ctx_doc. Markup html if break keywords found in the html tags

Running Oracle

I said to me the following indexes:



ctx_ddl.create_preference( 'crt_user_datastore_en', 'user_datastore' );
ctx_ddl.set_attribute( 'crt_user_datastore_en', 'procedure', 'ctxsys_multi_index_en_prc' );
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('crt_user_datastore_en', 'output_type', 'CLOB');

ctx_ddl.create_preference( 'crt_user_datastore_fr', 'user_datastore' );
ctx_ddl.set_attribute( 'crt_user_datastore_fr', 'procedure', 'ctxsys_multi_index_fr_prc' );
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('crt_user_datastore_fr', 'output_type', 'CLOB');

CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_XML_SECTION', 'title', 'title');
CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_XML_SECTION', 'content', 'content');

ctx_ddl.create_preference('CRT_LEXER_EN', 'BASIC_LEXER');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CRT_LEXER_EN', 'skipjoins', '-');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_EN', 'index_text', 'YES'); 
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_EN', 'base_letter', 'YES');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_EN', 'index_stems', 'ENGLISH');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_EN', 'index_themes', 'YES');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_EN', 'theme_language', 'ENGLISH');

ctx_ddl.create_preference('CRT_LEXER_FR', 'BASIC_LEXER');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CRT_LEXER_FR', 'skipjoins', '-');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_FR', 'index_text', 'YES'); 
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_FR', 'base_letter', 'YES');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_FR', 'index_stems', 'FRENCH');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_FR', 'index_themes', 'YES');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute ( 'CRT_LEXER_FR', 'theme_language', 'FRENCH');


parameters ('filter ctxsys.null_filter DATASTORE crt_user_datastore_en LEXER CRT_LEXER_EN wordlist CRT_PREF_EN section group CRT_XML_SECTION');

parameters ('filter ctxsys.null_filter DATASTORE crt_user_datastore_fr LEXER CRT_LEXER_fr wordlist CRT_PREF_fr section group CRT_XML_SECTION');
In my user data store, I build an XML representation of the content, by wrapping each column with a XML tag clob value and the content of CLOB is ignored with CDATA blocks, as it contains various html tags.

My point culminating procedure resembles the following:
PROCEDURE highlight_query_result (
      p_query_string_in        IN              VARCHAR2,
      p_index_name_in          IN              VARCHAR2,
      p_pk_id_in               IN              NUMBER,
      p_top_content_html_out   IN OUT NOCOPY   CLOB,
      p_content_html_out       IN OUT NOCOPY   CLOB,
      pn_error_ind_out         OUT             error_logs.error_log_id%TYPE
      l_clob              CLOB;
      l_cdata_start_len   INTEGER := LENGTH ('<![CDATA[');
      l_cdata_end_len     INTEGER := LENGTH (']]>');
      l_top_content       CLOB;
      l_bottom_content    CLOB;
      l_len               INTEGER;
      xmldoc              XMLTYPE;

      PROCEDURE cleanuptemplobs
         IF DBMS_LOB.istemporary (l_top_content) = 1
            /* Free the temporary LOB locator: */
            DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_top_content);
         END IF;

         IF DBMS_LOB.istemporary (l_bottom_content) = 1
            /* Free the temporary LOB locator: */
            DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_bottom_content);
         END IF;
      END cleanuptemplobs;
      pn_error_ind_out := 0;
      DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_top_content, TRUE);
      DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_bottom_content, TRUE);
      ctx_doc.markup (index_name      => p_index_name_in,
                      textkey         => ctx_doc.pkencode (p_pk_id_in),
                      text_query      => p_query_string_in,
                      restab          => l_clob,
                      plaintext       => false,
                      tagset          => 'HTML_DEFAULT',
                      starttag        => '<span class="highlight">',
                      endtag          => '</span>'
      xmldoc := XMLTYPE.createxml (l_clob);

      IF xmldoc IS NOT NULL
         IF xmldoc.EXISTSNODE ('//bottom_content/text()') = 1
            l_bottom_content :=
                     xmldoc.EXTRACT ('//bottom_content/text()').getclobval
            l_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (l_bottom_content);
            DBMS_LOB.COPY (p_content_html_out,
                           l_len - (l_cdata_start_len + l_cdata_end_len),
                           l_cdata_start_len + 1
         END IF;

         IF xmldoc.EXISTSNODE ('//top_content/text()') = 1
            l_top_content :=
                        xmldoc.EXTRACT ('//top_content/text()').getclobval
            l_len := DBMS_LOB.getlength (l_top_content);
            DBMS_LOB.COPY (p_top_content_html_out,
                           l_len - (l_cdata_start_len + l_cdata_end_len),
                           l_cdata_start_len + 1
         END IF;
      END IF;

      -- cleanup to avoid memory leaks...
         -- cleanup to avoid memory leaks...
         pn_error_ind_out := SQLCODE;
         log_package_error_prc ('search_pkg.highlight_query_result',
   END highlight_query_result;
I use SQLXML to retrieve the nodes (since I'm on XML_SECTION_GROUP), and stripping the CDATA blocks... then copy it into the out CLOB, back to the appellant.

