How to cd in the terminal for MacOS/device training and records

I tried to change the folder in the Mac OS disk. But when I give the ls command in terminal, I don't see this named device listed in the directory to go. Can you please suggest how to move to this directory in the drive unit / MacOS?

How can I send something to my iCloud so that my husband can see if using a public computer?

I need a way to share the video that I take on my iPhone with my husban, located in a place where there are no personal computer or telephone using iCloud app. It is possible on

How can I check what RPM is my current hard drive?

Hi I'm not sure how to do to know the number of turns of my hard disk drive - could anyone offer advice? Thank you

my photos of iCloud will be not open

My photos of iCloud will be not open. I can't get my iCloud to same backup! Starting to hate the Mac even more now. I need help! Don't know what to do anymore. About to give up! I can not even my iPhone / iMac to sync! Help!

How can you specify the default value for the undefined array elements

According to aid LV, the tables have two default values, the normal default value and the default value for the undefined array elements. I assume that there must be a way to specify the default value for later, but I can't find it anywhere.  Any ide

HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3545: Cannot send documents as an attachment after scanning.

Hello The following error message is displayed. "The H > P sakhi application can not find installed on the any e-mail software." Please ensuae your e-mail application is installed and configured correctly. E-mail account on internet of note are not s

Game using Windows on an iMac

Hello So I'm an avid player, but I have no experience with the game on a PC. For the work of the related objectives that I have an iMac. On an iMac, the game is very limited and only a few titles can be played on Mac OS X. To resolve this problem, I

Gun make/sell a charger double LP - E8 battery?

Gun make/sell a charger double LP - E8 battery? I bought a handful of camera for my T3i who holds two battery packs. It would be nice to be able to load two at the same time to replace both in prey when they need support. Thank you!

HP Recovery D low disk space

I have 88 KB franco departure 12 G.  Having read that I am not alone with this problem. I looked at the content of this and can not see any program written for her. I don't use Norton. All ignoring the popup does not solve this problem. Ask for help

Update Cant Vista - glued

I have a HP DV6426us. Recently, I had a few problems, so I used the internal collection software and everything seems fine now. The only problem I'm having is that when I try to run windows update, windows opens and tells me that it is necessary to i

T42 - without audio

Hello Lenovo Community Support Team, I have a T42 with no audio.  I tried to download the sound driver of, but for some reason I couldn't download it on the T42.  I downloaded this same drive

How can I change the administrator password?

I use a Windows 7 computer. I open cmd.exe to laugh and try, I've been on the standard user account, I changed the administrator password and I do not know. I don't have a reset boot disk.

Is it legal to install the Skin Pack Windows 7 Linux?

Hello, I want to ask a simple question. Is it legal to install windows windows 7 or an another skin pack in Linux OS? Need a quick answer. Thanks before.

Dv6500 Limitation of physical memory to 3 GB

Hi all My DV6500 Entertainment PC supplied with Windows Vista 32 bit pre-installed which limited my use of 4 GB memory to 3 GB. I have recently upgraded to Windows Home Premium 32-bit, which I believe has a limitation of 4 GB physical memory (http://

BlackBerry Smartphones Can help someone identify the symbol icon on 8520

The symbol will appear along the top of the screen, usually to the left of the provider network and the time.  It is a red circle with a diagonal red line at the top left to the bottom right. As a sign "do NOT".  Below the Red are three vertical line

Impossible to uninstall unwanted program

I reinstall programs on my computer after reinstalling Windows 7 due to viruses that have been on it.  So I'm being very careful what I download and check programs and features to ensure clean unwanted that piggyback on those programs, I want as quic