< cfset count ++ > exception bad file EOF

Hey people, just trying to understand what is happening with this coldfusion file.  I bring it in the browser and I get

Exception of incorrect file

MessageError of expression
PositionLine = 166; Column = 25
In detailProblem occurred during parsing: count ++
Extended InfoMet «Expressions of folklore <>» Expected one of: < FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL >... "-" ... "+" ... "#" ... "("... < ID >... < IDENTIFY >... ". 'FACT '... "CONTAIN"... "SUPERIOR"... 'THAT '... 'LESS '... "VAR"... < INTEGER_LITERAL >... < STRING_LITERAL >... < BOOLEAN_LITERAL >... 'NULL '...
163:                       </li> 164:                     </ul><!--end social--> 165:                   </section><!--end column--> 166: <cfset count++> 167:                 </cfoutput>
↑ from underlying source CFML
BlueDragon @ Server time: 08:18:13.903 Saturday, February 28, 2015

I'm not really sure what's not here, but I could use some help.  I am including the contents of this file.

< name cfquery = "qry_events" dataSource = "#request.dsn #" >

SELECT the title, label, date_start, url_facebook, url_twitter, sm_image, lg_image, website, isWeeklyEvent

OF cont_events

WHERE isActive = 1

AND "#dateformat (now (),"yyyy-mm-dd") # ' < = date_end

AND isWeeklyEvent = 0

ORDER BY DESC, ASC date_start isFeatured

< / cfquery >

< name cfquery = "qry_weeklyEvents" dataSource = "#request.dsn #" >

SELECT the title, label, date_start, url_facebook, url_twitter, sm_image, lg_image, website, isWeeklyEvent

OF cont_events

WHERE isActive = 1

AND "#dateformat (now (),"yyyy-mm-dd") # ' < = date_end

AND isWeeklyEvent = 1

ORDER BY DESC, ASC date_start isFeatured

< / cfquery >

< name cfquery = "qry_slideshow" dataSource = "#request.dsn #" >

SELECT a.title ACE album_title, b.lg_image

Cont_albums a, cont_photos b

WHERE a.id = b.albumID

AND a.id = < cfqueryparam CFSQLType = "cf_sql_numeric" value = "1" >

ORDER by priority

< / cfquery >

<! DOCTYPE html >

< html lang = "en" >

< head >

< meta charset = "utf-8" / >

< name meta = "window" content = "width = device-width, = initial scale. 70, maximum scale = 1, scalable user = yes">

< title > < /title > nightclub

< name meta = "description" content = "the ultimate entertainment club & premium night life in Maryland. Bringing the most sought after DJ talent around the world in an environment of high-end luxury. To call the Club information/Questions 443.687.0284 and for VIP / bottle Service reservations please call 443.687.0292. 21 + place"/ >

< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/slippry.css" type = "text/css" / > "

< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/prettyPhoto.css" type = "text/css" / > "

< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/styles.css" type = "text/css" / > "

" < script src =" http://AJAX.googleapis.com/AJAX/libs/jQuery/1.9.1/jQuery.min.js "> < / script > .

"< script src="js/jquery.slippry.js "> < / script >

"< script src="js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js "> < / script >

< script src = "js/scripts.js" > < / script >

<! - Facebook Conversion code for the1 - >

< script >(function() {)

var _fbq = window._fbq | (window._fbq = []);

If (! _fbq.loaded) {}

FB var = document.createElement ('script');

fbds. Async = true;

fbds.src = ' / / ' connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js;

var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0];

ParentNode.InsertBefore (FB, s);

_fbq. Loaded = true;



Window._fbq = window._fbq | [];

Window._fbq.push (['follow', '6017183967387', {'value': '0.00', 'currency': 'USD'}]);

< /script >

"" < noscript > < img height = "1" width = "1" alt = "" style = "display: no ' src = ' https://www.Facebook.com/tr?EV=6017183967387 [value] = 0.00 cd & cd [currency] = USD & noscript = 1 "/ > < / noscript > "

<!-[if IE] >

" < script src =" http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/HTML5.js "> < / script > .