Everything seems to work fine, until I find myself with a culmination of the keyword in a HREF... which basically breaks the page with no html tags valid on exit... such as:
<a href="http://www.linktowebsite.com/<span class="highlight">keyword</span>.shtml#obtain">How to request a copy of a <span class="highlight">keyword</span> already issued</a>
I have the feeling that this could be due to CDATA and XML block... being escaped on output html tags, and even if null_filter is used for indexing, it ignores the html escape characters and indexes all content stream.

Any ideas?

If what you have is html and you must keep intact, then it makes sense to use html_section_group instead of xml_section_group. The following creates a minimal test environment, reproduces the problem with the xml_section_group, and fixes the problem by using html_section_group. Lists of multiples and lexers words are not necessary to reproduce the problem. Markup draws in the field index tables, so what you do afterwards are not relevant to the problem. What follows is therefore only of creating the table with primary key, the insertion of a row of data, the creation of the Group of sections and index, display of chips and markup output. If refine you the code like this, which makes it much easier to understand and reproduce the problem and refine the cause.

SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- test environment:
SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- table and data:
  2    (CONTENT_ID           NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY,
  4  /

Table created.

SCOTT@orcl_11g> Insert into CONTENTS_TEST
  3  Values
  4    (1,
  5       '<![CDATA[AIG - Program Overview]]>Introduction
6 Apprenticeship 7 ]]>
') 8 / 1 row created. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- reproduction of problem: SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- section group and index: SCOTT@orcl_11g> begin 2 CTX_DDL.create_section_group('CRT_XML_SECTION','XML_SECTION_GROUP'); 3 CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_XML_SECTION', 'title', 'title'); 4 CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_XML_SECTION', 'content', 'content'); 5 end; 6 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SCOTT@orcl_11g> CREATE INDEX MULTI_CONTENT_EN_IDX 2 ON CONTENTS_TEST (content_html_content) 3 INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT 4 parameters ('section group CRT_XML_SECTION') 5 / Index created. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- tokens: SCOTT@orcl_11g> select token_text from dr$multi_content_en_idx$i 2 / TOKEN_TEXT ---------------------------------------------------------------- AIG APPRENTICESHIP BR COM CONTENT HREF HTML HTTP INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW P PROGRAM SITE STRONG TITLE 15 rows selected. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- markup: SCOTT@orcl_11g> declare 2 l_clob CLOB; 3 BEGIN 4 ctx_doc.markup 5 (index_name => 'multi_content_en_idx', 6 textkey => ctx_doc.pkencode (1), 7 text_query => 'apprenticeship', 8 restab => l_clob, 9 plaintext => FALSE, 10 tagset => 'HTML_DEFAULT', 11 starttag => '', 12 endtag => ''); 13 dbms_output.put_line (l_clob); 14 end; 15 / <![CDATA[AIG - Program Overview]]>Introduction
apprenticeship.html">Apprenticeship ]]>
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- correction of problem: SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- section group and index: SCOTT@orcl_11g> DROP INDEX MULTI_CONTENT_EN_IDX 2 / Index dropped. SCOTT@orcl_11g> exec CTX_DDL.drop_section_group('CRT_XML_SECTION') PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SCOTT@orcl_11g> begin 2 CTX_DDL.create_section_group('CRT_HTML_SECTION','HTML_SECTION_GROUP'); 3 CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_HTML_SECTION', 'title', 'title'); 4 CTX_DDL.add_zone_section('CRT_HTML_SECTION', 'content', 'content'); 5 end; 6 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SCOTT@orcl_11g> CREATE INDEX MULTI_CONTENT_EN_IDX 2 ON CONTENTS_TEST (content_html_content) 3 INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT 4 parameters ('section group CRT_HTML_SECTION') 5 / Index created. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- tokens: SCOTT@orcl_11g> select token_text from dr$multi_content_en_idx$i 2 / TOKEN_TEXT ---------------------------------------------------------------- APPRENTICESHIP CDATA CONTENT INTRODUCTION P TITLE 6 rows selected. SCOTT@orcl_11g> -- markup: SCOTT@orcl_11g> declare 2 l_clob CLOB; 3 BEGIN 4 ctx_doc.markup 5 (index_name => 'multi_content_en_idx', 6 textkey => ctx_doc.pkencode (1), 7 text_query => 'apprenticeship', 8 restab => l_clob, 9 plaintext => FALSE, 10 tagset => 'HTML_DEFAULT', 11 starttag => '', 12 endtag => ''); 13 dbms_output.put_line (l_clob); 14 end; 15 / <![CDATA[AIG - Program Overview]]>Introduction
Apprenticeship ]]>
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SCOTT@orcl_11g>

