Disorders of MD3000i controller


It seems that my MD3000i continues having controller problems. I get tons of critical errors via email notification, but whenever I'm in MDSM - status is optimal. The error messages I receive refer (for as far as I understand) on two controllers (enclosure 0, slot 0 and enclosure 0, slot 1). It means that both controllers have problems or that this means that a single controller continues to go down (restart) and fall back on the other controller? The errors are:

-Optimal wide port becomes degraded (event 1706 error code)

-Wide port degraded becomes impossible (1707)

I would consider replacing a controller if I can confirm which of the two is a failure. Is there a way to determine which of the two controllers boredom?

This MD3000i has now reached the end of his LIFE, and we have not supported more...

Thank you, Alex.

Hey, Alex.

After a deeper look in this set, it seems that the raid at location 0 controller seeks to go south on you. You may prepare yourself to get another. We can check it out if you can get your cable from the console, plug it into this controller and capture the output via Putty.

If you need the Putty settings and how to do this, let me know and I can send the instructions.

BUT it seems that the controller 0 is continually being reset to the other controller. This usually means a replacement of the controller.

Edit: I forgot to mention also that the disc into the slot in enclosure 0 10 is on its way. It would be good to replace this one.

Wish I had better news for you.

Tags: Dell Products

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    Buongiorno, the sto contattando by mail.

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    How do you carve up your virtual disks? The MD3k series uses a single controller as the owner of a virtual disk and the other controller is only for this virtual disk failover. That is why several virtual disks running (that spread between 2 controllers) is a better choice on a virtual disk of size unique max.

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    Thank you

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    Sam - I was able to get the module working again yesterday.  I had to put offline, cut the power, unplug the chassis unit and disconnect the NIC after these actions, I have it plugged it all back in and brought online and was able to redistribute the readers.  Everything works well again.  Backup controller order has been placed.

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    C:\SQLTEST & gt; sqlio.exe

    SQLIO v1.5.SG

    1-wire plays 30 seconds of the file testfile.dat

    using 2 k IOs over 128 KB stripes with 64 IOs by race

    initialization done


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    MBs/s: 17.23

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    C:\SQLTEST & gt; sqlio.exe

    SQLIO v1.5.SG

    1-wire plays 30 seconds of the file testfile.dat

    using 2 k IOs over 128 KB stripes with 64 IOs by race

    initialization done


    flow measurements:

    IOs/s: 2314.03

    MBs/s: 4.51

    No idea how this could happen if you please?

    Kind regards


    iSCSI is what it is...   You get wow numbers like you do on the DAS.

    On the MD3000i?  We found it important enough to keep really hard hitting servers / vm / guest on LUNs dedicated and virtual disks.  The limits of 160MO iSCSI are sort by target where each lun is considered to be a separate objective.  On the MD3000i controller double load balancing is done by the virtual disk.   If you match a dedicated to a virtual disk lun and divide the VD upward between the controllers, the server's performance seems strong in production.  Still, you won't get the numbers of wow on the tests you get on DAS devices.

    If you want really good performance on account of the VM?    Use the MS iSCSI initiators, even if we do not like this, tests proved much better performance in tests of IO.  In production?  you won't really see a lot of difference in my experiences.

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    Service number: ADMIN NOTE: maintain the label removed by privacy policy >

    Right: OQ

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    gatewayIPAddress = subnetMask = ";

    Where the address IP is the current IP address of the new controller, and is the

    desired address.

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    I would be grateful any documentation or the help that could lead me to my solution.  Thank you for your time.


    Hello Chris,

    Here is a link to the document to upgrade your MD3000i on the way you will need to add the second controller. http://downloads.dell.com/manuals/all-products/esuprt_ser_stor_net/esuprt_powervault/powervault-md3000i_user's%20guide5_en-us.pdf

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.


    Report tell the batteria del controller e che da auswechseln

    service tag 3XC4M3J

    Buongiorno, the sto contattando by mail.

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    (in hoist it log error completo)

    He message error e di he following:

    Storage array: STORAGE01
    Component problem statement: battery
    Status: failed
    Location: Enclosure RAID Controller Module 0, Module in Slot 1 RAID controller
    Smart battery: Yes
    Component requiring repair: RAID Controller Module 1
    Action (deletion) enabled service: No.
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    Dear client,

    Con passing it mouse sopra identifier c Supporto Dell'e the voce "private message", it could mandarmi UN message privato.

    Nel caso in cui as aver need di assistenza telefonica is Pagaré a di COTERMINUS ticket.

    SE if need di una delle quotazione left in sostituzione can rates UN preventivo senza Pagaré the assistenza.

