Lee Brimelow's carousel

I am on a big project right now, I watch the Carousel by Lee movies! Pretty amazing! But I have a big problem when putting it on in my project, and I was wondering if someone could help me solve this problem...

I wish it were only functional on an image. It's a web site with four sections. I would use it for the staff. But when I click to go to another page, it stays on the scene, and it's even worse if I click again on the link, it doubles the carousel!

I guess a couple of scripts to prevent to load a second time, and some of these scripts "delete" when it goes on the next section on the main timeline would work... ideas?

Thank you!!!

If he has created the carousel in a movieclip, he just needs to remove the movieclip when it goes to another frame. no different than removing any other movieclip created in the authoring environment.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    import flash.media.Video;

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    netClient.onMetaData = function(meta:Object)


    trace ("Meta length:" + meta.duration);


    NS.client = netClient;

    ns.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netstat);

    function netstat(stats:NetStatusEvent)


    trace ("Net Stat:" + stats.info.code);


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    ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and developers of applications Flex, Publisher: Adobe Dev Library; 1 edition (October 1, 2006), ISBN-10: 0596526954

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    Good Robert

    I thought about it.
    BTW thanks for the answer of the Chin Chin. You've got my mind down a line of different thought.

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    I use CCleaner to remove them, but when I run Firefox, they reappear

    Does anyone know what here?
    and what they are for?

    Thank you

    Thank you jscher2k

    I'm on automatic update of FF if previous version 19. ?

    I wanted to just make sure that it wasn't malicious activity

    Thanks for the reply

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