Images will not load in thunderbird, Windows Mail or OE classic.

I tried all the information online, but I can still see picture at 3 different e-mail programs, I malwarebites but I can't find any conflict.

You have three e-mail programs, none of them load the images in the mail. There is very little question of the problem is external to e-mail programs, most likely a security or speed to improve the tool.

Malwarebytes is not a product anti anti-virus. So, what antivirus do you use?

Tags: Thunderbird

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  • Gallery images will not load when I transfer the files on the server

    The gallery works fine when files on my computer, but when I download files on my server does not load images.

    I use the xml file to load the images. Here is the code of the Gallery:

    function loadPlayList(url:String) {
              delete myMO.onMouseWheel;
              delete myKO.onKeyDown;
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        root["_ref"+i] = root["_bmd"+i]=false;
              loadedAll = false;
              infostruc = [];
              for (var i in root) {
                        if ((root[i]._name.substr(0, 3) == "art" || root[i]._name.substr(0, 10) == "reflection") && (parseInt(root[i]._name.split("art")[1]) || parseInt(root[i]._name.split("reflection")[1]))) {
              current = 1;
              root.createEmptyMovieClip("loader", root.getNextHighestDepth());
    function init(Void):Void {
              myMO = {};
              myKO = {};
              for (var i in infostruc) {
                        loader.attachMovie("default", "art", 1);
                        root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                        root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                        root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                        this["_bmd"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        this["_ref"+i] = new BitmapData(loader._width, loader._height);
                        var mc:MovieClip = loader.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", loader.getNextHighestDepth());
                        matrix = new Matrix();
                        matrix.createGradientBox(loader._width, loader._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                        mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                        mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        mc.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        mc.lineTo(0, 0);
               = reflectionAlpha;
                        loader.moveTo(0, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, loader._height);
                        loader.lineTo(loader._width, 0);
                        loader.lineTo(0, 0);
              for (var i:Number = count=0; count<stageWidth-(centerDistance*3); count += shelveCDSpacing, i++) {
                        var cArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("art"+this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        var rArt:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("reflection"+(this.getNextHighestDepth()-1), this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        rArt._x = cArt._x=stageWidth;
                        var tmpFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(reflectionBlurX, reflectionBlurY, reflectionQuality);
                        rArt.filterArray = cArt.filterArray=[];
                        rArt.filterArray[0] = tmpFilter;
                        rArt.filters = rArt.filterArray;
                        tmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_mask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rmask = mask.duplicateMovieClip("_rmask", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:mask._x, _y:mask._y});
                        rArt._visible = cArt._visible=false;
              myMO.onMouseWheel = function(delta:Number):Void  {
                        if (delta>0) {
                        } else if (delta<=0) {
              myKO.onKeyDown = function():Void  {
                        if (Selection.getFocus() != "_level0.goto") {
                                  if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
                                  } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
              scrollBar.scroller.onPress = function():Void  {
                        dist = this._parent._xmouse-this._x;
                        this.onMouseMove = function():Void  {
                                  tmp = 1+Math.ceil(((this._parent._xmouse-dist)-scrollBarStart)/(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop)*(infostruc.length-1));
                                  if (tmp>infostruc.length) {
                                            tmp = infostruc.length;
                                  if (tmp<1) {
                                            tmp = 1;
                                  current = tmp;
              scrollBar.scroller.onRelease = scrollBar.scroller.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
                        delete this.onMouseMove;
              scrollBar.left.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(previous, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.right.onPress = function():Void  {
                        shifter = setInterval(next, scrollerDelay);
              scrollBar.onMouseUp = function():Void  {
              scrollBar.onMouseDown = function():Void  {
                        if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.left.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && !this.right.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
                                  if (this._xmouse<this.scroller._x) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(previous, clickDelay);
                                  if (this._xmouse>this.scroller._x+this.scroller._width) {
                                            shifter = setInterval(next, clickDelay);
              goto.restrict = "0-9";
              goto.onKillFocus = function():Void  {
                        if (!isNaN(Number(this.text)+1)) {
                                  if (this.text>infostruc.length) {
                                            this.text = infostruc.length;
                                  if (this.text<1) {
                                            this.text = 1;
                                  current = Number(this.text);
                        } else {
                                  this.text = current;
              fscreen.onPress = function():Void  {
                        fscommand("fullscreen", !(this._currentframe-1));
              slideShow.onPress = function():Void  {
                        if (this._currentframe == 1) {
                                  sliderShow = setInterval(function ():Void {
                                            if (current<infostruc.length) {
                                            } else if (slideshowLooping) {
                                                      current = 0;
                                  }, slideshowSpeed);
                        } else {
