IP address or DNS names for verification?

I try to run the check test and get two different errors depending on if I get my ESX hosts with IP addresses or DNS names. I found conflicting recommendations in this forum about which one works better. I checked my DNS configuration, / etc/hosts files and can ping ping and STAF names and IP addresses.

Someone at - it recommendations?

By its IP address:

2012-08-20 17:09:13 UTC [TRANSPORT] [0] INFO: host is running version 3.4.1 STAF...
2012-08-20 17:09:14 UTC [TESTHASH] [0] INFO: treat VirtualMachine Setup...
2012-08-20 17:09:14 UTC [TESTHASH] [0] ERROR: cannot run processSetup for configuration: cannot run createHOMObj for configuration: No. GuestOS appearing in the XML file

I found the following that thread is recommended to use names instead of IPs. DNS http://communities.VMware.com/message/2098962


DNS namespace:

2012-08-20 17:27:35 UTC [STAFSDK] [0] INFO: host service STAF on the branch vc51-testware with build number: 729061...
2012-08-20 17:27:41 UTC [HAND] [0] ERROR: instance of test creation of evil, could not get the type of product for the esxia.corp.nexgenstorage.com host, result (RC: 6031 ErrDesc: host not found: ErrMsg: esxia.corp.nexgenstorage.com Exception: com.vmware.qa.staf.common.EObjectNotFound Trace: com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.STAFHost.getHost(STAFHost.java:6069) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.STAFHost.initialize(STAFHost.java:1951) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.STAFHost. < init > (STAFHost.java:123) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.HostSTAFService.getHost(HostSTAFService.java:4951) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.HostSTAFService.getHost(HostSTAFService.java:4909) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.HostSTAFService.handleGetHostValue(HostSTAFService.java:6571) # com.vmware.qa.staf.vc.host.HostSTAFService.acceptRequest(HostSTAFService.java:756) #) .............................................................................................................................
2012-08-20 17:27:46 UTC Test FAILED

Found another thread with this error which recommends the use of IP addresses instead of the name. http://communities.VMware.com/message/1904331#1904331

The problem has been resolved in my site after seeing the new release note published in 9/25 below.

Problem: Failure to properly configure host names generates the following error:
Error: Cannot run processSetup for configuration: cannot run createHOMObj for configuration: No. GuestOS in the XML file.

Workaround: ESXi host names add to vCenter Server as domain rather than IP addresses, for example, somehost.example.com. Make host names can be resolved Workbench, which is to configure DNS or/etc/hosts for name resolution and make sure the research front and rear work correctly. It is recommended that you go ahead and you enter the ESXi host names in the Workbench also.

After I have change the ESXi host to IP address host name of the vCenter server. Correction of a problem.

Tags: VMware

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    Hi Kathy,

    You can get this behavior with a similar configuration in your SCM below:

    Serverfarm DARRONDO

    NAT server

    no client nat

    Redirect-vserver REDIRECT1

    WebHost relocation https://cdn-dmm-3.cisco.com:8443 301 virtual www tcp


    Vserver DARRONDO virtual www tcp

    Serverfarm DARRONDO

    rebalancing of the persistent


    In this case, requests made to vserver on port 80 will be redirected to https://cdn-dmm-3.cisco.com:8443. To make it more usable, you can have two entries DNS, one for the vserver and the other for the DMM himself.

    I hope this helps


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    Hi @LaceyNo1,

    Welcome to the HP Forums!

    I understand that you are wondering, how to set an IP address manually and manual DNS servers for your printer HP Photosmart 7525. I am pleased to see that for you!

    After some research, I think I found the post, my colleague @happytohelp01, helped you with. In this post, Re: Photosmart 7525.

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    As far as I KNOW, the answer is no.

    The vmware tools are needed.

    Best wishes / Saludos.