<! [endif]-->

< / head >

< body >

< div class = 'wrapper' >

< class header = 'hand' >

< div class = "wrapper-960" >

< a class = "main logo" href = "/ index.cfm" >

< img src = "images/logo - main.png" alt = "Nightclub" >

< /a > <!-end logo-hand->

< nav class = "utility" >

< ul class = 'social-icons' >

< li >

< a target = "_blank" href = "mailto: " [email protected] "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue - email.jpg" alt = "Email" >

< /a >

< /li >

< li >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" https://www.Facebook.com/TheCity "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue - facebook.jpg ' alt = 'Facebook' >

< /a >

< /li >

< li >

" < a href =" https://Twitter.com/TheCity ">

< img src = "images/icon-blue - twitter.jpg ' alt = 'Twitter' >

< /a >

< /li >

< /ul > <!-end social-icons->

< / nav > <! - end utility - >

< h1 > 512 YORK ROAD city, MD 21204 < span > | </span > < a href = "such: 443.687.0284" > 443.687.0292 < /a > < / h1 >

< / div > <!-end wrapper-960->

< / header > <!--main end-->

< section class = 'hand-slide show' >

< a class = "arrow left sy-prev" href = "#" > < /a >

< a class = "sy-next right arrow" href = "#" > < /a >

< ul class = "image" >

< cfoutput query = "qry_slideshow" >

< li >

< img src = "" #lg_image # "alt =" #album_title #">"

< /li >

< / cfoutput >

< /ul > <!--end images - >

< / section > <!-end main-slide show->

< section class = "main content" >

< ul class = "caption" >

< li >

443.687.0292 HAND < span > </span >

< /li >

< li >

443.687.0292 RESERVATIONS VIP < span > </span >

< /li >

< li > < a href = "mailto: " [email protected] ? subject = VIP surveys "> CONTACT < /a > < /li > "

< li > < a href = "images/MENUPDF.pdf' target = '_blank' > MENU < /a > < /li >"

< li > < a href = "images/weeklySpecials.pdf' target = '_blank' > PROMOTIONS WEEKLY < /a > < /li >"

" < li > < a href =" https://www.Facebook.com/TheCity/photos_stream?tab=photos_albums "target ="_blank"> GALLERY < /a > < /li > "

< /ul > <! - end legend - >

< section class = 'legend-special' >

< div class = "wrapper-960" >

< div class = "left" >

< div class = "right" >

< h1 > AGE 21 years and older. Opening HOURS: THURSDAY/FRIDAY/SATURDAY IS at 22:00 < / h1 >

< / div > <!--end to the right - >

< / div > <!-left-> end

< / div > <!-end wrapper-960->

< / section > <!-end legend-container->

< section class = 'legend-special' >

< div class = "wrapper-960" >

< iframe width = "100%" height = "315px" src = "*?" rel = 0"frameborder ="0"allowfullscreen > < / iframe >

< / div > <!-end wrapper-960->

< / section > <!-end legend-container->

< cfif qry_events.recordcount >

< h1 class = 'hand' > upcoming shows < / h1 >

< section class = "two columns" >

< div class = "wrapper-960" >

< cfset count = 1 >

< cfoutput query = "qry_events" >

< section class = "< cfif BitAnd(1,count) > < cfelse > odd even < / cfif > column" >

< h1 > < span > #title # </span > < / h1 >

< len (trim (lg_image)) cfif >

< a rel = "prettyPhoto [events]" title = "Show coming soon-#DateFormat(date_start,'mmm.) (dd') #-#title # "class ="main image"target ="_blank"href =" #lg_image #">

< img class = "main" src = "" #sm_image # "alt =" #title #">"

< /a >

< cfelse >

< a class = "main image" target = "_blank" href = "#website #" >

< img class = "main" src = "" #sm_image # "alt =" #title #">"

< /a >

< / cfif >

<!-< ul class = 'social' >

< class li = "icon" >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" https://www.Facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=#website# "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue-square - facebook.jpg ' alt = 'Facebook' >

