Is this possible in paragraph styles?

I am trying to copy body as attachment format, text in bold, then Roman text and bold text again.


I am unable to create more than one type of style to get the Roman text in the middle.

Someone have an idea how I can accomplish this?

Thank you, John

Seems to me that you have need of a character style. Make the paragraph by using the "BOLD" font style, then for the nested styles: None by 1 tablet, then a character style to change the weight in 1 Word.

Tags: InDesign

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    Go to the 2 paragraph style definition and reset the traking to the same value as the base style. It becomes as well as watt do you the basic style. Only the attributes that are different are locked.

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    Jump_Over, that did the trick! I'm just starting to learn more about the power of GREP in indesign and have still a long way to go.

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    s = app.activeDocument.stories;
    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i ++)
    p = s [i] .paragraphs;
    for (j = 0; j < p.length; j ++)
    teminal = p [j];
    Alert (pname);
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    p [j] .applyParagraphStyle (ps, false);

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    app.findTextPreferences = null;
    app.findTextPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = "Tx1";
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    < < Here, I need help like applyParagraphStyle (ps, false); > >

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    < here="" i="" need="" some="" help="" like="" applyparagraphstyle="" (ps,="" false);="">>


    for (item = 0; point

    myFind [point] .applyParagraphStyle (ps, false);

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    Pages on El Capitan 10.11.1 v5.6.1.

    I just created a quote indented using ITC Garamond Book Italic with left and right margins altered. Well selected, I clicked on the + symbol in the paragraph, named the new Styles pop-up style Indented quote and you press return.

    Always selected in the body of the document, I applied the body paragraph Style to restore the normal formatting and then with the text again, the paragraph of citation Style indented - who worked as expected.

    If you want that your new Style of paragraph to survive across documents, you will need to save it in a model. You can also have two different Pages, documents open in Pages v5.6.1, and copy/paste the custom styles between the selected text in these documents by using the Format menu.

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    Make a page with three breakpoints

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    Site open from muse

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    Anyone else do this?

    The only workaround that I understood is not to copy text formatting to all the break points. He made the very tedious text formatting, but seems to work.

    Hi williamb72631036,

    I am able to reproduce the problem. You certainly found a bug, and I think you're right that this has to do with the help of "copy the text formatting of...» ». I can actually reproduce the bug without the help of paragraph styles.

    The only workaround that I understood is not to copy text formatting to all the break points. He made the very tedious text formatting, but seems to work.

    Rather than use the copy text formatting at all breakpoints, try switching the tool "4 t / 1 t" text in all of the breakpoints.

    When the setting is "4t" (as in the screenshot), then any changes you make to the text attributes are automatically applied through breakpoints. Just be sure to return it 1 "t" If you need to make a change in a specific breakpoint. Note that this is a comprehensive framework for setting and not by text.

    I hope this helps! And thanks for reporting this issue with clear steps.


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    To show all the "bad points" without clicking on each paragraph.

    You can create a custom preflight profile to check text replacements: InDesign help | Preflight files before transfer. The property that you want to check is 'Text', then 'Paragraph Style and character Style overrides'. Be sure to turn off all other controls, because they slow down the whole process.

    To check if all paragraphs will have a style assigned, search for [no paragraph Style]: InDesign help | Find/replace, scroll down to find and edit the text in the shape.

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    I end up having to go through the entire document and pressing "Delete replacements." Is there an easier way?

    Thank you!

    Put in local form always trumps style.

    Try using find/replace, however, search for the style and replace it with the same style. Who could do.

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    Thank you

    The choice is to apply other styles like I did, or simply to set your LI style, which is the way of pure HTML. The reason why I do that you cannot map the tag LI for printed documents. I have just started the list, select the style that I want and that's all. It is an extra step.

    What is behind this change is that people complained that the code should be clean and now it is the case, people are aware there is a down side.

    When no style is applied, as zero, the police will be what is defined by the browser. Try changing the default font in your browser for some obscure fonts and generates output. What you'll see is this obscure font. Now see the same output to another browser with a different default font.

    You may not modify any as Willam explained. None means that no style is applied so that applies the default value of the browser. You will see may not be in Arial, the next person may see as something else. Modify a CSS sets styles you include in this CSS. You apply the paragraph styles or you don't, as in no style is applied that in none.

    Clearer now?

    See for creating tips and RoboHelp


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    Thank you!

    If you want to remove manual replacements you must hold down the ALT key when you apply the style.

    And for the local formatting, you must use character styles.

  • Use GREP to apply paragraph styles, character styles not only

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    I was thrilled to learn that the GREP function, then completely disappointed with this limitation. InDesign offers the possibility to automate this, so I must not cross and Center each paragraph corresponding to the hand?

    Thank you!

    InDesign provides a way to automate this so?

    Yes and no. There is no dynamically linked paragraph styles to a paragraph about his boss, but he has at least two alternatives:

    (1) use Grep-F/C

    (2) use the script FindChangeByList or MultiFindChange which is basically automate operations F/C



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    If you want to keep the order of the colors in your RED letters > PURPLE > GREEN you have to exclude white space and choose 'Letters' instead of 'characters '.

    In your case after the Green letter 'Y', the next letter 'V' should be red, but it's Purple

Maybe you are looking for

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