    Please consider awarding

    all useful or correct answer. Thank you!! -

    Por favor considered premiar

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    Virtually noob blog

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    MIIGbjCCBFagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0Ex DzANBgNVBAgTBlF1ZWJlYzERMA8GA1UEBxMITW9udHJlYWwxDTALBgNVBAoTBEhv bWUxGzAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDGFkbWluQGpiLmxhbjESMBAGA1UEAxQJSkJfTGFu X0NBMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVJVFNlYzAeFw0xNjExMDYxMTQzNTJaFw0zNjExMDExMTQz NTJaMIGBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJDQTEPMA0GA1UECBMGUXVlYmVjMREwDwYDVQQHEwhN b250cmVhbDENMAsGA1UEChMESG9tZTEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMYWRtaW5AamIu bGFuMRIwEAYDVQQDFAlKQl9MYW5fQ0ExDjAMBgNVBAsTBUlUU2VjMIICIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtRfmJ8HhxD6OeBSTdiK36DF/Gw7HmOIO CN9LktUCcnXZfsbkyPwGq8AtLTURfYU1VKHw066g0XD0hEbFEaYIWvVKijiqaPZg Pc / pIAj + M7vzojeCnv6QiRTcC9q5rY9 + Ff7MuTkWKEPzjuXpHd + IoS4To3sVZgsy YcxrdRndcirxm6aFjGXIYaImPm3hLuMteSagacsjduGEDOpJ5hJoMIIX4kHE/x8J DFBvlllXIGiOgCHU + 8hcN1IadNFqQcWA3eFB5SgLPFxOOmR4xpB1LsrESC4Zgk/E XmZYBCsYHzg58Cq6r4xuwckutcd5Gjo9ujaafCfAlUFHFJxqLxyy + N0nd3P + i5Kd zPpwpyIAzOCPeZvM2chspspl3pER + RlqZODLoU3gSAz4z + knxKxeyyiK8cttMHkV Di5veqSRIxYeYtJqu0asEaBiQ0ZpdqsNcQEU3rwzo6uoxxgvRr2Ujb6csr8CqhuA 2Sz0W1upgcpZhuL0VMTkMS8P8fgzZZeIU85v7drldXsvpjzaMwHdm/MKGewA0eCZ fUTI6V + uY9oaT9GH8MPzGWzB4oYb3sRgKgLkvWGckyHe3YVwUpb4z/MXRFB3bN/Z qxIyochY8pJMcJe2jrTw79Sf9FAR/txonPBAxuNtGLIdcL4ElGjlXPDXlQrI8XbI n/Abbs3iFHsCAwEAAaOB7jCB6zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa/KknjBwXw HZEwga4GA1UdIwSBpjCBo4AUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa / KknjBwXwHZGhgYekgYQwgYEx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZRdWViZWMxETAPBgNVBAcTCE1vbnRyZWFs MQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRIb21lMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxhZG1pbkBqYi5sYW4xEjAQ BgNVBAMUCUpCX0xhbl9DQTEOMAwGA1UECxMFSVRTZWOCAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB /zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBAHVLp0nsXNHjvcjWado0 v1M167gEv8SnLMzDRJ7rOwfQlG0JWIXgrMk + 9bLQixFPbClG2MzOGhq2gyXbTFEH PYLfOxRy5gsrYhBYKso4PNrP8ouBaedl / + huobFtd1SR4bNrZ5Be3crQkZhULmlv hSVWklOC + o0rdfPnDffDRtoWH1x1 / + ZRS0N0MSwXqeoQTEgu9CYRCEeLnidcdd1v e6XR + Qw2qLfPqBCKzCVNGZvpVjqakERxaLgWPqwixIQ4sdPjvtnUJxsUEo5hN + 6 / + os/HZ1iO3Bgi6DgAGToTSmsf5 + pI/z + o2FjDrDvbBhvf4FulvvOCsRBNkA5BK NgisFXP / FN3WlkrbM1OZjWIan1phQAw5mDLfqwxJE + BuedK1HqLRNTay9eOGSRSu TRIi26fwwMAdsPnDj3X7/aUCWslVrvZPRmsIOgykLuHlCgYD99mpzF0v + t8y05iE V3115CCve + qFHH52j078jxo1aKyfQTnRGvdGehWI77Pd/l9CMgNJ7K0ZRx6RUoEV 9CMH6kgqagkXU7eT2CXszxrGHAgybnNaJ/z4BjxDme0TH3bgLc4AOIiP8doe7KlJ lYvrG8UMtCkL1jhYFX4Rz/BH5yte7aqzwBVUZrcmvM2gU9ZyPNaAfCDygCUMeMqt OWQEicvGZtRj2ZK6PKv5hk0a


