How to implement QtSoap in native development of cascade?


I want to ask you something QtSoap implementation. I use QtSoap to parse the Web services *.asmx files. I include qtsoap.h and qtsoap.cpp from external sources, but I can't find the libraries.

Can you help me solve this problem and how to implement QtSoap in native waterfall?

Thanks before.

I got this error message:

Build configuration Debug-Simulator for BB10BinusmayaMobile project *.

make - j2 Simulator-Debug
do .//translations - C f Makefile update
make [1]: Entering directory had: / ' Document Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/translations
D:, bbndk, host_10_1_0_132, win32 / x 86/usr/bin/lupdate
Update 'BB10BinusmayaMobile.ts '...
Found 6 source text (s) (0 new and 6 already existing)
make [1]: leaving directory had: / ' Document Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/translations
do .//translations f - C release of Makefile
make [1]: Entering directory had: / ' Document Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/translations
D:, bbndk, host_10_1_0_132, win32 / x 86/usr/bin/lrelease
Update: / Document Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/translations/BB10BinusmayaMobile.qm'...
Generated translation (s) 0 (0 finished and unfinished 0)
Ignored for 6 text (s) of the untranslated source
make [1]: leaving directory had: / ' Document Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/translations
make - c / f - 86 Makefile debugging x
"make [1]: Entering directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
d:/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/Win32/x86/usr/bin/qmake.exe-spec... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86 - QCC CONFIG += debug_and_release += o Makefile... simulator config BB10BinusmayaMobile.Pro
"make [1]: leaving directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
"make [1]: Entering directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
do f Makefile.Debug
"make [2]: Entering directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. /bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-o-g/.obj/applicationui.o o I... /SRC/applicationui.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. /bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-o-g/.obj/main.o o I... /src/main.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. /bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-o-g/.obj/qtsoap.o o I... /SRC/qtsoap.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. /bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-o-g/.obj/webservices.o o I... /SRC/WebServices.cpp
D:/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/Win32/x86/usr/bin/MOC.exe-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-I.-D__QNXNTO__... / SRC/applicationui. HPP o o-g/.moc/moc_applicationui.cpp
D:/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/Win32/x86/usr/bin/MOC.exe-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-I.-D__QNXNTO__... /SRC/qtsoap.h o o-g/.moc/moc_qtsoap.cpp
D:/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/Win32/x86/usr/bin/MOC.exe-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-I.-D__QNXNTO__... /SRC/WebServices.h o o-g/.moc/moc_webservices.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-i o o-g/.obj/moc_applicationui.o o-g/.moc/moc_applicationui.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-i o o-g/.obj/moc_qtsoap.o o-g/.moc/moc_qtsoap.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86 - c - Wc, - inclure-Wc,o-g/.obj/BB10BinusmayaMobile-Wno psabi - lang-c ++ - fstack-protector - fstack-protector-all - g - Wno-psabi-wall - W-D_REENTRANT-DQT_NO_IMPORT_QT47_QML-DQ_OS_BLACKBERRY-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG-DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB-DQT_CORE_LIB-DQT_SHARED-j'ai... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/BlackBerry - x 86-QCC-... /... / BB10BinusmayaMobile-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/qtcore-... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative-I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/qt4-I... / SRC-Io-g/.moc - I... /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include-I /... /.. /.. / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/usr/include/freetype2-i o o-g/.obj/moc_webservices.o o-g/.moc/moc_webservices.cpp
CQS-Vgcc_ntox86-lang-c ++ - Wl, - rpath - link, d, bbndk, target_10_1_0_1020, qnx6 / x 86/lib - Wl, - rpath - link, d, bbndk, target_10_1_0_1020, qnx6 / x 86/usr/lib - Wl, - rpath - link, d, bbndk, target_10_1_0_1020, qnx6 / x 86/usr/lib/qt4/lib - o o-g/BB10BinusmayaMobile o-g/.obj/applicationui.o o-g/.obj/main.o o-g/.obj/qtsoap.o o-g/.obj/test.o o-g/.obj/webservices.o o-g/.obj/moc_applicationui.o o-g/.obj/moc_qtsoap.o o-g/.obj/moc_test.o o-g/.obj/moc_webservices.o - LD : / bbndk / target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6 / x 86/lib - LD: / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6 / x 86/usr/lib - LD: / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6 / x 86/usr/lib/qt4/lib - LD: / bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6 / / usr/lib/qt4/lib - lbbcascades - lQtDeclarative - lQtScript - lQtSvg - lQtSql-lsqlite3 - lz - lQtXmlPatterns - lQtGui - lQtNetwork - lsocket - lQtCore - lm - lbps
D:\bbndk\host_10_1_0_132\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntox86-ld: o-g/.obj/qtsoap.o: reference to undefined symbol '_ZN12QDomDocument15createElementNSERK7QStringS2_'
D:\bbndk\host_10_1_0_132\win32\x86\usr\bin\ntox86-ld: Notes: '_ZN12QDomDocument15createElementNSERK7QStringS2_' is defined in DSO D:/bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/qnx6/x86/usr/lib/qt4/lib/ try so add to the linker command line
D:/bbndk/target_10_1_0_1020/QNX6/x86/usr/lib/Qt4/lib/ could not read symbols: invalid operation
CC: D:/bbndk/host_10_1_0_132/win32 / x 86/usr/bin/ntox86-ld caught signal 1
make [2]: * [o-g/BB10BinusmayaMobile] error 1
make [1]: * [debug] error 2
"make [2]: leaving directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
"make [1]: leaving directory had: / Training/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/BB10BinusmayaMobile/x86 Document"
make: * [Simulator-Debug] error 2

Build completed *.

