Get the edge gateway ip address

Hello world!

I need to create NAT rules on the bridge.

How can I get all the IP addresses that has my gateway?

I open Explorer API and try to find some information on the type of vCloud:Gateway. But there is only the list of properties. Where can I find useful information?

Maybe there's an sdk with all the attributes and methods workbook?

For several months I have spent time watching vCloud Director... this post triggered something of memory though. Earlier, I need someone help get info of vCloud bridge so I wrote a simple workflow that has vCloud:Gateway as input. It contains a single Scriptable (code below) task that simply questioned the object and properties different from it and played System.log values. The intention is to see what information I could get, and I have a bit of reference code which could be revised and Wicks used according to the needs. Please let me know if this can help:

System.log("Interrogating Gateway: ";
System.log("Description: "+gateway.description);
System.log("href: "+gateway.href);
System.log("ID: ";
System.log("operationKey: "+gateway.operationKey);
System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(gateway.otherAttributes)); // VclMap
// Nees to process here...

System.log("parent: "; // Returns Org vDC
System.log("Status: "+gateway.status);
if (gateway.tasks != null){
    var gwTasks = gateway.tasks.getTasks();
    System.log("---- Tasks in progress: "+gwTasks.length);
    for each (gwTask in gwTasks){
        System.log("-- name: " " --");
        System.log("status: "+gwTask.status); // queued, preRunning, running, success, error, canceled, aborted
        if (gwTask.status == "error"){
            System.log("Error: ");
            var gwTaskError = gwTask.error;
            System.log("majorErrorCode: "+gwTaskError.majorErrorCode);
            System.log("minorErrorCode: "+gwTaskError.minorErrorCode);
            System.log("vendorSpecificErrorCode: "+gwTaskError.vendorSpecificErrorCode);
            System.log("message: "+gwTaskError.message);
            //System.log("stackTrace: "+gwTaskError.stackTrace);
        System.log("type: "+gwTask.type);
        System.log("description: "+gwTask.description);
        System.log("startTime: "+gwTask.startTime.toGregorianCalendar());
        System.log("expiryTime: "+gwTask.expiryTime.toGregorianCalendar());
        System.log("endTime: "+gwTask.endTime.toGregorianCalendar());
        System.log("progress: "+gwTask.progress+"%");
        System.log("owner: ";
        // There are many more properties for VclTask object - feel free to add more as desired
    System.log("---- End Tasks in progress ----");
System.log("Type: "+gateway.type);
System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(gateway.vCloudExtension)); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclVCloudExtension
System.log("XML: \n"+gateway.toXml()); // Returns null

System.log("========== Configuration ==========");
var gwConfig = gateway.configuration;
System.log("backwardCompatibilityMode: "+gwConfig.backwardCompatibilityMode); // boolean

System.log("gatewayBackingConfig: "+gwConfig.gatewayBackingConfig); // string: compact/full
if (gwConfig.gatewayInterfaces != null && gwConfig.gatewayInterfaces.gatewayInterface != null){
    var gwInterfaces = gwConfig.gatewayInterfaces.gatewayInterface.enumerate(); // VclGatewayInterfaces
    System.log("====== Gateway Interfaces ======");
    for each (gwi in gwInterfaces){
        System.log("==== Gateway Interface: ";
        System.log("displayName: "+gwi.displayName);
        System.log("network: "; // VclReference
        System.log("applyRateLimit: "+gwi.applyRateLimit);
        System.log("inRateLimit: "+gwi.inRateLimit);
        System.log("outRateLimit: "+gwi.outRateLimit);
        System.log("interfaceType: "+gwi.interfaceType);
        if(gwi.subnetParticipation != null){ // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclSubnetParticipation
            System.log("=== Subnet Participation: ");
            var gwiSubnets = gwi.subnetParticipation.enumerate();
            for each (gwiSubnet in gwiSubnets){
                System.log("gateway: "+gwiSubnet.gateway);
                System.log("ipAddress: "+gwiSubnet.ipAddress);
                System.log("netmask: "+gwiSubnet.netmask);
                if (gwiSubnet.ipRanges != null){
                    var ipRanges = gwiSubnet.ipRanges.ipRange.enumerate();
                    for each (range in ipRanges){
                        System.log("ipRange: "+range.startAddress+"-"+range.endAddress);
        System.log("useForDefaultRoute: "+gwi.useForDefaultRoute);
        System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(gwi.otherAttributes));
        System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(gwi.vCloudExtension));
        System.log("XML: "+gwi.toXml());
System.log("haEnabled: "+gwConfig.haEnabled); // boolean
System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(gwConfig.otherAttributes)); //VclMap
System.log("useDefaultRouteForDnsRelay: "+gwConfig.useDefaultRouteForDnsRelay); // boolean
System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(gwConfig.vCloudExtension));
System.log("XML: \n"+gwConfig.toXml());

