Import a txt in report file

I have a signal Arinc I decoded in each of its inputs/outputs digital.  Since I was more than 150 e / s, I needed a way to sort and make a quick report on them.

I have three categories.

1. remained = 1 throughout the test

2 sleep = 0 throughout the test

3. changed from 0--> 1 or 1--> 0 during the test.

I just want a list of the signals for each of these categories in my report.

I created a file txt for them to go, but how to import that in my report?

Or y at - it an easier way?

Here's an example of my code...

"Decode HCM1 Label 104 - Untitled 3".
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HSOV_A1_CLOSED"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 0) '")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HSOV_A2_CLOSED"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 1)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_RUNNING"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" ")," 2) ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_SYS_A_HI_TEMP"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 4) '")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_SYS_A_LO_PRS"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 7) '")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_LO_PRS"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 12)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_104/HCM_1_CAS_HPP_A_HI_TEMP"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 3 "" "), 13)" ")

"Decode HCM1 Label 105 - Untitled 4".
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HSOV_A1_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 0) '")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HSOV_A2_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 1)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" ")," 2) ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 3) '")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PRS_FLT_CLG"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 6) '")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_RET_FLT_CLG"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 7) '")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_FLT_CLG"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 8)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_FLT_CLG"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 9)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_LO_QTY"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 11)" ")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 12)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_HPP_A_CDF_FLT_CLG"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 14)" ")
Call to calculate ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_IV_A_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 15)" ")
Calculate the appeal ("Ch(""HCM1_105/HCM_1_FLT_IV_A_FAIL_LOCAL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / 4 Untitled "" "), 16) '")

"Decode HCM1 Label 106-5 Untitled.
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PF_DPI_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 0) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_RF_DPI_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 1)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_CDF_DPI_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" ")," 2) ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_CDF_DPI_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 3) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A1_PS_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 4) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_EDP_A2_PS_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 5) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_PX_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 6) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_TX_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 7) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_SYS_A_QX_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 8)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A1_IND_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 10) '")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A2_IND_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 11)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_EDP_A1_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 12)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_EDP_A2_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 13)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_FLT_FV_A_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 14)" ")
Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A1_RELAY_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 15)" ")

Calculate call ("Ch(""HCM1_106/HCM_1_HSOV_A2_RELAY_FAIL"") = g (Ch (" ' [1] / Untitled 5 "" "), 16) '")

Sun k, m, pMyChn, translate, ArincTrue, intMyHandle01, intMyHandle02, intMyHandle03, intMyText, intMyError01, intMyError02, intMyError03
intMyHandle01 = TextFileOpen ("C:\ArincTrue.txt", tfCreate or tfWrite)
intMyHandle02 = TextFileOpen ("C:\ArincFalse.txt", tfCreate or tfWrite)
intMyHandle03 = TextFileOpen ("C:\ArincChange.txt", tfCreate or tfWrite)
For k = 2-4
M = 1 to GroupChnCount (k)
Set pMyChn = Data.Root.ChannelGroups (k). Channels (m)
Result = ChnValMax (pMyChn) - ChnValMin (pMyChn)

If result = 0 and ChnValMax (pMyChn) > 0 then
intMyText = TextfileWriteLn (intMyHandle01, pMyChn.Name)
ElseIf result = 0 and ChnValMax (PMyChn) = 0 then
intMyText = TextfileWriteLn (intMyHandle02, pMyChn.Name)
on the other
intMyText = TextfileWriteLn (intMyHandle03, pMyChn.Name)
End If

intMyError01 = TextFileClose (intMyHandle01)
intMyError02 = TextFileClose (intMyHandle02)
intMyError03 = TextFileClose (intMyHandle03)

Hi 2Pale4TX,

You cannot easily reference the contents of an ASCII file.  Instead, I suggest you make a new group of 3 text strings that you can drag onto a REPORT table.

