Display - Add a virtual machine to the pool already configured?


Is there a way to 5 awarded VMs to an already configured manual pool?

Thank you


look at the inventory of this particular pool.

Tags: VMware

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  • Add multiple virtual machines to the inventory at once?


    Add virtual machines to the inventory, I need to browse the data store, get him the virtual machine folder, click with the right button on the vmx file and add it to the inventory. If I have to do for 100 virtual machines, that it takes a lot of time.

    Is there a way I can add multiple virtual computers to inventory collectively without doing it for each individual computer?


    Not with vSphere client if this is what you need.

    If this post was useful/solved your problem, please mark the points of wire and price as seem you. Thank you!

  • Automatically remove virtual machines for VDI pool after the period of time

    Use us Vmware View 5.0 but soon move to 5.2 and have need features to automatically remove all the virtual machines in the pool selected after a certain period of time. We are at disposal VDI for a project that will end for 3 months and after this time, we want to remove this VMs automatically. Is this possible?

    It depends a bit exactly what you want to do, but you can plan everything a powercli-script to remove the virtual desktop at a certain time.

    Another option that I usually prefer is to manage the rights with the ad groups.

    So when you want to revoke a users access to a desktop computer, simply remove the user from the group, which should be easy to do with a script.


  • Method to move the virtual machines in the data store temporary so I can rebuild pool recommended NFS

    Our current data store is a mounting NFS on Nexenta (zfs), which has a pool, I need to rebuild (migration of raidz2 to mirror striped for performance). Initially, I was relying on the judgment of all virtual machines, create a new pool, copy (cp - r) of the Nexenta console all virtual machines to the new pool, recreating the pool mirror and then copy (cp - r) all the data back.

    I have seen several discussions on this topic and seems like the simplest method would be to use the feature to "Migrate" so that the virtual machines are not fragmented. However in some of my pre-test when I copy a virtual machine between the basins of the Nexenta console it appears (from the data store Explorer) to initially create the vmdk provisioned and then once completed it copy looks too thin.

    I hope that I can simply copy the Nexenta console, using the option "Migrate" in vCenter on each of my 40 MV looks like it would be * quite * tedious compared to the simple issuance of an order of 'cp - r' and leave all the copies of VMs (1.5 to) during the night and then adding them to each host.

    Does anyone have experience with this? Or maybe a way to generate scripts easily (?) the option "migrate" in vCenter?

    Thank you all!

    You can select multiple VMs in vCenter regularly using CTRL + click or shift + click and both migrate them as long as they have the same storage destination.  You can also schedule it as a task.    Add manually each computer virtual back in hand is not less painful than migrating individually, anyway.

  • Blocking task - add a virtual machine to VAPP

    Which block task will begin when I add a virtual machine to a Palsy of a catlog. The "add, move or delete virtual machines of VAPP" seems to send a job blocking, but the xml of the blocking task does not include the vcloud:vm, only the vcloud:vapp

    I want to send a notification when the new VM is complete provisioning and include details on the new virtual machine.

    If you duplicated one of the workflow approval of all notifications, try to paste the following in the Get scaffolding Scriptable this workflow task... He will certainly need a cleaning according to your needs. It is a part of my test code for extraction of information of this type of operation...