var gwFeatures = gwConfig.edgeGatewayServiceConfiguration; // VclGatewayFeatures
var serviceSet = gwFeatures.networkService;
System.log("====== Gateway Services Available: "+serviceSet.size()+" ======");

// Check Services for VclNatService
var natServices = serviceSet.find(new VclNatService());
if (natServices != null && natServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== NAT services found: "+natServices.length+" ====");
    for each (natServices in natServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclIpsecVpnService
var ipsecVpnServices = serviceSet.find(new VclIpsecVpnService());
if (ipsecVpnServices != null && ipsecVpnServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== IPSEC VPN services found: "+ipsecVpnServices.length+" ====");
    for each (ipsecVpnService in ipsecVpnServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclFirewallService
var fwServices = serviceSet.find(new VclFirewallService());
if (fwServices != null && fwServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== Firewall services found: "+fwServices.length+" ====");
    for each (fwService in fwServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclStaticRoutingService
var staticRoutingServices = serviceSet.find(new VclStaticRoutingService());
if (staticRoutingServices != null && staticRoutingServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== Static Routing services found: "+staticRoutingServices.length+" ====");
    for each (staticRoutingService in staticRoutingServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclGatewayDhcpService
var gwDhcpServices = serviceSet.find(new VclGatewayDhcpService());
if (gwDhcpServices != null && gwDhcpServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== Gateway DHCP services found: "+gwDhcpServices.length+" ====");
    for each (gwDhcpService in gwDhcpServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclDhcpService
var dhcpServices = serviceSet.find(new VclDhcpService());
if (dhcpServices != null && dhcpServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== DHCP services found: "+dhcpServices.length+" ====");
    for each (dhcpService in dhcpServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclGatewayIpsecVpnService
var gwIpsecVpnServices = serviceSet.find(new VclGatewayIpsecVpnService());
if (gwIpsecVpnServices != null && gwIpsecVpnServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== Gateway Ipsec VPN services found: "+gwIpsecVpnServices.length+" ====");
    for each (gwIpsecVpnService in gwIpsecVpnServices){
        System.log("----- NEED TO CODE THIS -----");

// Check Services for VclLoadBalancerService
var lbServices = serviceSet.find(new VclLoadBalancerService());
if (lbServices != null && lbServices.length > 0){
    System.log("==== Load Balancer services found: "+lbServices.length+" ====");
    for each (lbService in lbServices){
        System.log("isEnabled: "+lbService.isEnabled);
        System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(lbService.otherAttributes));
        System.log("-- Load Balancer Pools --");
        var lbServicePool = lbService.pool; //VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLoadBalancerPool
        System.log("pool count: "+lbServicePool.size());
        var lbServiceLBPools = lbServicePool.enumerate();
        for each (lbPool in lbServiceLBPools){
            System.log("- Pool Name: ";
            System.log("- Description: "+lbPool.description);
            System.log("- errorDetails: "+lbPool.errorDetails);
            System.log("- id: ";
            if(lbPool.member != null){
                System.log("- Load Balancer Pool Members: "+lbPool.member.size()); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLBPoolMember
                var lbPoolMembers = lbPool.member.enumerate();
                for each (lbPoolMember in lbPoolMembers){
                    System.log("-- Load Balancer Pool Member --");
                    System.log("ipAddress: "+lbPoolMember.ipAddress);
                    System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(lbPoolMember.otherAttributes)); // VclMap
                    System.log("servicePort: "+displayServicePort(lbPoolMember.servicePort));  // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLBPoolServicePort
                    System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(lbPoolMember.vCloudExtension)); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclVCloudExtension
                    System.log("weight: "+lbPoolMember.weight);
                    System.log("XML: "+lbPoolMember.toXml());
            System.log("- operational: "+lbPool.operational);
            System.log("- otherAttributes: "+displayMap(lbPool.otherAttributes)); // VclMap
            System.log("- servicePort: "+displayServicePort(lbPool.servicePort)); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLBPoolServicePort
            System.log("- vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(lbPool.vCloudExtension)); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclVCloudExtension
            System.log("- XML: "+lbPool.toXml());

