convert decimal comma in oracle

I have the source as a table

create table test
LoadId Number (10),
Given varchar2 (5)

LoadID has inceremental values for 1,2,3...
Data have values as shown below


I want to choose the data field values but while selecting I want to covert them number of commas i.e. data type is converted to decimal points.
If the required values will be as


How can I achieve this?

Try this

select to_number(replace(to_char(data), ',', '.')) from test

Tags: Database

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    @StartYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
    @EndYY AS VARCHAR(4),    
    @AgentCode AS VARCHAR(9),    
    @CompanyCode AS VARCHAR(4)    
    DECLARE @ProfileYYYYMM AS VARCHAR(6), @SQLStr1 AS VARCHAR(8000),@SQLStr2 AS VARCHAR(8000), @SQLStr3 AS VARCHAR(8000)    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' @CompInforceCount NUMERIC, @CompSurrenderCount NUMERIC,@ALCompInforceAP AS DECIMAL(15,2), @ALCompSurrenderAP AS DECIMAL(15,2), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' @ALCompInforceCount NUMERIC, @ALCompSurrenderCount NUMERIC,@ILCompInforceAP AS DECIMAL(15,2), @ILCompSurrenderAP AS DECIMAL(15,2), '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10) '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_policy_no] VARCHAR(50), '     
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT AgentName, AgentNumber, AgentRank '    
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    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN ('''+ @CompanyCode +''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''S'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompSurrenderCount = COUNT(1), @CompSurrenderAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineSurrender S '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND S.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
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    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INSERT INTO @tblmineInforce '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT company_code, mine_policy_no, Annl_premium '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM odsmine_policy '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'All'    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''IL'',''AL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' WHERE company_code IN (''' + @CompanyCode + ''') '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND cont_status = ''I'' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND YEAR(effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +' AND '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SELECT @CompInforceCount = COUNT(1), @CompInforceAP = SUM(Annl_premium) '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' FROM @tblmineInforce I '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role R '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON I.company_code = R.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' AND I.mine_policy_no = R.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' INNER JOIN @tblAgentNumber A '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ON R.servicsmpagent_code = A.AgentNumber '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgCount = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderCount,0) + @CompInforceCount),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' SET @CompAvgAP = ROUND(ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) * 100 / ( ISNULL(@CompSurrenderAP,0) + @CompInforceAP),2) '     
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' DECLARE @tblODSmine_Policy TABLE '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ( '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentName] VARCHAR(255), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentNumber] VARCHAR(9), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [AgentRank] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Company_Code] VARCHAR(4), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [mine_Policy_No] VARCHAR(10), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Cont_Status] VARCHAR(1), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [Annl_Premium] DECIMAL(15,2), '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + '  [No_count] NUMERIC '    
    SET @SQLStr1 = @SQLStr1 + ' ) '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = 'INSERT INTO  @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' SELECT DISTINCT AgtProfile.AgentName, AgtProfile.AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AgtProfile.AgentRank,mine.company_code, mine.mine_policy_no, mine.cont_status, mine.Annl_Premium, 1.0 as no_count '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' FROM @tblAgentNumber AgtProfile '    
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    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = COMAGH.AHAGTN '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND (AHAMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHUMNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''' OR AHAGNO = ''' + @AgentCode + ''') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND AHCO = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsagent_role Role '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON AgtProfile.AgentNumber = Role.servicsmpagent_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' INNER JOIN odsmine_policy mine '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' ON Role.company_code = mine.company_code '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND Role.mine_policy_no = mine.mine_policy_no '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.cont_status IN (''S'',''I'') '    
    IF @CompanyCode = 'ALL'    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code IN (''AL'',''IL'') '    
     SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND mine.company_code = ''' + @CompanyCode + ''' '    
    SET @SQLStr2 = @SQLStr2 + ' AND YEAR(mine.effective_date) BETWEEN '+ @StartYY +'  AND  '+ @EndYY +' '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = 'SELECT AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS Surrrender_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(INT,SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END)) AS InForce_Count, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS SurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''I'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) AS InForceAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN count(*) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN no_count ELSE 0 END) * 100 / count(*))) END AS AgtSurrenderCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CASE WHEN SUM(Annl_premium) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(38,2),(SUM(CASE WHEN cont_status = ''S'' THEN Annl_premium ELSE 0 END) * 100 / SUM(Annl_premium))) END AS AgtSurrenderAP, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100),@CompAvgCount) AS CompAvgCount, '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' CONVERT(varchar(100), @CompAvgAP) AS CompAvgAP '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' FROM @tblODSmine_Policy '    
    SET @SQLStr3 = @SQLStr3 + ' GROUP BY AgentName, AgentRank, AgentNumber '    
    EXEC (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    
    --PRINT (@SQLStr1 + @SQLStr2 + @SQLStr3)    