< /a >

< /li >

< class li = "icon" >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" http://www.Twitter.com/share?URL=#website# "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue-square - twitter.jpg ' alt = 'Twitter' >

< /a >

< /li >

< class li = 'Buy' >

< a target = "_blank" href = "#website #" > purchase < /a > tickets

< /li >

< /ul > <!-social end-->

< / section > <! - end column - >

< cfset count ++ >

< / cfoutput >

< / div > <!-end wrapper-960->

< / section > <! – end two columns - >

< / cfif >

< cfif qry_weeklyEvents.recordcount >

< h1 class = 'hand' > weekly events < / h1 >

< section class = "two columns" >

< div class = "wrapper-960" >

< cfset count = 1 >

< cfoutput query = "qry_weeklyEvents" >

< section class = "< cfif BitAnd(1,count) > < cfelse > odd even < / cfif > column" >

< h1 > each (date_start, 'dddd') #DateFormat # < span > #title # </span > < / h1 >

< len (trim (lg_image)) cfif >

< a rel = "prettyPhoto [events]" title = "Show coming soon-#DateFormat(date_start,'mmm.) (dd') #-#title # "class ="main image"target ="_blank"href =" #lg_image #">

< img class = "main" src = "" #sm_image # "alt =" #title #">"

< /a >

< cfelse >

<!-< a class = "main image" target = "_blank" href = "#website #" >-->

< img class = "main" src = "" #sm_image # "alt =" #title #">"

<!-< /a >-->

< / cfif >

<!-< ul class = 'social' >

< class li = "icon" >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" https://www.Facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=#website# "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue-square - facebook.jpg ' alt = 'Facebook' >

< /a >

< /li >

< class li = "icon" >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" http://www.Twitter.com/share?URL=#website# "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue-square - twitter.jpg ' alt = 'Twitter' >

< /a >

< /li >

< class li = 'Buy' >

< a target = "_blank" href = "#website #" > purchase < /a > tickets

--> < /li >

< /ul > <!-social end-->

< / section > <! - end column - >

< cfset count ++ > <-THIS IS THE LINE WHERE IT CRAPS OUT

< / cfoutput >

< / div > <!-end wrapper-960->

< / section > <! – end two columns - >

< / cfif >

< / section > <!-end main-content->

< footer class = 'hand' >

< a class = "logo-secondary" href = "/ index.cfm" >

< img src = "images/logo - secondary.png" alt = "Nightclub" >

< /a >

< div class = "clear" > < / div >

< ul class = 'social' >

< li >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" https://www.Facebook.com/TheCity "> "

< img src = "images/icon-blue-large - facebook.png" alt = "Facebook" >

< /a >

< /li >

< li >

" < a target ="_blank"href =" https://Twitter.com/TheCity ">

< img src = "images/icon-blue-large - twitter.png ' alt = 'Twitter' >

< /a >

< /li >

< /ul > <!-social end-->

< h2 >

Opening HOURS: < br >


AGE: 21 YEARS OLD AND OVER | ADDRESS: mycity, U.S. 2120 < br >

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED & copy; the DISCO 2014 < br >

< a style = "color: #010;" opacity: 6; text-decoration: none; "href =" mailto: [email protected] ? subject = VIP surveys "> VIP SURVEYS < /a > |

< a style = "color: #010;" opacity: 6; text-decoration: none; "href =" images/MENUPDF.pdf' target = '_blank' > MENU < /a > "

< / h2 >

< / footer > <!--main end-->

< / div > <! - end wrapper - >

< / body >

< / html >

What happens when you replace with

Tags: ColdFusion

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  • Internal server (500) error: bad file descriptor, while import_site


    I'm migrating Application of ATG 10.1.1 to ATG 10.2 and short 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 short

    I created a short application in short 3.1.2 using ""discover-data-catalogue-integration "as mentioned in 'Deployment Template Module integration of product catalog User Guide" (topic: using the model of deployment of product catalog Application). "" "

    When you import the site (< my app > /control/import_site.sh) by using the XML file that was exported in the 3.1.1 application I get following error

    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility$ HttpStatusException com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility execute - internal server (500) error: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: java.io.IOException: bad file descriptor

    PFB newspapers:

    Underside of journal is running "import_site.sh" before "initialize_services.sh".