        System.log("-- Virtual Servers --");
        var lbServiceVirtualServers = lbService.virtualServer; //VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLoadBalancerVirtualServer
        System.log("virtual server count: "+lbServiceVirtualServers.size());
        var lbServiceVirtualServers = lbServiceVirtualServers.enumerate();
        for each (lbVirtualServer in lbServiceVirtualServers){
            System.log("== Load Balancer Virtual Server Name: ";
            System.log("description: "+lbVirtualServer.description);
            System.log("ipAddress: "+lbVirtualServer.ipAddress);
            System.log("isEnabled: "+lbVirtualServer.isEnabled);
            System.log("interface name: "+lbVirtualServer["interface"].name); // VclReference
            if (lbVirtualServer.loadBalancerTemplates != null){ // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclVendorTemplate
                System.log("===Load Balancer Templates ===");
                var lbTemplates = lbVirtualServer.loadBalancerTemplates.enumerate();
                for each (tpl in lbTemplates){
                    System.log("name: ";
                    System.log("id: ";
                    System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(tpl.otherAttributes));
                    System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(tpl.vCloudExtension));
                    if (tpl.vendorTemplateAttributes != null){
                        System.log("Template Attributes:");
                        var atts = tpl.vendorTemplateAttributes.enumerate();
                        for each (att in atts){
                            System.log("key: "+att.key);
                            System.log("name: ";
                            System.log("value: "+att.value);
                            System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(att.otherAttribues));
                            System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(att.vCloudExtension));
                            System.log("XML: "+att.toXml());

            System.log("logging: "+lbVirtualServer.logging);
            System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(lbVirtualServer.otherAttributes));
            System.log("pool: "+lbVirtualServer.pool);
            if(lbVirtualServer.serviceProfile != null){
                var serviceProfiles = lbVirtualServer.serviceProfile.enumerate();
                System.log("== ServiceProfile: "); // VclObjectList -- related obj types: VclLBVirtualServerServiceProfile
                for each (sp in serviceProfiles){
                    System.log("protocol: "+sp.protocol); // HTTP, HTTPS, TCP
                    System.log("port: "+sp.port);
                    System.log("isEnabled: "+sp.isEnabled);
                    var persistence = sp.persistence;// VclLBPersistence
                        System.log("-- Persistence: ");
                         System.log("method: "+persistence.method);
                        System.log("cookieMode: "+persistence.cookieMode);
                        System.log("cookieName: "+persistence.cookieName);
                        System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(persistence.otherAttribues));
                        System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(persistence.vCloudExtension));
                        System.log("XML: "+persistence.toXml());
                    System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(sp.otherAttribues));
                    System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(sp.vCloudExtension));
                    System.log("XML: "+sp.toXml());
            System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(lbVirtualServer.vCloudExtension));
            System.log("XML: "+lbVirtualServer.toXml());

// Functions -- possibly re-write as actions:
function displayServicePort(sps){
    if(sps != null){
        var spArray = sps.enumerate();
        for each (sp in spArray){
            System.log("-= Service Port Details =-");
            System.log("protocol: "+sp.protocol);
            System.log("port: "+sp.port);
            System.log("healthCheckPort: "+sp.healthCheckPort);
            System.log("isEnabled: "+sp.isEnabled);
            System.log("algorithm: "+sp.algorithm);
            System.log("healthCheck: "+displayHealthCheck(sp.healthCheck)); // VclObjectList -- VclLBPoolHealthCheck
            System.log("otherAttribues: "+displayMap(sp.otherAttributes));
            System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(sp.vCloudExtension));
            System.log("XML: "+sp.toXml());