Tags: Database

Similar Questions

  • How can I better make ctx_doc.markup for a lot/set of documents?


    I'm working on a system that stores chat messages in a table where the body of the message is stored in a CLOB column. I start to implement a message text using Oracle text search and seeks to use the functionality of ctx_doc.markup to the markup for the search terms. The message table is a bit like:

    (Message) CREATE TABLE

    ID NUMBER (19.0),.

    sender NUMBER (19.0),.

    beneficiary, NUMBER (19.0),.

    received_at TIMESTAMP (6).

    CLOB data,


    and we have an index of text in context on the 'data' column and 'contains' queries against it work very well. When I was looking to add capacity to the markup for the search terms, I was a little surprised that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to markup a range of results.

    What I plan to do is essentially:


    ctx_doc. Markup (index_name = > 'MESSAGE_DATA_TXT_IDX',)

    textkey = > '2523992',

    text_Query = > "test" ', "

    restab = > "message_search_result_markup"

    query_id = > '4',

    tagset = > 'TEXT_DEFAULT');


    So in my case, a search can lead to hundreds of returned messages. Now in order to tag each one, I have to do a "ctx_doc.markup" for each of them, which is hundreds of times that seems horribly inefficient. Keep in mind that all this is done in a Java web service.

    So my first question is, why "tagging" does not have a list of IDs to be passed to the 'textkey? That would make things much simpler as:

    ctx_doc. Markup (index_name = > 'MESSAGE_DATA_TXT_IDX',)

    textkey = > '2523992,2523993,2523994,2523995',

    text_Query = > "test" ', "

    restab = > "message_search_result_markup"

    query_id = > '4',

    tagset = > 'TEXT_DEFAULT');

    who would then end with 4 rows with query_id 4 in the message_search_result_markup table.

    Then I thought well, since I generate the code SQL in Java, I can add it as a lot of these calls in the begin/end block


    ctx_doc. Markup (...);

    ctx_doc. Markup (...);

    ctx_doc. Markup (...);

    ctx_doc. Markup (...);


    Basically, one for each message. But now I have the problem of linking a net result towards the actual message from the strong result does not store the primary key of the message that is passed as the 'textkey. If the schema of the table of restab would be something like

    create the table message_search_result_markup (query_id number, varchar2, clob document textkey);

    So I have a unique query_id for each request and be able to easily retrieve all results of markup and return them along with other data of the corresponding messages such as sender, recipient, timestamp, etc..

    So now I think it's for each "textkey' I have, I have to create a unique query_id which is not so simple because everything is multithreaded and multiprocess and different queries can return the same messages, so I couldn't just use the textkey as the query_id.

    Does anyone have any better suggestions/ideas?

    Remember I want to minimize the number of SQL queries, I have to do Java, ideally only have to do 1 query for the message, 1 search query markup messages found and 1 more request for the marked results.

    You can write a function defined by the user to the ctx_doc.markup procedure, so that you can use it in a SQL query.  Please see the demo below.

    Scott@orcl12c >-table data and the index to test:

    Scott@orcl12c > CREATE TABLE message

    2 (id NUMBER (19.0),)

    3 sender NUMBER (19.0),.

    4 recipient NUMBER (19.0),.

    5 received_at TIMESTAMP (6).

    6 CLOB data)


    Table created.

    Scott@orcl12c > INSERT ALL

    2 IN THE VALUES of the message (id, data)

    3 (1, ' I "m work on a system that stores chat messages in a table where the body of the message)

    4 stored in a CLOB column. I'm starting to implement a message using Oracle's full-text search

    5 text and I want to use the functionality of ctx_doc.markup to the markup for the search terms.

