best way to write this query


I have a problem and I realized a simplified version of it:


create table deals (id_prsn number, id_deal number, fragment number); 
create table deal_values (id_prsn number, id_deal number, value_ number, date_ date); 

insert into deals values(1,1,50); 
insert into deals values(2,2,40); 
insert into deals values(1,3,50); 
insert into deals values(2,4,80); 
insert into deals values(1,5,20); 
insert into deals values(2,6,80); 

insert into deal_values values(1,1,10 ,sysdate - 3); 
insert into deal_values values(2,2,208, sysdate - 3); 
insert into deal_values values(2,4,984, sysdate - 3); 
insert into deal_values values(1,null,134,sysdate - 3); 
insert into deal_values values(1,1,13, sysdate - 2); 
insert into deal_values values(2,2,118, sysdate - 2); 
insert into deal_values values(2,4,776, sysdate - 1); 
insert into deal_values values(1,null,205,sysdate - 1); 
insert into deal_values values(2,null,-5,sysdate - 1); 
The id of the requirement to join these two tables based on:

2.) max DATE_ grouped per person and deal
(3.) in the case that ID_DEAL is defined in the AGREEMENTS, but not defined in the DEAL_VALUES table, I have to join this records to DEAL_VALUES based on the person where id_Deal is null.

Number 3 gives me headache. I realized the following query:

select *from ( 
select a.id_prsn, 
       max(b.date_) over (partition by b.id_prsn, b.id_deal) max_date 
  from deals a 
inner join deal_values b 
    on a.id_deal = b.id_deal or b.id_deal is null 
   and not exists  (select 1 from deal_values 
                              where id_prsn = a.id_prsn 
                                and id_deal = a.id_deal) 
   and a.id_prsn = b.id_prsn 
where date_ = max_Date; 
It returns the correct result of he,

1 1 50 13 16.10.2012 09:59:48 16.10.2012 09:59:48
1 3 50 205 17.10.2012 09:59:48 17.10.2012 09:59:48 OK
1 5 20 205 17.10.2012 09:59:48 17.10.2012 09:59:48 OK
2 2 40 118 16.10.2012 09:59:48 16.10.2012 09:59:48
2 4 80 776 17.10.2012 09:59:48 17.10.2012 09:59:48
2 6 80-5 17.10.2012 09:59:48 17.10.2012 09:59:48 OK

but the join clause:

    on a.id_deal = b.id_deal or b.id_deal is null 
   and not exists  (select 1 from deal_values 
                              where id_prsn = a.id_prsn 
                                and id_deal = a.id_deal) 
   and a.id_prsn = b.id_prsn 
in fact the query much slower.

I was wondering is there a different way to write this join and manage the logic.

Thanks in advance

Here's a different approach:

select * from (
  select a.id_prsn, a.id_deal, a.fragment, B.value_, b.date_,
  ROW_NUMBER() over(
    partition by a.ID_PRSN, a.ID_DEAL
    order by B.ID_DEAL nulls last, B.DATE_ desc
  ) RN
  from DEALS a
where rn = 1
order by 1, 2;

"nulls last" is the default sort order; I just put that for clarity.

Published by: stew Ashton on October 18, 2012 12:58

Tags: Database

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    Difficulty ({RTP_Scenario}, {RTP_Year}, 'Work', 'No_Location')

    Difficulty ("TPD-90000", "PRJ-90001-LTVDS', 'No_Category')

    If (@ISMBR ("EC-OFFICESUPP") AND @ISMBR('Jan': 'Feb') AND @ISMBR ("TwoPlusTen") AND @ISMBR (& CurrFcstYr))
    "A-65000"="A-65000"->"Pre real Alloc"->"Final"->"Total departments '->' locations '->' Total Categories '->' Total Total of charges Code."

    If (@ISMBR ("EC-SHIPPING') AND @ISMBR ('"Jan ":" Feb"') AND @ISMBR ("TwoPlusTen") AND @ISMBR (& CurrFcstYr))
    "A-65100'='A-65100"->"Pre real Alloc"->"Final"->"Total departments '->' locations '->' Total Categories '->' Total Total of loads Code";



    Two things you could try

    1. put all Calc in a block unique member instead of each of them having its own


    If (@ISMBR ("EC-OFFICESUPP") AND @ISMBR('Jan': 'Feb') AND @ISMBR ("TwoPlusTen") AND @ISMBR (& CurrFcstYr))