    [root @myhost control] #./import_site.sh BlueBee-2014-01-06_15-02-38.xml

    [01.06.14 15:16:53] NEWS: Audit AppConfig.xml definition against the provisioning of existing CEC.

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    [01.06.14 15:17:04] INFO: update of definition for host 'ITLHost '.

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    [01.06.14 15:17:08] INFO: Definition of definition for the element "ConfigurationGeneratorForge".

    [01.06.14 15:17:08] INFO: Definition of parameter for the component "Forge".

    [01.06.14 15:17:08] INFO: The utility [ITLHost] start shell "mkpath_incoming".

    [01.06.14 15:17:09] INFO: Definition of definition for the element "PartialForge".

    [01.06.14 15:17:09] INFO: The utility [ITLHost] start shell "mkpath_incoming".

    [01.06.14 15:17:11] INFO: Definition of definition for the element "Dgidx".

    [01.06.14 15:17:11] NEWS: Updated Definition.

    [01.06.14 15:17:11] INFO: Upgrading xml file...

    [01.06.14 15:17:11] INFO: Backup of the export file...

    [01.06.14 15:17:11] INFO: Creating set to update export file...

    [01.06.14 15:17:12] INFO: Removes the backup file...

    [01.06.14 15:17:12] INFO: import to: ' http:// myhost: 8006, IFRC, sites, MSIXPRIMA

    [01.06.14 15:17:14] BASS: Caught an exception during method call 'importXmlWithPrompt' object 'IFRC '. Release locks.

    Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null

    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility$ HttpStatusException run com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility - internal server (500) error: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: java.io.IOException: bad file descriptor

    Below of journal is running 'import_site.sh' after execution of 'initialize_services.sh '.

    [root @myhost control] #./import_site.sh BlueBee-2014-01-06_15-02-38.xml

    [01.06.14 15:26:45] NEWS: Audit AppConfig.xml definition against the provisioning of existing CEC.

    [01.06.14 15:26:46] INFO: Definition has not changed.

    Application 'MSIXPRIMA' already exists in the IFRC. Delete the existing content and continue? [Y/N]:


    [01.06.14 15:26:56] INFO: Upgrading xml file...

    [01.06.14 15:26:56] INFO: Backup of the export file...

    [01.06.14 15:26:56] INFO: Creating set to update export file...

    [01.06.14 15:26:56] INFO: Removes the backup file...

    [01.06.14 15:26:56] INFO: backup the content exists at: Http://myhost:8006 / IFRC/tmp/MSIXPR

    [01.06.14 15:26:57] INFO: deleting old content: http:// myhost: 8006, IFRC, sites, MSIXPRIMA

    [01.06.14 15:26:57] NEWS: New import...

    [01.06.14 15:26:58] GRAVE: Import failed.  Restore backup...

    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility$ HttpStatusException

    run com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.IFCRUtility - internal server (500) error: javax.jcr.Repositortor

    [01.06.14 15:26:59] INFO: Deleting temporary node.

    [01.06.14 15:27] INFO: Completed the import of content.

    Thanks in advance

    Found the problem...
    the name of the short application created in the new short version is different from the old version and the host box is also different.
    for this reason, the old hostname, and the former name of the application were present in the exported xml information, site so I replaced that information with the information manually, is the former name of host with the new hostname and name of the application with the new name of the application in the exported XML site. Now, the importsite have worked very well.

  • System Windows Thread Unhandled Exception (no file name) 8.1

    I have the BSOD with system Thread Unhandled Exception (no file name).  The mindump files are in https://www.dropbox.com/s/6eawzv654f3xmqp/091615-3859-01.zip?dl=0.

    The only other symptom is that when it restarts I have no ethernet connection and it must restart once again to make it available.  Then, all right, for a period of time.

    Thank you


    I removed the driver and reinstalled Win7 compatibility mode.  That seemed to do the trick.  Restarted several times yesterday and no blue screen.