    6 the message table is a bit like :')

    7 IN VALUES message (id, data)

    8 (2, ' and we have a hint of context on queries column text and "contains" "data" against her)

    9 work very well. When I was looking to add capacity to the markup for the search terms, I was a little

    10 surprised that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to markup a range of results. ')



    2 rows created.

    Scott@orcl12c > CREATE INDEX message_data_idx message WE (data) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS. FRAMEWORK


    The index is created.

    Scott@orcl12c >-function defined by the user to the ctx_doc.markup procedure:

    Scott@orcl12c > your_markup FUNCTION to CREATE or REPLACE

    2 (p_index_name IN VARCHAR2,

    3 p_textkey in VARCHAR2,

    4 p_text_query IN VARCHAR2,

    5 p_plaintext IN DEFAULT BOOLEANTRUE,

    6 p_starttag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '<>

    7 p_endtag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ' > '.

    8 p_key_type IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'ROWID')


    10 AS

    11 v_clob CLOB.

    BEGIN 12

    13 CTX_DOC. SET_KEY_TYPE (p_key_type);


    15 (index_name-online p_index_name,

    16 textkey-online p_textkey,

    17 text_query-online p_text_query,

    18 restab-online v_clob,

    19 in clear-online p_plaintext,

    starttag 20-online p_starttag,

    21 endtag-online p_endtag);

    22 RETURN v_clob;

    23 END your_markup;


    The function is created.

    Scott@orcl12c > SHOW ERRORS

    No errors.

    Scott@orcl12c >-query:

    Scott@orcl12c > kwic FORMAT A60 WORD_WRAPPED COLUMN

    Scott@orcl12c > SELECT id,.

    2 your_markup

    3 ("message_data_idx",

    4 ROWID,

    KWIC 'column' 5)

    Message 6 OF

    7 WHERE CONTAINS (data, "column") > 0



    ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------

    1 I'm working on a system that stores chat messages in a

    table where the body of the message is

    stored in a CLOB >. I started to implement a

    message using Oracle full text search

    Text and I try to use the ctx_doc.markup function for

    the markup for the search terms.

    The message table is a bit like:

    2 and we have an index of text in context on the 'data' >

    and "contains a" queries against it

    work very well. When I was looking to add the ability to

    markup for the search terms, I was a little

    surprised that there doesn't seem to be an easy way to

    tag a range of results.

    2 selected lines.

  • Example usage of 'ctx_doc.markup '?

    I am new to Oracle and I'm not sure how to use the function "ctx_doc.markup".

    I tried the example on the right: highlighted in the document by using the ctx_doc.highlight procedure , but I get the following error:
    Error starting at line 6 in command:
    declare markedup clob default empty_clob();
      ctx_doc.markup(index_name => 'text_index', textkey => '11885', text_query => '{FUZZY({hello},,,W),FUZZY({john},,,W)}', restab => markedup, tagset => 'HTML_DEFAULT');
    Error report:
    ORA-20000: Oracle Text error:
    DRG-50857: oracle error in drvdoc.reslob_chk
    ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 160
    ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.CTX_DOC", line 2198
    ORA-06512: at line 3
    20000. 00000 -  "%s"
    *Cause:    The stored procedure 'raise_application_error'
               was called which causes this error to be generated.
    *Action:   Correct the problem as described in the error message or contact
               the application administrator or DBA for more information.
    Note that I run it in spreadsheet of Oracle SQL Developer

    Edit: Also, should I use memory or table markup-ing? In memory seems better, but I don't really know the difference.

    Published by: 981243 on February 1, 2013 12:12 AM

    I guess you use multibyte characters, and this is a problem with

    amt number := 200;
    line varchar2(200);

    VARCHAR2 (200) is measured in bytes, default, but 200 characters may require more than 200 bytes to store.

    If change you it to:

    amt number := 200;
    line varchar2(400);

    It then works OK?

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    When the pc is turned on, I can not connect to the internet. I found that the firewall is not enabled. went to the control panel and clicked on the firewall and got the message that he could not appear, also could not click the security icon. After having repeated clicks and play with him, he finally turns on and I can use the pc normally. also now when I go into the control panel I just get a list up and down things on the control panel. used to occupy the entire screen from left to right. in color, maybe these two things are related, I do not know

    It's just a detailed view...

    I suggest some standard maintenance and cleaning which will generally help as you allow to get acquainted with your machine so that you can restrict the possibilities...

    Search for malware:

    Download, install, execute, update and perform analyses complete system with the two following applications:

    Remove anything they find.  Reboot when necessary.  (You can uninstall one or both when finished.)