QDomDocument part QtXml, if you check in the documentation of the API
you see that:
To connect the module, add this line to your qmake .pro file:
QT += xml

try this.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Dear Luka!

    I think the reading of all the samples in a single channel is exactly what you need here, because reading the files may take some time and is not deterministic, so it is best to read all the data in memory (or if this is not feasible due to problems of size, fairly large pieces may be sufficient). The table read can be provided and then in the loop simulating outings, something like this:

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    Hi Alex!

    Use the Event.ACTIVATE in nativeApplication like this:

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    function onActivate(e:Event):void {}

    What you want to do here


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 ing-control /
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    From my understanding, the 9881 can be treated from the FPGA, but only from the application of the RT. I think that the point 3 of your post examples of the use of the module fine.

    Kind regards


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    I try to implement oriented OBJECT in my LabVIEW code and require heritage or just an interface (such as might be required in java).  I have a good knowledge of OOP is just how do me in LabVIEW, I'm curious.

    I'll try to stick with my own example for now, so that someone is able to tell me exactly how to implement this.

    in any case, I have two different DMM and each come with their own GPIB commands to get the measures and set the measurement configurations.  This seems to be a perfect example to learn how to use inheritance.  I figured out how to make a class for each DMM but was curious as to how I might be able to create a parent class for each of them because they both require the same fields in their configuration (AC/DC, Measurment Type, rank, address VISA).  I think that I could create a parent class with these fields, then the methods of use of these fields and have then child classes inherit fields and override the methods of the parent class so that depending on what the user selected DMM, it would be able to use the correct class to issue the right GPIB commands.

    If anyone can point me to a good example or explain how this could be implemented in labview that would be super.  I'm also browsing the forums LVOOP to LavaG trying to figure this out, thanks!



    LabVIEW help contains a lot of detailed information on the use of classes.  I recommend reading through it, before we begin with OOP in LabVIEW.  In the content of the Help window tab, search for "Fundamentals > LabVIEW Object - Oriented Programming > How - to's»  There is an article entitled 'change the legacy of a LabVIEW class' that should be what you're looking for.

    Chris M

  • How to implement the ScreenUiEngineAttachedListener Interface?

    How to implement the ScreenUiEngineAttachedListener Interface? It is somewhat a mystery reading through the API.

    I have a class that implements ScreenUiEngineAttachedListener:

    public class UiListener implements ScreenUiEngineAttachedListener {
      public void onScreenUiEngineAttached(Screen screen, boolean attached) {

    Then I have a class MyScreen which extends from screen and has two methods:

    public void addScreenUiEngineAttachedListener(ScreenUiEngineAttachedListener listener) {
    private void removeScreenUiEngineAttachedListener() {
    • What is the correct positioning of everything?
    • Can I define an instance of UiListener and pass in the addScreenUiEngineAttachedListener?
    • How to remove UiListener in removeScreenUiEngineAttachedListener?

    You will need:

    • an instance of your UiListener - probably a static member inside your UiApplication;
    • a method that allows to retrieve the reference to this instance of UiListener;
    • a call in your constructor for the screen at addScreenUiEngineAttachedListener (yourApplication.getUiListener ()) or similar;
    • potentially a call within your onScreenUiEngineAttached (attached screen, boolean) routine, the branch (attachment is false) : screen.removeScreenUiEngineAttachedListener (this);

    However, all this is too much work for no gain. Just override protected void onUiEngineAttached (boolean attached) in your screen class and make your logic there - all members of your class are accessible and all the code is placed where it belongs.

  • Difference between native development & Development cascade...

    Am new to the blackberry development. Please is what someone did say whats difference between native development & development waterfall...

    Use it as a starting point:

  • just to start native development - momentics ide or Visual Studio

    Outings to start to write some Aboriginal stunts based apps.  First off is always supported and strengthened Cascades / maintains. What development environment is best for Cascases / native development. I am very familiar with Android Studio, Eclipse and Visual Studio. Momentics still supported and that of using or moving to the Visual Studio plugin? Who has the best features in terms of aid to development for native applications and the productivity of developers?

    Thank you


    Cascades is the library preferred for native development, then Yes, it is still maintained and will be for the foreseeable future. If you are familiar with eclipse you'll feel at home with Momentics, which is a custom eclipse build specfically for the development of Cascades/Native BB10. There is also a plugin for Visual Studio, but almost everyone posting here uses Momentics BB10 development.

    Personally, I much prefer Visual Studio, eclipse, I always felt suffers greatly from trying to be a Jack-of-all-trades and have been cooked over a long period of too many heads. Don't look under the hood of the eclipse unless you want to tear your hair into small pieces. That said, my first attempt to use the VS plugin didn't look good, and I quickly discovered there is not much here that can help you with it. I would recommend that you go the Momentics road despite its many flaws.

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