    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

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    email https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1446019 or


  • DNS settings for the intranet server is not not a DNS

    I have an OS X server that services the on the local subnet (behind a NAT).  We have moved to a new office and installed a new firewall / local DNS and all other machines can resolve names of local computer.  But the OS X Server solves only them to the machine gateway/firewall, rather than solve them for local machines.

    If I disable the server App DNS, resolved names.  But I seem to remember that I'm not supposed to do disable the OS X Server DNS, set it instead to forward requests to the gateway.  Unfortunately the Google Machine isn't helping me, because every sentence google I can think on OS X Server and DNS settings show how to use your OS X Server as a DNS server for the computers on your network - which is not what I want to do!

    Which, in my view, should run is listing the gateway as a forwarding server, then tell machine OS X to "Search for only some clients" and "The Server itself" selection in the dialog box "Edit Search Clients.  But it does not work.

    Any help appreciated, thanks.

    Two things you need to do:

    You must configure the host/domain name on the server and/or point the DNS address in the network preferences for

    Once you tell the server to perform searches in its own recursive cache/internet to * or your dns public server here *, then it stops to pass requests to the gateway.

    Then set your DHCP server to serve IP addresses in DNS ( servers to clients.


    * Client DHCP address request *. - IP - mask - gateway - DNS

  • I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    I am trying to accept an invitation from my mom's remote assistance and this is what I got after entering the password: connect Remote Assistance could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer cannot be resolved.

    You get the error "a Remote Assistance connection could not be established because the DNS name of the remote computer could not be resolved" when the requesting computer (the computer 'demand' help) sends its private IP address instead of its public IP address in the request for assistance. The solution is 'easy' for some and difficult for others. I present here for your perusal:

    (1) obtain the public IP address of the requesting computer (by visiting a web page such as http://www.whatismyip.com)
    (2) save the remote assistance request computers
    (3) modify the remote request for Assistance (RcBuddy.MsRcIncident) using a text editor (such as notepad) and replace the private - section of IP address should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    with the public IP address from whatismyip.com or elsewhere - should be something like this:
    RCTICKET = 65538,1, «»
    (4) save the file of RcBuddy.MsRcIncident 'new '.
    (5) double click it to connect to the computer needing help
    (6) cross your fingers and hope it works!

    I hope this helps someone else - if it's too much trouble, feel free to use the tools mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

    -Computers Acorp

  • Unable to join the domain "DNS name does not exist."

    Working on this computer remotely in my company, it has more a problem but at this moment, that we focus on trying to reach the area. We removed everything first to see if it would fix the trust relationship issues she felt the long side not being able to browse the files all computer network or servers.
    When trying to join the field, that's what we get in the dcdiag.txt in the debug folder.
    The domain name 'xxxxx' can be a NetBIOS domain name.  If this is the case, check that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.
    If you are certain that the name is not a NetBIOS domain name, then the following information can help you troubleshoot your DNS configuration.
    The following error occurred when DNS was questioned about the resource record (SRV) service location used to locate an Active Directory (AD DC) domain controller for the domain "xxxxx":
    The error was: "the DNS name does not exist."
    (0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR error code)
    The query was for the SRV record for _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.xxxxx
    Common causes of this error are:
    -The DNS SRV records to locate an AD DC for the domain are not registered in DNS. These records are automatically saved with a DNS server when an AD domain controller is added to a domain. They are updated by the AD DC at set intervals. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:
    -One or more of the following areas do not include delegation to its child zone:
    . (the root zone)
    XXXXX = domain
    Also the listed IP addresses have been changed.