function displayHealthCheck(hcs){
    if(hcs != null){
        var hcsArray = hcs.enumerate();
        for each (hc in hcsArray){
            System.log("-= Health Check Details =-");
            System.log("healthThreshold: "+hc.healthThreshold);
            System.log("interval: "+hc.interval);
            System.log("mode: "+hc.mode); // possible values: TCP, HTTP, SSL
            System.log("otherAttributes: "+displayMap(hc.otherAttributes)); // VclMap
            System.log("timeout: "+hc.timeout);
            System.log("unhealthThreshold: "+hc.unhealthThreshold);
            System.log("uri: "+hc.uri);
            System.log("vCloudExtension: "+displayVcloudExtension(hc.vCloudExtension));
            System.log("XML: "+hc.toXml());

function displayMap(map){
    if (map != null && map.keys.length > 0){
        System.log("-= VclMap Details =-");
        for each(key in map.keys){
            System.log(key + ": "+map.get(key));

function displayVcloudExtension(vcle){
    if(vcle != null){
        System.log("-= vCloudExtension Details =-");
        System.log("-- required: "+vcle.required);
        System.log("-- otherAttributes: "+displayMap(vcle.otherAttribues));

// END FUNCTIONS ========

    if (map != null && map.keys.length > 0){
        System.log("-= VclMap Details =-");
        for each(key in map.keys){
            System.log(key + ": "+map.get(key));

function displayVcloudExtension(vcle){
    if(vcle != null){
        System.log("-= vCloudExtension Details =-");
        System.log("-- required: "+vcle.required);
        System.log("-- otherAttributes: "+displayMap(vcle.otherAttribues));

// END FUNCTIONS ==============================================

Remember that the code has been used several months ago. It is read only, so it does not change your Gateway VCD. I hope that this will as-is

Tags: VMware

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    You need to reset the router back to factory settings and set up your network wireless since the beginning.

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    Microsoft prohibits any help given in these Forums for you help bypass or "crack" passwords lost or forgotten.

    Here's information from Microsoft, explaining that the policy:

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    ? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? >

    "< error xmlns =""stackTrace =" com.vmware.vcloud.common.xml.XMLProcessingException: Bad request


    to org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils.readFromMessageBody(

    to org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils.processParameter(

    to org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils.processParameters(

    to org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(

    to org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke(

    to org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor$

    to java.util.concurrent.Executors$ (unknown Source)

    to java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$ Sync.innerRun (unknown Source)

    at (unknown Source)

    to org.apache.cxf.workqueue.SynchronousExecutor.execute(

    to org.apache.cxf.interceptor.ServiceInvokerInterceptor.handleMessage(

    to org.apache.cxf.phase.PhaseInterceptorChain.doIntercept(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.ChainInitiationObserver.onMessage(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.http.AbstractHTTPDestination.invoke(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invokeDestination(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.ServletController.invoke(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFNonSpringServlet.invoke(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.handleRequest(

    to org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.AbstractHTTPServlet.doPost(

    to javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(



    to org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(

    to org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost(

    to javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    to javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$ CachedChain.doFilter (

    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (





    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (

    to com.vmware.vcloud.api.framework.web.ExtensibilityFilter.doFilter(

    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor423.invoke (unknown Source)

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (unknown Source)

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (unknown Source)




    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(



    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(

    to org.springframework.osgi.service.util.internal.aop.ServiceTCCLInterceptor.invokeUnprivileged(

    to org.springframework.osgi.service.util.internal.aop.ServiceTCCLInterceptor.invoke(

    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(


    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(



    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(

    to org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(

    to $Proxy734.doFilter (unknown Source)

    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to com.vmware.vcloud.common.persist.ConversationContextExecutor.execute(



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (



    to$ VirtualFilterChain.doFilter (


    to org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(

    to org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$ CachedChain.doFilter (

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.UserAgentFilter.doFilter(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.GzipFilter.doFilter(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$ CachedChain.doFilter (