    var vcdHost = vApp.getHost();
    //User info
    var username = user.name;
    var userDescription = user.description;
    var userFullName = user.fullName;
    var userEmailAddress = user.emailAddress;
    var userTelephone = user.telephone;
    var userIm = user.im;
    var userDeployedVmQuota = user.deployedVmQuota;
    if (userDeployedVmQuota == 0) userDeployedVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userStoredVmQuota = user.storedVmQuota;
    if (userStoredVmQuota == 0) userStoredVmQuota = "Unlimited";
    var userRole = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.ROLE, user.role).name;
    if (blockingTask != null) {
        var task = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.TASK, blockingTask.getTask());
        var XMLstring = task.toXml();
        System.log("Task XML: \n"+XMLstring);
        // Now begin typical XML Processing for this set of action types:
        // These come from the "Add, Move or Delete Virtual Machines from vApp" blocking task being enabled
        // This workflow requires a single input - a string containing the XML to be processed.
        // It generates the following outputs:
        // operationType - this is a string that is either "create" "delete" or "move"
        // the other output is a Array/Properties object with the following possible properties:
        // vmName - string
        // hostName - string
        // osName - string
        // hwVersion - string
        // cpuCount - string
        // memoryMB - string
        var doc = new XML(XMLstring);
        default xml namespace = doc.namespace();
        // initialize the outputs:
        var operationType = null;
        var vmPropsArray = new Array();
        // Determine action type from XML:
        if (doc.Params.DeleteItem != null && doc.Params.DeleteItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("This is a Delete operation");
            operationType = "delete";
            //    DELETE ITEM Processing
            System.log("DeleteItem Count: "+doc.Params.DeleteItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.DeleteItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Delete: "[email protected]());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        if(doc.Params.CreateItem != null && doc.Params.CreateItem.length() > 0){
            System.log("A blank VM is being added to the vApp");
            operationType = "create";
            System.log("CreateItem Count: "+doc.Params.CreateItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.CreateItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                System.log("VM to Add: "[email protected]());
                System.log("Description: "+c.Description.toString());
                vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
        // ADD/MOVE Testing:
        if(doc.Params.SourcedItem != null){
            System.log("SourcedItem Count: "+doc.Params.SourcedItem.length());
            for each (c in doc.Params.SourcedItem){
                var vmProps = new Properties();
                if(c.@sourceDelete == "true"){
                    operationType = "move";
                    operationType = "create";
                System.log("This is an "+operationType+" operation");
                //System.log("sourceDelete: "+c.@sourceDelete);
                var instantiationParams = c.InstantiationParams;
                System.log("VM Name: "+instantiationParams.GuestCustomizationSection.ComputerName.toString());
                System.log("Host Name: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemIdentifier.toString());
                vmProps.put("osName", instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Operating System: "+instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
                System.log("Hardware Version: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemType.toString());
                var n2 = new Namespace("http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1");
                var n3 = new Namespace("http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData");
                var items = instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.n2::Item;
                for each (i in items){
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Number of Virtual CPUs"){
                        System.log("CPU Count: "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
                    if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Memory Size"){
                        System.log("Memory (MB): "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
    //vApp Info
    var vAppName = vApp.name;
    var vAppDescription = vApp.description;
    var vAppVdc = vApp.parent.name;
    var org = vApp.parent.parent;
    //Using query service to get further information on the to be deployed vApp
    var queryService = vcdHost.toAdminObject().toAdminExtensionObject().getExtensionQueryService();
    var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME, vApp.name, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    var params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryAllVappRecords(params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords();
        for each (var record in records) {
            //Since we got the vApp by its name we want to check it is the right one
            if (record.href == vApp.getReference().href) {
                var vAppCreationDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(record.creationDate).toString();
                var vAppNumberOfVMs = record.numberOfVMs;
                var vAppStorageMB = record.storageKB / 1024;
                var map = record.otherAttributes;
                var vAppAutoDeleteDate = "Unlimited";
                for each (k in map.keys) {
                    if (k.getLocalPart() == "autoDeleteDate") {
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDateString = map.get(k);
                        if  (vAppAutoDeleteDateString != null && vAppAutoDeleteDateString != undefined) {
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar = VclMiscObjectFactory.xmlGregorianCalendarFromString(vAppAutoDeleteDateString);
                            var vAppAutoDeleteDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar).toString();
                        System.log(k.getLocalPart() + " : " + map.get(k));
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    var vmsProperties = new Array();
    var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
    expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVMField.CONTAINER, vApp.getReference().href, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
    filter = new VclFilter(expression);
    params = new VclQueryParams();
    var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVM, params);
    while (resultSet != null) {
        var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVMRecord());
        System.log(records.length + " VM records found");
        for each (var record in records) {
            var vmProp = new Properties();
            vmProp.put("guestOs", record.guestOs);
            vmProp.put("memoryMB", record.memoryMB);
            vmProp.put("numberOfCpus", record.numberOfCpus);
            if (record.networkName != null) {
                vmProp.put("networkName", record.networkName);
            else {
                vmProp.put("networkName", "");
            vmProp.put("name", record.name);
        resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();
    function addInfoTitle(info, title) {
        info += "" + title + "
    \n"; return info; } function addInfoEntry(info, label, entry) { info += "
  • " + label + " : " + entry + "\n"; return info; } function addInfoSeparation(info) { info += "

