Lightbox images worked error showing fine yesterday but today.

Hi, Lightbox on my page opened yesterday the thin images, but for some reason some today I get this error when I try to open an image:


Screen Shot 2013-08-20 at 15.31.04.png

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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You should be able to track the share link, they give in Firefox, and then from this page made Viewer, right click and choose the Info Page. Click the media tab, and then on the image you want and copy the link from there.

As long as the folder is Public, it should work.

I just tested this on a new account and it seems to work, it gives both a shorter link.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Popular opinion.


    The initial problem noted here since mid-2014 was due to a bug when a rounding error that occurs when a cause of the image resized to fire by mistake, the warning message. Quite a few releases of Muse was treated there. It is possible a similar bug exists in some other code path or there may be another problem.

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    If the file is larger than 20 MB, you'll need to use a service such as Adobe send & Track, Dropbox, creative cloud, WeTransfer, etc. file sharing. At least initially, we should not need the related assets, just the .muse file.

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    Then, it seems that your connection files are broken, perhaps because of the infection. What has changed between the time where things worked and the time, they did not? There are ways to fix broken logons, but much depends on what caused the problem. If the machine was in the store I boot with a special rescue CD and take a look, but you can't do it at home. Since you have XP, a Bart PE could help. Otherwise you should take your computer to a local professional. Do not use a type of BigComputerStore/GeekSquad of the place. - Bart PE Builder

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    A newer version of is available for download that could solve this problem. Skype Technologies SA is recommended to update to the latest version of to take advantage of security and stability improvements.

    Thank you

    Hi MarinaZALES,

    I suggest you try the steps from the following link:

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    If the steps above fail, then I suggest you to post in the Skype community.

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    Hi Cardy,

    You should look at this article on this specific issue and Preferences not savedarticle. It could be a problem of pref.js. It should give you all the information you need!

    If this does not work:

    1. Enter about: config in the address bar
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    5. Delete the text string, and then click OK
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    Run a batch file in Task Scheduler

    Hello ITGIRL17,

    Thanks for posting on the Microsoft answers Forum.

    Configure your task under your administrator account.
    Then go to the folder with the batch file and ADD on control for the folder administrator permissions and each of the files in batches.
    If the batch files write data, then the target for the task should ALSO have all explicit permissions.
    Now try to run the Task Scheduler task.

    Also check the information from the following link and look specifically at Brian Vandemark Sommaire steps on 2 September.

    I hope that this information will help resolve your batch file does not problem.

    Sincerely, Marilyn
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

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    Hi jeans37547790,

    Please do mention it below as follows to change the settings:

    Open Acrobat > click file > print > click on advanced > and check the box that says "Print as Image".

    Here is the screenshot:


    Let us know if you face any problem.

    Thank you!


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    The first thing I noticed is that you're missing your departuretag

    After repairing this error, run your page through the validator here: and clear to top all others. HTML errors are one of the biggest culprits in bad/bad display problems.

    In addition, please download the page to a location to test on your website so that we can see the code in action in a real browser, it's the only real way to tell you what goes wrong in about half of cases of something like what is happening. Once the problem has been resolved, you can delete the directory on your server.

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    I guess you meant the links when you open photoshop CC. I tested all four videos of the 23 min tutorial and they all played fine. If something between you and adobe does not work correctly.

    • Check that your firewall is blocking the net. Try to access youtube videos and see if they play very well
    • Go to the adobe tv site and try to play one of the videos here. Adobe TV
    • If youtube plays very well and adobe tv does not work, next is to check if you have flash installed. Some videos require flash, others are html 5. Sorry that I could not confirm what player has been used for this tutorial. I think that html 5 but not sure.
    • Next is to look at the properties of your browser and check multimedia settings are not disabled if it y in a. (this is totally dependent on the browser)

    If none of this helps, let us know.

  • Trapcode particular not showing on Render but works very well in the compose window

    Trapcode particular not showing on Render but works very well in the compose window.

    Hi do not know why it does not appear in my Render.

    My computer is not trolling, everything works fine.

    My computer specs:

    I7 - 5820 k

    GTX 970

    16 ram

    Composition window:


    Try adjusting the comp on camera Active - this is what happens for rendering. I don't know where you got this name of camera or whether it was imported from a 3D rendering, but to be sure to always have the comp set to camera activates when you're overview of your work.

    The usual troubleshooting procedure is to go to the bottom of the list of changed properties and start reset first those most suspicious. Many times it is easier if you solo the layer in question.

    The first suspicious that I see, it is the position of your transmitter would be behind a normal camera to default position:

    If I add a camera by default to a model, add a solid, add individual and then use your position parameters the particles all move out of sight of the camera

    After a reset:

  • How can I put pictures outside the window of Photoshop elements 14 work, so that I'm not obliged to work within the program window, but use my screen completely for the image?

    How can I put pictures outside the window of Photoshop elements 14 work, so that I'm not obliged to work within the program window, but use my screen completely for the image?

    dannyb76251437 wrote:

    How can I put pictures outside the window of Photoshop elements 14 work, so that I'm not obliged to work within the program window, but use my screen completely for the image?

    Note that you can work with two screens and drag and drop the image to display on the other window.

    I think you mean working temporarily with the window enlarged image without displaying all the tools and panels.


    Panels and bins in Photoshop Elements

    My advice: take the time to read the above help and especially to look at ways to maximize this window if you are on Mac or Win.

    Set your preferences in the Edit menu to "allow the floating windows in expert mode.

    Use the "tab" on the keyboard key to hide or show your panels and tools quickly.

    Find out how to hide the photo tray.

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