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(


    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractHttpConnection.handleRequest(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.BlockingHttpConnection.handleRequest(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractHttpConnection$ RequestHandler.headerComplete (

    to org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseNext(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParser.parseAvailable(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.BlockingHttpConnection.handle(

    to$ (

    to org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSocketConnector$ (

    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(

    to org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$

    at (unknown Source)

    Caused by: com.vmware.vcloud.common.xml.XMLProcessingException: Bad request

    to com.vmware.vcloud.common.xml.JAXBUtils.readFromStream(


    108... more

    Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: error on line 1 of document: premature end of file. Nested exception: premature end of file.



    to com.vmware.vcloud.common.dom4j.Dom4jUtils.parseDocumentFromString(

    to com.vmware.vcloud.common.ovf.OvfCleanerImpl.process(

    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor5728.invoke (unknown Source)

    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke (unknown Source)

    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (unknown Source)




    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(



    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(

    to org.springframework.osgi.service.util.internal.aop.ServiceTCCLInterceptor.invokeUnprivileged(

    to org.springframework.osgi.service.util.internal.aop.ServiceTCCLInterceptor.invoke(

    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(


    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(



    to org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(

    to org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(

    to $Proxy716.process (unknown Source)

    to com.vmware.vcloud.common.xml.JAXBUtils.readFromStream(

    ... more than 109

    I found the answer. Here's how to set firewall type protocol rules in c# API.

    Create the object of type firewall protocols

    Protocol of var = new FirewallRuleTypeProtocols();

    Value of protocols items this value corresponds to the value of the xml element

    Protocol. Items = new Object() {true};

    The name of the element value that is the name of xml element.

    Protocol. ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType [] {ItemsChoiceType.Tcp};

    Protocol Set

    firewallRuleType.Protocols = Protocol;

  • WRT54GL cannot get the PPPoE server IP address

    Try to get the WRT54GL installation and cannot operate.  I get "unable to get an IP address from the server. PPPoE. I followed the troubleshooting tips and repowered everything.  I've even set up the network using static IP address and it worked for a few days that their death. I hope that it died when the IP address has changed.  I've seen a few suggestions to make the connection, it done it via Control Panel > network connections > bridged connections? Help, please!

    I think I finally have this thing resolved!  Set up as DHCP and then another post I went to the router, and click configuration on the sub-tab page clone mac address, enabled and clicked done, saved settings and it worked! I really hope that it continues to work! Now, if someone could explain to me how it does the job, I'd appreciate it.

  • Failed to get the IP of DHCP address

    Hi guys

    my laptop cannot acquire Ip address; am using DHCP and other laptops can get the Ip address using the same cable; Another said only: unidentified network. what may be the cause?

    Hi Geraldine,.

    Thanks for posting your query in Microsoft Community Forum.

    Portable computers are connected to a domain network?

    You can try to reset the TCP/IP settings in order to renew the DHCP configuration for all adapters. Refer to the following:

    Method 1:

    Try the steps from the following link and check:

    How to reset the Protocol Internet (TCP/IP)

    Registry warning: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you proceed with caution. For added protection, back up the registry before you edit it. Then you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click on the number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

    Method 2:

    Ensure that these services are started and set to Automatic. If you have problems trying to start these services, check their dependency services and make sure they are started and set to automatic as well.

    A key. Press Windows + R, type services.msc and press enter.

    B. in the search for services for the following services.

    DHCP client

    DNS client

    C. right-click on the service and click on Properties.

    D. set the startup type to Automatic.
    E. click Start to start the service. Click OK.

    Check if the problem persists.

    Hope this information is useful. Let us know if you need more help, we will be happy to help you.

  • How to get the database name/IP address of the server forms10g database

    Hello world
    How can I get the name of the database instance and the IP address of the database server?

    I use GEC 10 g and the database server is Oracle 10 g.


    How can I get the name of the database instance and the IP address of the database server?

    To use the IP UTL_INADDR

    For example name you can use sys_context ('userenv', 'instance_name')
    SQL > select instance_name from v$ instance;

  • HP deskjet 2545: How can I get the hp printer email address 2545

    My hp chromebox does not recognize the new printer hp deskjet 2545. He keeps asking the printer email address, but as I followed the instructions, an email address is not provided. How can I still access my printer?