              distance = Number(i);
    function concat(m1, m2):Object {
              var mat:Object = {};
              mat.a = m1.c*m2.b;
              mat.b = m1.d*m2.b;
              mat.c = m1.a*m2.c;
              mat.d = m1.b*m2.c;
              mat.tx = m1.a*m2.tx+m1.c*m2.ty+m1.tx;
              mat.ty = m1.b*m2.tx+m1.d*m2.ty+m1.ty;
              return mat;
    function updateInfo():Void {
              goto.text = current;
              info = infostruc[current-1].info;
              author = infostruc[current-1].auth;
              album = infostruc[current-1].album;
              displayAlternArt(root["_bmd"+(current-1)], artDisplay._width, artDisplay._height);
              scrollBar.scroller._x = scrollBarStart+((current-1)/(infostruc.length-1)*(scrollBar._width-scrollBarStop));
    function brightness(_prop:String, _old:Number, _new:Number, target:MovieClip):Void {
              var brightness_array:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, _new, 0, 1, 0, 0, _new, 0, 0, 1, 0, _new, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
              target.filterArray[1] = new ColorMatrixFilter(brightness_array);
              target.filters = target.filterArray;
    function controlTheObject(mc):Void {
              if (mc._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                        mc.onPress = function():Void  {
                                  if ((getTimer()-this.pressTime<=doubleClickRegister && this.pressTime) || !doubleClickURL) {
                                            if (infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet) {
                                                      getURL(infostruc[this.cid].urlToGet, "_"+infostruc[this.cid].urlAction);
                                  this.pressTime = getTimer();
                                  current = this.cid+1;
    "_brightness", brightness, mc);
              mc.onEnterFrame = function():Void  {
                        this._visible = true;
                        if (infostruc[this.cid].loaded && !this.loadedImage) {
                                  this.allowUpdate = true;
                                  this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  this.loadedImage = true;
                        if (Math.round(Math.abs(this._x-this.x))>=1 || this.allowUpdate) {
                                  if (this._name.indexOf("reflection") == -1) {
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2));
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                      } else {
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && Math.floor(this._x)<centerX && angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && Math.ceil(this._x)>centerX && angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle)>autoJump) {
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)-((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                  } else {
                                            this._yscale = -100;
                                            this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                            if (this._x>=centerX+centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                            } else if (this._x<=centerX-centerDistance) {
                                                      this.setSides(-(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], -(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+((Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2)+this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid], (this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2)+(Math.sin(angle*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]), -(this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                            } else if (this.cid == current-1 || this.cid == current || this.cid == current-2) {
                                                      if (this._x>centerX-centerDistance && this._x<centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+((this._x-(centerX-centerDistance))/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2), sum/2, -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), -(sum/2), sum3/2);
                                                      } else if (this._x<centerX+centerDistance && this._x>centerX && !validateOk(this)) {
                                                                var sum:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDWidth"+this.cid]));
                                                                var sum2:Number = angle-(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*angle);
                                                                var sum3:Number = this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+(((centerX+centerDistance)-this._x)/centerDistance*(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]-this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]));
                                                                this.setSides(-(sum/2), -(sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])), sum/2, -(sum3/2), sum/2, sum3/2, -(sum/2), (sum3/2)+((Math.sin(sum2*Math.PI/180)*this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid])));
                                                                this._y = centerY+sum3+reflectionSpace;
                                                      } else if (!validateOk(this)) {
                                                                this._y = centerY+((shelveCDHeight/2)-(this._parent["_shelveCDHeight"+this.cid]/2))+this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]+reflectionSpace;
                                                                this.setSides(-(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2, this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2, -(this._parent["_frontCDWidth"+this.cid]/2), this._parent["_frontCDHeight"+this.cid]/2);
                                  this.allowUpdate = false;
                                  this._x -= Math.min(Math.max((this._x-this.x)/albumEase, -maxSlide), maxSlide);
                                  this.setTransform(this.px1, this.py1, this.px2, this.py2, this.px3, this.py3, this.px4, this.py4);
                                  if (this._x<deleteMinDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid+distance)]) {
                                            this.cid += distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMaxDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                                  if (this._x>deleteMaxDistance && this._parent["_ref"+(this.cid-distance)]) {
                                            this.cid -= distance;
                                            this._x = deleteMinDistance;
                                            this._visible = false;
                                            this.loadedImage = infostruc[this.cid].loaded;
                                            this.DistortImage(this._name.indexOf("reflection")>-1 ? this._parent["_ref"+this.cid] : this._parent["_bmd"+this.cid]);
                        } else if (Math.ceil(Math.abs(this._x-this.x)) == 0) {
                                  this._x = this.x;
