: MapViewOfFile  file free: UnmapViewOfFile
        target directories:
    CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
    CACHESIZE:                               64G
    CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                8M
    PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):         128G
    CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):     96G
    Database Version:
    Microsoft SQL Server
    Version 09.00.3042
    ODBC Version 03.52.0000
    Driver Information:
    Version 09.00.3042
    ODBC Version 03.52
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-01052  No recovery is required for target file C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1000286, at RBA 0 (file not opened).
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-01478  Output file C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1 is using format RELEASE 11.2.
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-00182  VAM API running in single-threaded mode.
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-01515  Positioning to begin time Feb 19, 2014 4:30:00 AM.
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-00178  VAM Client Report <Opening files for DSN: GGODBC, Server: SQL, Database: EEM2008>.
    2014-02-19 12:08:23  INFO    OGG-00178  VAM Client Report <Running in MSSQL2005 mode.>.
    2014-02-19 12:08:24  INFO    OGG-01560  Positioned to TIME: 2014-02-19 05:30:02.060000 NextReadLsn: 0x001816bc:00003c58:0001 EOL: false.
    **                     Run Time Messages                             **
    2014-02-19 12:08:24  INFO    OGG-01517  Position of first record processed LSN: 0x001816bc:00003c58:0001, Tran: 0000:2e1c0ab5, Feb 19, 2014 4:30:02 AM.

    After that point it abends. I clearly see the boot process and then down in the Task Manager. He starts, eats 71 MB of virtual memory and goes.

    The RPT I watch is after that I desperately published extract, alter start 2014-02-19 05:30. But those who before were like this one.

    I tried to create other snippets with the same list of tables, trying to shorten the list to 5 tables répliquiez very well for 3 months before today, tired of etrollover extract.

    Excerpts from DataPump work correctly on the same server, more I tried to perform the initial replication job and I finished without error.

    Here are the trace files and trace2:

    These are for a new snippet that I added. I work on the subset of original tables and is set to start at 5:30.

    The snippet again, I added the same file path E1, but created with seqno 287 (seqno does not interfere with the original extract seqno).

    After each start of a new replicat he buttons animated the new seqno (why is a mystery to me).

    I'll try to add snippets of pointing to another (new) path, but I'm pretty sure that this will not help.


    Trace starting at 2014-02-19 Wed Russian Standard Time 16:18:32
    16:18:35.428 (2843) entering VAMInitialize
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMInitialize
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering process_extract_loop
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering checkpoint_position
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exiting checkpoint_position
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMControl
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMControl
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead


    Trace starting at 2014-02-19 Wed Russian Standard Time 16:18:32
    16:18:32.585 (0) Processing infile param [sourcedb GGODBC, userid GGATE, password !@cGate34]...
    16:18:32.678 (93) Processing infile param [discardfile C:\GoldenGate\dirrpt\E3.dsc, purge]...
    16:18:32.678 (93) Processing infile param [exttrail C:\GoldenGate\dirdat\E1]...
    16:18:32.678 (93) Processing infile param [tranlogoptions managesecondarytruncationpoint]...
    16:18:32.678 (93) Processing infile param [nocompressupdates]...
    16:18:32.678 (93) Processing infile param [nocompressdeletes]...
    16:18:32.694 (109) Processing infile param [getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.694 (109) Processing infile param [table dbo.EventHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Wildcard processing for [table dbo.EventHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Finished wildcard processing for [table dbo.EventHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Processing infile param [table dbo.EventMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Wildcard processing for [table dbo.EventMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Finished wildcard processing for [table dbo.EventMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Processing infile param [table dbo.ShipmentHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Wildcard processing for [table dbo.ShipmentHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Finished wildcard processing for [table dbo.ShipmentHeader, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Processing infile param [table dbo.ShipmentHeaderEvent, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Wildcard processing for [table dbo.ShipmentHeaderEvent, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Finished wildcard processing for [table dbo.ShipmentHeaderEvent, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Processing infile param [table dbo.LocationMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Wildcard processing for [table dbo.LocationMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:32.710 (125) Finished wildcard processing for [table dbo.LocationMaster, tokens ( TKN-XID = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "XID"), TKN-CSN = @getenv( "TRANSACTION", "CSN"), TKN-RSN = @getenv( "RECORD", "RSN" )), getupdatebefores]...
    16:18:33.913 (1328) Read infile params...
    16:18:33.913 (1328) Done with DB version/login...
    16:18:33.913 (1328) Allocated sql statatements...
    16:18:33.913 (1328) Got checkpoint context...
    16:18:35.413 (2828) Done with data source determination...
    16:18:35.428 (2843) Opening files...
    16:18:35.428 (2843) *** Initializing performance stats ***
    16:18:35.428 (2843) entering VAMInitialize
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMInitialize
    16:18:36.163 (3578) Processing files...
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering process_extract_loop
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering checkpoint_position
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exiting checkpoint_position
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMControl
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMControl
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering IPC_read_TCP with hndl->ip.sock 18446744073709551615 and listen_sock 408
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) time spent executing VAMRead 0.00% (execute=0.000,total=3.578,count=10)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited READ_EXTRACT_RECORD (stat=520, seqno=0, rba=0)
    16:18:36.163 (3578) * --- entering READ_EXTRACT_RECORD --- *
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) exited VAMRead
    16:18:36.163 (3578) entering VAMRead

    I also tried what follows (Installation and Setup Guide for SQL Server).

    If the extraction process running on a source of pre - CU6 is suspended for a longer

    time as the frequency of normal log backup, you must re - enable and start the

    SQL Server Replication temporarily log Reader Agent jobs to manage the last

    distributed transaction. Stop and disable the work before restarting excerpt.

    But the work never finished, I had to stop and turn it off.

    So far, nothing helps.

    Database log backup was done successfully at 05:00.

    The database is in heavy test mode, so I can just restart server or database.

    Begging for your help!

    Seems like an OGG version to update fixed the issue.

  • Role and authorization in the CR for the user to collect ESXTOP Stats

    Hello world

    We have a team of test and development, who wants to test themselves in their test server and staging while doing what they want in time real stats to cpu, mem, and Disk.But it not the issue of the production, so we do not want to sit with them and live real-time statistics report. Now they want the temp user are created with root privilege so that they can collect ESXTOP report by running the command ESXTOP. Then what a privilege we will give and which group the user temp will be added so that they can report esxtop only run and fired. But they have several machines virtual spead on the different cluster and in different esxi host. Any help will be much appreciated on this.

    Thank you


    I would modify a role in order to give them access to the "Performance report".

    With what they are going to be able to get the host or VM performance data:

    • Real time
    • Day (s)
    • Week (s)
    • Month (s)

    for the CPU, store data, disk, memory, network, virtual disks, etc.

  • Performance history missing after the movement of vcenter database

    I recently moved our vcenter remote SQL database to a new server. The move of the SQL database process went well. After that I moved the database update the DSN on the server Vcenter, and the connection successfully tested.

    I thought everything was fine, until I tried to look through some performance stats and noticed that I had no story in history. I can see all the stats from before I moved the database and I can see real time statistics, but I do not see that anything recorded in day or week view since his arrival in the database. It's almost as if she's not writing the statistics in the database. I've attached a screenshot of what I see.

    Any ideas what could be causing this?

    A note, I moved the Express database from SQL 2005 to 2008 R2 SQL server. After setting on the new server, I changed the compatibility from 2005 to 2008. Not sure if this has something to do with it.

    Thanks for your suggestions


    Verification of SQL Server Agent Jobs and Windows SQL Server Agent service status (must be started).

    Look for details at vmware kb update rollup jobs after the error: the performance data are currently not available for this entity

  • How to get the loan from CPU percentage?