    It is not an ePrint printer there so NO E-mail address:

    Kind regards.

  • Failed to create the edge Gateway. Lack of resources

    Hi all

    I'm introducing an EdgeGateway in my environment of VCD, but every time I try no matter how simple the config of the gateway it will not create it.

    The complaint, what it does is that it cannot find a list of resources for the placement of the bridge on board.

    When I launch the creation I would expect him be tried in the pane Office VC but is yet to happen.

    I read an article that describes manually moving the unit from edge to a different cluster resource after creating, but I don't get as much as that.

    I'm under cloud Suite Advanced and vShield Manager is installed with the loadbalancers for cells. This aspect work fine with vshield.

    I have run out of things to look for now regarding this. There are ample resources available physically if it is not a limitation to this.

    Can anyone suggest what who or where to find more information?

    Debug information will tell you nothing or other various lines of Java code.

    Thank you


    Solution has been found.

    I found the problem in the log for debugging on the servers of the cell. You can see try storage and do not.

    For those of you who also see this question, then please check the following recommended by vmware supports known issues.

    Make sure that your storage space has been configured correctly and that you have profiles of storage associated with it.

    You will also need to show your thresholds for storage as it is also a question to know the cause.

    For me, I had to create a new storage cluster and move this cluster of each data store.

    Then refresh the profiles of storage within the VC of VCD element and also to update the connection of VC in VCD.

    Then restart the Service of VC on the VC Server

    Restart the vShield Manager and then wait 5 minutes for the vShield Manager to resynchronize itself and return to normal.

    Now, try again and I hope you should be successful.

  • get the local host ip address

    For the convience of the end user, I would like to publish the ip address of the host on the front panel of the progr.  Is there a vi or something that will return the local ip address?

    See this post:

  • Get the Thin Client IP address

    Hello. I'm trying to find out the IP address of the machine that I use for programming. I want to use my LabVIEW program on a server. However, the string to the property intellectual VI gives the IP address of the network, so in this case the server IP address. It is a problem, as we hope, in the future, run multiple thin on program clients, if we want the program to know what thin client, it works on. However, I don't have access to the command prompt on the thin client due to administrative restrictions. This eliminates the other solution I found, which was to find the Login Windows user name (each light client has its own unique user name) through different screw which involved the command prompt. Any ideas on how to find the IP address of the customer of the Services Terminal Server Session, I believe that my computer called? Thanks for your time.

    I called and he was referred to this, which worked. We use Citrix server and the username thing worked, and we are now able to run the program for each thin client using his user name.

  • get the address of a default gateway

    Hi all

    I saw a TCP library function that can get the address of the host.  but someone do it now, how to get the address of a default gateway?

    for example IP (this ip address can get according to get host address)


    Deault gateway



    Hey Gerry--

    To get the default gateway, you'll want to use the IP Helper Win32 API.  Unfortunately, this part of the Win32 API is only available for users of the full package LabWindows/CVI.

    To retrieve IPV4 information about your network adapters, you can use the GetAdaptersInfofunction.  If you need IPV6 information, you will need to use GetAdaptersAddresses.  I wrote a small example of GetAdaptersInfo and attached to it, you can see the result below:

    Let me know if you have any questions-


    National Instruments

  • Get the IP address of the wifi

    I am looking for the api get IP address when connected to a Wifi. Any body knows how to do this?

    Thank you.

    Thanks.This is the way to get the IPv4 and IPv6 address based on prefixLength().

    foreach (const QNetworkInterface &interface, QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces()){
            qDebug() <<  "humanReadableName: " << interface.humanReadableName();
            if(QString::compare(interface.humanReadableName(), "bcm0") == 0){
                foreach (const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry, interface.addressEntries()) {
                    if (entry.prefixLength() <= 32){
                        qDebug() << "IPv4: " << entry.ip().toString();
                        return entry.ip().toString();
                        qDebug() << "IPv6: " << entry.ip().toString();
  • How to get the default BlackBerry smartphone email address?

    Hi all

    How can I get the BlackBerry default email address?

    Thank you


    Thanks Pierre.

    Here's the post that says abt the same question.

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