ESXi built-in backup config

What is the best way to backup / restore and ESXi embedded machine configuration?  Can I run a script that could back up every day using a scheduled task?  Is it easy to restore it?  I Infrastructure 3.5 update 4 licensed as business.

You can use the vCLI/RCLI esxcfg-cfgbackup/vicfg -, take a look at the example on the site of Dave:

  • * This can be run on either a Windows/Linux machine installed with vCLI/RCLI or using VMware VIMA and can be programmed as a task.

  • * You will be able to backup/restore using the -Save and -load params

  • * As you are with a business license, you will have access full r/w to the VI API, which is necessary for any write operation that the vCLI/RCLI is to perform.


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

repository scripts vGhetto

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Tags: VMware

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    Hello Tongarirogirl,

    Thanks for posting on the Microsoft answers Forum.

    Yes, Windows 7 includes the backup of the operating system.
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    Of course, the beauty of this is that the recovery is the reverse...

    probe # copy ftp: / /@/ current-config

    No required VMS!

    Alex Arndt

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    Yes, which corrects if you have the same build version is much easier and there will be no problem.

    Here is the consideration for the use in the difference built version.

    We need to see if the built-up version makes a difference with the saved files.

    for example... When you migrate from esxi4.1 to esxi5 there are many files got changed this case we cannot use the backup and restore procedure.

    so it depends and as a best practice, you can use this backup and restore on the same version of the construction.

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    You can use VCB for free, but it is "just backup, nothing more" and base command line.

    Veeam Backup offers features very good, but a bit expensive.


    VMware vExpert 2009

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    Quick salvation,

    There are a few things you want to back up:

    1. the database of the user (as you noticed)

    2. your configuration file user (in the case of default or customization that you made to the user interface)

    • On Windows XP, the configuration of the user is located in C:\Documents and Settings\Instruments\Circuit Design Suite\11.0\config\ \Application Data\National
    • Copy everything in that directory.

    3. the database (in version 10.1, this will also be your user fields)

    • On Windows XP to version 10.0, the database is located in C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\Circuit Design Suite 10.0\database
    • On Windows XP to version 10.1, the database is located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\National Instruments\Circuit Design Suite\10.1\database\

    4. the master database (version 10.0, this will also be your user fields)

    • On Windows XP, the master database is located in C:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\Circuit Design Suite 10.0\database

    In case you have changed the default location (or simply check), you can find all of these paths to these files of Multisim.

    1. Click Options > global Preferences
    2. Click the path tab

    You will have classes want to save any additional files that you have created, but that's it for Multisim.

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    Thank you

    You are welcome. After testing out, please rate the question as answered if it works.

  • Configure a backup at the request of 5.0 ESXi hosts


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    Please suggest.

    Thank you


    Mihir salvation,

    Years ago I was also thinking around how to manage the ESX (i) to return once crashing.

    I could circle in all directions, but I come to the end that "try to save some configs" > theire is of single Point of failure.

    -Get 100% of all the files that are needed to get the config back once that crashing

    -At a Major relase change > perhaps this dependend files modification or extension

    -Restore/backup Configs, maybe causing a kind of instability...

    -Don't know if Vmware supports 100% backup and restore config

    In any case, my own Solution follows.

    Instead of save config and trying to restore > I kill 2 flies with 1 slap.

    -Fast food (but of the mind, this is a new installation and pushing scripts,...)

    -Update of the process. (New installation with the new Build number)

    I use the PXE boot solution.

    The server is much more stable.

    What I did:

    -R2 Windows 2012 with IIS + WDS

    -With the help of 2 actions

    1 x for WDS

    1 x for IIS

    IIS part = 1: Hostcfgs (Kickstart files for each host)

    2: Patch (placed the last update file)

    3: scripts (host, ntp file, the advanced settings, file exchanges,...)

    WDS share = deployment share of default windows where I place the iso extract binaries and files menu pxelinux.cfg,...

    Then at all. Once I have a strange problem. I push things kickstart and have following

    -More information freshly installed with all THE Configs as before

    And once that a new major Relase is out > it is easy to integrate to PXE.