    'A-65000'='A-65000"->" Pre Alloc real '-> 'Final'-> 'Total departments'-> 'Total locations'-> 'Total categories'-> 'the Total expenses Code ";


    If (@ISMBR ("EC-SHIPPING') AND @ISMBR ('"Jan ":" Feb"') AND @ISMBR ("TwoPlusTen") AND @ISMBR (& CurrFcstYr))
    'A-65100'='A-65100"->" Pre Alloc real '-> 'Final'-> 'Total departments'-> 'Total locations'-> 'Total categories'-> 'the Total expenses Code ";



    the way in which each block is visited once

    2. If you want to be more weird to get rid of the if statements (if the statements are slow)

    'A-65000'-> ='A-65000"->" Pre Alloc' real' Final '-> 'Total departments '->' locations '->' categories Total Total'-> "The Total expenses Code" / @ISMBR("EC-OFFICESUPP") / @ISMBR("Jan":"Feb") / @ISMBR (& CurrFcstYr);

    @ismbr returns a 1 if the Member and 0 if it is not. whatever this is divided by 0 is #missing

  • Another way to write the query:

    Dear Experts, I am a beginner in sql. With my knowledge, I wrote this query
    but he took great moment in my database 11g
    Please tell any alternative to write this query in another way to increase performance

    Please find the explanation below
               FROM UPGRADATION r1,
                    LOG t2,
                    OMNIACCOUNT m1,
                    (SELECT rid
                               FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                 GROUP  BY rid) mk3,
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                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno) mk1,
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                          ,  LISTAGG(ACCOUNTNO, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY accounttype) AS ACCOUNTTYPE
                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno) mk2
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                AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
                AND t2.txntype = '54'
                AND mk1.mobileno = r1.regmobileno
                AND t2.reqtype = '11'
                AND t2.dc_id IN (SELECT deliverychannel_id
                                   FROM Channel)
                AND t2.custbankcode = '32472'
                AND t2.txndatetime BETWEEN TO_DATE ('28/12/2011 12:00:00 AM',
                                                    'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss AM'
                                       AND TO_DATE ('28/12/2012 11:59:59 PM',
                                                    'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss PM'
                AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)
                AND t2.txnstatus IN ('C', 'F', 'T')
                AND t2.paymentinitiator = 'C'
                AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno
    Explain Plan For the above statement :
    SELECT STATEMENT  FIRST_ROWSCost: 16  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                                      
        25 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 16  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                                  
            24 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 15  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                              
                19 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 14  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                          
                    13 HASH JOIN  Cost: 13  Bytes: 2,268  Cardinality: 1                      
                        9 NESTED LOOPS OUTER  Cost: 4  Bytes: 252  Cardinality: 1                  
                            7 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 3  Bytes: 239  Cardinality: 1              
                                4 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 2  Bytes: 119  Cardinality: 1          
                                    2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE LOG Cost: 1  Bytes: 116  Cardinality: 1      
                                        1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IX_LOG Cost: 1  Cardinality: 8  
                                    3 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) PK_Channel Cost: 1  Bytes: 3  Cardinality: 1      
                                6 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE UPGRADATION Cost: 1  Bytes: 120  Cardinality: 1          
                                    5 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_REG_AUTH Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1      
                            8 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MLTN_BNK_ACCT Cost: 1  Bytes: 13  Cardinality: 1              
                        12 VIEW  Cost: 8  Bytes: 1,110,816  Cardinality: 551                  
                            11 SORT GROUP BY  Cost: 8  Bytes: 16,530  Cardinality: 551              
                                10 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE OMNIACCOUNT Cost: 7  Bytes: 21,210  Cardinality: 707          
                    18 VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  Cost: 1  Bytes: 2,002  Cardinality: 1                      
                        17 FILTER                  
                            16 SORT GROUP BY  Bytes: 33  Cardinality: 1              
                                15 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OMNIACCOUNT Cost: 1  Bytes: 33  Cardinality: 1          
                                    14 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MUL_LNKG Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1      
                23 VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1                          
                    22 FILTER                      
                        21 SORT GROUP BY  Bytes: 29  Cardinality: 1                  
                            20 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MLTN_BNK_ACCT Cost: 1  Bytes: 29  Cardinality: 1              

    It would be best to leave the desired projection.
    Probably you don't really want all columns form this query.
    However, these are your join criteria:

    t2.txnauthid = r1.txnauthid
                AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
                AND r1.regmobileno = mk1.mobileno
                AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno
                AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)

    Maybe you can get rid of AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno

    (SELECT mobileno
                          ,  LISTAGG(ACCOUNTNO, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY accounttype) AS ACCOUNTTYPE
                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno)

    After the combination seems to be suspicious:

    AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
    AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)

    The first limit the result on all lines with the same id in
    so, o see no gain from the outer join.

