implementation of multiple interfaces?

Hi guys,.

I can implement several interfaces in the same class?

One solution is to do an interface extension B and that to have my inplementing interface class A. there another way that I can implement two or more interfaces directly to the same class?

Thank you!

You can implement several interfaces just separated by a comma:

public class ClassName implements interface1, interface2

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    You may see a trend.


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    Hi Ronaldo,

    Not sure that I have understood your topology, but if your two CPE are just separate layer 2 way, you should look into setting up watch on the CM and the accelerators interface, see [1, 2].

    If, however, two SCE must be mapped different layer 3, there is no way to get this working, you can only save an accelerator with a single CM at a time (based on the IP address or host name). Having two different couche3 would be like having two IP addresses and names of two host during the same CM, well.

    If you want redundancy for the CM database this way, you can examine a CM Eve as well, see [3, 4]. You would need another device of WAAS to do this, however.

    Let me know, if this can help, or if I understood.

    Kind regards

    [1] WAAS 4.x:
    [2] WAAS 5.x:
    [3] WAAS 4.x:
    [4] 5.x WAAS:

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    SquareBox wrote:
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    Is this a good practice? MyClass is a controller that controls the machines. So I figure it makes sense to use inheritance because the GUI is also a controller for the same machines.

    If you talk about 'Controller' as in the 'C' in 'MVC', then no, the user interface is not that. It is point of view. The only case in which the user interface should extend antyhing is if she extends a (proabably summary) class that defines some of the options view, and this particular interface is just a way of presenting, while, for example, some CommandLineInterface could be an another subclass that implements these features in a textual manner.

    You don't generally range from concrete classes, and if you do, it is only to provide behavior specialized on certain methods. As a general rule, [url] prefer composition over inheritance.

    You certainly not inherit just to share the code.

    But in the word GUI, 'I' means Interface. This means that a GUI must be an interface that is implemented by MyClass?

    Yes and no. The "Interface" in "GUI" has nothing to do with the interfaces of the Java language itself. It is a 'user interface' - in other words, how your application interacts with the user. The term predates Java. However, it would not be of the never seen to set an interface that specifies the operations that is responsible for the user interface of your application. Note, however, that implements an interface is no different from one that extends an abstract class. In both cases, you provide concrete implementations for a set operation.

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    You will find the information contained in the [reference tools Guide |], and the details of the API is available in the documentation of your installation:

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    Assuming that Dell switch at least linking several interfaces of the ASA to the Dell should translate all media spanning tree protocols, but a bet covering the tree blocking State to avoid a tree covering loop.

    If the Dell does not support tree covering weight then you would be in very bad shape each broadcast packet would be will loop indefinitely and cause what we call a 'broadcast storm. "

    One way is not good and the other real harm.

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    See you soon


    It is sure, in fact if you want to have customers come in and then be able to route back on another LAN-to-LAN tunnel, then this is how you do it.

    Here there is an example of a config:

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    Have you tried to set up a separate crypto for the LAN interface card input.

    Lets say you have an entry like this crypto map...

    Crypto-map dynamic dynmap 65534 transform-set RIGHT

    cry map outside_map 65536-isakmp ipsec dynamic dynmap

    interface card cry out outside_map

    Can you try to create another entry card crypto under a different name for the LAN interface.

    Let me know.

    See you soon


  • VPN LAN - to - LAN ASA of the multiple Interfaces

    I have an ASA connected to 2 ISPs.I am on tracking object for the path of route 1 so only default is used at a time. I have a configuration VPN L2L out a interface. I would like to set up a 2nd VPN out interface B with identical settings.

    Is this possible?

    (Software ASA 8.2)

    card crypto PATH_A 1 corresponds to the address outside_1_cryptomap

    card crypto PATH_A 1 peer set

    card crypto PATH_A 1 set transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA

    card crypto PATH_A 1 set security-association second life 28800

    card crypto PATH_A 1 set security-association kilobytes of life 4608000

    card crypto PATH_A 1 set reverse-road

    crypto PATH_A OUTSIDE_A map interface

    card crypto PATH_B 100 corresponds to the address outside_1_cryptomap

    card crypto PATH_B 100 peer set

    card crypto PATH_B 100 value transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA

    card crypto PATH_B 100 set security-association second life 28800

    card crypto PATH_B 100 set security-association kilobytes of life 4608000

    card crypto PATH_B 100 set reverse-road

    crypto PATH_B OUTSIDE_B map interface



    ISAKMP crypto enable OUTSIDE_A

    ISAKMP crypto enable OUTSIDE_B

    crypto ISAKMP policy 1

    preshared authentication

    aes encryption

    sha hash

    Group 2

    life 86400

    tunnel-group type ipsec-l2l

    tunnel-group General attributes

    Group Policy - by default-MY-VPN

    tunnel-group ipsec-attributes

    pre-shared key 123456


    internal group MY - VPN strategy

    MY - VPN group policy attributes

    Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec

    Hi Bill

    This is possible, but add the same card encryption both of the inetrfaces

    crypto PATH_A OUTSIDE_A map interface

    crypto PATH_A OUTSIDE_B map interface

    and he is not allowed to use the reverse route command.

    You need to reach, but also "floating conn timeout 0:01:00.

    I used an internet connection for the site to site vpn and the other for all other traffic (default route). All routes taken with ip sla.

    I did it with 8.6

  • HP ENVY x 360-15-u011dx Touch: help the implementation of multiple external monitors

    recently bought a HP ENVY laptop touch 360-15-u011dx x. Try to put in place two external monitors with a HDMI splitter. I can "extend" office, but both screens display the same image, which is not what I want. Can I set up two external monitors with this laptop using a separator (that was what I was told would work when I bought the unit and both monitors.)  Computers portable precedents had ports HDMI and VGA that allows two monitors.  This laptop (and most recent) no longer have a VGA port.


    If you want 2 external monitors to have different point of view, you need two different outputs. Two monitors of a same source cannot have 2 times. My cheap suggestion: buy a cheap USB - DVI Cela will fix the problem. I did a test using a cheap DisplayLink and get:

    The central screen is the screen of my laptop

    Kind regards.

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    Click on the link below:

    Install the software of the product for a wireless network connection

  • Implementation of multiple events on a single screen videos

    I love the concept of several short video presentations being selected one playing on one screen, but I ran into a seemingly simple question that I can't understand. My procedure was as follows:

    1. create a three slide 2
    2. Add several F4Vs to the screen and hide. (none of the available skins have a button 'Close' or 'Quit' on them)

    3. set up each video to show the rest of the slide and check the box "slide to break until the end of the video.
    4. create buttons for each video by using the action of 'Show '.

    At this point, the videos all work perfectly and the bar attached reading (currently haloSkin3) are very well - the tab but when a selected video ends, I can't close it - there is no button on the playback bar for re - hide TI/close and stay on the same blade.

    I know that I can develop a separate mini projects with synchronized individual videos and stack them all in my SCO, but I'm hoping for a more elegant solution than to have several pop-up windows.

    Probably not to see the forest for the trees, but that's why I'm here!


    Welcome to the Adobe Forums.

    Please try this:

    (1) add a button or a smart form (use it as a button) on the video.

    2) click on the video button, then press CTRL on the keyboard and click the button or the active form (which has been added on the video).

    (3) right click on them and create a group. (This will create a group of video and the button that has been added to this topic)

    (4) click the button that you use to display the video and change the action to show the group.

    5) click on the button that has been added on the video and select the action to hide the group.

    This can help you by showing the video with the exit button and you can leave the video too. You can change the name of the button as a result.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you


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