Blocking task - add a virtual machine to VAPP

Which block task will begin when I add a virtual machine to a Palsy of a catlog. The "add, move or delete virtual machines of VAPP" seems to send a job blocking, but the xml of the blocking task does not include the vcloud:vm, only the vcloud:vapp

I want to send a notification when the new VM is complete provisioning and include details on the new virtual machine.

If you duplicated one of the workflow approval of all notifications, try to paste the following in the Get scaffolding Scriptable this workflow task... He will certainly need a cleaning according to your needs. It is a part of my test code for extraction of information of this type of operation...

var vcdHost = vApp.getHost();

//User info
var username =;
var userDescription = user.description;
var userFullName = user.fullName;
var userEmailAddress = user.emailAddress;
var userTelephone = user.telephone;
var userIm =;

var userDeployedVmQuota = user.deployedVmQuota;
if (userDeployedVmQuota == 0) userDeployedVmQuota = "Unlimited";
var userStoredVmQuota = user.storedVmQuota;
if (userStoredVmQuota == 0) userStoredVmQuota = "Unlimited";
var userRole = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.ROLE, user.role).name;


if (blockingTask != null) {
    var task = vcdHost.getEntityByReference(VclEntityType.TASK, blockingTask.getTask());
    var XMLstring = task.toXml();
    System.log("Task XML: \n"+XMLstring);

    // Now begin typical XML Processing for this set of action types:
    // These come from the "Add, Move or Delete Virtual Machines from vApp" blocking task being enabled
    // This workflow requires a single input - a string containing the XML to be processed.
    // It generates the following outputs:
    // operationType - this is a string that is either "create" "delete" or "move"
    // the other output is a Array/Properties object with the following possible properties:
    // vmName - string
    // hostName - string
    // osName - string
    // hwVersion - string
    // cpuCount - string
    // memoryMB - string
    var doc = new XML(XMLstring);
    default xml namespace = doc.namespace();
    // initialize the outputs:
    var operationType = null;
    var vmPropsArray = new Array();

    // Determine action type from XML:
    if (doc.Params.DeleteItem != null && doc.Params.DeleteItem.length() > 0){
        System.log("This is a Delete operation");
        operationType = "delete";
        //    DELETE ITEM Processing
        System.log("DeleteItem Count: "+doc.Params.DeleteItem.length());
        for each (c in doc.Params.DeleteItem){
            var vmProps = new Properties();
            System.log("VM to Delete: "[email protected]());
            vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
    if(doc.Params.CreateItem != null && doc.Params.CreateItem.length() > 0){
        System.log("A blank VM is being added to the vApp");
        operationType = "create";
        System.log("CreateItem Count: "+doc.Params.CreateItem.length());
        for each (c in doc.Params.CreateItem){
            var vmProps = new Properties();
            System.log("VM to Add: "[email protected]());
            System.log("Description: "+c.Description.toString());
            vmProps.put("vmName",[email protected]());
    // ADD/MOVE Testing:
    if(doc.Params.SourcedItem != null){
        System.log("SourcedItem Count: "+doc.Params.SourcedItem.length());
        for each (c in doc.Params.SourcedItem){
            var vmProps = new Properties();
            if(c.@sourceDelete == "true"){
                operationType = "move";
                operationType = "create";
            System.log("This is an "+operationType+" operation");
            //System.log("sourceDelete: "+c.@sourceDelete);
            var instantiationParams = c.InstantiationParams;
            System.log("VM Name: "+instantiationParams.GuestCustomizationSection.ComputerName.toString());

            System.log("Host Name: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemIdentifier.toString());

            vmProps.put("osName", instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());
            System.log("Operating System: "+instantiationParams.*::OperatingSystemSection.*::Description.toString());

            System.log("Hardware Version: "+instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.*::System.*::VirtualSystemType.toString());

            var n2 = new Namespace("");
            var n3 = new Namespace("");
            var items = instantiationParams.*::VirtualHardwareSection.n2::Item;
            for each (i in items){
                if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Number of Virtual CPUs"){
                    System.log("CPU Count: "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());
                if(i.n3::Description.toString() == "Memory Size"){
                    System.log("Memory (MB): "+i.n3::VirtualQuantity.toString());

//vApp Info
var vAppName =;
var vAppDescription = vApp.description;
var vAppVdc =;
var org = vApp.parent.parent;