    Hi people,

    When I read this blog of Mr. Epping it seems that CPU ready is indicated as a percentage %, while in the vsphere Performace console | The Advanced tab, it shows you only in milliseconds per 20 seconds.

    If someone here can help me in the creation or modification of the script (created by Luc D) to calculate the loan of CPU percentage?

    $metrics = "cpu.usage.average", "cpu.ready.summation", "cpu.swapwait.summation", "".
    $entities = get-VM-name
    $start = (get-Date). AddDays(-5)
    $report = get-Stat-entity $entities - Stat $metrics - Realtime-start $start |
    Group-object - property EntityId, Timestamp | %{
    New-object PSObject-property @ {}
    Name = $_. Group [0].
    Time = $_. Group [0]. Timestamp
    CpuAvg = ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "cpu.usage.average"}). Value
    CpuRdy = ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "cpu.ready.summation" - and $_. ({Instance - eq ' '}). Value
    CpuSwpWait = ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq "cpu.swapwait.summation" - and $_. ({Instance - eq ' '}). Value
    MemActAvg = ($_.) Group | where {$_.} MetricId - eq ""}). Value
    $report | Sort-Object Name, time | Export-Csv "C:\VMstats.csv" - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

    It depends on the interval you are looking at.

    The 20000 is valid if you get real-time statistics, where the length of the interval is 20 seconds.

    In the example above, the script gets its Historical interval 1stats, which has a range of 300 seconds.

    That's what I do with $_. Interval * 1000 which is 300 * 1000 = 300000

  • information about the database

    on the 11g R2,.

    How do you know:

    If you use flags?

    If a parallel query enabled? What degree?

    Active hash? What is the value?

    Caching of all tables? Name the cached tables.

    Statistical update mode (calculation/estimate)

    Statistical update frequency (daily/weekly/monthly)

    Last time statistics have been updated? Date/time?

    Table Reorg frequency

    Purge of large Tables? Frequency?

    Thank you.

    user522961 wrote:
    on the 11g R2,.

    How do you know:

    If you use flags?

    If a parallel query enabled? What degree?

    Active hash? What is the value?

    Caching of all tables? Name the cached tables.

    Statistical update mode (calculation/estimate)

    Statistical update frequency (daily/weekly/monthly)

    Last time statistics have been updated? Date/time?

    Table Reorg frequency

    Purge of large Tables? Frequency?

    Thank you.

    Where did you hear these terms and can put you in the context of a particular issue you have? have you tried searching the forums or the Oracle documentation for them? they are all answered already.

  • tables of performance vs resxtop

    Is there an advantage to using resxtop on performance dashboards?

    Is there a knowledge base for the counters?

    Thank you


    I prefer to use resxtop/esxtop because it allows you to quickly search multiple metrics and browse screens see near real-time statistics. Both work fine, it's just a matter of preference I suppose, but I find that the more detailed information you are looking for the faster you will use esxtop/resxtop.

    Duncan (VCDX)

    Available now on Amazon: vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS technical deepdive

  • One-way replication using queries and mapping DML - error

    Environment: Unique Windows physical system and Oracle 11 g R2 DB of EA. Two schemas with the structure of the different tables. This is a home office staff.
    The order of the day: runs DML replication of 2 tables to another single table with use of query and chips

    Disclaimer: I have read the guide e17791.pdf Admin and checked the forum before asking this question here.