    By request, we have our o di need any it client codice di vecchia quotazione o.

    Nel caso in cui non his di queste information times need che compilasse i seguenti campi:

    By the spedizione:

    1. company name:

    2 address:

    3 City:

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    6 name/last name/number phone/e-mail del referent in loco:

    With the fatturazione (is different)

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    Name/last name/number 6 telephone/e-mail del referent by the fatturazione:

    7 partita IVA

    Speaking saluti

    Domenico Severino

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  • Reference Dell MD3000i and degraded physical disk channel

    Nice day

    We have a Dell MD 3000i with an extra box storage. And today, there are two mistakes in the journal:

    1 physical disk channel set to gradient

    Date/time: 30.04.13 10:56:14
    Sequence number: 9783
    Type of event: 1209
    Description: Physical disk set to gradient channel
    Specific event codes: 0/0/0
    Event category: error
    Component type: channel
    Location of components: side physical disk: channel 1
    Recorded by: Module to slot 1 RAID controller

    2. each physical disk - gradient path

    Date/time: 30.04.13 10:56:14
    Sequence number: 9784
    Type of event: 1513
    Description: Individual physical disk - gradient path
    Specific event codes: 0/0/0
    Event category: error
    Component type: channel
    Location of components: side physical disk: channel 1
    Recorded by: Module to slot 1 RAID controller

    In this case recovery guru say "you must contact your technical support representative to correct this defect. Do NOT try to fix this problem yourself. So, how we can receive technical support recommendations and try to repair this failure?

    If you need more details, we can put any storage array profile output.

    Hello UtkinE,

    Yes, you will need to stop all iSCSI traffic so that you can update the NVSRAM.  With the timeout error you get all came from controller 1 & he had only discs 1 & 5.  The current version of NVSRAM you version 4 and the last one which is for the MD3000i is version 13.  With who have older firmware it was improvements to correct your problem in the latest versions of firmware.  I also had one of our analysts will confirm as well just to make sure that it is the best fix for your problem.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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    Hello Dan,.

    try to remove all the cables of the MD3000i and leave just the attached serial cable & see if that changed everything.  Also what you can try is to get out the controller on the MD3000i and wait for about 2 minutes then insert it with the system to check if the serial connection shows something new.  In addition, what are the colors of the LED at the front of the MD3000i?

    Please let us know if you have any other questions

  • MD3000i and TL 2000

    I was wondering if it is possible to connect the TL2000 to the MD3000i SAS out port.

    TL 2000 has 2 LTO 3 drives with SAS ports.

    The MD 3000i has dual iSCSI controllers

    The reason is that I picked up a used rack. And everything should work, but I did not see the connected cables before he was down.

    And I don't see any other sources he may have been connected. None of the servers have no external SAS port.

    When I plug the 2000 TL in the MD3000i she complains of the degraded SAS ports and it stays that way.

    TL 2000 said its 3/Gbit connected and OK. I read somewhere that degraded port maybe because it is using 1 of 4 channels.

    Both are upgraded to latest firmware.

    So my questions.

    If supported what menu in MDSM would he appear in if everything...

    If not supported what SAS card recommend.

    Thank you



    You are not able to connect the TL2000 behind a MD3000i. The reason behind this is that the CM in the 3000i is a RAID controller and you cannot connect the TL to a RAID controller. The TL2000 is supported only to work when it is connected behind a 6GB SAS HBA. That SAS Out Port is only intended to connect the tables as a second MD3000 or an MD1000 expansion MD. If you have any questions do not hesitate to let me know.

  • Cannot ping port host MD3000i on RC0


    I have set up my iSCSI network, as suggested in this post:


    I can only ping the ports of controller RAID 1 (two ports). All of my iSCSI traffic is drunk through the controller. Windows Server 2008R2 (R710/810), but also an ESXi 4.1 cluster (R610 and PE2950) access the dedicated iSCSI network. I contacted the support a few weeks ago, and they have replaced the MD3000i RAID controllers as well as the background. They are insistent that there is a configuration problem and would not assist any more beyond to send me links suggested configs. I went through the Setup on the R810 (Windows 2008R2) from scratch. This has not produced different results. Then I updated all drivers (BCM5709Cs) NETWORK card and software on all hosts, successfully restarted the MD3000i and the two MD1000s bike powered two switches HP Procurve 1400 and restarted all hosts. I can't always ping RC0. I Putty and captured RC0 boot logs, but it was not obvious to me. Here are the logs of boot:

    Set the interface lo0... done

    Autonomous 9768 symbols added.
    03/26/13-16:44:29 (GMT) (tRootTask): NOTE: I2C transaction returned 0x0423fe00

    ATTENTION: Reset by spare controller

    Current date: 26/03/13 time: 09:26:15

    Send Change Service Interface rate or baud
    03/26/13-16: 44:46 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: sequence SOD is Normal, 0
    03/26/13-16: 44:46 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SOD: removed host SAS from index 0
    03/26/13-16: 44:46 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: in iscsiIOQLIscsiInitDq.  iscsiIoFstrBase = 0 x 0
    03/26/13-16: 44:46 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: turn on seeing failure summary tray
    03/26/13-16: 44:48 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SYMBOL: SYMbolAPI registered.
    esmc0: event LinkUp
    03/26/13-16: 44:50 (GMT) (tNetCfgInit): NOTE: the loan network
    03/26/13-16: 44:51 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: channel initiating Drive: ioc:0 bringup
    03/26/13-16: 44:54 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: the Firmware Version of the IOC: 00-24-63-00
    03/26/13-16: 45:17 (GMT) (tSasEvtWkr): NOTE: sasIocPhyUp: chan: 0 phy:0 prevNumActivePhys:2 numActivePhys:2
    03/26/13-16: 45:17 (GMT) (tSasEvtWkr): NOTE: sasIocPhyUp: chan: 0 phy:1 prevNumActivePhys:2 numActivePhys:2
    03/26/13-16: 45:17 (GMT) (tSasEvtWkr): NOTE: sasIocPhyUp: chan: 1 phy:2 prevNumActivePhys:2 numActivePhys:2
    03/26/13-16:45:18 (GMT) (tSasEvtWkr): NOTE: sasIocPhyUp: chan: 1 phy:3 prevNumActivePhys:2 numActivePhys:2
    03/26/13-16:45:18 (GMT) (tSasCfg021): NOTE: path of the Alt up - chan: 0 phy:18 itn:1 controller
    03/26/13-16:45:18 (GMT) (tSasCfg022): NOTE: path of the Alt up - chan: 1 phy:16 itn:2 controller
    03/26/13-16:45:18 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: discoveredEncl: enclosure: 1, enclProp: x2c50104, trayId: slotCount 2:15
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: IonMgr: Drive Interface enabled
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SOD: instantiation Phase complete
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: controller between open Communication channels
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: initiator of news: 1 - channel: 1, devHandle: x2c, SAS address: 590b11c41a9d8b00
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (tSasDiscCom): NOTE: complete a discovery SAS task created
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: LockMgr role is slave
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: discoveredEncl: enclosure: 1, enclProp: x2c9516c, trayId: slotCount 2:15
    03/26/13-16: 45:19 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: new initiator: 2 - channels: 0, devHandle: x1a, SAS address: 590b11c41a9d8b01
    03/26/13-16: 45:21 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: discoveredEncl: Speaker: 2, enclProp: x2c8f730, trayId: 1, slotCount: 15
    03/26/13-16: 45:21 (GMT) (sasCheckExpanderSet): NOTE: Expander Firmware Version: 0116-e05c
    03/26/13-16: 45:21 (GMT) (sasCheckExpanderSet): NOTE: address SAS Expander: salvation = Low = xf6ac8d10 x5848f694
    03/26/13-16: 45:21 (GMT) (tSasDiscCom): WARN: SAS: Initial full time of discovery: 33 seconds
    03/26/13-16: 45:21 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: discoveredEncl: Speaker: 2, enclProp: x2c66ad4, trayId: 1, slotCount: 15
    03/26/13-16: 45:22 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: spmEarlyData: from alternate data
    03/26/13-16: 45:22 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: WWN baseName (valid ==> SigMatch) 00040026-b95795de