    Thank you


  • Bad files - report button would be appreciated

    I have downloaded several bad files - specifically vector illustration that I expected to be able to use/modify my needs.   The product Adobe Stock have no way (that I can find) to gold banner indicate the quality of a file.

    Here is the file that I downloaded today it is of no use to me.  Looks like they just did a trace of a jpg image?

    # File: 50259755

    Hi BobbieAGarner

    I'm sorry that you are not satisfied with the quality of the file.  I have this report to our team on the quality of the content & added a credit to your account.

    Kind regards


  • ERROR bad file descriptor

    Hi friends,

    Here is my scenario:

    so that {(INFINITE_LOOP)

    1. create eraser.db DB allowing no transaction in dir & environment: /DB_DIR

    2. create expire.db DB without activating any transaction in same dir & environment: /DB_DIR

    3. run the Add - Remove Records operations on the two dbs.

    3. close the two dbs & environment

    4. remove the directory: / DB_DIR (using posix rmdir & loosen the API)

    5 sleep for 2 minutes. (It's stress tests... real sleep value is 24 hours)


    This while loop works for a few iterations. But after a few iterations I start getting under the errors:

    Search: 0: (0 * 4096) + 0: bad file descriptor

    Eraser.DB: failed to write to page 0

    Eraser.DB: impossible to empty page: 0

    Search: 4096: (1 * 4096) + 0: bad file descriptor

    Eraser.DB: failed to write to page 1

    Eraser.DB: cannot empty the page: 1

    Search: 8192: (2 * 4096) + 0: bad file descriptor

    Eraser.DB: write failed for page 2

    Eraser.DB: impossible to empty page: 2

    Once that these errors that occur. All db operations begin to fail for all subsequent iterations.

    Now I have to stop my program and restart, then only db starts to work as expected.

    Please suggest the root cause of the problem.

    Kind regards
    ~ K ashish.

    Hi friends,

    The issues mentioned above is not related to the BDB. Finally, I found "once opened, but twice closed" descriptor question in my multi thread code. In our code a descriptor of the socket has been closed twice. After a few iterations of running, this problem has been unintentionally leading to the closure of one of the internal BDB file descriptor. Once I solved this problem. BDB started working as expected.

    For those who do not know to fill twice issue in multi threaded code read below:



    FD = open();

    a treatment.

    Close (fd);

    a treatment.

    Close (fd);


    The code above works smoothly for one multithreaded application. But in our case of multithreading, so a 'X' open() calls thread when the thread is 'Y' between calls to close(), so in this case, thread 'X' will get the same fd to open what thread 'Y' was used (since open always return the smallest unused descriptor). File descriptors are shared by all threads. So when the thread 'Y' makes its second close(), it actually closes the file descriptor of the 'X' thread, which was valid & currently in use.

    That's what precisely going on with my code.

    TIP: whenever your multi threaded code, begins to BDB errors like first cheque 'Bad file descriptor' if there is a place in the code where you are "opening once but twice closing" any file descriptor.

    Kind regards
    ~ K ashish.

  • File adapter: bad files archive

    Hi friends,

    If we choose the option archive while configuring the file adapter, following behavior is considered.
    1. files that are successfully processed, get archived in the folder provided
    2. However, failure/bad files are deleted from the source folder and does not get archived

    Is it possible to configure the adapter so that only failed/bad files get archived?

    Thank you

    Hi Salah,

    You can set up to manage the rejected messages in a different way as given under ( - check documentation for your version):

    For archiving only bad files, delete property Archive of your file adapter and configure only the Manager of rejection.

    Kind regards
    Neeraj Sehgal

  • SQL Loader Bad File - line number

    Is there a way to get the line number of records in the bad file or remove file?

    Thank you

    I think you get the line number of the lines could not load in the log file. The fault lines are lines you will find in the wrong file.
    I don't know if the log contains the line numbers of the lines scrapped.