\n"; return info; } content = ""; content = addInfoTitle(content, "Requestor"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Username", username); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", userDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Full Name", userFullName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Email Address", userEmailAddress); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Telephone Number", userTelephone); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Instant Messenger ID", userIm); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Deployed VM Quota", userDeployedVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Stored VM Quota", userStoredVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Role", userRole); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "vApp"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Name", vAppName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", vAppDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "VDC", vAppVdc); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Creation Date", vAppCreationDate); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Number of VMs", vAppNumberOfVMs); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Disk Size", System.formatNumber((vAppStorageMB / 1024), "0")+ " GB"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Storage Lease", vAppAutoDeleteDate); System.log("=================================================\n"); System.log("Operation Type: "+operationType); // Process the vmPropsArray: // vmName - string // hostName - string // osName - string // hwVersion - string // cpuCount - string // memoryMB - string if (vmPropsArray != null){ for each (vmProps in vmPropsArray){ System.log("vmName: "+vmProps.get("vmName")); System.log("hostName: "+vmProps.get("hostName")); System.log("osName: "+vmProps.get("osName")); System.log("cpuCount: "+vmProps.get("cpuCount")); System.log("memoryMB: "+vmProps.get("memoryMB")); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "VM"+" ("+operationType+")"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tName", vmProps.get("vmName")); // This is the "Full Name" or "Display Name" if(vmProps.get("description")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content,"\tDescription", vmProps.get("description")); } if(vmProps.get("hostName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tHost Name", vmProps.get("hostName")); // This is the hostname or Computer Name } if(vmProps.get("osName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tGuest OS name", vmProps.get("osName")); } if(vmProps.get("cpuCount")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tvCPUs", vmProps.get("cpuCount")); } if(vmProps.get("memoryMB")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tRAM (MB)", vmProps.get("memoryMB")); } // content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tNetwork name", vmProp.get("networkName")); } } var displayContent = content; // Retrieve the full webview url here: should be like http://your.vco.server:8280/vmo/approvals var webViewUrl = configurationElement.getAttributeWithKey("webViewUrl").value; // Extract the host from the url var vcoHost = webViewUrl.match(/^(ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/)?(.+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+).*$/)[3]; // Now build the answer URL to be placed in e-mail var urlAnswer = "here" ; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "Click "+urlAnswer +" to approve or reject this request."; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "** This is an automated workflow email. Do not reply. **";
  • Recompose a list of clone bound virtual machines within a pool using view server connection

    Hi all

    I use View with ESXi 4.1 4.6, composer is 2.6. Yesterday, I recomposed 8 pools from the mine to the snapshot of the updated gold statue.

    I have 140 VM in each pool. I checked today and about 125 to 130 of the virtual machine in each pool has been recomposed the new image, but 10-15 VMS in each pool were not reconstructed. They are currently closed. If I manually turn the, they have the old image.

    Now, I want to select just 10-15 VMS thos s in each pool and recompose the. The only options that I can see is to recompose the whole new pool or redial each VM one by one. I don't want to recompose the whole pool again and recomposing each VM individually will take a LONG time.

    When I go to desktop computers discovered in the administrator of the display and select the VM not recomposed, I don't get the opportunity to recompose.

    Can someone please help.

    There were errors, but I was unable to see them and all I could see the gray blocks, but nothing written on them. It seemed that the error windows were suspended by themselves.

    Thank you


    You can select certainly several computers desktop to a redial.  If your sub screen of the inventory of the pool just highlight several desktop computers and select recompose.  You can even choose the View Composer details view to sort by the image that is currently loaded.

    If you have problems for a reason, you could look at deleting workstations provided that they are in a floating pool that would simply allow view the based on the default image assigned to the pool to recreate.

  • Cpu for vm resource stocks are much lower than the virtual machine in the list of resources

    I move a virtual machine from a PR, but I got this warning


    I checked and there was no reserve on the virtual machine and the destination THAT RP is set to Unlimited and expandable reservation

    any idea?

    See: VMware KB: the movement of virtual machines between resource pools triggered the warning: percentage of Incorrect CPU

  • Hang a new virtual machine to the Internet

    All virtual machines that I downloaded connect to internet automatically when I their fire upwards. I downloaded a new machine virtual de VulnHub, specifically BrainPan2. It does not connect to the internet automatically even if it is supposed to. It's a vulnerable VM installation for security penetration testing. Now, I start my VM Kali, do a scan of the network and see all my computers. I'll start a VM unrelated, rerun the scan and check the other appears. Now I launch BrainPan, run the scan and nothing. I don't see on the scan.