    Search online with eSet Online Scanner.

    The less you have to run all the time, most things you want to run will perform:

    Use Autoruns to understand this all starts when your computer's / when you log in.  Look for whatever it is you do not know using Google (or ask here.)  You can hopefully figure out if there are things from when your computer does (or connect) you don't not need and then configure them (through their own built-in mechanisms is the preferred method) so they do not - start using your resources without reason.

    You can download and use Process Explorer to see exactly what is taking your time processor/CPU and memory.  This can help you to identify applications that you might want to consider alternatives for and get rid of all together.

    Do a house cleaning and the dust of this hard drive:

    You can free up disk space (will also help get rid of the things that you do not use) through the following steps:

    Windows XP should take between 4.5 and 9 GB * with * an Office suite, editing Photo software, alternative Internet browser (s), various Internet plugins and a host of other things installed.

    If you are comfortable with the stability of your system, you can delete the uninstall of patches which has installed Windows XP...
    (Especially of interest here - #4)
    (Variant: http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/xp_hotfix_backup.htm )

    You can run disk - integrated into Windows XP - cleanup to erase everything except your last restore point and yet more 'free '... files cleaning

    How to use disk cleanup

    You can disable hibernation if it is enabled and you do not...

    When you Hibernate your computer, Windows saves the contents of the system memory in the hiberfil.sys file. As a result, the size of the hiberfil.sys file will always be equal to the amount of physical memory in your system. If you don't use the Hibernate feature and want to reclaim the space used by Windows for the hiberfil.sys file, perform the following steps:

    -Start the Control Panel Power Options applet (go to start, settings, Control Panel, and then click Power Options).
    -Select the Hibernate tab, uncheck "Activate the hibernation", and then click OK. Although you might think otherwise, selecting never under "Hibernate" option on the power management tab does not delete the hiberfil.sys file.
    -Windows remove the "Hibernate" option on the power management tab and delete the hiberfil.sys file.

    You can control the amount of space your system restore can use...

    1. Click Start, right click my computer and then click Properties.
    2. click on the System Restore tab.
    3. highlight one of your readers (or C: If you only) and click on the button "settings".
    4 change the percentage of disk space you want to allow... I suggest moving the slider until you have about 1 GB (1024 MB or close to that...)
    5. click on OK. Then click OK again.

    You can control the amount of space used may or may not temporary Internet files...

    Empty the temporary Internet files and reduce the size, that it stores a size between 64 MB and 128 MB...

    -Open a copy of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    -Select TOOLS - Internet Options.
    -On the general tab in the section 'Temporary Internet files', follow these steps:
    -Click on 'Delete the Cookies' (click OK)
    -Click on "Settings" and change the "amount of disk space to use: ' something between 64 MB and 128 MB. (There may be many more now.)
    -Click OK.
    -Click on 'Delete files', then select "Delete all offline content" (the box), and then click OK. (If you had a LOT, it can take 2 to 10 minutes or more).
    -Once it's done, click OK, close Internet Explorer, open Internet Explorer.

    You can use an application that scans your system for the log files and temporary files and use it to get rid of those who:

    CCleaner (free!)
    (just disk cleanup - do not play with the part of the registry for the moment)

    Other ways to free up space...



    Those who can help you discover visually where all space is used.  Then, you can determine what to do.

    After that - you want to check any physical errors and fix everything for efficient access"

    How to scan your disks for errors* will take time and a reboot.

    How to defragment your hard drives* will take time

    Cleaning the components of update on your Windows XP computer

    While probably not 100% necessary-, it is probably a good idea at this time to ensure that you continue to get the updates you need.  This will help you ensure that your system update is ready to do it for you.

    Download and run the MSRT tool manually:
    (Ignore the details and download the tool to download and save to your desktop, run it.)


    Download/install the latest program Windows installation (for your operating system):
    (Windows XP 32-bit: WindowsXP-KB942288-v3 - x 86 .exe )
    (Download and save it to your desktop, run it.)



    Download the latest version of Windows Update (x 86) agent here:
    ... and save it to the root of your C:\ drive. After you register on the root of the C:\ drive, follow these steps:

    Close all Internet Explorer Windows and other applications.

    AutoScan--> RUN and type:
    %SystemDrive%\windowsupdateagent30-x86.exe /WUFORCE
    --> Click OK.

    (If asked, select 'Run'). --> Click on NEXT--> select 'I agree' and click NEXT--> where he completed the installation, click "Finish"...