                        if (this.cid+1>current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))+centerDistance;
                        } else if (this.cid+1<current) {
                                  this.x = (centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing))-centerDistance;
                        } else {
                                  this.x = centerX+((this.cid+1-current)*shelveCDSpacing);
                        if (fadeType == "brightness") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._brightness = -(250-((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*250));
                                  } else {
                                            this._brightness = 0;
                        } else if (fadeType == "alpha") {
                                  if (this._x<fadePointMin+fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((this._x-fadePointMin)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else if (this._x>fadePointMax-fadeDist) {
                                            this._alpha = ((fadePointMax-this._x)/fadeDist*100);
                                  } else {
                                            this._alpha = 100;
    function next():Void {
              if (current<infostruc.length) {
                        current += 1;
    function previous():Void {
              if (current>1) {
                        current -= 1;
    function displayAlternArt(art, width:Number, height:Number):Void {
              artDisplay.attachBitmap(art, 1);
              artDisplay._width = width;
              artDisplay._height = height;
    function loadNext():Void {
              if (!loadedAll) {
                        var num:Number = current-1;
                        if (infostruc[current-1].loaded) {
                                  var num:Number = current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1>=0 ? current-Math.floor(distance/2)-1 : 0;
                                  while (infostruc[num].loaded && num<infostruc.length) {
                                  if (num>=infostruc.length) {
                                            var num:Number = current-1;
                                            while (infostruc[num].loaded && num>0) {
                                            if (num<=0) {
                                                      loadedAll = true;
                        var newLoad:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("artLoad"+num, this.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad.createEmptyMovieClip("art", newLoad.getNextHighestDepth());
                        newLoad._alpha = 0;
                        var mc:Object = {};
                        mc.number = num;
                        var artLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
                        mc.onLoadError = function() {
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                        mc.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip) {
                                  tw = target._width;
                                  ty = target._height;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(frontCDHeight, target._height);
                                  target._width = tw;
                                  target._height = ty;
                                  root["_bmd"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  root["_ref"+this.number] = new BitmapData(target._width, target._height);
                                  var mc:MovieClip = target._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("gradient_mc", target._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
                                  matrix = new Matrix();
                                  matrix.createGradientBox(target._width, target._height, reflectionRotation/180*Math.PI, 0, 0);
                                  mc.beginGradientFill(reflectionFillType, reflectionColors, reflectionAlphas, reflectionRatios, matrix, reflectionSpreadMethod, reflectionInterpolationMethod, reflectionFocalPointRatio);
                                  mc.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  mc.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  mc.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.moveTo(0, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, target._height);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(target._width, 0);
                                  target._parent.lineTo(0, 0);
                                  target._alpha = reflectionAlpha;
                                  infostruc[this.number].loaded = true;
                                  if (_CDProportions == "auto") {
                                            if (target._width>target._height) {
                                                      target._width = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                                      target._yscale = target._xscale;
                                            } else {
                                                      target._height = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
                                                      target._xscale = target._yscale;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDWidth, target._width);
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+this.number] = Math.min(shelveCDHeight, target._height);
    xmlData.onLoad = function(success:Boolean):Void  {
              if (success) {
                        for (var i:Number = -1; this.childNodes[0].childNodes[++i]; ) {
                                  var cNode:XMLNode = this.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].childNodes;
                                  var val1:String = cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownSong;
                                  var val2:String = cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownArtist;
                                  var val3:String = cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : unknownAlbum;
                                  var val4:String = cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[4].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : "./";
                                  var val5:String = cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  var val6:String = cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue ? unescape(cNode[6].childNodes[0].nodeValue) : undefined;
                                  infostruc.push({art:cNode[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue, info:val1, auth:val2, album:val3, httpType:val4, urlToGet:val5, urlAction:val6, loaded:false});
                                  root["_frontCDWidth"+i] = frontCDWidth;
                                  root["_frontCDHeight"+i] = frontCDHeight;
                                  root["_shelveCDWidth"+i] = shelveCDWidth;
                                  root["_shelveCDHeight"+i] = shelveCDHeight;
                        loadStat = "";
              } else {
                        loadStat = "There was an error loading that data, sorry.";
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    loader._visible = false;
    mask._alpha = 0;
    scrollBar.scroller._y = 0;