    If you have only one initially effort and you need keep the patches (or by creating every time a new Source).

    PS: Remember, you must be sure that the system is Stable. And with a sort of backup/restore > you never 100% could be sure that this is the case. Because you know a lot of theire ID of the object in the background...  With this kind of Solution, I could be sure that I covered everything 100%.

    "vicfg-cfgbackup" is a good idea >, but never I would rely on it completely.

    Just Feedback to think in the other direction.

    Best regards


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    xcom1000 wrote:

    Thanks, I was looking for some kind of script. And the backup process itself is ok, but the restore configuration procedure needs to be alive and running of the ESXi host. So in case of emergency (USB key works do not), what would be the correct procedure to restore the server without hollow is a complete reinstallation of ESXi and reload the config with vicfg-cfgbackup?

    Well, everything depends on how many ESXi servers you have.

    If you have small env is not worth to spend a lot of time for preparation of extra super recovery too. I don't know anyone who supports up that ESX or ESXi breaks.

    For small env:

    1. PowerCLI script -you can create the script CLI power for each of your guests with specific parameters

    Catering requirements:

    ESXi server must be running in - running

    restore procedure

    manual installation of ESXi (15 minutes), after installation, run a script (2 minutes) against the new server and DONE

    2. with the help of vMA

    Create a bash script that would back up ESXi firmware, set it on a weekly basis in crone (on the server of the vMA)

    Restore requirements

    ESXi server must be running

    ESXi must be on that same level as if it were before the construction accident

    restore procedure

    manual installation of ESXi (15 minutes), after installation restore a Firmware using the new server and DONE

  • Automate the backup of Config

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    Thank you


    Hi Mike,.

    There are actually two ways to do this.

    You can save the configuration of the CLI by using the saveconfig command. You can load a configuration file using the loadconfig command. I would like to run these commands first, just so that you can see the process. Basically, you can script something around these commands that could do the job.

    We also have a section of Nice knowledge base that covers this topic as well. The approach is a little differnet but the results are the same.

    How can I schedule or automate the backup of the file of configuration XML from my device?  Where he lives?  How to do a scheduled backup of the configuration of a Windows system file?


    -ESA with AsyncOS 6.x or later.
    -A designated host for the introduction and the storage of backups.


    Familiarity with the BONES of script and forecasts of the tasks is necessary to understand and implement these tasks safely.  Please understand that many of these concepts are beyond the scope of the IronPort customer support and these sample scripts are certainly not taken in charge.  Although these steps have been successfully tested, this article is mainly for purposes of demonstration and illustration.

    The configuration file dynamically generated during the use of the recording or email of the CLI or GUI configuration tools.  To have an effective backup, it is best to "unmask" passwords, which allows you to place a ground form of passwords for local administrative accounts in the device configuration file.  For this reason, we can not simply copy a flat file "running Setup" of the device.  This method allows us to access the device first, issue a command to dynamically build the current configuration, and either save or mail a copy of this file somewhere remotely, without any intervention from the user.  Once this is done, we can then repeat or schedule this task to occur on a regular basis.

    Quickly and automatically save the configuration with the passwords exposed files:

    (1) generate a SSH key pair to use.  Verify that you can access your device via SSH without having to enter a password.  Details on this operation is provided in article #283.

    (2) create script to connect to the device, save the config and copy (or by mail).  Two simple examples written in BASH:

    Example #1: Saving the configuration to a specific host
    #! / bin/bash
    # This saves the config and then he copies locally via SCP in a directory called backup/config-ironport
    USER name = admin
    FILENAME = "ssh $USERNAME@$HOSTNAME "saveconfig Yes"|" grep xml | cut f 3 - d "" ' "
    SCP $USERNAME@$HOSTNAME:./configuration/$FILENAME./ironport/config-backups /.

    Example #2: Emailing an email address configuration
    #! / bin/bash
    # This sends the config to MAILDEST
    USER name = admin
    [email protected] / * /.

    NOTE: this similar logic can be applied in any scripting language OS such as VB scripts or batch for Windows.  These scripts are intended as examples only rudimentary.