    Now reset your Windows with this FixIt components update (you * NOT * use the aggressive version):
    How to reset the Windows Update components?


    Now that your system is generally free of malicious software (assuming you have an AntiVirus application), you've cleaned the "additional applications" that could be running and picking up your precious memory and the processor, you have authorized out of valuable and makes disk space as there are no problems with the drive itself and your Windows Update components are updates and should work fine - it is only only one other thing you pouvez wish to make:

    Get and install the hardware device last drivers for your system hardware/system manufacturers support and/or download web site.

    If you want, come back and let us know a bit more information on your system - particularly the brand / model of the system, you have - and maybe someone here can guide you to the place s x of law to this end.  This isn't 100% necessary - but I'd be willing to bet that you would gain some performance and features in making this part.

  • The expected version of the product was not found on the system

    KB981715, KB972581, KB974234, KB969559 updates: I've went and used the diagnostic tool, repaired by using the installation cd, completely uninstalled and reinstalled, but keep getting this message after you run the update download manually "expected Version of the product is not found on the system."

    Also, for the Microsoft Office service pack 2 SP2, it continues to show on the "check for updates", manually download the update and it says "already installed."

    What's next now?

    I have one last idea:

    After disabling all Trend Micro components (i.e., antivirus antispyware; firewall) then the Windows Firewall activation, Office 2007 SP2 uninstall, reboot twice & see if the behaviour persists (i.e., without having to reinstall Office 2007 SP2).

    Note: You may need to temporarily hide the Office 2007 SP2. See http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/24376-windows-update-hide-restore-hidden-updates.html (in Vista, also applies).

  • Transfer to warm CVP - keyword 'media' for the IP address of the Media Store?


    There is a nice feature in the microapp normal CVP scripts where the ECC user.microapp.media_server as the 'media' string variable is defined, and inserted the expressions 'ip host media a.b.c.d' and "ip host media-backup l.m.n.o" on the catwalks.

    This committed an automatic retry mechanism should files WAV is not found on the first server of Media Store.

    When the heat via a queue transfer is set up, the route on CallManager point triggers a script through the number dialed, which performs a translation of a Type 2 CVP course. That VB CVP is added to CallManager as a H323 gateway with game media endpoints. VB should be configured to talk with the guard to solve the second agent phone when they are targeted by the ICM router. It took a little while to get this working, and I'm not sure that I completely understand who does what in this system (the CVP Blues).

    But I have a question.

    If I use 'media' here to play the music on hold in the queue there are poor extraction. Substituting the IP address of the media store has solved the problem.

    Am I right in thinking that the VXML to this action takes place outside of the voice browser CVP on Type 2 (and not the bridge) and therefore 'media' does not solved?

    Is it a framework (pair of parameters) can be done in the CVP speech browser to allow the 'media' keyword must be used in routing ICM scripts and get the retry system that seems to be the gateway? I looked at all the parameters of VB in VBAdmin, but none of them seem suited look.

    I have observed with the script normal microapp instructions to try again come in fact the application server when fetch the first bad happens. The application server seems so be sure that the pair meets and promotes this one as the first to try. I see a similar behavior with TTS.

    I wish I could have the hot transfer working with redundancy with normal microapps regarding media stores. Is this possible? Is the standard answer to use a content Services switch?

    Kind regards



    You are right that in this case, the voice browser CVP will play guests. To enable failover of media server in this mode, simply set the 'media' host name in DNS (or in etc/hosts if you don't have DNS) to have two IP addresses for the two media HTTP (do a "ipconfig/displaydns") servers. The voice browser CVP will try all of the IP addresses that the 'media' hostname resolves to in case one fails. There will be a little late at the beginning of each call, then the voice browser tries to access the main media server, however, for the rest of the call, the voice browser will continue to use the backup there will be no further delay in the call. See 'ShowMediaServerTimeout' and 'ShowMediaServerTries' in the Setup Guide & Admin CVP. Note that the host name does not need to be 'media' - there just need match everything that was put in the ICM media_server ECC script variable.

    The CVP voice browser cannot use CSS to load balancing media server or failover for two reasons:

    o CVP Voice Browser does not support the implementation of cache or HTTP redirect and would therefore require the CSS to the proxy the media stream for all audio files for each call.

    o the CSS has been con¸u to serve Web pages, not large amounts of voice traffic in packets. A steady stream of audio files would have an impact on the serious performance on the CSS.

  • Error message "the 421 ordinal not found in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll" whenever I start my computer

    Original title: 421 ordinal could not be located in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll

    I get this error every time I start my computer: "the 421 ordinal not found in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll.