    Liron Amitzi
    Consultant senior s/n

  • List and count VM info file

    Asked me to find a way to collect information from our environment based on our folder structure. We will work on the chargeback models soon, but we would like to get an idea of what we have in our environment by (client) file before you begin. For each case, we are looking for a county of VMs, NumCPU total total total MemoryMB and ProvisionedSpaceGB. I started using PowerCLI and Powershell, only recently so I can shoot folderpath and information of the VM, but were not able to understand how to create mathematical in the script for total functions until we have a folder. Any suggestion or help is pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

    The following PowerCLI script gives you the information you want for each folder that contains virtual machine.

    Get-VM |
    Group-Object -Property Folder |
    ForEach-Object {
      if ($_) {
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
          Folder = $_.Name
          NumVMs = $_.Group.Count
          TotalNumCPU = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property NumCPU -Sum).Sum
          TotalMemoryMB = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property MemoryMB -Sum).Sum
          TotalProvisionedSpaceGB = ($_.Group | Measure-Object -Property ProvisionedSpaceGB -Sum).Sum
  • Build error [class bad file]

    Hi all

    I try to compile Hyperic HQ 3.0.4 by Eclipse 3.2 on Windows XP.
    I went through the training to build.
    But during construction, I got an error as follows.
    Isn't good CLASSPATH?
    I don't know how to do to investigate this matter.
    If you could give me some advice about this, please help me.

    > compilation-app-sources:
    > [javac] 2557 compilation of source D:\Workspace\HQ3\build\classes files
    > [javac] D:\Workspace\HQ3\build\src\org\hyperic\hq\autoinventory\shared\AutoinventoryManagerHome.java:109: cannot access org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.shared.AutoinventoryManager
    > bad class file [javac]: D:\Workspace\HQ3\build\src\org\hyperic\hq\autoinventory\shared\AutoinventoryManager.java
    > [javac] file contains no class org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.shared.AutoinventoryManager
    > [javac] if please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath variable.
    > [javac] public org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.shared.AutoinventoryManager create()
    > [javac] ^.
    > [javac] error 1

    Kind regards

    Ah yes, you use the 3.0.5. tar.gz rather than subversion?  If you want just the update build.xml, you can retrieve it here:


    Beta 3.1 includes this change also.

  • FM 8 print to PDF generates bad file names. Why?

    I use Framemaker 8 on Windows XP.

    I have a book with thirty chapters, for a total of something like 1100 pages.

    I updated the book, generated table of contents and Index files and need to print in a set of files PDF, a single PDF by chapter.

    But when I do that, all PDFs are badly named. Instead of being named Chapter_1.pdf, Chapter_2.pdf, etc., that they are named BookTitle (Chapter_1.pdf, BookTitle (Chapter_2.pdf, etc.))

    I know that I managed to generate files with the correct names in the past, and I tried all afternoon to figure out how I did it. Nothing in the dialog boxes appears to control this behavior of appellation... What is it? And more importantly, how can I solve this?



    The ' * ' technique is the old, standard way to do it. Note that in FM8, the print dialog contains an additional line that asks you if you want to print the book as separate files or a single file. It is a new feature introduced with FM8 and unfortunately, uses the name of the book as part of the naming convention.

    Another BAD (broken as expected) function...

  • Getting Sum, Count, and Distinct Count of a file

    Hi all, this is a question of UNIX.

    I have a large flat file with millions of records.
    col1 | col2. col3
    1. a | b
    2. c | d
    3. e | f
    3. g | h
    footer *.

    I'm supposed to do to calculate the sum of the [= 9] col1 col1 County [= 4] and a separate account of col1 [= c3]

    I would like if you avoid external commands like AWK. Also, can we do the same thing by creating a function?

