Facile'copiare struttura delle impostate permissions

Ciao a tutti, devo fare would di spostamento di clusters/hosts/VMs da UN vCenter 4.0 a uno 5.5 vCenter.

Come posso esportare all custom permissions che ho sulla infrastruttura vecchia e replicarle sulla nuova?


Grazie, Rocco,

Ho trovato the soluzione con tool it InventorySnapshot... 90 guests con UN click

Tags: VMware

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    to hai need di altri lumi in google vai e cerca: vmware usb passthrough, ti esce di tutto e di più!

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    IO, nella ibm_db da you proposed, trasferirei vm tramite winscp dal tuo datastore datastore remote, ovviamente one al spente vm.

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    Remember - This is a private forum pubblico per cui non pubblicare information come email o numeri di telefono!


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    Please do not post question in Italian here. There is very little, if
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    Ken Blake (MS-MVP)

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    Hi @domenico_migl,

    Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Forum. We are only able to respond to messages written in English. To ensure a fast response, it would be desirable to ask your question in English. The following links are here to help you if you want to post the following language Forum.

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    Thanks for your understanding

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    Ho the of tutte secondo solved my of semplicissima era una cosa a guide me not funzionando stava, ultimo test e stato auswechseln it disco con una versione 2.0 ed now funziona.

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    You can installare he converter su Un'altra macchina e rates tutto da rete.

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    solo of copia of the incremental I block change, ore 12 mi paiono UN tempo huge by backup incremental to the United Nations, a meno che you airfare non abbia una machine virtual gigantesca e uno storage spaventosamente lento (lento my a tal punto che don't soffriresti Reed durante YENIEOAOAOEE regolare di quella VM...)



    Luca Dell'Oca
    [Assegnare punti a useful risposta e una a modo di say thank you]
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    I have tried to connect my new MD1200 with poweredge R720 server, after installing the software manage open, I couldn't see MD1200 readers from the server.

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    Is this a firmware issue?
    The SAS HBA is currently PERC710 in server.
    Driver RAID and SAS driver is installed on the server.

    Can someone tell me the steps on how to connect and configure the MD1200 since R720 (Windows 2008 R2) Server
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Paul,.

    Let me understand the situation.

    Mentioned that the MD1200 is connected to the R710 is detected to R710 Open Manage?

    RAID and SAS driver is installed on the server, server which is? R710 R720 or both?

    When you install the SAS HBA on R720, have you seen any prompt Ctrl-C in POST server? -Do you think that any device detected in the Windows Device Manager?

    Here are a few suggestions:

    (1) installed the card, start the server and make sure that the SAS HBA is detected in the R720

    (2) install the last handle Open, 7.2

    (3) stop the server and the MD

    (4) connect the SAS on the SAS HBA cables

    5) turn on the MD, wait some time, 1 minute.

    (6) turn on the server, make sure that SAS HBA is detected during POST

    (7) management control.

    This is a reference document MD facility: ftp://ftp.dell.com/Manuals/all-products/esuprt_ser_stor_net/esuprt_powervault/powervault-md1200_Setup%20Guide_en-us.pdf

  • Fallo en vCenter fornuis after connection a vCenter 5.1

    Hola a todos,

    I have a problema as mirar bastante aun despues no he present find the respond. Vamos a migrar las granjas production version 4.1 has the 5.1 y para ello empiezo por fornuis una pequeña granja as the tests tenemos con back 4.1 ESX host con 4 maquinas office y UN vCenter. Para fornuis utilizo ISO VMware-VIMSetup-all - 5.1.0 - 1235309.

    El vCenter are a Windows Server 2003 64-bit are para las bases of datos del vCenter, Update Manager y el SSO utilizo UN SQL Server 2005. Toda the instalacion is one sin problemas y in el orden previsto, el primero con SSO su base data "Aside" in el followed del inventory service, SQL Server y el vCenter including todos los have that need. Por ultimo, el WebClient. TODO wont in el mismo servidor. The Red than no hay en don't firewall y el DNS works correctamente directa e inversamente.

    Y cuando quiero access al vCenter me don't dice that no permissions as el usuario o tengo y contrasena no son correctos. Accedo SSO al Entonces con el web client con el usuario por defecto admin@System-Domain y accedo sin problemas. Y lo than veo el vCenter are no registered in el inventario del SSO appears. El identity source esta correcto identificando el dominio y los drivers of dominio y prueba of conexion works correctamente. Veo muchos users del dominio appears in the part of SSO users are groups in las pestanas locked y disabled al mismo tiempo than no dice no are blocked or or deshabilitados.