    In the control panel select Problem Reports and Solutions (problem of type in)
    The START searchbox), go to the history of the problem, your mistake right click and choose
    Check the Solution.
    In administrative tools, choose the reliability and performance monitor and
    Click on MonitoringTools then the reliability monitor (type of reliability in research
    at startup). This list is a chart of the software installs, uninstalls, Windows
    updates and crashes by date. See if your plant started to occur after
    you installed or uninstalled something.
    You can clean boot
    Troubleshooting http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796
    Download http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shexview.html
    Disable all non-microsoft shell extensions (to explore) and reactivate a
    by so this can help.
    "Mr_Xtatic" wrote in message news: 63562fcd-7837-420-b-84e0-854170dfae5c...
    > I get this message error everytime I start my computer: "the ordinal 421.
    "> could not be located in the dynamic link library urlmon.dll"
  • I realized that I had a message to update for a while then when I checked, I found that the app CC was missing. I downloaded and installed the application, but it will not update of software. In the creative cloud Panel, the only options I get are the Hom

    I realized that I had a message to update for a while then when I checked, I found that the app CC was missing. I downloaded and installed the application, but it will not update of software. In the creative cloud Panel, the only options I get are the Home tab to check the activity and the Stock tab. The applications tab is missing. How can I get that back so I can update photoshop and lightroom?

    Please, try the steps mentioned here https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/apps-panel-reflect-creative-cloud.html

    Let me know if it works!

  • Is it possible to change the head of HTML within the Muse tag?


    is it possible to change the head of HTML within the Muse tag already? I found a topic where he said it would be supported in the future, which was 2012.

    I want to apply effects to text css like a shadow to a title.

    Hi Sabrina,

    Please refer to:How to use CSS in Muse?

    Kind regards


  • Treo 755 p and Windows - HotSync jumps calendar and Agenda - "Conduit DateCond.dll: no link found for the Creator ID 'date'." Conduit did not run. »

    I've owned a 755 p for almost a year now. For much of this time, my hotsyncs were jumping the Calendar/Contacts and calendar apps. These two work very well on the Palm Desktop and on the Treo itself. I checked the unit and the palm Desktop for corrupt files. There are not. When I was with Palm Desktop 4 (before 6 is available for XP), the lines were always listed as disabled. I could help and do a hotsync, but no data has been synchronized and would return to being disabled. If I tried to set it as enabled by default, the Hotsync application would break! So, I've lived with this absurd situation for 6 months now. Finally, I tried upgrading to Palm Desktop 6.2 and had no problem, but the problem persists. HotSync on the desktop PC simply ignores these lines entirely, even if it does not display error messages after a sync. The lines are listed as enabled.

    I made a full backup and then uninstalled Palm Desktop 6.2 completely. Restarted and re-installed Palm Desktop 6.2 and tried to sync again. The problem persists.

    My next step (and where I am now) would allow to debug and documented in the Hotsync application logging. Once I did, I discovered the specific problem, which apparently is entirely hidden from the end user. Here are the specific journal entries:

    Led DateCond.dll: No association is found for the Creator ID "date." Conduit does not run.

    Led DateCond.dll: No association is found for the Creator ID "SNLT". Conduit does not run.

    Led AddrCond.dll: No association is found for the Creator ID 'addr '. Conduit does not run.

    Led AddrCond.dll: No association is found for the Creator ID "PAdd". Conduit does not run.

    I was not able to find something on the Internet about these errors. Nothing on the Palm site, nothing in these forums. I checked the database files are indeed on the handheld and have good creator ID. I don't understand how a complete re-installation of software still leaves it with a kind of missing association. But clearly there is something that lack prevents Hotsync to understand exactly what it is supposed to do here.

    I can't just wipe my machine and start over. I have a lot of contacts and calendar on the device entries that are not on my PC and vice versa. Find and fix all those differences manually would be months of work with my limited free time. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to solve this problem, please let me know. And no, I'm not going to waste time calling support Palm. I gave up on the phone with Palm years ago support.

    It's part of the problem. You might want to hard reset the device, and then rename the folder to BACKUP on the PC. (CProgram Files/Palm or Palmone / * Hotsync username * / Backup.) Change to the old files then synchronize with your existing username.

    Message relates to: None

  • Why my page was not found on the remote server

    Not found

    The requested URL /public_html/index.html was not found on this server.

    Apache/DL [Apr 10 2012 14:38:58] Server at dl.free.fr Port 80

    /public_html/index.HTML is the wrong path.