//Using query service to get further information on the to be deployed vApp
var queryService = vcdHost.toAdminObject().toAdminExtensionObject().getExtensionQueryService();
var expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVAppField.NAME,, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
var filter = new VclFilter(expression);
var params = new VclQueryParams();

var resultSet = queryService.queryAllVappRecords(params);
while (resultSet != null) {
    var records = resultSet.getRecords();
    for each (var record in records) {
        //Since we got the vApp by its name we want to check it is the right one
        if (record.href == vApp.getReference().href) {
            var vAppCreationDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(record.creationDate).toString();
            var vAppNumberOfVMs = record.numberOfVMs;
            var vAppStorageMB = record.storageKB / 1024;
            var map = record.otherAttributes;
            var vAppAutoDeleteDate = "Unlimited";
            for each (k in map.keys) {
                if (k.getLocalPart() == "autoDeleteDate") {
                    var vAppAutoDeleteDateString = map.get(k);
                    if  (vAppAutoDeleteDateString != null && vAppAutoDeleteDateString != undefined) {
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar = VclMiscObjectFactory.xmlGregorianCalendarFromString(vAppAutoDeleteDateString);
                        var vAppAutoDeleteDate = VclMiscObjectFactory.convertToGregorianCalendar(vAppAutoDeleteDateXmlGregorianCalendar).toString();
                    System.log(k.getLocalPart() + " : " + map.get(k));
    resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();

var vmsProperties = new Array();

var queryService = vcdHost.getQueryService();
expression = new VclExpression(VclQueryVMField.CONTAINER, vApp.getReference().href, VclExpressionType.EQUALS);
filter = new VclFilter(expression);
params = new VclQueryParams();

var resultSet = queryService.queryRecords(VclQueryRecordType.ADMINVM, params);
while (resultSet != null) {
    var records = resultSet.getRecords(new VclQueryResultAdminVMRecord());
    System.log(records.length + " VM records found");
    for each (var record in records) {
        var vmProp = new Properties();
        vmProp.put("guestOs", record.guestOs);
        vmProp.put("memoryMB", record.memoryMB);
        vmProp.put("numberOfCpus", record.numberOfCpus);
        if (record.networkName != null) {
            vmProp.put("networkName", record.networkName);
        else {
            vmProp.put("networkName", "");
    resultSet = resultSet.getNextPage();

function addInfoTitle(info, title) {
    info += "" + title + "
\n"; return info; } function addInfoEntry(info, label, entry) { info += "
  • " + label + " : " + entry + "\n"; return info; } function addInfoSeparation(info) { info += "
    \n"; return info; } content = ""; content = addInfoTitle(content, "Requestor"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Username", username); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", userDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Full Name", userFullName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Email Address", userEmailAddress); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Telephone Number", userTelephone); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Instant Messenger ID", userIm); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Deployed VM Quota", userDeployedVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Stored VM Quota", userStoredVmQuota); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Role", userRole); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "vApp"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Name", vAppName); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Description", vAppDescription); content = addInfoEntry(content, "VDC", vAppVdc); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Creation Date", vAppCreationDate); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Number of VMs", vAppNumberOfVMs); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Disk Size", System.formatNumber((vAppStorageMB / 1024), "0")+ " GB"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "Storage Lease", vAppAutoDeleteDate); System.log("=================================================\n"); System.log("Operation Type: "+operationType); // Process the vmPropsArray: // vmName - string // hostName - string // osName - string // hwVersion - string // cpuCount - string // memoryMB - string if (vmPropsArray != null){ for each (vmProps in vmPropsArray){ System.log("vmName: "+vmProps.get("vmName")); System.log("hostName: "+vmProps.get("hostName")); System.log("osName: "+vmProps.get("osName")); System.log("cpuCount: "+vmProps.get("cpuCount")); System.log("memoryMB: "+vmProps.get("memoryMB")); content = addInfoSeparation(content); content = addInfoTitle(content, "VM"+" ("+operationType+")"); content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tName", vmProps.get("vmName")); // This is the "Full Name" or "Display Name" if(vmProps.get("description")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content,"\tDescription", vmProps.get("description")); } if(vmProps.get("hostName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tHost Name", vmProps.get("hostName")); // This is the hostname or Computer Name } if(vmProps.get("osName")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tGuest OS name", vmProps.get("osName")); } if(vmProps.get("cpuCount")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tvCPUs", vmProps.get("cpuCount")); } if(vmProps.get("memoryMB")!="n/a"){ content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tRAM (MB)", vmProps.get("memoryMB")); } // content = addInfoEntry(content, "\tNetwork name", vmProp.get("networkName")); } } var displayContent = content; // Retrieve the full webview url here: should be like http://your.vco.server:8280/vmo/approvals var webViewUrl = configurationElement.getAttributeWithKey("webViewUrl").value; // Extract the host from the url var vcoHost = webViewUrl.match(/^(ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/)?(.+@)?([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+).*$/)[3]; // Now build the answer URL to be placed in e-mail var urlAnswer = "here" ; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "Click "+urlAnswer +" to approve or reject this request."; content = addInfoSeparation(content); content += "** This is an automated workflow email. Do not reply. **";
  • Tags: VMware

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      Hi assane, is vmware-cmd same available on ESXi 5.0 and later versions?

