Behavior of Transaction flow task and AM Activation/Passivation

Hi all

In my app, when I changed the 'No controller Transaction' transaction behavior to ' use existing Transaction if Possible', I started to see the following type of AM instant of Passivation is JDev journal:


< ADFLogger > < start > passivation Application Module
TabName * PCollManager.resolveName* * < PCollManager > < resolveName > [3560] = PS_TXN
< DBTransactionImpl > < getInternalConnection > [3561] get a connection for internal use...
< DBTransactionImpl > < getInternalConnection > [3562] creating internal connection...
< ADFLogger > < start > connect to database
< DBTransactionImpl > < establishNewConnection > [3563] Trying connection: DataSource='weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource@4d0ca0'...
< DBTransactionImpl > < establishNewConnection > [3564] before getNativeJdbcConnection =' weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_XAConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_LogicalConnection
< DBTransactionImpl > < establishNewConnection > [3565] after getNativeJdbcConnection =' weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.JTAConnection_weblogic_jdbc_wrapper_XAConnection_oracle_jdbc_driver_LogicalConnection
< ADFLogger > < addContextData > establish database connection
< ADFLogger > < end > establish database connection
< OraclePersistManager > < syncSequenceIncrementSize > [3566] * syncSequenceIncrementSize * changed "increment" sequence to 50 value
Passivation of < ViewObjectImpl > < doPassivateSettings > [3567] DateTimeVO1 with paramsChanged
< serializer > < passivate > [3568] < AM MomVer '0' = >
< cd / >
< TXN Def = New '1' = '0' Lok = tsi '2' = '0' PCID = "40" / >
< CONN / >
< VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseRoutingMainVO" Name = "BaseRoutingMainVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseRoutingDetailsVO" Name = "BaseRoutingDetailsVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseParameterVO" Name = "BaseParameterVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseErrorLookupVO" Name = "BaseErrorLookupVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseCompDataHdrVO" Name = "BaseCompDataHdrVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseCompDataDtlVO" Name = "BaseCompDataDtlVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseDataReqValVO" Name = "BaseDataReqValVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseRegistrationPointVO" Name = "BaseRegistrationPointVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseTradingPrtnrInfoVO" Name = "BaseTradingPrtnrInfoVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseTradingPrtnrVerCtrlVO" Name = "BaseTradingPrtnrVerCtrlVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseNotificationVO" Name = "BaseNotificationVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseTransactionDefVO" Name = "BaseTransactionDefVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.BaseValidationTypeVO" Name = "BaseValidationTypeVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.OrigTransDetailsVO" Name = "OrigTransDetailsVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TradingPartnerBaseVO" Name = "TradingPartnerBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransErrorVO" Name = "TransErrorVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0' = '0' It = '1' Sz "25" = St = '0' = '1' = '1' Def Ex im = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DateTimeVO" Name = "DateTimeVO1" > "
< exArgs count = "1" >
< name arg = "Time zone" >
<! [CDATA [GMT]] >
< / arg >
< / exArgs >
< rsq >
<! [CDATA [SELECT / * + FIRST_ROWS * / * FROM (SELECT CurrentTime OF)]]
(OÙ les TZ =: TimeZone) QRSLT]] >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [0000000000010000013239013AC4]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransTrackingVO" Name = "TransTrackingVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransDependencyVO" Name = "TransDependencyVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TradingPartnerBaseVO" Name = "TradingPartnerBaseVO2" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ReceiverTransDetailsVO" Name = "ReceiverTransDetailsVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransIDBaseVO" Name = "TransIDBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
<! [CDATA [SELECT / * + FIRST_ROWS * / * (select 1 AS transaction_record_id from DUAL) QRSLT]] >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [000100000002C 102]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransKeyBaseVO" Name = "TransKeyBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
<! [CDATA [SELECT / * + FIRST_ROWS * / * (SELECT 'x' AS document_key FROM dual) QRSLT]] >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransStatusBaseVO" Name = "TransStatusBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ErrorTypeBaseVO" Name = "ErrorTypeBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DependencyBaseVO" Name = "DependencyBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.MasterTransDependencyVO" Name = "MasterTransDependencyVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TrackingVO" Name = "TrackingVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ErrorVO" Name = "ErrorVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DashboardTransErrorVO" Name = "DashboardTransErrorVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DashboardTransDependencyVO" Name = "DashboardTransDependencyVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DashboardTransPieVO" Name = "DashboardTransPieVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DashboardMasterTransBarVO" Name = "DashboardMasterTransBarVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' Sz = '25' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ReceiverTransStatusBaseVO" Name = "ReceiverTransStatusBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' Sz = '25' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ErrorStatusBaseVO" Name = "ErrorStatusBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.HeaderVO" Name = "HeaderVO1" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TradingPartnerBaseVO" Name = "TradingPartnerBaseVO3" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' Sz = '25' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.HeaderStatusBaseVO" Name = "HeaderStatusBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TradingPartnerBaseVO" Name = "TradingPartnerBaseVO4" / > "
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' Sz = '25' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.HeaderSourceFileNameBaseVO" Name = "HeaderSourceFileNameBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = qf '1315216374468' = c '0', '0' = da = '1' he = '1' Sz = '25' St = '0' im '1' = '1' Def = Ex = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DependencyStatusBaseVO" Name = "DependencyStatusBaseVO1" > "
< rsq >
< / rsq >
< Key >
<! [CDATA [00010000000158]] >
< / key >
< /VO >
< VO sig = vok '1315216382156' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.HeaderSourceFileNameLOVVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_HeaderSourceFileNameBaseVO_HeaderSourceFileNameLOVVO1" / > "
< VO sig = vok '1315216384812' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ReceiverTransStatusLOVVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_ReceiverTransStatusBaseVO_ReceiverTransStatusLOVVO1" / > "
< VO sig = vok '1315216385921' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.HeaderStatusLOVVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_HeaderStatusBaseVO_HeaderStatusLOVVO1" / > "
< VO sig = vok '1315216387093' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.ErrorStatusLOVVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_ErrorStatusBaseVO_ErrorStatusLOVVO1" / > "
< VO sig = vok '1315216388171' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.DependencyStatusLOVVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_DependencyStatusBaseVO_DependencyStatusLOVVO1" / > "
< VO sig = vok '1315216393937' = '20' qf = '0' RS = '0' Def = "com.emerson.eth.adf.model.view.TransIDLovVO" Name = "_LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_emerson_eth_adf_model_view_TransIDBaseVO_TransIDLovVO1" > "
< VC n = d '__ImplicitViewCriteria__' = 'true' c = '0' = 'true' m bv = '1' j = "false" >
< SC >
< p n = v "showInList" = "true" / >
< p n = v "displayName" = "Default search" / >
< / vcp >
< rank n = uc "vcrow1" = "0" cj = "0" >
< has i = "0" >
< I have o = cj '=' = '1' uc = r '0' = '2' vb = 'false' g = 'true' e = 'false' re = "false" >
< iv I = '0' b = '0' FS = "0" / >
< /i >
< /a >
< has i = "1" >
< I o = 'STARTSWITH' cj = uc '1' = '0' o = '2' vb = 'false' g = 'true' e = 'false' re = "false" >
< iv I = '0' b = '0' FS = "0" / >
< /i >
< /a >
< / row >
< /VC >
< VC n = d 'LOV_TransactionRecordId__lov__filterlist__vcr___' = 'true' c = '0' = 'true' m bv = '3' j = "false" >
< rank n = uc "LOV_TransactionRecordId__lov__filterlist__vcr___" = "0" cj = "0" >
< has i = "0" >
< I have o = cj '=' = '1' uc = r '0' = '2' vb = 'false' g = 'true' e = 'false' re = "false" >
< iv I = '0' b = '0' FS = "0" >
<! [CDATA [40532]] >
< /iv >
< /i >
< /a >
< / row >
< /VC >
< /VO >
< /VO >
< /AM >