    03/26/13-16: 45:23 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: ionEnableHostInterfaces is waiting for a channel lends itself
    03/26/13-16: 45:26 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: ionEnableHostInterfaces expected 3800ms for a channel lends itself
    03/26/13-16: 45:26 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: IonMgr: Host Interface enabled
    03/26/13-16: 45:26 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SOD: pre to complete initialization Phase
    03/26/13-16: 45:47 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: ACS: autoCodeSync(): beginning of the process. Comm mode: 0, State: 1
    03/26/13-16: 45:47 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SOD: complete Phase initialization Code synchronization
    03/26/13-16: 45:48 (GMT) (NvpsPersistentSyncM): NOTE: persistent storage NVSRAM updated successfully
    03/26/13-16: 45:48 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: initialization complete USM Mgr with 0 records.
    03/26/13-16: 45:49 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: BDU - received 1 small files
    03/26/13-16: 45:49 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: BDU - received 0 records of great
    03/26/13-16: 45:50 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: acquire 0.035 dry
    03/26/13-16: 45:53 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLStartFw: FW drive download image 033eab00 4c0c8 bytes, result 0
    03/26/13-16:45:55 (GMT) (tRAID): NOTE:  ********************************************************************************
    03/26/13-16:45:55 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: Application target QLogic, 2.01.08 Version 2005-06-13 (W2K)
    03/26/13-16:45:55 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: iSCSI Target Application
    03/26/13-16:45:55 (GMT) (tRAID): NOTE:   ********************************************************************************
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: iSNS Server
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: ISNSServerIPv6Addr 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00: 3205
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: iSCSI name iqn.1984 - 05.com.dell:powervault.md3000i.60026b90005795de000000004b2ae7b6
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: port = 0, turn on IPv4 = 1, turn on IPv6 = 0
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: IP address
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: Firmware waiting for DHCP lease.  State 18
    03/26/13-16: 45:56 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 18 FwState 000/010 of time
    03/26/13-16: 45:57 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/01/00 18 FwState of time
    03/26/13-16: 45:58 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/02/00 18 FwState of time
    03/26/13-16: 45:58 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: Port 0 bind upward.
    03/26/13-16: 45:59 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/03/00 FwState time 0
    03/26/13-16: 46:00 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: port = 1, turn on IPv4 = 1, turn on IPv6 = 0
    03/26/13-16: 46:00 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: IP address
    03/26/13-16: 46:00 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: Firmware waiting for DHCP lease.  State 18
    03/26/13-16: 46:00 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 18 FwState 000/010 of time
    03/26/13-16: 46:01 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/01/00 18 FwState of time
    03/26/13-16: 46:02 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/02/00 18 FwState of time
    03/26/13-16: 46:03 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/03/00 FwState 18 time
    03/26/13-16: 46:03 (GMT) (IOSched): NOTE: QLIsrDecodeMailbox: Port 1 link up.
    03/26/13-16: 46:04 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: QLInitializeFW: 10/04/00 FwState time 0
    03/26/13-16: 46:05 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: PM - reading DB (record 1.0)
    03/26/13-16: 46:08 (GMT) (t1): NOTE: QLTA_HandleTeb: Connect ports 0
    03/26/13-16: 46:08 (GMT) (t3): NOTE: QLTA_HandleTeb: port 1 link up
    03/26/13-16: 46:09 (GMT) (t2): WARN: QLTA_Handleteb: 72 event Code.
    03/26/13-16: 46:09 (GMT) (t4): WARN: QLTA_Handleteb: 72 event Code.
    03/26/13-16: 46:09 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: CCM: sodMirrorCheckIn() waiting alt cache check in mirror...
    03/26/13-16: 46:10 (GMT) (NCDB): WARN: CCM: initMirrorAltChkIn() may not reflect
    03/26/13-16: 46:11 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: CCM: initialize(): cache configuration
    03/26/13-16: 46:11 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: from UWManager::initialize, 510, the invalid index - 1 entries
    03/26/13-16: 46:11 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: NVSRAM IW queue size is 0
    03/26/13-16: 46:16 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: RTR: IO released
    03/26/13-16: 46:17 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: SOD: initialization Phase complete
    Title: Disk Array Controller
    Copyright 2005 - 2011 LSI Logic Corporation, all rights reserved.

    Name: RC
    Date: 16/08/2011
    Time: 14:24:32 CDT
    Models: 1532
    Manager: devmgr.v1035api01.Manager

    03/26/13-16: 46:17 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: sodMain of the sequence is complete, elapsed time = 90 seconds
    03/26/13-16: 46:17 (GMT) (NCDB): NOTE: complete sodMain
    03/26/13-16: 46:17 (GMT) (EventGateManager): WARN: GMOS: 8 events of creation for objects that already exist

    IPs I can ping: and (both on RC1). I can even ping all other iSCSI host initiator ports! I hope I gave enough information about me for some answers. Please advise!

    Thank you.

    What are the 4 IP addresses and subnets for the 4 the MD3000i iSCSI ports?