      To the OP:

      If you use 5.0 or later ESXi, vmware-cmd will not work. Alternatively, you can use:

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      The question you posted would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

      Hope this information is useful.

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      Not with vSphere client if this is what you need.

      If this post was useful/solved your problem, please mark the points of wire and price as seem you. Thank you!

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      Hi all

      This script below works fine

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      $vmConfigSpec.changeTrackingEnabled = $true

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      Thank you


      I guess your TXT file has a vmname on each line, so you might do something like this

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      9 VirtualLsiLogicController = HASH (0x46f5bc0)

      "busNumber' = > 0

      'controllerKey' = > 100

      'device' = > ARRAY (0x520e190)

      0 2000

      "deviceInfo" = > Description = HASH (0x520e148)

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      'key' = > 1000

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      'sharedBus' = > VirtualSCSISharing = HASH (0x520de78)

      'val' = > 'noSharing '.

      I need an option to add a new disk that is located on another data store (Serial attached SCSI for each ESXi disk) - name dscs1-vp-sb1


      Name: vp-dscs1-sb1

      Location: ds: / / / vmfs/volumes/5309af02-0ba1ac70-e723-10604bb454c8 /.

      File system: VMFS

      Maximum capacity: 931,25 GB

      Available space: 930.2978515625 GB

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      It is fairly easy to do with a wizard, but I have to run it ~ 50 times

      Thank you

      $devspec = VMUtils::get_vdisk_spec (vm => $entity_view,)
      backingtype-online 'normal time ',.
      diskMode-online $diskMode,
      file name => $vm_disk_filename.
      controllerKey-online $controllerKey,
      unitNumber-online $unitnumber,
      size-online $disksize);

      You must specify the new data store name in the file name variable.

      for example $vm_disk_filename = "[new_datastore] tstvm/tstvm.vmdk".

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      You should be able to import .ova by using the Client vSphere in respect of the import of the model .ovf. If this isn't the case, you may need to use the ovftool before you import it.


      William Lam

      VMware vExpert 2009

      Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

      repository scripts vGhetto

      VMware Code Central - Scripts/code samples for developers and administrators

      If you find this information useful, please give points to "correct" or "useful".

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      look at the inventory of this particular pool.

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      Thank you


      In the web client, the tasks are empty, but events are there.

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      The query has been



      order of CREATE_TIME

      Thanks for your help.

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      It is not specific to ISCSI but rather to the use of VMFS. NFS has no awareness VM VMFS is and why it is not possible to do that with iSCSI / VMFS. There is a lock on the disk for each virtual machine of (race), and that's why the second host is not able to add this host to its inventory. With vSphere HA, this lock is released when a failover should occur.

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      Is it reasonably simple way to do this?  It seems that he was promised that we could do that and now I need to find a way to make it work.

      Thank you

      You can search the data for the VMX store you want to register a script like the one you'll find in VMX Raiders revisited.

      To change the name of the virtual machine, you will need to replace the line that contains the New - VM cmdlet with something like this

      $newName = $VMXFile.DatastoreFullPath.split('/')[1].Split('.')[0]New-VM -VMFilePath $path -Name ($newName + "-backup") -VMHost $ESXHost -Location $VMFolder -RunAsync
    • Why is-Export Virtual Machine lack of choice of scheduled tasks?

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      When I try to put in place a scheduled task choosing ' Export Virtual Machine "is not there (he was in VC2.5)

      I have install the converter program (do not know what version - I doubt this is the standalone version because it was part of the package install .iso)

      So what is wrong here?

      go to the Plug-Ins - manage Plug-Ins.  Do you see the converter plugin?  Don't forget, it's by the customer, then you must download and install the plug

    • Migration of virtual machines to vSphere 4.1 to vSphere 6.0

      As the title eludes to, we are standing up a new physics 6.0 Server vCenter Server and need to migrate virtual machines of 4.1 6.0 guest hosts.  I'd love to take the time to create a script that does the following; However, before heading down this path, I wanted to do a ping of the group to see if someone has done something like this before or have pointers to scripts that perform some of these actions already.  Some background and concept:

      • Running 4.1.
      • A new physical Center of vCenter 6.0 will be deployed side-by-side with 4.1.
      • The existing configuration of vSphere HA allows for 1-2 guests down without impact to the virtual machines.
      • The two environment and will be Cisco N1KV, SAN access shared for the same data storages.
      • A new vCenter will be lifted.
      • A single host is identified and VMs evacuated to the remaining hosts.
      • This host will be in maintenance mode, removed from the cluster and close.
      • A clean install of ESXi 6 will be done and set up spec.
      • N1KV will be deployed.