    Do you really need the listagg on all OMNIACCOUNT lines.
    If this isn't the case, it would be probably better to do the listagg in the final projection.

    Maybe one way could be to start with OMNIACCOUNT and join outer UPGRADATION to it.
    You can do the listagg at the end.

    Maybe something like

    left outer join
     projection goes here
    log t2 join UPGRADATION r1
    r1.txnauthid = t2.txnauthid
        AND t2.reqtype = '11'
        AND t2.dc_id IN (SELECT deliverychannel_id
                           FROM Channel)
        AND t2.custbankcode = '32472'
        AND t2.txndatetime BETWEEN TO_DATE ('28/12/2011 12:00:00 AM',
                                            'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss AM'
                               AND TO_DATE ('28/12/2012 11:59:59 PM',
                                            'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss PM'
        AND t2.txntype = '54'
        AND t2.txnstatus IN ('C', 'F', 'T')
        AND t2.paymentinitiator = 'C'
    ) r1
    r1.regmobileno = m1.mobileno

    Published by: chris227 on 10.01.2013 01:45

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    Hi guru, I was able to get what I want, but I find there must be a better way/more efficient way to write this sql?

    Database: Oracle 11g

    This is the create for the test database statement:

    create table sample_test (prog_id number (9) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, chan_rights CHAR (2) DEFAULT ' ' NOT NULL)

    This is the insert statement:

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A1')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A2')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A3')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A4')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A5')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A6')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (555633, 'A7')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'A1')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'A2')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'A3')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'B1')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'B2')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'B3')

    INSERT INTO sample_test (prog_id, chan_rights) VALUES (495641, 'B4')

    Here's what I did to get the data:

    Select distinct a.prog_id, rt_cnt, CASE

    WHEN a.rt_cnt = 7

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = 'A1')

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = "A2")

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = "A3")

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = 'A4')

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = 'A5')

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = 'A6')

    and there are (select 'Y' b sample_test where a.prog_id = b.prog_id and b.chan_rights = 'A7')

    THEN "A_ONLY".

    else 'SINGLE '.

    end CHAN_GROUP

    from (select prog_id, count (chan_rights) rt_cnt

    of sample_test

    Prog_id group) a, b sample_test

    where a.prog_id = b.prog_id

    That appears as follows:


    As seen:

    1 / I count how many rights is available, and in this case, each program gets a "7"

    Set 2 / from these data, for each programme, I try to make sure it belongs to the company chan_rights right, for example, "A_ONLY". Therefore, as shown, Prog_ID 495641 does not contain "A_ONLY" channels listed in the case statement and there is unique. "A_ONLY" should only contain A1 to A7 inclusive and nothing else.

    Can I create a function that returns the value "Chan_Group", but is there a better way to rewrite the statement 'BOX' like a LOOP or something? I have millions of records to go through and someone told me that using "is" slows down the database so just thought that I could ask ahead...

    Please indicate if there is a better and more efficient method to get what I need?

    Thank you


    I would do something like

    select prog_id,
          (case when rt_cnt = 7 and num_a = 7
                then 'A_ONLY'
                else 'UNIQUE'
            end) chan_group
      from (select prog_id,
                  count(chan_rights) rt_cnt,
                  sum( case when chan_rights in ('A1','A2','A3','A4','A5','A6','A7')
                            then 1
                            else 0
                        end ) num_a
              from sample_test
            group by prog_id)

    View of inline, I count the number of values chan_rights, as well as the number that are in your list of A1 - A7.  In the outer query, I implement the logic that checks that the two charges are 7.

    Here is an example of sqlfiddle this! 4/95438/2


  • Can you help me? Is there a simpler way to write this short code?

    Hi, I'm quite new to coding and EDGE and think there must be a simpler way to write this? :

    sym.getSymbol("USA_animation").play ();

    sym.getSymbol("World_map").play ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("UK_animation").$("UK").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("UK_animation").$("Piechart").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("UK_animation").$("people").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("UK_animation").$("PeopleText").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("UK_animation").$("UKText").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("AUS_animation").$("AUSTRALIA").fadeOut ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("USA_animation").$("USA").show ();

    sym.getComposition () .getStage ().getSymbol("USA_animation").$("USAText").show ();

    Can you help me?