< OraclePersistManager > < insert > [3569] * insert * id = 1, Thierry =-1, collid = 65951, keyArr.len = 1, cont.len = 10035
stmt < OraclePersistManager > < insert > [3570]: insert into 'PS_TXN' values (: 1,: 2: 3: 4, sysdate)
< OraclePersistManager > < validation > [3571] * ops commit * #pending = 1
Passivation < ADFLogger > < end > Application module


My question is does AM gets passivees on each request. This snapshot is not visible when the Transaction behavior is set to "No controller Transaction."
This type is instant is usually visible in the case of 'No Transaction controller', when AM pooling is turned off or if'M bundling is enabled then is supported for failover.
Is this OK for this snapshot to appear in the journal JDev or am I missing something?

This might be useful, can u chk
Uses the subtle the workflow behavior 'No Controller Transaction'

Tags: Java

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    Hello GovBob,

    Correct me if I'm wrong.  First you call OR-SWITCH boot (not initialize with topology) or initialize options with the 'reset device' Boolean is unwired? (which means reset = true)

    Then, in a case: call OR-SWITCH connect channels, wait OR-SWITCH Debounce, OR-SWITCH get relay post, then NOR-SWITCH close (close a session, not close relay).  Then physically measure opens or shorts.

    In the other case: appeal OR-SWITCH get relay post, then NOR-SWITCH close.  Then physically measure opens or shorts.

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    What operating system do you work?

    You can try the following methods and check the status of the issue.

    Method 1:

    Wi - Fi and in Windows network connection issues.

    Method 2:

    Configure the computer to clean start State to check software conflicts.

    Note: When the diagnosis is complete, don't forget to reset your computer to normal startup. Follow step 7 of the above article.

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    * Don't forget to restart to complete the procedure. ***

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    Yesterday I sat in front of my computer at work and I got a white screen.  I restarted my computer, and the only thing that popped up was my Documents box.  I still have all my files have and can access internet and other files, including the control panel but I have to perform every time that of the function CTRL + ALT + DELETE and to run explorer.exe to get my bar of tasks and the menu back start.

    What can I do to ensure that the taskbar and start menu appear each time that I reboot?  This just happened out of the blue.  Don't install any software.  Could we have a Windows update that changed that?  I tried to go back and restore one day last week, but that has not solved the problem.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    It is never a bad thing to do system restore.

    I know how to do this? If you do, do not take into account the link below.


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