    My excerpt:
    EXTRACT srcextm
    USERID gguser, PASSWORD gguser
    RMTHOST localhost, MGRPORT 7809
    RMTTRAIL G:\app\gg32\dirdat\mt
    TABLE source.*,
    SQLEXEC (ID query2col, QUERY "select a.sno as sno, as name, as phone from source.test a, source.contact_no b where a.sno=1 and a.sno=b.sno"),
    TOKENS (TK_SNO           = @GETVAL(query2col.sno),
            TK_NAME      = @GETVAL(,
            TK_PHONE       = @GETVAL(;
    REPLICAT srcrepm
    SOURCEDEFS G:\app\gg32\dirsql\sourcedefs.sql
    USERID gguser, PASSWORD gguser
    MAP source.*, TARGET,
    SNO= @Token("TK_SNO"),
    NAME= @Token("TK_NAME"),
    PHONE= @Token("TK_PHONE"));
    Replicat report:
                     Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle
          Version OGGCORE_11.
            Windows (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 06:24:05
    Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
                        Starting at 2012-10-15 10:00:34
    Operating System Version:
    Microsoft Windows 7 , on x64
    Version 6.1 (Build 7600: )
    Process id: 8932
    **            Running with the following parameters                  **
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  INFO    OGG-03035  Operating system character set identified as windows-1252. Locale: en_US, LC_ALL:.
    REPLICAT srcrepm
    SOURCEDEFS G:\app\gg32\dirsql\sourcedefs.sql
    USERID gguser, PASSWORD ******
    MAP source.*, TARGET,
    SNO= @Token("TK_SNO"),
    NAME= @Token("TK_NAME"),
    PHONE= @Token("TK_PHONE"));
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  INFO    OGG-01815  Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
        anon alloc: MapViewOfFile  anon free: UnmapViewOfFile
        file alloc: MapViewOfFile  file free: UnmapViewOfFile
        target directories:
    CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
    CACHESIZE:                              512M
    CACHEPAGEOUTSIZE (normal):                4M
    PROCESS VM AVAIL FROM OS (min):           1G
    CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk):    881M
    Database Version:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Database Language and Character Set:
    NLS_LANG         = ".WE8MSWIN1252" 
    **                     Run Time Messages                             **
    Opened trail file G:\app\gg32\dirdat\mt000000 at 2012-10-15 10:00:34
    Wildcard MAP resolved (entry source.*):
      MAP "SOURCE"."TEST", TARGET, colmap(USEDEFAULTS, SNO= @Token("TK_SNO"), NAME= @Token("TK_NAME"), PHONE= @Token("TK_PHONE"));
    Using the following default columns with matching names:
    Using the following key columns for target table TARGET.DIRECTORY: SNO.
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  WARNING OGG-01004  Aborted grouped transaction on 'TARGET.DIRECTORY', Database error 1403 (OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL <UPDATE "TARGET"."DIRECTORY" SET "NAME" = :a1,"PHONE" = :a2 WHERE "SNO" = :b0>).
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  WARNING OGG-01003  Repositioning to rba 984 in seqno 0.
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  WARNING OGG-01154  SQL error 1403 mapping SOURCE.TEST to TARGET.DIRECTORY OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, *SQL <UPDATE "TARGET"."DIRECTORY" SET "NAME" = :a1,"PHONE" = :a2 WHERE "SNO" = :b0>*.
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  WARNING OGG-01003  Repositioning to rba 984 in seqno 0.
    Source Context :
      SourceModule            : [er.errors]
      SourceID                : [er/errors.cpp]
      SourceFunction          : [take_rep_err_action]
      SourceLine              : [623]
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  ERROR   *OGG-01296  Error mapping from SOURCE.TEST to TARGET.DIRECTORY.*
    *                   ** Run Time Statistics **                         *
    Last record for the last committed transaction is the following: 
    Trail name :  G:\app\gg32\dirdat\mt000000
    Hdr-Ind    :     E  (x45)     Partition  :     .  (x04) 
    UndoFlag   :     .  (x00)     BeforeAfter:     A  (x41) 
    RecLength  :    77 (x004d)    IO Time    : 2012-10-15 09:23:18.000000  
    IOType     :    15  (x0f)     OrigNode   :   255  (xff)
    TransInd   :     .  (x03)     FormatType :     R  (x52)
    SyskeyLen  :     0  (x00)     Incomplete :     .  (x00)
    AuditRBA   :          7       AuditPos   : 31137808
    Continued  :     N  (x00)     RecCount   :     1  (x01)
    2012-10-15 09:23:18.000000 FieldComp          Len    77 RBA 984
    Reading G:\app\gg32\dirdat\mt000000, current RBA 984, 0 records
    Report at 2012-10-15 10:00:34 (activity since 2012-10-15 10:00:34)
           #                   inserts:         0
           #                   updates:         0
           #                   deletes:         0
           #                  discards:         1
    Last log location read:
         FILE:      G:\app\gg32\dirdat\mt000000
         SEQNO:     0
         RBA:       984
         TIMESTAMP: 2012-10-15 09:23:18.000000
         EOF:       NO
         READERR:   0
    2012-10-15 10:00:34  ERROR   OGG-01668  PROCESS ABENDING.
    Note: I left out the statistics.