    It will not work on most of the servers:"./albuminfo9.xml". It should be "../albuminfo9.xml". That may or may not solve the problem. Be sure that all of your files and folders are in the same relative location on the server as they are on your computer. Also be sure that the case for each referenced item is correct. Upper and lower case are sometimes more important on a server than they are on your computer. JPG is not the same as jpg. Be sure that your files are uploading correctly.

  • Word attachments will not be opened in Windows Mail

    I am running Vista Home Premium. When I try to open Word attachments in Windows Mail it tells me that this type of file (DOC) is not associated with a program. However, it is associated with Word (which is installed). I saw in this forum that IE8 was a conflict, so I went back to IE7, but I still can't get Windows Mail to open Word attachments. All other types of file open correctly. If I save the attachment Word elsewhere he opened in Word very well. Help!

    See what...
    Dave N.
    MS - MVP (Mail)
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64
    "ElizabethAW" wrote in message
    News: * e-mail address is removed from the privacy... *
    I am running Vista Home Premium. When I try to open Word attachments in
    Windows Mail it tells me that this type of file (DOC) is not associated with a
    program. However, it is associated with Word (which is installed). I saw in
    This forum that IE8 was a conflict, so I went back to IE7, but I still
    can't get Windows Mail to open Word attachments. All other types of open files
    correctly. If I save the attachment Word elsewhere he opened in Word very well.

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

  • I use Windows 7, I downloaded Firefox 17 it will not load I'll uninstall and it will not uninstall. When trying to go to a website I cant load xpcom gt

    I use Windows 7, I downloaded Firefox 17 it will not load I'll uninstall and it will not uninstall. When I use Thunderbird I try to go to a web site and get the error could not load xpcom.

    How can I uninstall this mess and start again?

    Go to and download Firefox 24 (do not use Firefox 17 not supported) and install it.

  • I updated Photoshop CS6 yesterday 11/01/2016.  Tonight my mini-Bridge plugin will not load images... need branch here.

    I updated Photoshop CS6 yesterday 11/01/2016.  Tonight that my plugin mini-Bridge will not load images... direction need here.

    Hi scumbug,.

    Try to restore Photoshop preferences to default.

    Steps to follow:

    To re-create the Photoshop preferences files, start the application while pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or command + Option + shift (Mac OS). Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop settings file?"

    Let us know if that helps.

    Kind regards

    ~ Mohit

  • 12.5.1 ITunes will not load on Windows 10 so I can't sync my new iPhone 7

    12.5.1 ITunes will not load on Windows 10 so I can't sync my new iphone 7

    Right click and run as administrator

    See also this document

    If you see an error message "Windows package install" when you try to uninstall iTunes from your PC - Apple Support

  • Windows XP will not load past the Blue error screen

    Hi, wondering for a while if someone can help me...

    My xp system will not load past the Blue error screen that is displayed when the computer stopped suddenly or inadequate.

    No matter what are the measures that you choose to take (safe mode, the most recent configurations... etc) the system will just beyond the blue screen on the windows logo download page, where the loading bar moves about 10 seconds before returning to the blue loading page.

    So far I have tried to leave the computer as long as an unused months while I was abroad, remove the battery for varying amounts of time and leaving the computer as long as a day.

    In the absence of a recovery disk, I have no idea how to do to return to the form and would like to receive advice or suggest, keeping in mind I'm not a computer genius (if had'nt you may have guessed). Preferably, without losing my element pictures and videos stored on the hard drive, but it's just preference.

    Thank you, Jay


    It does not seem good friend if the Windows operating system does not start even using safe mode, then I don t think you will be able to run the operating system without new OS reinstallation. :(

    To back up data from the HARD drive I recommend that you connect the internal HARD drive to external USB HDD controller and a backup of the HARD drive on another computer.