    (3) use cron or or scheduling tool to start work on a regular basis.  Services like cron or Task Scheduler in Windows are easy tools that can be used to automate simple jobs like that.  For example, the * NIX CRON configuration file follows this format:

    minute (0-59), hour (0-23, 0 = midnight), day (1-31), month (1-12), day of the week (0-6, 0 = Sunday), command

    So a good example to run this script every day at 02:00 would look like:
    00 02 * /location/

    Otherwise, here is another method to automate a backup of the configuration.

    How to do a scheduled backup of the configuration of a Windows system file?

    With the following procedure, you can save the configuration on a regular basis of a Windows system file.

    1 install the emulator of terminal 'PuTTY' under C:\

    2. create a text file with the following line and name it "send_config.txt" and place it under C:\ (Change of [email protected] / * / to the email address you want the configuration file must be sent to)

    mailconfig [email protected] / * /.
    3. create a text file with the following lines and name it "send_config_batch.bat" and place it under C:\
    (Change the "hostname" for the host name can be resolved or IP address of your device and the "password" to your real password for the admin account).

    C:\putty.exe-SSH hostname-l - pw admin and password C:\send_config.txt m

    4. Add "send_config_batch.bat" to the scheduled task window.

    The Configuration file will be sent to the address specified in the "send_config.txt".

    I hope this helps!

    Christopher C Smith

    Cisco IronPort customer

  • Backup ESXi 4.0


    Estoy varios ESXi 4.0 host implementado y estoy evaluando mejor manera hacer backup las VMS, en lo puedo hacer princio're apagarla y copy los VMDK o well if lo quiero en caliente tomo UN instant y performed the same copia. El tema esto are lo tengo do yo a mano, no lo puedo programar, brought instant tomar relalizar e even VM ware vSphere CLI pero por las encender a tema of license no puedo hacer nada, consultar solo if esta burning o simplemente apagada.  Buscando information meeting los backup VCB pero tiendo Québec por no usar con is you can ESXi.

    Me gustaria conocer como ustedes en los ESXi 4.0 backup alternative

    Desde el tiempo por leer mi message thank is.

    A gran Saludo!

    Martin Morana


    Yo tenia el mismo problema y una pero respond there manual eligibility.

    1-. Form el .vmx the Máquina quieres hacer copia al destino

    2 - snapshot Realizas UN

    3 - form todos los ficheros instant deltas del los menos y el .vmx al destino

    4. - instant the origen Máquina el Borras.

    Puedes crear a script that is run in el esxi (a console through the unsopported) y you realice las actions... pero para mi the mejor forma fue una buena documents step by step y manualmente realize el backup.


    If upon esta u otras answer useful, por favor considered el puntos seleccionando respuesta correcta o util como asignar

    If you find this or any other answer useful please consider giving points by checking the answer useful or appropriate.

  • Patching Embedded ESXi 3.5 and redundancy


    I tried to find answers to theses in the documentation, but failed so far.

    I have a Dell 2950 PowerEdge server with ESXi 3.5 embedded.   I understand that I can be updated by using the tool VMware Infrastructure Update, installed on a physical server separate.  Where is the update applied? It is applied directly to the memory card Flash shipped?   When to apply?  If it fails, I can just re - apply the 3.5 version via the update tool?   Is there any built-in redundancy, so that if he does not validate successfully, I can just reboot and the old version of ESXi will still be on the map?

    If there are all the sections of ESXi documentation that refer to this, please let me know.

    Thank you very much!


    Welcome to the VMware community forums.   If you mount the USB drive in another operating system, you will see these partitions

    Hypervisor0 - 4 MB

    Hypervisor1 - 47 MB

    Hypervisor2 - 47 MB

    Hypervisor3 - 500 MB (is mounted as /store

    H1 and H2 are where ESXi store its firmware.  H0 has SysLinux, which is the original boot loader.  It will be either boot ESXi of H1 or H2.  When you start with a fresh install, Syslinux will start ESXi of H1 and H2 will be empty.   H1 will be mounted by ESXi as /bootbank and H2 will be /altbootbank.