    ISCSI controller 0 port 0?: (guess

    ISCSI 0 1 controller port?: (guess

    Controller 1 iSCSI port 0: 24 (hypothesis on the mask)

    Port of iSCSI controller 1 1: 24 (hypothesis on the mask)

    Wiring must be:

    iSCSI 1 Switch / VLAN:

    ISCSI controller 0 port 0

    ISCSI controller 1 port 0

    Server 1 iSCSI port 0 (in the subnet 10.182.232.x 24)


    iSCSI Switch 2 / VLAN:

    ISCSI 0 1 controller port

    ISCSI 1 1 controller port

    Server 1 iSCSI port 0 (in the subnet 10.182.233.x 24)


    To test iSCSI on controller 0 port, take a cell phone with a Gbit ethernet port (any modern laptop should have it), connect the ethernet controller iSCSI 0 0, port value IP from the laptop and try to ping (assuming that it comes to the INVESTIGATION period on this port). If it works, change the IP of the laptop to and move the cable to the iSCSI port 1 and try to ping and see if you can ping the IP address.

    If these two are working, the first thing that comes to mind is that the port 0 and 1 have their swapped cables.

  • Fundamental and MD3000i ISCSI concepts

    Hi all

    I try to understand the concepts in a MS Windows and especially the MD3000i iscsi environment and online help does not help much. I understand that you need an innitiator on a host to connect to a target. A target is a San with a large logic unit number or multiple LUNS. A target may have a gigabit ethernet port or two. Each NETWORK adapter on the target must have a unique IP address. This is the case with MD3000i with one controller or connection "simplex". Let's say I set up 4 starts: exchange, sharepoint, sql, and files. These 4 starts will connect to 4 servers. Each server has two NETWORK adapter, an intranet, an iscsi network.  I only use a single NIC on the MD3000i, as I understand it, if I put the IP address of the target when configuring host innitiator on 4 servers. This means that a 1 GB connection is shared between 4 servers. Is this correct?

    Second, by presenting the diskgroup to the appropriate host, avoid a host 'touch' the another diskgroup host?

    For example, using the second NIC on the MD3000i, I will divide halved. I have to point two servers to a new IP address in the MS innitator and attend the diskgroup these two hosts correctly in the MD3000i. Is this a correct concept?

    Is it possible to combine two network cards on the MD3000i so that its total output/bandwidth is 2 GB?

    Now we have a second controller, which makes things more confusing for me. At this point, I would like to note that I speak not of "high availability of applications. In one controller, a controller has 4 starts. IIF this controller 0 failed, I'll lose data. In one two controllers, two controllers are configured as active/active. My understanding is that controller 0 can now own one or all four starts (or 2 own diskgroup and controller 1 has the diskgroup remaining, 3, and 4). So, in this case, my server must point to the 2 different IP addresses on the second controller. For simplicity, all IP addresses are the same subnet. Assuming that the controller 0 is broken, the diskgroup 1.2 will change ownership to controller 1.  Now, controller 1 will hold 4 starts. However, my server 1.2 will lose the iscsi network connectivity. In order for me to get the data back, I'll have to reconfigure the iscsi innitator pointing to the IP address of the controller 1. The question is, what IP addresses on the two network adapters on controller 1.

    I understand that if I want to achieve high availability of applications, I have 2 network cards on the server dedicated for iscsi between two controllers.

    I read this article and it has confused me more:


    According to this article: "two network cards on a controller can be aggregated to provide optimal performance. A host can be configured to simultaneously use the bandwidth of both ports on a controller of virtual disks, held by the access controller". This means that the total production is 2gbs? So in my case, is it possible to do it when I have a NETWORK to the iscsi network interface card? How to configure the host to take advantage of this?

    I know that I have a lot of questions, since it is a new concept for me. Thanks in advance for your time.

  • MD3000i do not pick up the DHCP

    I recently picked up a new server of MD3000i (closed box of Dell).  I connected the management interface on the first (double) regulator to a silent timer with a router Cisco (DHCP server) connected to it.

    The MD3000i na not asked nor received an IP address from the router.  So, I set up my box XP with an IP address in the 24 that the MD3000 will resort to, if it cannot find a DHCP server (note that the XP machine was able to get an IP address from the server when it is configured to do so, so I am reasonably confident that the DHCP server works).  I couldn't ping the MD3000 using fall back address IP is not is the management software, installed in the box to XP able to find the machine.

    Ok.  So I think that maybe the machine has been set up by Dell as part of a demonstration, etc., and is the basic configuration has been changed.  So I pull the Ethernet cable to the management port, connect the iSCSI controller port 0 0 and restart the MD3000i.  When the computer reboots, the port at request and receives an IP address.  Cool.  But the management software on the XP box can't talk about it yet.

    1. it looks like the configuration has been changed from what the MD3000i manual says?

    2 How do I reset this back.

    I'm not an expert storage yet - but quite eager to get the server going?  Can someone point me to a document or another publication (I check first) which will help.

    Kind regards

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