    I worked on this computer for about 2 days, and then the user is able to work remotely with a server terminal server, they will need access to the server later.

    Reset the network device - completely.  Uninstall the network driver and have someone there install the latest manufacturer.

    Manually enter the DNS information for the DNS servers of your company on the computer - even if it uses DHCP.

    Make sure that its time/time zone is the same as your DNS server.

    Reset all default HOSTS file.

    Ping the DNS server.

    When you join - use the FQDN (mycompany.local, etc..)

  • How can I know the FULL domain name &amp; names for the installation of a digital certificate Public in ISE?

    We are implemented a project with Cisco ISE; but comments Portal appears to users as a "untrusted site". For problems, a public digital certificate must be installed in Cisco ISE, so he can send it to users who enter the comments Web portal.

    Now... to sell me the certificate, VERISIGN needs to know settings ISE of the certificate, such as name of area COMPLETE, names subnames, etc... How can these parameters of ISE?

    Thaks a lot!

    This isn't an easy question to answer, there are a ton of variables to include

    Local web site Central Web Auth or Auth

    LWA, the WLC is the "man in the Middle" to the request of the customer for PSN (server nodes), the WLC takes the request webauth and resembles webauth then the redirect URL that you put in the WLC

    If the redirect webauth URL is https://ise01.mycompany.com:8443/guestportal/login.action, the WLC is a redirect but the virtual IP address comes in, who was as trustworthy or redirection complains, then you may have to get the public certificate for the fqdn of, and the comment server. You can create a CSR using openssl or you can just enter in ISE and create a CSR, but you can only set CN = ise01.mycompany.com and nothing else, as long you have a single NHP is good, but if you have several Ssnp, you need to change your CSR so that you have to use openssl to create CSR using a file openssl.cnf and then with openssl, you do the following:

    openssl req - new - nodes-out openssl.cnf omf-01 - ise04.csr - config

    You must do it the way I said above regardless of CWA or LWA, if you have more than one PSN, you must point to a FULL VIP domain name and then configure your DNS to answer for these host names. With LWA, you get virtual IP WLC involved, so you don't have to worry about getting a certificate for this, it is a cleaner installation, but you must always do all the rest. It must ensure that users of your guests have the opportunity to join the portal comments and be able to solve the given DNS the dns server that they have been configured with.

    Content of the file openssl.cnf:

    nom_distinctif = req_distinguished_name
    req_extensions = v3_req
    default_bits = 2048

    countryName = name of the country (2-letter codes)
    countryName_default = en
    localityName = name of the locality (for example, City)
    organizationalUnitName = organizational unit name (for example, section)
    commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name)
    commonName_max = 64
    emailAddress = Email address
    emailAddress_max = 40

    keyUsage = keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
    extendedKeyUsage = AutClient, serverAuth
    subjectAltName = @alt_names

    DNS.1 = guest.mycompany.com
    DNS.2 = guest.mycompany.com
    DNS.3 = ise01.mycompany.com

  • PIX / ASA, including the DNS name of the ACLS


    PIX or ASA supported DNS names in ACL or only IPs? Everyone heard talk of plans to support?

    As far as I know (D) DNS is only supported for VPN connections by saving the IPs of the box interface.

    Best regards


    only ip addresses.

  • Error 105 - unable to resolve the addresses of DNS servers

    Hello! I'm sorry from the start for many stupid questions, I'll ask. I am a beginner :) I don't know if my rooter is the problem or the network cable, when I use cable internet, it works (bad but it works). When I try to go with my router (d-link dir-635) it appears the error 105. I tried all your suggestions, but still nothing. I can do something else or my rooter is dead? PS: I am on Windows 7. Sorry to bother you again!