    Obivious to increase efficiency is

    var USA_animation = sym.getSymbol ("USA_animation")

    USA_animation. Play();

    sym.getSymbol("World_map").play ();

    USA_animation.$("UK").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("PieChart").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("people"). fadeOut();

    USA_animation.$("PeopleText").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("UKText").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("AUSTRALI_A").fadeout ();

    USA_animation.$("USA"). Show();

    USA_animation.$("USAText"). Show();

    If you perform a single operation on all the symbols of the "USA_animation" child, you can also reduce somethinng as

    sym.getSymbol("World_map").play ();

    var USA_animation = sym.getSymbol ("USA_animation")

    USA_animation. Play();

    var childSymbols = USA_animation.getChildSymbols (); f

    for (var i = 0; i)

    childSymbols [i] .fadeOut ();

    I don't know if these are the best ways, but these are in a way that I could think of.

    Let us know if offer you a lot shorted way to write this

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    AS3 on Flash CC - best way to write text on a curved path? to rotate the text?

    you need to incorporate your policy.

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    Hi Traci,

    So big that you get ready for the transition to! Please see that the specified item was not found. For more detailed information on downloading your files.

    When you open a session workspaces, however, you will see a big red box at the bottom left. Click this box, and your files will be packed to the top for you. You will receive an email with the instructions when the packaged files are ready for you.



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    Sorry, but you will probably need to rebuild everything in Animate. Although their timelines are similar in some ways, there is no interoperability between After Effects and animate dashboard.

    Kind regards


  • No idea how to write this query

    Hi, My Data is as below

    DocNum doc_date type of amount
    1154 15 November 11 232501.5 invoice
    200206 4 November 11 - 243672.64 credit memo
    Note flow 111 5 November 555.22 11

    Output must be

    DocNum doc_date amount Type AmountDR AmountCR
    1154 232501.5 15 November 11 Bill 232501.5
    Note credit 200206 4 November 11 - 243672.64 - 243672.64
    Note flow 111 5 November 555.22 11 555.22

    If the amount is > 0, then it must be displayed in the value of the amount to be AmountDR
    If amount < 0 then it must be displayed in the value of the sum amount CR

    Can help how to write this query
    with sample_table as (
                          select 1154 Docnum,date '2011-11-15' doc_date,232501.5 Amount,'Invoice' type from dual union all
                          select 200206,date '2011-11-04',-243672.64,'Credit Memo' from dual union all
                          select 111,date '2011-11-05',555.22,'Debit Memo' from dual
    select  Docnum,
              when Amount >= 0 then Amount
            end AmountDR,
              when Amount < 0 then Amount
            end AmountCR
      from  sample_table
    ---------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
          1154 15-NOV-11   232501.5 Invoice       232501.5
        200206 04-NOV-11 -243672.64 Credit Memo            -243672.64
           111 05-NOV-11     555.22 Debit Memo      555.22


  • Best way to film this scene, stitch together plates or green screen?

    I have a call where I walk past a player with him framed on the right of the screen, ' actor A. ' then on the shoulder 'Actor A' (on the left side of the screen) another character is in sight, "actor B." at the end of shooting the camera move to stop and I want at the speed of the actor 'A' of the ramp so that it revolves around very quickly While the 'B' actor maintains a normal speed (which is him walking toward the camera as well). Is the best way to do this shoot with two plates separate and assemble them (if if, what is the best way to assemble the shots)? Or is - this green screen actor 'A' or 'B' and add them in? Remember, the camera moves to the rear while the actor 'A' heading, when moving player 'B' is also in the shot. Ramp speed of the actor 'A' occurs once it stops (it will whisk around extremely fast), how the camera will also be stopped.

    You have a few options. Usually, I start a VFX shot by the thought of the movement of the camera. If I move the camera what are the problems that will result?

    According to your description, you have a dolly with two actors. Tracks camera, the first actor as the second player enters the scene, then the unit stops and the second actor continues to his notes at normal speed while the first actor is accelerating. Two shooting plates will give control the moment where the first actor, but, in view of the camera move, requires you to simulate accurately the moment where two follow-up plans so the point of view between actors is consistent. It doesn't matter if the photos are on a green background. For the view between the two actors to match the camera moves must be identical to the camera angle and the speed of follow up.

    If, however, you shoot all the action in a single pass while you can use rotoscoping to separate into two pieces shooting where the camera stops moving and then adjust the time where the first actor. This works easily if you make sure that you don't move the camera at all once the track ends.