    I read several guides associated with the virtual BrainPan2 of the internet machine, and everyone seems to be able to plug in and go. On the site of the BrainPan: 'import brainpan2.ova into your privileged hypervisor and configure the settings of the network to your needs. It will get an IP via DHCP, but it is recommended that run you to the breast of a NAT or visible by the host only operating system because it is vulnerable to attack."

    So, I put the virtual machine to run on NAT, connected by a bridge and also host. I can't detect the virtual machine by any means, it just is not auto-connect. And I can not connect and plug it as he did to hack.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Hi John,.

    I'm using the regular VMware Fusion, not Fusion Pro. Fusion Pro is a virtual network editor that could help; I do not know. Just for fun, I downloaded BrainPan2 VM, and it worked only. Here are the steps I took:

    • Go to Brainpan: 2 ~ VulnHub
    • Click Download, which exposes the download link.
    • Download the file brainpan2.zip and unzip it.
    • Check the integrity of the downloaded file brainpan2.ova. In terminal, type 'openssl sha1', and then drag the file brainpan2.ova to the Terminal to fill in the full path of the brainpan2.ova file. Press return. Compare the sha1 hash in the terminal with one on the web page of the BrainPan. If they do not match, try again download.
    • Open VMware Fusion 8 and choose file-> import. Drag the file brainpan2.ova to the window. Click on the button continue and save the converted virtual machine. VMware Fusion will display a progress bar as it converts the file .ova. It took a few minutes on my Mac. Once the conversion is completed, you will see a window Finished.
    • Click Customize settings.
    • As part of the network card, select private to my Mac.
    • Start the virtual machine of BrainPan2. I don't bother to upgrade the hardware. You will see a login prompt, which I ignored. The BrainPan2 virtual machine will get an IP address from the DHCP server on VMware virtual network.


    • Open the BrainPan2.vmwarevm file in the Finder. Right-click to display the contents of the package. Open the vmware.log with a text editor like BBEdit or TextWrangler or even TextEdit. Search for "192.168" and you will find two entries to the VMware virtual networks. On my system, the private sector in my Mac network was vmnet1 to 192.168.166. * (I guess that the other network is the "share with my Mac" NAT.) He was appointed vmnet8.)
    • Close the log file.

    Instead of Kali Linux, I used one of my virtual machines in OS X, because it was very convenient. (My Kali Linux virtual machine are saved on an external drive). The virtual machine of OS X I used runs El Capitan, but any version of Mac OS X.

    • Take a snapshot of the OS X machine for two reasons: (1) to maintain its normal parameters and (2) because I don't trust the BrainPan2 virtual machine to not attack the OS X machine on the VLAN.
    • After the snapshot set network configuration of the virtual machine of the OS X private to my Mac, so that it is on the same virtual network as the virtual machine of BrainPan2.
    • Start Mac virtual machine. In the terminal, type "ifconfig en0" to see its IP address on the local network deprived of VMware. There are other ways to find the IP address, of course. My virtual machine to OS X has been awarded, so I figured though the virtual machine of BrainPan2 has been assigned to, which proved to be just.
    • If it is not already installed, download nmap or Zenmap or tools of everything that you need. A Kali Linux preinstalled.
    • Run a scan of the LAN ping. Example: ' nmap - sn 192.168.166. * "you should see the virtual switch to 192.168.x.1, your virtual Kali Linux or OS X machine and the virtual machine of BrainPan2 (mine was as I suspected). The virtual machine BrainPan2 responds to the pings.
    • At this point, I ran a scan of port of the virtual machine of BrainPan2. Not wishing to spoil your fun, I will only say that I found the open ports on the BrainPan2 virtual machine.

    Don't forget to restore your virtual machine OS X (or Kali Linux) to the previous snapshot once you are done with BrainPan2, if nothing else, but to restore access to the Internet by moving out of virtual private LAN.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you are able to make it work. I hate to write solutions and then never discover what happens then.

  • List of virtual machines in the data store that is not in stock

    Hi guys

    PowerCLI rookie here, sorry for the stupid questions.