    1. the scrap code.
    2. get the specification of the requirements of business origin.
    3. learn PL/SQL.
    4. write the PL/SQL code to meet the requirements of the company.

  • Cannot convert * of type class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding

    Excuse my approach... but I can't... I haven't used this during some time... and I took this to an old APP (working!)
    the error is:
    Cannot convert * of type class oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding to the oracle.adf.model.BindingContainer interface

    and the code is like this
    DCBindingContainer dc = (DCBindingContainer)((fc.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(fc,"#{bindings}", BindingContainer.class));
    I watched JUFormBinding and as I see the hierarchy is
    byjava.util.AbstractMap extended
    byoracle.jbo.common.JboAbstractMap extended
    byoracle.adf.model.binding.DCExecutableBinding extended
    byoracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer extended
    byoracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUFormBinding extended

    so DCBindingContainer is great to JUFormBinding

    Thank you
    Pop Florin


    and it is easier that it is

    BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
    BindingContainer bindings = bctx.getCurrentBindingsEntry();


  • SQL Loader with decimal comma

    Dear all,

    I am loading data for a German client and the files shipped contain numeric data with decimal comma. For example 123.5 instead of 123.5

    I've been Googling like crazy on this one and there is a lot of chatter on the definition of NLS_LANG and/or NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS, but none of this seems to work in the environment SQL Loader.

    I guess I'll end up tinkering together something complicated with TO_NUMBER or another function, but I really can't believe SQL Loader isn't a simple switch to return semicolon.

    Or I forgot something?

    Advice would be a great help.

    Kind regards
    Alan Searle

    You can use something like:

    Load data
    fields completed by...
    col1 "translate (: col1, ','.')", ".

    Published by: SKU on January 28, 2009 04:41

  • Oracle 10g - convert decimal in hh: mm


    How can I convert a decimal number in the format hours: Minutes for example. 2.75 at 2 hours and 45 Minutes
    Thanks in advance

    or maybe

    SQL> SELECT TRUNC(2.75) || 'hrs:' ||
           SUBSTR(numtodsinterval(2.75, 'HOUR'), 15,2) || 'mins:' ||
           SUBSTR(numtodsinterval(2.75, 'HOUR'), 18,2) || 'secs' FROM dual
    1 row selected.
    SQL> SELECT TRUNC(129.657) || 'hrs:' ||
           SUBSTR(numtodsinterval(129.657, 'HOUR'), 15,2) || 'mins:' ||
           SUBSTR(numtodsinterval(129.657, 'HOUR'), 18,2) || 'secs' FROM dual
    1 row selected.

    Or perhaps better

    SQL> SELECT TRUNC(2.75) || 'hrs:' ||
           extract (minute from numtodsinterval(2.75, 'HOUR' )) || 'mins:' ||
           extract (second from numtodsinterval(2.75, 'HOUR')) || 'secs'
      FROM dual
    1 row selected.
    SQL> SELECT TRUNC(129.657) || 'hrs:' ||
           extract (minute from numtodsinterval(129.657, 'HOUR' )) || 'mins:' ||
           extract (second from numtodsinterval(129.657, 'HOUR')) || 'secs'
      FROM dual
    1 row selected.


    Published by: Peter on March 2, 2009 12:52 AM

  • to convert decimal table table of Boolean

    Hey all

    I have a decimal table (or at least that's what I think it is).

    the table is 1010 (and the number of bits can change depending on the application)

    that 1010 is decimal. I want to convert that into a Boolean 1010, because I have to open close some ports in this logic.

    Help, please

    Thank you very much

    Well done more to give

    Your information is a little sparse, so I fill in some blanks by guessing...

    1010 is not a table (and no Boolean value either!)

    Is each figure part of the picture? What is the representation?