Dim k, m, z, ResultsGroup, TrueChannel, FalseChannel, ChangeChannel, group, channel, result
Set ResultsGroup = Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add ("Results")
Set TrueChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add ("ArincTrue", DataTypeString)
Set FalseChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add ("ArincFalse", DataTypeString)
Set ChangeChannel = ResultsGroup.Channels.Add ("ArincChange", DataTypeString)
For k = 2-4
Set Group = Data.Root.ChannelGroups (k)
M = 1 to Group.Channels.Count
Adjust the strings = Group.Channels (m)
William = CMax (Channel)
Path = CMin (Channel)
Result = William - path
If result = 0 and ChMax > 0 Then
z = TrueChannel.Size + 1
TrueChannel (z) = Channel.Name
ElseIf result = 0 and ChMax = 0 Then
z = FalseChannel.Size + 1
FalseChannel (z) = Channel.Name
On the other
z = ChangeChannel.Size + 1
ChangeChannel (z) = Channel.Name
End If
Next am
Next ' k

Brad Turpin

Tiara Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

Tags: NI Software

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    Run the commands below (addfwrs.bat) file, will create inbound AND outbound firewall rules that block all .exe files in your chosen folder and subfolders to access internet.
    Very useful.
    To use:

    (1) place addfwrs.bat in the folder in which you want to block .exe programs (it crashes all the programs exe in no matter what subfolders if you can place it in a folder without any exe it blocks)
    exe in several subfolders both programs)

    (2) now run CMD as administrator.

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    (6) follow the information on the screen, he will advise you what rules he is creating.

    (7) check the Windows Firewall for new rules listed and you can then delete the addfwrs.bat file where you put it (it is necessary even if you can keep it somewhere for later).

    Quite.  Hope you find it useful, I certainly have!

    N.B: The new rules contained in the bosom of your firewall (In/Out rules), change as and when you need.

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    Try this example for the US English:

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    var txtFile = File('~/Desktop/test.txt');'r');
    wordsArray =["'.,:;!?()\/\d\[\]]+/g, ' ').split(/\s+/);//cleaning the text to get only "words" mostly adapted by jongware

    So long

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    This bug is fixed in the update after effects CC 2015 (13.7.2):

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    var csvFileName = "c:\\Orchestrator\\csvFile.csv";
    System.log("csvFileName: "+csvFileName);
    var host = organization.parent;
    // Now use file to create FileReader object:
    var fileReader = new FileReader(csvFileName);
    if (fileReader.exists){;
        var line=fileReader.readLine();
        System.log("Headers: \n"+line);
        line = fileReader.readLine();
        while (line != null){
            var lineValues = line.split(",");
            var username = lineValues[0];
    var username = lineValues[0];
            var password = lineValues[1];
            var enabled = lineValues[2];
            var role = lineValues[3];
            var fullname = lineValues[4];
            var email = lineValues[5];
            var phone = lineValues[6];
            var im = lineValues[7];
            var storedvmquota = lineValues[8];
            var runningvmquota = lineValues[9];
            var vcdRole = System.getModule("com.vmware.pso.vcd.roles").getRoleByName(host,role);
            System.log("Role name found: ";
            System.log("Attempting to create User Params");
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                        username, fullname, enabled, false,
                        email, phone, null, password, vcdRole,
                        false, runningvmquota,
                        false, storedvmquota
            var userOut = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vCloud.Admin.User").createUser(organization, userParams);
   = im;
            System.log( + " imported...");
            line = fileReader.readLine();
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        System.log("Filename: ";
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    function deleteFile(fileName) {
        var file = new File(fileName);
           if (file.exists) {

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    var vCenterVM = null;
    if (vms != null){
        if (vms.length == 1){
            System.log("Match found for vm named: "+vmName);
            vCenterVM = vms[0];
            System.log("More than one VM found with that name! "+vmName);
            for each (vm in vms){
                System.log("VM ID: ";
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    I need to this very important...

    Kind regards

    Published by: Yousef_m on June 2, 2012 05:18


    Have you tried the builtin SRW. Built-in GET_REPORT_NAME?

    Example of

    function boolean return AfterPForm is
    my_variable varchar2 (80);
    SRW. GET_REPORT_NAME ($my_var);
    SRW. MESSAGE (0,' report Filename = ' | my_variable);


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    3 - loop through the list to run each file follows:<- found="" some="" examples="" but="" i="" have="" some="" trouble="" with="" the="" uimessage="">

    4. get the result of the execution of the SEQ:<->

    5 retrieve the XML + name of the generated report file path:<- obviously="" not="">

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    (This number is different from the number entered at the start of the trial)

    It is possible to enter this number given during the test, in the name of the report file?

    Thank you

    I assume you are using a process model.

    RunState.Root.Locals.UUT.SerialNumber = Locals.NewSerialNumber

    It should use the new serial number in the header of the report.

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Maybe you are looking for