    Leo UN KB of VMware than as this can be a los grupos claims of dominio grupos dentro anidacion problema local del servidor y the respond're poner los local con los local y dominio los con dominio, pero no lo entiendo well o o los no veo donde y como hacer esa asociacion. Tampoco veo como add users of dominio especificando el dominio is that al add users no hay campos para ello como're if all were local al SSO server.

    In este KB menciona el message than obtengo al instalar el vCenter:

    Unable to connect to VMware vCenter Server after upgrading to vCenter Server 5.1 (2035758)

    In the database of the server vCenter, users, or groups have been found who have administrator privileges and are also recognized by vCenter Single Sign On. These users are listed in the vc_admin_users_groups.txt file in the system temp folder. Use these users or groups to connect to vCenter Server.

    Pero no tengo el fichero en ruta indicada mentioned text nor is you can apply the proposal are Québec como he mentioned identity source works correctamente el respond...

    El principal problema claro think that're el vCenter no appears in el inventario SSO del pero no averiguar can not the causa of Quebec no aparezca or can not find a respond al problema. ¿Alguna sugerencia o idea?

    MUCHAS gracias to photos,.

    Kind regards

    Hola a todos,

    Bueno, me respondo a mi mismo. He fixed the problem, Québec tampoco era realmente is a problem in himself. No se if the respond are the perfecta o If only hay algo than still me pierdo pero el caso are lo I have running.

    Mirar Vmware documentation mucho Despues y th of pages web, articles y foros donde ninguno daba una respond concreta y or even information sober el del SSO behavior y el vCenter, between back informaciones encontradas en sites different he terminado por Hilaire una respond back.

    Por a lado, is dice that to access SSO administrator como al y poder configurar certain things hay than logarse con el usuario del sistema admin@System-Domain con el than efectivamente is you can access pero sin embargo no muestra el vCenter registered por el sencillo reason that no permissions tiene para ello y tampoco el add users works local desde alli. También el al SSO con entering connection works a dominio, pero tampoco en el vCenter permissions tienen como usuario stink tampoco lo muestra.

    Al final en otra web what height the "pista" that users local del servidor windows than aloja el servicio del vCenter tienen acceso permissions, pero ojo, no valen users o grupos anidados grupos dentro local porque el SSO solo without los reconoce correctamente a permissions level. Moraleja todo esto, el unico con al usuario vCenter despues del upgrade permissions are el usuario local administrator of the Máquina del vCenter.

    ASI pues, he could logarme sin problemas in vCenter el con este usuario y dar permits al Administradores del dominio in vCenter con el grupo el rol administrator there starting from este momento is he could enter sin problemas con mi dominio usuario. Lo mismo serviria if we want to include otros grupos o its users.

    I hope os sirva if os encontrais con el mismo problema.

    Kind regards

  • How to make that guest OS is separated from the host

    Have Win7 (16 GB of ram, 1 TB HD space) is a part of a Small Business Server 2011 domain.  I have a problem with the SBServer and want to look at a new facility to see certain folders permissions have by default. (user redirection folders does not, even if I set permissions per technet article).  Network is 192.168.1.x, can I install a Small business Server 2011 guest (that would be a trial of MS download) and make sure that it is completely separated from the win7 Host and, of course, the field. Then create one or two comments more OS on this same machine win7 and have these comments of BONES join Small Business Server customers?  If so, how do I set that up?

    Thank you, Steve

    Yes it's doable... read the documentation!   Setting up an isolated test with virtual network configuration is no different, so do it with a physical network.  In particular read Chapter 7 "Configuring network connections" in getting started with VMware Player (PDF).

  • ESXi Descrizione in Italiano

    CERCO una descrizione di ESXi in Italiano brief (qualcosa simile a una brochure) da facile'copiare ed incollare in a progetto.

    Tutto quello che ho trovato taking e in inglese, my rischio di traducendolo con imprecisioni...



    Qualcosa lo dovresti find anche sui siti dei dealer italiani.

    Ad esempio: http://www.systematika.it/IMG/TecDocs/Vmware/VMW_09Q1_BRO_ESX_ESXi_ITA.pdf


  • Abdoulaye recently I received 3 important updates for my windows vista Home premium (my knees is dell inspiron), but he is not giving facility haven't faced error I tried to do one by one, but do not install it

    Abdoulaye recently I received 3 important updates for my windows vista Home premium (my knees is dell inspiron), but there is not installation giving error code (643). Even I tried to do one by one, but do not install it

    Hi HazemRagab,

    Failed to verify who has had updates to install. Follow these steps:

    Start, all programs, windows update, view the update history

    Follow the steps in the article.