    Please keep in mind that the file is huge

    Thanks in advance

    Yes, I suppose that it is very much inappropriate for answering this question here, I just like awk too] :))

    where x is the file:

    sum(col1) : awk -F\| '{col1+=$1}END{print col1}' x
    count(col1): wc -l x | awk '{print $1-2}'
    count(distinct col1): cut -d\| -f1 x|sort -u|wc -l|awk '{print $1-2}'

    Perl would be a much more effective tool to use here... try a perl forum :)

  • By default, Finder bad file &amp; size

    I have problems with the Finder in the Dock not open the correct file and remembering its size. I hope someone can help with this problem. Here's what happens:

    When I open the Finder (click) the icon in the Dock, it's always default to opening a file it should not (Scrivener). It should open all my files as shown in Finder preferences. In addition, the window is Itsy-Bitsy, and I have to drag the corner to enlarge each time that dragged size does not save for the next time the window is opened. However... If I right click on the same icon in the Dock, then select new Finder window, Finder opens in the window of the correct size and all my files. Finder is also open to its appropriate size and the folder, if I select in Finder > Go toolbar. Shift + Cmd + F opens the size and the appropriate folder.

    Thanks for your help.

    Go to your 'Go' menu Finder, hold the option key and choose the library. Then go to the preferences and trash folder these files:

    com Apple.Finder.plist

    com Apple.sidebarlists.plist

    Then, restart or log in and again.

    (You will have to reset some finder prefs the way you like them).

  • Two bad files revealed by sfc scan, how to replace?

    Hey, the summer looking at various other posts and it seems that my scans have found two missing/corrupt files.  I don't know where the good files are located, or where they would be located in windows.  Here is the text of the log analysis of the sfc.

    2011-04-09 20:16:14, 000001de CSI Info [SR] cannot repair the military record [l:30 {15}] "CntrtextMig.dll" Microsoft-Windows-PerformanceCounterInfrastructure, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, type neutral, TypeName neutral, neutral public key in the store, file is missing "
    2011-04-09 20:16:14, 000001df CSI Info [SR] this element is referenced by [l:160 {80}] "' Package_30_for_KB936330 ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ x 86 ~ ~ - 187_neutral_GDR" "
    2011-04-09 20:16:14, CSI Info 000001e0 [SR] cannot repair the military record [l:24 {12}] "loadperf.dll" Microsoft-Windows-PerformanceCounterInfrastructure, Version = 6.0.6001.18000, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL (0), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, type neutral, TypeName neutral, neutral public key in the store, file is missing "
    2011-04-09 20:16:14, 000001e1 CSI Info [SR] this element is referenced by [l:160 {80}] "' Package_30_for_KB936330 ~ 31bf3856ad364e35 ~ x 86 ~ ~ - 187_neutral_GDR" "

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


    You do not have SP2, you use only the SP1.

    Please read and follow the methods in the above message.


    You can also try these if you can find a CD of SP1.

    Access files on your Vista installation DVD

    How to extract system files missing from the DVD of Windows 7/Vista.

    Or copy them from another computer with the same version and copy
    them on your.

    I hope this helps.

  • 'Documents' bad file pointer sent.

    I recently bought an SSD as my main drive. I installed the operating system and the programs on it. I also have a hard drive platter that I want to use to store other files. I did music library records and images to locations on the D: drive. I made this following the path USERS, right click on the item properties, and then specify a destination in the location tab.

    When I did this for the document library, I accidentally chose the entire drive D as a location. Now I can't cancel it, because when I try to find the Documents folder by following the path of the USERS, I don't see the icon again. Can someone tell me please how to fix this? Thank you! Paul

    See section 2 of my answer in this other thread for a guide to using the registry to change the relocation of user folder.  As you will see, this is the method I used when I had made a mistake when making the normal way [which you did & I describe in section 1 of this answer].

  • I received the error "Bad file mzip - incompatibility of magic number when I switch to Ap light.

    Hi all

    I'm not able to recharge in Access Point and upgrade to its KNEES. Whenever I do this, I have error "incompatibility of magic number." My image upload is successful every time, but not able to reload the image. Please suggest me what I do for this. Is it because of the tftp server? Should I change the tftp server?

    Kind regards



    Please use our forum

    Hi samir, my name is Johnnatan and I'm part of the community of support to small businesses. You can download the image again on Cisco.com, probably an error in the .zip file, it s would be very helpful if you provide us with your device model and software version.

    I hope you find this answer useful,

    "* Please mark the issue as response or write it down so others can benefit from.


    Johnnatan Rodriguez Miranda.

    Support of Cisco network engineer.

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