      To digress on the details at the moment... Now markets PowerCLI desired.  This idea is ad hoc and on the fly, so as I write this.

      • identify all the virtual machines associated with a specific data store - will need to work with the local client to schedule downtime for virtual machines
      • Stop the virtual machine
      • Remove the VM of the vCenter 4.1 inventory
      • to connect to vCenter 6.0
      • Add the virtual machine to the vCenter 6.0 inventory (and once we have passed the first host in the new cluster, automatically place the virtual machine by using the DRS)
      • Reconfigure the vmnic with the new Cisco 1000V dvs (will be the same name on both sides, but has a different ID)
      • pull in the keys and the values to a CSV and advancedsetting set to harden
      • Turn on the virtual machine
      • Perhaps a test of ping for the NETWORK card to check connectivity

      The order in which the steps are performed can be switched around, as long as the desired end result is the same: migration effectively virtual machines between two disparate solutions with single medium sharing as a data store.  In which I realize will always be VMFS3.  New data stores VMFS-5 is another task for another time.

      Thank you for your time, suggestions, links, etc...

      @LucD - hi.

      These steps are quite possible with PowerCLI.

      See the script after skeleton, he probably needs some adjustments to fit your environment and requirements

      $dsName = "xyz".

      $vm = get - VM - $dsName data store

      Stop-VMGuest - VM $vm - confirm: $false

      Remove-VM - $vm VM - confirm: $false

      Disconnect-VIServer-Server vc41 - confirm: $false

      $vc6 = Connect-VIServer-Server vc6

      $newVM = $vm | New-VM - DiskPath $_. ExtensionData.Config.Files.VmPathName - confirm: $false

      # Suppose a CSV file with

      # Key, value

      # key1, value1

      # key2, value2

      $advSettings = import-Csv - UseCulture advSettings.csv

      {foreach ($obj in $newVM)

      $advSettings | %{

      Get-AdvancedSetting - $obj entity - name $_. Key |

      Game-AdvancedSetting - value of $_. Value - confirm: $false



      Start-VM - $newVM VM - confirm: $false

      $newVM |

      Select Name,

      @{N = "Available"; E = {Test-Connection - ComputerName $_.} Guest.HostName - County 1 - Quiet}}

    • Create the new virtual machine using Java API vCloud

      Hi guys,.

      I am trying to create the new virtual machine in TIME, but I've stuck here. The API I'm using is vcloud-java-sdk - 1.0.jar.

      Could you please show me a code snippet how to do this?

      For now I do it like this:

      RecomposeVAppParamsType recomposeVAppParamsType = new RecomposeVAppParamsType();

      List the items < CompositionItemParamType > = recomposeVAppParamsType.getItem ();
      ReferenceType vappTemplateVMRef = new ReferenceType();

      // ??? seems that new reference to the new virtual machine should be here. But how to create this VM
      CompositionItemParamType compositionItemParamType = new CompositionItemParamType();
      compositionItemParamType.setSource (vappTemplateVMRef);

      Items.Add (compositionItemParamType);
      ReferenceType vAppRef is Vdc.getVdcByReference (vcloudClient, vdcRef) .getVappRefByName ("vApp_Websrv");.

      Vapp.getVappByReference (vcloudClient, vAppRef) .recomposeVapp (recomposeVAppParamsType);

      One day before I played with Web Services SDK, which is much easier to understand. I was able to create the vApp and VMs in vSphere. Is it possible to import machines virtual vSphere to vCloud? Should what API I use for this?

      Thank you


      You cannot add a new empty virtual machine in a paralytic.

      Instead, you can add a virtual machine from an existing vapp, vapptemplate.

      To import a vsphere vm to vcloud.

      Import vsphere vm as VAPP in vcloud. VMWVimserver-> importVmAsVApp()

      The importation of vsphere vm, as vAppTemplate, in vcloud. VMWVimserver-> importVmAsVAppTemplate()

      See also the example of, which is part of the vcloudjavasdk group.

      Kind regards

      Rajesh Kamal.

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