    I'm trying to clean up a bunch of singehost with local data warehouses. So I need a script that can display a list of files of virtual machine on a data store that is not used by VMs in the inventory. One of the problems is that the files on the data store, isn't every means, named exactly the same as the virtual machine in the inventory.

    Summer watching this, but I think the term "orphan" is "sent, in my view, it is:


    Also it is - this one, I think that I should be able to change it to do what I want:


    Any tips or hints to push me in the right direction would be appreciated.

    Please try:

    $AllFilesLocalDatastore = get-data store 'localdatastorename ' | Get-fileindatastore

    $FilesIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAllVMs = get-FilesIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAllVMs

    #The two functions above are available here http://thecrazyconsultant.com/find-orphaned-vmdk-files-workflow/

    Check the contents of the two variables for example with VGO or export-csv

    $AllFilesInESX01LocalDatastore | OGV


    $FilesNotIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAnyVM = $AllFilesLocalDatastore | {foreach-object

    $FullPath = $_. FullPath

    If ($FilesIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAllVMs.FileName - notcontains $FullPath) {}

    Return $_



    $FilesNotIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAnyVM | OGV

    #The over a will contain all the files that are not identified as associated with any virtual computer

    $ProbablyOrphanedFiles = $FilesNotIdentifiedAsAssociatedToAnyVM | where {$_.} FileTypeFullName-match "VMware.Vim.Vm *"-GOLD ($_.) FileTypeFullName - eq "VMware.Vim.FileInfo" - AND ($_.) FullPath-match ".vmsd" - or $_. FullPath-match ".vmxf" - or $_. FullPath-match "aux.xml" - or $_. FullPath-match ".vswp" - GOLD ($_.) FullPath-match "hard" - AND $_. FullPath - notmatch 'ctk.vmdk') - GOLD ($_.) FullPath-match ".vmx" - AND $_. FullPath - notmatch ".vmx ~"- AND $_. FullPath - notmatch "." VMX.lck")))}

    $ProbablyOrphanedFiles | OGV


    Changed the name of the data store, it seems that he was not supposed to be in the first screenshot.

    The first command control switch, more details in the last post in this thread

  • PowerCLI Script to migrate virtual machines with the same network Source for the new vCenter Server.

    Hi all

    I checked a few posts on the migration to the new vCenter Server virtual machine. But I'm not very good with Powercli and need some help here.

    We have a new vCenter server where we migrate virtual machines from one source vCenter server. Here are two things that I don't know how to connect together to make sure that bwfore we turn on the virtual machine to the virtual machine is connected to its source network.

    Part 1 - this script works well but do not get any network on the vCenter destination.

    cluster = Get-Cluster "clusterA.

    $inventory = get-Cluster $cluster | Get - VM | Add-Member - MemberType ScriptProperty-name "VMXPath" - value {$this.extensiondata.config.files.vmpathname}-Passthru-Force | Select-Object Name ResourcePool, folder, VMXPath |

    $inventory | Export-Csv c:\file.csv

    $inventory = import-csv c:\file.csv

    $cluster = get-group 'b '.

    {foreach ($vm to $inventory)

    $ESXHost = get-Cluster $cluster | Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first

    New-VM - VMFilePath $vm. VMXPath - VMHost $ESXHost - location $vm. Folder - ResourcePool (Get-Cluster $cluster |) Get-ResourcePool $vm. ResourcePool)


    Part 2 - I want to preserve the Portgroup macaddress and the Ip of the virtual computers and connect them to the new vCenter. How can I do this with the script below. Or how can I combine them together?

    $vm_list = get-Cluster-name "clustera | Get - VM test * | Name sort

    $information = {foreach ($vm to $vm_list)

    $network_adapter_information = get-NetworkAdapter - VM $vm

    $vm | Select Name,PowerState,ResourcePool,@{N="Path; E=       {$_. ExtensionData.Summary.Config.VmPathName}},@{N="NetworkAdapter '; E = {[string]: join (":", ($network_adapter_information |))} %{$_. {{(Nom + "," + _.NetworkName $}))}}, @{N = "MacAddress"; E = {[string]: join (",", ($network_adapter_information | % {$_.}))} MacAddress}))}}


    Step 2

    # Unsubscribe virtual machines

    Remove-VM - VM $vm_list-RunAsync Verbose - confirm: $false

    Step 3

    $cluster = get-group 'b '.