    If each digit is a digital element of the array, just wire 'not equal zero' to the table and you will get an array of Boolean.

    It might be easier if you can fix a simple VI which contains the table that you have and the table you want. Thank you!

  • VI recorder: point decimal / comma


    I use VI Logger (MAX to acquire the temperature (8 thermocouples). I have some problems when exporting data to excel. Indeed, the decimals are separated by a comma, that excellent sees as a field delimiter. Of course, if I export a txt file, then open it with Excel, so I can choose my field delimiter and once the file opens I can replace all the commas with dots. But this acquisition system must be used in the production, so I'd rather have the Excel live export job. If I could change the decimal to a point, it would solve my problem.

    By other hand tools > User Preferences is grey. Is it normal that I can't get to him, I should have admin rights?

    Thanks in advance


    Have you also changed it to r to see what is happening? They use a point too.

    What Style do you use in the export settings?

    What version of VI Logger do you use?


  • Binary to convert Decimal in order reverses.

    Hi all

    I have a set of binary data that I want to convert using the negative powers of two. For example, I have a binary data


    that I want to convert it to decimal using the method below (negative powers of two).

    (1 * 2 ^-1) + (1 * 2 ^-2) + (1 * 2 ^-3) + (0 * 2 ^-4) +... + (0 * 2 ^-23).

    I've been successful up to the some or all of the data back but could not figure out the rest. Help is sorely lacking.

    Kind regards.

    Hi the NAP,

    You can do little to little - or with the integer in one step:

    Edit: I added one possible solution "hard little by little" as well...

  • 0 and the decimal point in Oracle SQL


    IM using Oracle Sql developer 'Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release' (I'm fairly new), im having trouble inserting '0 before 1' in the table, as well as with the decimal point
    I created a table with the following:

    CREATE TABLE employee
    (Employe_id number (4,0) NOT NULL primary key,)
    L_Name varchar2 (15).
    What varchar2 (10),
    Number of Pay_Rate (5);

    Then tried to insert this: insert into employee
    values ('003', 'Clarke', 'Michael', '13 h 00');
    which has been a success, but when I used the query select it to display the table, the result was not the same

    Employee_id L_Name what Pay_Rate
    1 13 Michael Clarke

    How can I ensure that the result looks like this (001 and 13 h 00):
    Employee_id L_Name what Pay_Rate
    001 Micheal Clarke 13.00

    Edited by: 936867 may 25, 2012 20:15

    Edited by: 936867 may 25, 2012 20:18

    936867 wrote:
    Sorry, I wanted to ask "what needs to be changed in the create table statement, so when I introduced through the 'Insert into' data is presented as above after the select query. I want the data to show as entered when I look at the table, I know that can use the select query to display data in the desired format.

    Then do not define the columns as a NUMBER, but as strings of VARCHAR2,
    but realize that you can't do arithmetic on strings.

    NUMBERS have no beginning or ending zeros but bites can contain what you want.

  • Convert recursive with SQLServer Oracle clause

    I converted the following query to SQLServer 2005 to Oracle10g, but the column of factors is not correct:

    WITH Factor (Code, StartDate, EndDate, Rate, Ranks, Factors) AS
         SELECT Code, StartDate, EndDate, Rate, Ranks, CONVERT(FLOAT, 1.0)
         FROM #SplitDateRangeRank
         WHERE Ranks = 1
         UNION ALL
         SELECT S.Code, S.StartDate, S.EndDate, S.Rate, S.Ranks, CASE WHEN S.Rate > 0 THEN F.Factors / S.Rate ELSE F.Factors END
         FROM #SplitDateRangeRank S
         JOIN Factor F
         ON S.Code = F.Code
         AND S.Ranks = F.Ranks + 1
    INSERT INTO #PrcAdjTemp
    SELECT Code, 1, StartDate, EndDate, Factors
    FROM Factor
      INSERT INTO tmpPrcAdj (Code, AdjType, StartDate, EndDate, Factor)
      WITH Factor AS
           SELECT Code, StartDate, EndDate, Rate, Ranks, 1.0 Factors
           FROM tmpSplitDateRangeRank
       SELECT Code,1, StartDate, EndDate, CASE WHEN Rate > 0 THEN Factors / Rate ELSE Factors END   
       FROM Factor
           start with Ranks = 1
       connect by code = prior code
       and  ranks = prior ranks +1;
    Need help!


