I understand no drivers... What part of the system they are assiociated with? I heard that they can be updated for best results. Is there a download that will do it? I'm under XP IE, windows 8

I would like to fix? Drivers

Drivers are software special low level designed to help an XP, Vista, Windows 7 operating system to communicate with the motherboard (hardware on your computer). There are drivers for Audio, network (Internet), USB, a laptop built in camera, Touchpad, etc..

If Windows has not built in the driver (usually indicated by a? in Device Manager), you must download and install the appropriate driver from the web site of the manufacturer of the computer.

A driver update is usually released and made available for the following reasons.

(1) to correct a software bug.

(2) to support a newer version of Windows (Windows 8 for example).

(3) graphics card device drivers are generally the most frequently updated of all drivers, mainly to improve performance for games, but also when a new version of Windows is released.

I usually do not update my drivers so I have no problems with the ones I already installed, it is because sometimes a newer driver may fix a problem while creating another.

J W Stuart: http://www.pagestart.com

Tags: Windows

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