    {foreach ($vm to $inventory)

    $ESXHost = get-Cluster $cluster | Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first

    New-VM - VMFilePath $vm. VMXPath - VMHost $ESXHost - location $vm. Folder - ResourcePool (Get-Cluster $cluster |) Get-ResourcePool $vm. ResourcePool)


    # Save virtual machines

    foreach ($info in $information)


    $vmxpath = $info. Path

    $resource_pool = $info. ResourcePool.Name

    New-VM - ResourcePool (ResourcePool-Get-name $resource_pool) VMFilePath - $vmxpath - RunAsync-Verbose | Out-Null


    Step 4

    # Put the network cards

    foreach ($info in $inventory)


    foreach ($network_information in ($info.NetworkAdapter - split ":"))))


    $virtual_machine = $info | %{$_. Name}

    $network_adapter = ($network_information-split ",") [0]

    $network_vlan = ($network_information-split ",") [1]

    Get-VM-name $virtual_machine | Get-NetworkAdapter-name $network_adapter | Together-NetworkAdapter - NetworkName $network_vlan-Verbose-RunAsync-confirm: $false | Out-Null



    # Start the virtual machines

    foreach ($vm to $vm_list)


    Start-VM - VM $vm. Name-RunAsync Verbose - confirm: $false | Out-Null}


    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Hi all

    I made some changes to the script and it worked for me. We have added a host on the destination with all exchanges and storage mapped vCenter.

    $vm_list = get-Cluster-name 'Site B - b | Get - VM | Name sort

    $information = {foreach ($vm to $vm_list)

    $network_adapter_information = get-NetworkAdapter - VM $vm

    $vm | Select Name,PowerState,ResourcePool,@{N="Path; E=       {$_. ExtensionData.Summary.Config.VmPathName}},@{N="NetworkAdapter '; E = {[string]: join (":", ($network_adapter_information |))} %{$_. {{(Nom + "," + _.NetworkName $}))}}, @{N = "MacAddress"; E = {[string]: join (",", ($network_adapter_information | % {$_.}))} MacAddress}))}}


    # Unsubscribe virtual machines

    Remove-VM - VM $vm_list-Verbose - confirm: $false

    $cluster = get-Cluster "Site A - clustera.

    {foreach ($vm to $information)

    $ESXHost = get-Cluster $cluster | Get-VMHost | Select - 1 first

    New-VM - VMFilePath $vm.path - VMHost $ESXHost - location $vm. Folder - ResourcePool (Get-Cluster $cluster |) Get-ResourcePool $vm. ResourcePool)


    # Save virtual machines

    foreach ($info in $information)


    $vmxpath = $info. Path

    $resource_pool = $info. ResourcePool

    New-VM - ResourcePool (ResourcePool-Get-name "test1") VMFilePath - $vmxpath - RunAsync-Verbose | Out-Null


    # Put the network cards


    foreach ($info in $information)


    foreach ($network_information in ($info.NetworkAdapter - split ":"))))


    $virtual_machine = $info | %{$_. Name}

    $network_adapter = ($network_information-split ",") [0]

    $network_vlan = ($network_information-split ",") [1]

    Get-VM-name $virtual_machine | Get-NetworkAdapter-name $network_adapter | Together-NetworkAdapter - NetworkName $network_vlan-Verbose - confirm: $false | Out-Null



    # Start the virtual machines

    foreach ($vm to $vm_list)


    Start-VM - VM $vm. Name-RunAsync Verbose - confirm: $false | Out-Null


    Hope this will help many of you.

  • Models of virtual machine in the library of content focus type = unknown


    I created a test with vsphere environment 6 and I created a content library for my VM models.

    That worked well for the last few months, but today I have connected the web client and wanted to deploy a new virtual machine from the content library.

    First thing I noticed was the selection after "deploy vm from library" - the library is empty...

    When I look directly in the content library, models are still there, but the type is unknown and not possible to export the s model or deploy...

    Any ideas what I can do?

    I already rebooted the server vcenter...

    I found a work around...

    I was able to clone the model with type = unknown, and the watch type = clone model vm and the guest OS is displayed correctly, too...

  • A virtual machine or the template with the same name is already registered. Server error: the specified key name or identifier already exists.

    Hi all

    I have a 5.5 esxi server just the a virtual machine running at the moment. I try to clone this as shown below:


    However, I get the error:

    A virtual machine or the template with the same name is already registered. Server error: the specified key name or identifier already exists.