    The correct path should be http://yourdomain.com/index.html

    You have correctly set your local site and remote files.  public_html should be in your distance settings; not your local site folder.

    Nancy O.

  • CF extra addition &lt; html &gt;, &lt; head &gt; and the &lt; body &gt; tags pages

    I had problems with my titles not appearing is not on my pages of CF. Finally, I looked at the source of the page in the browser and found that CF is the extra insertion < html >, < head > and < body > tags at the beginning of the pages. (see examples below). I'm sure it's the CF engine that did this because I took a cfm page and just change the extension of html and everything worked fine (except the CF code). There is no additional tag inserted and the titles appear. I also noticed that the CF engine seems to be adding the first line <! DOCTYPE HTML... >

    Does anyone know why this might be happening?

    Thank you


    SEE Page - notice of the additional tags in red

    <! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional / / BY" > ".

    <html >

    <head >

    <title >without title < /title >

    < /head >

    <body >

    < /body >

    < /html >



    <style type="text/css"> ".


    make-weight: normal;
    do-size: 10pt;
    do-family: Arial;
    background-color: white;
    text-decoration: none

    Same page with the extension changed to html - code is a little different because the style sheet has not loaded because it uses a cfinclude


    <head >

    <cfinclude template="fdp_style_sheet.html"> ".

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset = iso-8859-1"> " "

    <title >connection < /title >

    "<script type="text/javascript"> ".

    If ($_SERVER ["HTTPS"]! = "on")
    header ("Location: https://".) $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']. ($_SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"]);
    < /script >

    "<script language="JavaScript" src="webbug.js">< /script > " "

    < /head>

    "" <body onload= "writeBug();" marginHeight= "0" ' marginWidth do= '0' > ' "

    Take a look at your file Application.cfm or Application.cfc, you have probably the code in there (Application.cfc/cfm works first on each page request)

  • The name of the tag: "embed" not found in the currently active versions

    How can I remove the error message displayed in it Validation of Dreamweaver:

    The name of the tag: "embed" not found in the currently active versions. [HTML 4.0]

    Extraction of tag reads:

    < embed src = "about.swf" width = "615" height = "262" loop = "false" align = "absmiddle" bgcolor = "#FFFFFF" name = "about" allowscriptaccess = "sameDomain" allowfullscreen = "false" type = "application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage ="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer_fr" wmode = "transparent" quality = "high" >

    Use the modern techniques of the recess.  Here is a link to one of the newest...


  • Search find and style of text between HTML tags

    Here is an example in indesign. Ive been working with Word, Pages, Openoffice, and it's hard for everyone to submit documents style correctly. We found that the easiest way is to use HTML tags to indicate what gets the title beyond the standard paragraph style.

    < i > < /i > italic

    < b > "BOLD" < /b >

    code < code > < code >

    Code in bold < CODE > < CODE >

    Email or Adresse_web < url > < / url >

    I would like to search for ' < url > any character < / url > ' and add a character style to the text between the tags. Its ok if the style is applied to the tags, I can just "< url >" search and replace with white spaces.

    The question im hits which is a search for "< url >. "< / url >" returns 0 results. The '. ' is any character from the drop-down list of search next to the text field.

    I looked into GREP, but I've not had much luck find an answer CLAIRE using GREP.

    Right now what I'm doing is "< url >" search add a character style for the text between the tag found "url" and then when I'm done doing all this, do a quick find and replace "< URL >" and "< / url >. I was wondering if there was a faster way... Any help is very appreciated.

    Ah - Peter S. beat me to it! You add a question mark ()(.+) ()(.+?) (tag in the document at the last. (Parentheses are not required - in fact, the parentheses force InDesign in creating unnecessary references, making it less effective GREP. Although in short documents, you won't notice that.

    Peter K.

  • Display the HTML TAGS in the results of the selection...


    Here is a SELECTION, I'm doing;
    SELECT   col1
               , '<A HREF="/cgi-bin/${PROGNAME}?${QUERY_STRING}&mykey='||col1||'">' || NAME || '</A>' "NAME"
    Now what I expect of this is a table where the second column would be a hyperlink.

    An example would be like this;
    SELECT SYSDATE, '<A HREF="/cgi-bin/appointments?date="' || SYSDATE || '">' || SYSDATE || '</A>'
      FROM DUAL;

    Entmap off Set will do.

    Oh, answer already given. Anyway, look here:

    Published by: InoL on July 23, 2010 13:19

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