    Reference: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2545723

  • Help with account permissions / Yosemite

    Looking for help well informed with a pesky question of Yosemite...

    I have an old Mac with multiple disks, and I try to get the most recent versions of Mac OS X installed and working properly.

    The hardware and OS details:

    • Mac Pro 4.1 ("cheese grater")
    • 3 hard disks 1 to
    • Machine has been (and is still) 10.6.8 Snow Leopard as its main operating system running.  It's on HD #2.  That works very well, though obviously limited the age (old apps).  I need to keep this as a configuration to boot can be used - in other words, I need to preserve the ability to boot from the HD #2 in 10.6.8 as this is currently my workplace every day and will probably continue for a while.

    Last year, I installed 10.10.3 Yosemite on internal HD #1.  I initially had some difficulties to be able to switch between the boot disks, but am now able to choose with reliability drive/starting system at startup via the Startup Manager (boot, invoking the Boot Manager, I choose #2 with 10.6.8 HD or HD #1 with 10.10.3).)

    So far so good.

    Everything works well when it is started on the 10.6.8 by car.

    When it is started off the coast of the 10.10.3 drive, there is account/permissions issues that prevent me from using it for something meaningful.  That's what I'm trying to correct now.

    Note that I installed 10.10.3 on HD #1 for over a year and I've never used for anything - that the drive is empty other than the operating system.  If I need to blow this facility, I can do.

    The problem: I am currently not able to install apps on HD #1 (after starting on #1 with 10.10.3). HD  When I try to install anything, the operating system will appear an authentication dialog box: '< name of install App > wants to make changes. Type of administrator name and password to enable this. »

    I get my account name and PW (which I have always used for everything on this machine for ever), and it fails.

    Research in system preferences > users and groups, I see not what probably is the problem: my account is a "Standard user", not an administrator account.  There is no listed administrator account (in fact, no other users listed, other than the "Guest", which is disabled).  I don't know how he got in this State, I was always the administrator on this machine, and I guess it would have copied accounts and permissions of the 10.6.8 installation, or otherwise if he asked me about this information during the installation I took myself as an administrator.  In any case, my user account is now "Standard", which is probably the cause of the current unrest.  I am constantly invited to enter a log in admin whenever I try to do anything (a 'function' rather annoying but lets not go).  This machine is my home, nobody else is going to have physical access to it, no children in the House, that's for sure, I prefer to ignore as many log-ins required security etc. as possible, but for now, I just get my user configured as an administrator account.

    What is the best way to achieve this?

    As I said, I have nothing invested in the current installation of 10.10.3 HD # 1, this player is all-but-empty and I can blow that installation (and re - format the drive) if it's the easiest path.  But it is extremely important that I have the integrity of the other disk, HD #2, which is running 10.6.8 and has important data and apps on it.  I want to make sure that everything I do with or HD #1 and 10.10.3 is no impact on the #2 HD and my ability to boot from 10.6.8 on it.

    (I also have a third 1 TB internal disk (HD #3).  This player is 100% empty and unused.  After I get the permissions of the account/fixed on HD #1 with 10.10.3, I would then install 10.11 El Capitan on HD #3 - and have the ability to boot to one of the three systems - but I'll keep my questions on that until I have the 10.10.3 sorted issues.)

    Then... I guess the only real issue here that I need to address is the fact that my user account on #1 on 10.10.3 HD is not an admin (no?) account.  If this is the case, what is the best way for me to fix this?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help - it is much appreciated.

    Can you unlock the preferences system/users and groups? If so, you should be able to give administrator privileges. See if something in this article helps you. Since you have nothing else on the disc, if all else fails, delete and reinstall. Setup Wizard will allow you to create an admin account.

    User account - add new Admin

    Make a backup, best 2 separated on 2 discs. Start of recovery volume (command - R on a restart, or hold down the option/Alt during a restart and select the Volume of recovery). Run the check/repair disk utility and repair permissions until you get no error.  Reformat the hard disk using Disk Utility/Erase Mac OS extended (journaled), then click on the Option button and select GUID. Then re-install the operating system.

    OS X recovery

    OS X recovery (2)

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