    If the players do not overlap so the second option is a piece of cake because your roto can be a very simple rough mask. If the players overlap in the framework then your roto work will have to be very precise when the players overlap, and you may need to perform a few background replacement to fill in the holes.

    If you decide to do with two plates, then you will probably need to track movement. stabilisation and re-synchronization of two shots to make them at the height. If the camera is moving when you accelerate the first actor, you will have to keep track of movement.

    A final option is to pull the first actor on a green screen and the second player as a bottom plate and then follow and stabilize the two shots to try to combine them. Here again, if the speed and angle of the two plans that you combine are not identical or at least nearby enough that you can easily fix them you'll be in a lot of tweaking to than the shots work.

    If it were my project, I shoot the two actors in a single plug and then divided take it there where should be the first actor have the speed change and make a few roto work. That seems to be the most straightforward approach.

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    Try a pencil or pen tools or do it in Photoshop and place.


  • Best way to write the Pl/Sql

    Hi all
    Can someone say best written below stored proc:

    procedure missing_authorized_services is
    v_truncate_sql varchar2 (200);
    v_sql varchar2 (2000);
    v_truncate_sql: = "truncate table missing_authorized_services;
    immediately run v_truncate_sql;

    v_sql: = "INSERT into missing_authorized_services select distinct trim (service_group_Cd) as service_group_Cd, trim (service_cd) as stage_1_mg_service_request service_cd
    where (service_group_cd, service_cd) not in)
    Select distinct service_group_cd, stage_3_servcd_servgrp_dim service_cd)';

    immediately run v_sql;

    END missing_authorized_services;

    / * I do select the table and then try to insert into another table the result set * /.

    Please help,
    Thank you


    The best way to write the PL/SQL (or any code) is by small steps.
    Start with a very simple procedure that does something (anything), just enough to make sure it works.
    Add a lot of statements of output so you can see what made the procedure. Don't forget to delete them after that trial is over.

    For example:

    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure missing_authorized_services IS
            v_truncate_sql  VARCHAR2 (200);
         v_truncate_sql := 'truncate table missing_authorized_services';
         dbms_output.put_line (  v_truncate_sql
                        || ' = v_truncate_sql inside missing_authorized_services'
    END      missing_authorized_services;

    If you get any errors (for example, ORA-00955, because you try to give the same name to a procedure that you already use for a table), then fix the error and try again.
    When he worls perfectly, then add another baby step. For example, you can add the line

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_truncate_sql;

    and test again.

    Do not use SQL dynamic (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) unless you have to.
    Is there a reason to use dynamic SQL for INSERT statements?

  • Best way to present a query recordset to a remote server

    Hello, everyone.

    I was responsible for a project that will involve querying a table on a server, then send the data to a remote server that will take the data and insert it into another database (the two db cannot communicate directly with each other).

    I've never had to do something like that before.  What is the best way to get the desired results?  Is it possible to "petition" (anywhere from 1 to 5 files at a time) to the remote server without incorporating WDDX?

    CF9 environment, soon CF10.



    Hi, @BKBK,

    Not allowed.

    This is the kind of tedious, but I've worked so far is having CF1 select data from DB1, SerializeJSON data, cfhttp allows to VALIDATE data for CF2.

    THEN, CF2 DeserializeJSON data in a query object and that insert into DB2.

    Unless you think there is a better way to do it?



  • Looking for a better way to write this SQL

    Oracle version 11R2
    Version of the OS (any)

    What I try to do is write a query that finds Public synonyms without a target object. I came up with this, but I think there is a better way.
      s.owner, s.synonym_name, s.table_name, s.table_owner, s.db_link, InitCap(o.object_type) object_type
      sys.DBA_SYNONYMS s, sys.DBA_OBJECTS o
      s.synonym_name is not null
      s.table_owner = o.owner (+)
      s.table_name = o.object_name (+)
      s.owner = 'PUBLIC'
      object_type is null;  
    object_type is null appears to be weak. It seems that the target object must be better.

    Your comments, observations, questions welcome.

    I don't know exactly what 'better' means in this context (faster, easier to read, etc.), but I tend to use a NOT EXISTS

    SELECT s.*
      FROM dba_synonyms s
     WHERE owner = 'PUBLIC'
       AND s.db_link IS NULL
        SELECT 1
          FROM dba_objects o
         WHERE o.owner = s.table_owner
           AND o.object_name = s.table_name )

    I added the criteria DB_LINK to filter the public synonyms referring to objects in remote databases that obviously do not exist in the local DBA_OBJECTS.


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