    When you patch your host, the firmware is written in /altbootbank and the H0 is changed to start from the H2.  The next time you start H2 becomes /bootbank, and H1 is /altbootbank.  When you patch it again reverses again.

    The good thing about this is that easily return you to the previous version.   Press SHIFTR on priming initial screen and you have the option to revert to the previous version, if the host has problems after the upgrade.  ESXi save a backup of your system in /bootbank/state.tgz (for the on-board version local.tgz) configuration.  If you use the SHIFT keyR after a month, any change in config, you made since then would be lost.

  • ESX Configuration backup - it stores passwords?

    We just started to back up our ESXi server configuration by using this command:

    vicfg - - server = ESXi_host_IP_address -username = root s nom_fichier_sortie

    2 questions:

    1. I guess that it contains all the configuration details? Nothing is omitted?

    2. these backup files contain password information, and if so, it is in plain text format?

    Thank you

    2. these backup files contain password information, and if so, it is in plain text format?

    I just tested myself by creating a copy of backup config and examined the compressed tar file. It actually saves the file/etc/shadow with passwords hashed all ESXi local accounts, including the roots.

    1. I guess that it contains all the configuration details? Nothing is omitted?

    From what I see in my backup as it will restore basic configuration more (only the files in/etc /) you would expect from a stand-alone host, but know that there are many other things where vCenter is involved which cannot be restored or works as expected when restored. I prefer rather to use the profiles of the host.

  • ESXi 4 Installable U1 + taken VMware supported SD cards?

    I searched the Forum a bit ( and for example) and really have not found a good (or official VMware) answer the question of SD cards supported in versions installed ESXi user.  My biggest concern is the support.  Are the supported user installed SD card? For now, I'm setting up a new R710 with SD reader module internal and my support is through VMware and not Dell.  I was told (by Vmware sales) that VMware does NOT support install ESXi SD card, unless it is installed through the OEM directly.  But it seems strange.  I have the Essentials, so I don't get taken in charge unless I paid $300 per incident anyway. But I want to just make sure that if I called VMware they cling on me because I use a SD boot ESXi.  I really like installation on flash/SD because I think the management is far superior to the disk HARD local installs (as mentioned in previous posts).   Unfortunately, now I do not know what to think about the support... There is no mention in the HCL of Flash cards or SD recommended or taken in charge.  This seems to be a really horrible exclusion IMO since the ESXi 4 U1 install documentation refer to the HCL for Flash devices are supported.

    Seems like there is a lot of confusion on this issue from the perspective of support.  Can someone clarify this once and for all the GOLD offer some guidelines that wanted to keep me supported by VMware? All I found was this article ( & cmd = displayKC & externalId = 1010574) that references the USB flash devices.  This kind of logic applies to the SD cards as well?  I bought the kit SD from Dell (Dell's SD map - which seems to be a generic Kingston 1 GB).  If someone can offer comments/insight I would really appreciate it.  Thank you...


    I was almost in your situation some time ago. In any case, I will share with you my thoughts. Maybe help you.

    I was evaluation install ESXi 4.0 for free in some IBM M2 x 3550 servers in internal USB flash

    As you say this KB is therefore clear:

    Install esxi (built-in) USB is supported only if is done by the supplier of OEM (HP, Dell, IBM and Fujitsu-Siemens). Is also supported an ESXi installable install by the user by using the provider OEM USB flash devices supported (and local support for hard disks).

    The statement above apply to the SD devices.

    If I am mistaken, HP Dell not install the embedded version of esxi in an internal SD and is fully supported by vmware. Don't forget vmware has a agreement with all this OEM provider to fully support their esxi facilities incorporated.

    For example, think about this hypothetical situation. If the full SD/USB support dies and your virtual environment is partially/fully down, it's a good idea to have a SD/USB backup to get up the infrastructure as quickly as possible. Is this not supported? I don't think so

    In any case, if you want to be 100% sure, purchase the material supplier Server esxi embedded wirh installed and maybe get a backup supported (provider) SD

    Hope this long answer helps you

    Best wishes / Saludos.


    Please consider providing any useful answer. Thank you!! - Por favor considered premiar las useful responses. MUCHAS gracias!

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