    DB data table:
    select * from source.test;
    SNO                    NAME            UPDATED                   EMAIL                          
    ---------------------- --------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------ 
    3                      Dickens            15-OCT-12 AM NA                             
    1                      Madhu      14-OCT-12 PM NA                             
    2                      Tom             14-OCT-12 PM NA                             
    3 rows selected
    Select * from source.contact_no;
    SNO                    PHONE      
    ---------------------- ---------- 
    1                      9888888885 
    2                      9888888886 
    2 rows selected
    Select * from;
    SNO                    NAME            PHONE      
    ---------------------- --------------- ---------- 
    0 rows selected
    At startup, the evening only replicate with the error above.

    My question is:
    Why is an update performed at Target.Directory table with the WHERE clause used in the SELECT query to my SNIPPET, which in turn, was intended for the SOURCE. TEST and SOURCE. CONTACT tables?

    Published by: MadhuGopanna on October 14, 2012 23:25: fixed select query. Same recurring error.

    "to replicate (exlisitly give source.test as a source)-
    Question: If I mention only source.test as a source, would have extracted ignore changes made to source.contact_no?

    Stating that -

    MAP source.*, TARGET

    sandbox say GG to you that you have what it takes to replicate all tables in the source schema in -So, it's nonsense.

    "to extract (add section TABLEEXCLUDE to exclude the replication source.contact_no) -"
    Question: I want to reproduce the combination of test and contact_no of source data in the table. In this regard the TABLEEXCLUDE of source.contact_no will provide the desired result?

    TABLEEXCLUDE clause do not exclude the possibility of using the table in queries in SQLEXEC or anywhere else. He just exclude the table replication if you use wildcard characters.
    For example -.

    TABLE user.*;
    TABLE user.TEST;

    each user of schema table would be replicated except user. TEST.

    I think it is the right way to say what you want-

    EXTRACT ext1
    --connection to database--
    USERID ogg, PASSWORD xxxx
    --hostname and port for trail--
    --rmthost db-dev-2, mgrport 7809
    --path and name for trail--
    --rmttrail /u01/app/oracle/product/
    EXTTRAIL /u01/app/oracle/product/
    SEQUENCE test.*
    --DDL support
    TABLE source.TEST, SQLEXEC (ID query2col, QUERY "select as phone from source.test a, source.contact_no b where a.sno=:sno_params and a.sno=b.sno", PARAMS (sno_params = SNO)) TOKENS (TK_PHONE = @GETVAL(;
    --Replicat group --
    --source and target definitions
    SOURCEDEFS /u01/app/oracle/product/
    --target database login --
    USERID ogg, PASSWORD xxxx
    --file for dicarded transaction --
    DISCARDFILE /u01/app/oracle/product/, APPEND, MEGABYTES 10
    --ddl support
    --Specify table mapping ---

    Just tested - works fine.

    Published by: Artem Khisamiev on 15.10.2012 08:00

    Published by: Artem Khisamiev on 18.10.2012 05:58

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