Hi, Iam using Window 7 OS, Kaspersky Antivirus, IE and Firefox.

Hi, Iam using Window 7 OS, Kaspersky Antivirus, IE and Firefox. The problem is any url that I tried to open it shows server not found and continues after refreshing the url and then it opens. It happens with all websites


(1) have you made changes before the start of this issue?

(2) the problem happen with Internet explorer and Firefox?

(3) what version of Internet Explore do you use?

(4) what is the exact full error message?

Method 1:

Temporarily turn off the firewall and Antivirus

Important note: Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you should not disable your antivirus software. If you need to disable temporarily to install other software, you must reactivate as soon as you are finished. If you are connected to the Internet or a network, while your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to attacks.

Method 2: Step 1:

Try to run Internet Explorer mode without modules and check if the same problem occurs, here's the link:


Step 2: Use Manage Add-ons to determine which add-on is causing the problem.

a. open Internet Explorer 8.

b. click on tools and then click on Manage Add-ons.

c. in the menu view, select all add-ons to display all the modules that are installed on the computer.

d. for each item in this list, select the add-on and then click Disable in the information window.

e. When you have disabled all of the items in this list, click OK.

f. exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.

g. If problems do not recur, repeat steps a through c.

h. click Activate for a simple add-on.

i. Repeat steps f through h until you determine which add-on causes errors occur.

Set IE as the default web browser and check the status.

Method 3: Reset Internet explore and check if the problem persists.

How to reset Internet Explorer settings:


Note: The feature reset the Internet Explorer settings can reset security settings or privacy settings that you have added to the list of Trusted Sites. Reset the Internet Explorer settings can also reset parental control settings. We recommend that you note these sites before you use the reset Internet Explorer settings.

I hope this helps.

Tags: Windows

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