    INSERT INTO tmpPrcAdj (Code, AdjType, StartDate, EndDate, Factor)
    select Code,AdjType, StartDate, EndDate,Factors
    From tmpSplitDateRangeRank
      Partition By (Code)
      Dimension By (Ranks)
      Measures (Rate, 1 as Factors, 1 as AdjType, StartDate, EndDate)
         Factors[Ranks>1]=case when Rate[cv()] > 0 then Factors[cv()-1]/Rate[cv()] else Factors[cv()-1] end
  • JDeveloper 11 g: convert DBSequence number of Oracle.jbo.domain

    Hi all!

    Anyone know how to convert DBSequence to oracle.jbo.domain?
    I used something like this:

    public DBSequence {} seq()
    MyWay DBsequence;
    / * code * /.
    myWay return}

    public void otherMethod() {}

    Number num = seq () .getSequenceNumber ();


    But it does not work.

    Thank you to
  • convert decimal into DATE of the

    Hi people,

    can any body tell me how do to convert the number into date marker

    I / p... 990926 (decimal)... o/p should be 26-sep-1999 (date)

    It is decimal conversion date

    Thanks in advance

    Published by: user11410176 on January 8, 2010 06:55
    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-yyyy';
    Session altered.
    SQL> select to_date(990926, 'rrmmdd') from dual;
  • Convert kifani into VImage / Oracle 10 G forms

    Hello gurus,

    I have a doubt:
    Can I convert my kifani which generate a kind of captcha in an oracle.forms.ui.VImage?

    I need to do this because I have problems in width and height when I run my captcha in different environments and browsers. The image inside captcha increases in different browsers and I need a solution to fix it.

    best regards to all,
    Thiago Leoncio


    Unfortunately, there is no documentation at all about the oracle.forms.ui.VImage class, and you cannot access the property of the implementation of the elements of the Image class.


    Published by: Francois Degrelle on December 23, 2009 18:35

  • How to convert decimal unicode(UTF-32)?

    refer to this example:

    Unicode: SLICE OF PIZZA (plan 1)

    Decimal value: 127829

    Hex(UTF-32): 1F355

    Hex(UTF-16): \D83C\DF55

    Now, I can use unistr ('\D83C\DF55') for the unicode character. But my table keep the decimal value "127829". So, how I can use this value to get the unicode character?

    Thank you.

    My problem is solved.

    I found a decimal conversion algorithm in the UTF-16 surrogate pairs and use the unistr() function to get the unicode character.

  • convert DB2008 SQL express oracle 12 c by sql developer

    Hi friends,

    I created a SQL 2008 declare for the prod database. I run OMWB_OFFLINE_CAPTURE and receive an ocp source file complete

    Transform ocp Oracle express12c sql developer ( but failed with error DB

    oracle.dbtools.metadata.persistence.PersistenceException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 14: PLS-00201: identifier ' MIGRATION. GATHERCONNECTIONSTATS' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: statement ignored

    Research on the basis and the migrated tables revised, I found that I only migrated system SQL sql objects and does not see any user with dbo SQL prefix object

    OMWB_OFFLINE_CAPTURE test its backsql P@$$w0rd1234

    The SQL server database was generated by s a software vendor and we know not what user has application data.

    How can I get sql tables dbo server in ocp for the migration file.

    Thank you



    I ran a test on my system using SQL * 3.2 Developer and don't see the problem you have.

    Can I check what you have done and the steps to follow?

    1. you have generated the ocp in the menu - Tools - Migration file - Create Database capture Scripts

    2. after the execution of OMWB_OFFLINE_CAPTURE you see 2 directories under the directory chosen for migration?

    You should see - 2 directories - 'master' and 'backsql.

    3. in the migration wizard.

    Tools - Migration - migration

    for the 'Source' database, you chose "offline" and then the file .ocp is generated - sqlserver2008.ocp

    4. in the next screen "Capture" you shoud see the database "backsql" in the column "databases selected. If it of in "Databases" then move it across.

    If that's what you see migration should precede as planned.

    5. in the next screen - target database - choose "offline" and check the generated scripts.

    They should contain instructions create for all objects in the database 'backsql.

    If this isn't what you see then please detail the exact measurements you have taken.

    Kind regards


Maybe you are looking for