    Please contact Microsoft Community.

    According to the description, it looks like you cannot resolve the address of DNS servers. The probable cause of this problem may be due to the DNS.

    I have a couple of steps that should help you to solve this problem.

    Method 1:

    Try the resolution of the problems mentioned in this link

    Using the troubleshooter from network in Windows 7


    Method 2:

    Visit this link and see "How can I clear the DNS cache?


    Method 3:

    Try to assign the DNS manually and check

    To change the settings of the adapter wireless network connections.

    a. Click Start, type network and sharing Center in the start search box and press ENTER.

    b. click on change settings card, right click on wireless network connection and click on Properties.

    c. Select Internet version 4 Protocol, click Properties.

    d. place a next point to use the following dns server address.

    change the preferred dns and dns auxiliary as and click on validate the output parameter and click on ok.

    I hope this helps. If you have questions more related to Windows, feel free to post here at Microsoft Community.

  • Where can I find the NetBIOS name or DNS name?

    Separated from this thread.

    I have no idea what to do in step 4: network or Internet address , enter the name of the computer on the network that you want to access. This can be the NetBIOS name (example: server1) or DNS name (example: server1.fabrikam.com).

    Where can I find the NetBIOS name or DNS name?

    And in step 5, they speak the name and the password that you learn to connect to this computer after starting?

    How the Windows credentials are on the list at the start?

    If you simply click 'Remove Keystone', what are the consequences?

    Which is easier said than done only because the network troubleshooting is extremely complex and advanced. This message is obviously from one long discussion somewhere else. In any case, I believe at the time, I tried to browse my 3 PCs via the network icon in Windows Explorer and saw [the PC name] is currently unavailable. Finally, here's what worked for that fix, and it had nothing to do with my conclusion on the in the Internet address or network information, boxes which I never figure it out. Here are the steps:

    Open the Control Panel, in the Control Panel search box, type network connections; under network and sharing Center, click view network connections; Here I noticed that only Ethernet was active and Wi-Fi was a red X below; I wriggle on the icon until the check box displayed and checked. What does a menu appear; I clicked on to connect to.

    I hope this helps.

  • Customer Web couldn't connect to VMware Lookup Service error with the old server DNS name


    I had a Vcenter server named virtualcenter.domain.com ( with Vcenter 5.1 (with SSO, inventory, Webclient) on a windows 2008 R2 with a MSSQL2012 db.

    I tried to upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5u1 and he failed, Vcenter & Webclient installers have been crashing before you finish update

    So I decided to make a clone of my Vcenter and still have my production work while trying to update.

    My clone has been virtualcenter2.domain.com with a new IP

    I uninstalled everything for the webclient service that I had to clean files and registry entries manually, because he didn't find the uninstall program when I was clicking on uninstall.

    Then the installation went well, everything except the webclient service works very well

    When you try to connect to the new vcenter: https://virtualcenter2.domain.com:9443 / vsphere client / I got:

    Unable to connect to the VMware Research Service https://VirtualCenter.domain.com:7444/lookupservice/sdk -The SSL certificate verification failed.

    Why the error message is wearing the old DNS name?

    And why when installing, the webclient service to connect to the search service perfectly and then it doesn't work?

    After 1 day, uninstall/reinstall/install, try SSL things and many things, that I found online, the solution is the STUPIDEST thing ever.
    WHY DON'T C:\ProgramData\VMware\ls_url.txt USE VMWARE to provide the URL of the LookupService for the Webclient service? During the installation provide you the URL for registration with SSO, why the hell isn't it written that URL somewhere and use it after?

    And why the hell with all the gel/reinstalling ALL THE COMPONTENT of the Vcenter, I did, this MUTE txt file has not been updated with the new DNS name of my server?

    In any case, my webclient is currently working, but 1 day of work and mental torture do not understand why the hell my client was not working due to a file text fucking, it's depressing.

Maybe you are looking for