    Then you could try to reinstall the operating system on your laptop using the Toshiba Recovery CD

    See you soon

  • After recommending the bios update, hp dv6131od running xp pro sp3 will not load windows - is there a wa

    After installing an update of the bios recommended on the hp website my dv6131od running xp pro sp3 will not load windows

    Update does not seem to have problems - failure, lack of time for flash, backup, etc.

    boot sequence seems normal (finds it a bootable cd in the drive, etc.), but windows won't load in safe or other mode

    next steps?  is there a way to access the BIOS?

    Thank you

    There is a simple solution to this problem.  The HP Online Crash Analysis Team has finally responded to my email after 34 days.  I had given up hearing from them despite several requests to repeat.

    I had completely disassembled the laptop trying to find the bios setting the jumpers on the motherboard in response to an idea contained in one of the PM, I sent... all to nothing does not...

    OCAT told me to look in the BIOS under "system configuration" for the Native SATA support.  The last update of the BIOS resets this point 'activated', but that only works for Vista & Win 7.  This must be set to "disabled" for XP and previous operating system.

    I hope that this post will save someone having to wait 5 weeks invest hours of work for a solution that took 3 minutes!

  • Netflix will not load up to in Windows Media Center more.

    I've had Netflix service for about two months now. Up to two days, I was able to stream movies through Netflix and Windows Media Center option. Now it will not load anything. It will allow me to connect to Netflix, but I can't get something and my instant queue will not charge.

    I get a message stating:


    The internet connection has been lost. Make sure that your computer is connected to the internet, and then try again.

    Problem is that I'm connected to the internet. (If I was not logged in, they would not connect to Netflix in the first place.)

    I had even gone to the Media Center General settings to test the internet connection and it says that the internet actually works.

    What is going on? I missed something?


    You can try a system restore on the eve of the update has been installed and see if
    the problem is resolved. Nothing in the update that fell from Netflix,
    but you can certainly try a restore. A restore is a good troubleshooting step
    for beginners.
    The game, November 4, 2010 23:28:10 + 0000, KEC86 wrote:
    > I can spread through my web browser, but I would like to know why all of the sudden I can't disseminate via the Media Center. I would like to know what happened and how to fix it. I also appreciate the link provided, but I tried why they suggested, and it did not work. I noticed that there is an update for the Media Center a few days ago. Could this be very probably why Netflix doesn't work anymore?

    Barb Bowman

  • Windows Mail will not send or receive e-mail

    After a recent upgrade to Vista, my computer has lost it. I got a new hard drive installed, but am still not able to use windows mail. I can use Windows live mail, but it is not as convenient. How can I go back to using windows mail? I checked put thew in place and everything seems to be ok.

    You will find public support for Windows Live Mail in this discussion group:

    Via the web interface:

    Through your News Reader:

    You will find support for Windows Mail [Yes, the names are confused] in this public newsgroup:

    Via the web interface:

    Through your News Reader:

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • I get a message that my system will not load Windows 8 Preview Release. Why?

    My computer is a Dell... It has 2.40 Ghz processor and 1 Gig of Ram... But it tells me my computer will not load Windows 8... Why?

    Can anyone explain that?

    Yes, your CPU or the motherboard doesn't have the ability to run hardware D.E.P., so there is no chance of running the Preview Release of 8-all somehow.

    There is the possibility to set the nx or xd bit in the bios and the cpu to support it as well.

    TBC: Run CPU - Z and say please use the exact model (details) of the processor, it says you have.

  • My computer turns off during an update to windows xp and now windows xp will not load.

    My computer turns off during an update to windows xp and now windows xp will not load.  It gives me the option of last known good configuration and safe mode startup and normal startup, but it just goes back to the loading screen then flashes a blue error screen then back to display boot options.  I don't have a recovery disc as the laptop does not have a CD-ROM drive or a floppy drive.  I have the product key, but I don't know where or how repair the operating system.

    Contact the manufacturer of your laptop as there must be a way to restore the computer. There may be a hidden restore partition.

  • Windows Movie Maker (Vista) stuck on 'check project files', does not and will not load past to halfway.

    Hey guys,.

    I have been editing videos using Windows Movie Maker with great success, but I have recently installed the K-Lite Codec pack (

    and since then, Movie Maker will not load one of my projects.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the codecs but I feel I did something for the Movie Maker of the program itself, installing the codec pack, it came with a list of files it wanted to replace. As I obviously had no idea what I was doing, I just said yes to everything that was recommended. I don't know for the life of me exactly what files were etc however, it seems Director impact because now it does not load the project files.