    I have no vcenter (yet), and it's just the 1 vm. The virtual machine is turned off. I get this error regardless of the name, I said that when I choose "add to the inventory.

    All advice appreciated.

    Thank you

    Oh dear...
    you read bad advice on the internet and then you get also the stupid advice here.

    Ignore both!

    If you want to clone a virtual machine by copying - do it like this:

    Create new virtual machine with the wizard.
    Skip creating a disk for new customers.

    In Datastorebrowser copy the original vmdk to the new dir, which has been created by the wizard.
    Reopen the new VM and edit - assign the vmdk that you just copied.

    The procedure of the blog is not supposed to work.
    Sissine trick doesn't make sense either

  • Limit a group only port to be added to virtual machines with the role


    We have two 5.1 (soon to 5.5) Vmware ESXi clusters to total 10 hosts. We are setting up the new virtual machines for the Department of finance where they want to ensure that a level 1 technical support cannot access. On the side of the virtual machine, it's easy enough - but we want to make them a regular technician can also put a virtual machine on the portgroup (and VLAN) that these machines will be also on.

    Is there a way to limit a single portgroup to be assigned to any virtual computer through roles?

    Thanks in advance!

    His quiet easily. Go to vCenter.--> Home---> Networking.

    Select the Portgroup where you want to restrict users. Go to tab permissions, do a right click and add permissions.

    Add all users and groups that should not have access to this and give as no access. They would never know that there

  • Network problem in the virtual machines on the same switch


    I'm stuck on a problem with my small network.  I have an ESXi 5 host that hosts around 10 virtual machines.  The last two machines I install recently displayed an unexpected behavior.  I can't do a ping between the two machines or in those 2 VMS to anywhere else in the same subnet or other networks.  These two VMS, I am able to ping and have network connectivity.  Two of these virtual machines reside on the same vSwitch and belong to the same group of port as other machines.

    The configuration of these two VMs appears to be identical to all other virtual machines that work properly.  The two guest virtual machines running Windows Server 2008 R2.

    So far, I tried several static IP and DHCP assignments with the same effect.  (Including spend another virtual machine a static IP at work known to one of the computers virtual problem)  I tried to delete and re-create one of the virtual machines completely.  I also did an upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 for vCenter, ESXi host and virtual machines, and I am always observing the same behavior.

    Any advice on what to check next would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


    I assumed that you have checked the windows firewall? Because they block default ping...

  • PowerCLI script - new virtual machine of the model

    Hi all

    I am very new to power CLI scripting, and these days, that I read a lot of help to automate the creation of a new virtual machine based on the model of the virtual machine.  Script that is not that hard, even location new virtual machine on a particular data and in a particular resource pool store is not difficult.  For this I came up with this very basic script/command:

    "New-VM - ResourcePool < resource_pool > - < folder_name > location - Datastore < datastore_name > - name < VM_name > - < template_name >"model

    However, I came across some problems that I can't find information in help or in the forums.  Problem with the above command is VM will be created in the pool of appropriate resources and file as long as they are unique, but if there are multiple instances of resource pool or a folder with the same name as the script spits out a mannequin.

    So for example if I want to create a new virtual machine to the location following Data_Centre = > RootFolder1 = > SubFolder1 = > SubFolder2 and SubFolder2 name is unique that no problem, the virtual machine is created at this location.  However, if the SubFolder2 exists in Data_Centre = > RootFolder2 = > SubFolder1 as well as the virtual machine is created in the folder root of the location of the model.  For example, if the model is in "DC = > Folder1 = > Subfolder1 = > Subfolder2 ' the virtual machine will be created in the folder Folder1

    Any suggestions on how to ensure that the virtual machine is created in the desired folder/location as well as a list of resources?  In my view, there are really smart guys here and I suspect that this issue would not be a problem at all.  Any help would be appreciated.

    See you soon

    It is not a matter of following the right path.

    You can use the location setting to get the exact folder you want. For example

    $dc = get-data center-name DC1

    $folder = get-file-name Folder1-location $dc

    $subfolder = get-file-name Folder2-location $Folder1


    $dc = get-data center-name DC1

    $subfolder = get-file-name Folder2-location $dc

    You will need to find a "place" in the path to your destination folder where it will be unique.

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