    It's such an embarrassment because I don't know what is happening and really need this problem as soon as POSSIBLE. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey guys,.

    I have been editing videos using Windows Movie Maker with great success, but I have recently installed the K-Lite Codec pack (

    and since then, Movie Maker will not load one of my projects.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled the codecs but I feel I did something for the Movie Maker of the program itself, installing the codec pack, it came with a list of files it wanted to replace. As I obviously had no idea what I was doing, I just said yes to everything that was recommended. I don't know for the life of me exactly what files were etc however, it seems Director impact because now it does not load the project files.

    It's such an embarrassment because I don't know what is happening and really need this problem as soon as POSSIBLE. Any help would be appreciated.

    Might be interesting to try to open Movie Maker and go to... Tools /.
    Options / compatibility... tab and uncheck all filters.

    If you still have questions... do a Safe Mode system restore
    at a time before installing the codec pack could be useful.

    * Proceed at your own risk *.

    Using Windows Vista
    System restore

    Volunteer - MS - MVP - Digital Media Experience J - Notice_This is not tech support_I'm volunteer - Solutions that work for me may not work for you - * proceed at your own risk *.

  • New Pavilion g7-2220 will not load Windows to start-up


    I just bought a new Pavilion g7-2220 and am just finishing the initial commissioning.  All registration modules and guests of live recording of MS are fine, but then the computer will not load Windows.  He explains in brief it is impossible to load Windows from the hard drive in a small dialogue window, then restarts and brings back me guests for the first time again.  It is supposed to be preloaded with Windows 8.

    Any help would be appreciated.  Again, this computer is brand new.

    Thank you.

    Hey Shannon3363,

    I'm very sorry to hear that you are having problems of this kind out of the box. The first option, I'd watch is an Exchange. If this is not a viable option, you can reset the operating system. This is a very simple process.

    1. prior to turn on/off the laptop, press in and hold the escape key

    2. press the power button as usual to start and hold down ESC until you see the Menu Start Up

    3. on the Start Menu, press F11 to go in Recovery Manager

    4. choose your keyboard

    5. click on troubleshoot

    6. click on reset your PC

    7. select just delete my files

    Leave about 30-45 minutes for the reset is complete. If you're still having problems with this load Windows normally, please let me know. Once again I aplogize for the inconvenience. Depending on where you have, there could be several reasons so that he can behave in this way. If you've got it to a brick and mortar store, technicians will provide implementation services and anything can happen during this period. I'll keep an eye out for your answer!

  • Image does not load in a new window of form

    Hello world

    In Oracle Forms, I have a form with several windows. At startup is responsible only for the main window. For certain conditions during user input are shown another window (I use the feature SHOW_WINDOW). In the new window is an Image that is defined by the following code:

    READ_IMAGE_FILE ('image.gif', 'URL', 'IMAGE_PICTURE');

    The image is stored in the JAR file and works for the other modules in form. But when I open the new window (Style = modal dialog box = Yes), the image is not loaded or display. But if I close the dialog window and re-open it directly, once again, the image is displayed.

    Does anyone knows how to fix this? I would like to have the picture displayed also the first time at the opening of the dialogue window.

    Thank you!


    Have you tried synchronizing?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Add the behavior changed to 11.0?

    My Favorites used to automatically open in a new tab (just click on it). After the last update to 11.0, when I click on a bookmark, it replaces the page I visit. How can I get the old behaviour back? I can't find any setting in 'options' or ' tab mix

  • HP G42 / G62 / CQ42 motherboard with graphics programs list switchable

    I need a list of hp spare hardware (motherboard)especially with switchable graphics, I need to replace my motherboard.

  • How can I set up the DVD player, the 1st boot priority?

    I don't know hoe to set my PC startup to restart from the DVD player. I have a product recovery disk, but not to make my PC open system restore. Help, please.I changed my system registry uxtheme.dll and this problem started occurring.

  • Wireless N is not available

    I again Linksys WRT610N with my new HP D7T Entertainment Notebook.  Wireless G works fine at 54mbs on both channels of the Linksys WRT610N.  When I put my WRT610N Wireless N only D7T from HP can no longer access the network.  My D7T seems not to have

  • BlackBerry Smartphones don't use wifi

    Hello I am a newbie for Blackberry. I turned off my data plan and connect to the wifi. but when I try to browser it say unable to connect. Error message: data service are disabled. Go to the Mobile network to enable. I don't want to use my data plan.