Management of Popups in Excel using ActiveX

I'm having a problem similar to the problem that is referenced in this post:

The difference being...

My company has a "database" Excel that stores all our product information. At the start of my application, I read this database using ActiveX. Recently this Excel sheet has been updated to include new features by someone else in my company.

Now, when you open this particular spreadsheet, I get this message:

It does not come to the front of the screen, and unless the user realizes that it is for the LabVIEW program seems to hang up, causing the user to close the LabVIEW program, because they do not realize that LabVIEW is waiting on Excel, which is waiting on the user to make a selection on this popup.

In the post that I quoted above, they get around this by using a knot of property with the property 'Alerts', set to false. This works to hide mistakes but doesn't seem to work for this instance.

Is it possible, via ActiveX, to "click" the button "Update only ' without the user having to do this.


The worst case scenario, is there a way to bring this popup forward to alert the user that Microsoft Excel requires an entry?

Thank you

If someone stumbles on this page looking for a solution, here's how I ended up solving the problem:

Tags: NI Software

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    Range ("A1: B2"). Select
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    . LineStyle = xlContinuous
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    You got most of the way. Keep in mind the Excel macro recorder is VERY inefficient if you can complete get rid of select. In addition, the VBE (visual basic editor) turn on Excel the 'window' (Ctrl + G). In this window, you can type something like this:

    ? xlNone

    ? xlEdgeLeft

    to return the numeric value associated with the enum value. In addition, by pressing F2 in the VBE will bring up the object browser that you will find these object and find digital definition (immediate window tends to be faster )

    Try the attached code and let us know if it works.

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    Thank you.

    Now, it looks a lot better.

    I also added the part in which the image is from a waveform graph. For this you must use the Invoke node Export Image waveform graph. I've exported as bmp, save it in a file and then added in Excel. It is a solution. You can try different image format in order to find the one that works best for you. BMP is big enough.

    Another solution would be to use the graphical waveform / invoke node / export the Clipbord Image and spreadsheet use invoke node function / paste. In this way, that you don't have to write the image to the file. Although I find it more difficult to control the position where the image is pasted. In any case, you can give it a try and play with her a little.

    You can build your complete code Export To Excel using this example. Just add a loop (or code) between the opening of the workbook and close it.

    PS: I hope that the waveform graph node is the same also in LV2010. I can verify that Monday.

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    Thank you

    You have two options.

    1 tools for report generation and play easily with excel.

    2. use ActiveX and access the MS Office Excel and do whatever you wanted to do.

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    Thank you much in advance.



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    But, when I "2 wire" to the variation of resolution of conflict for the saveas method, I always a dialog box asking the user if it is ok to replace the file to appear.

    Anyone encountered this before? I stuck links to MSDN, below. (v = office. 12) .aspx (v = vs. 80) .aspx (v = vs. 80) .aspx


    Workbook has become corrupted. Solution was to recreate.

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    This is not true. As I mentioned in another threadas an example, you get out of the status of the format of the collection after you have added using the Item method. In Excel 2003, which returns a FormatCondition type directly. In Excel 2007, it returns a variant. Therefore, you can use the variant data between the FormatConditions.Item () method and the FormatCondition.Interior property, as I showed in response No. 14, to convert the variant to a FormatCondition type.

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    Thank you

    I want to use this for Labview 7.0

    Thank you

    AFAIK there are no ActiveX GSView interface. GSVIew is not a Windows-specific product. Anyone out there can have created an ActiveX interface for it, but you'd have to Google for it.

    You are aware, I suppose, GSView is simply a graphical interface for GhostScript, right? Ghostscript is command line, then you can simply use system Exec to call GhostScript.

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    BR labviewerik

    Do not use LabVIEW for linux.

    The first thought is to use a CSV format. This can be opened by Excel and is easily stored on a network or via e-mail as an attachment.

    The second option would be to store results in a database. Excel has the ability to bind to data bases to extract data.

    Finally, to see these proposals and vote for this idea

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    So if anyone can help me in that I'm very gald. I am attaching the screenshot of my program and also attach file .vi. As I use the drivers you can see some of vi.

    Thanking you,



    Thank you and sorry long back only I got my error and its job well now... again thanks and sorry that I have not mentioned here...


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    Kind regards

    Santhosh M

    Try this.

  • exporting data to Excel using XSSFWorkbook

    Hi everyone export data to Excel using XSSFWorkbook

    having error javax.el.ELException: means: lots of Java space now I need to change my code to

    How can I change my code for

    This is my code


    import com.sun.jmx.snmp.Timestamp;

    to import;



    import java.util.HashMap;

    to import java.util.Iterator;

    import java.util.Map; import. *;

    Import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi import. *;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;

    Import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;


    Import org.apache.poi.POIDocument;

    import org.apache.poi

    Import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

    Org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import. *;

    Import oracle.jbo.Row;

    Import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;

    Import oracle.jbo.ViewObject;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.CollectionModel;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet;

    Import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySetImpl;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;


    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocumentPart;

    Import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;

    Import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

    public class PoiBean {}

    RicheTableau CustomTable;

    public PoiBean() {}


    public static BindingContainer {} getBindingContainer()

    return (BindingContainer) JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{bindings}");

    return (BindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();


    public static DCBindingContainer getDCBindingContainer() {}

    return (DCBindingContainer) getBindingContainer ();


    ' Public Sub generateExcel (FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {}

    try {}

    Workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();  or new HSSFWorkbook();

    Spreadsheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Fonts");

    Get all lines of an iterator


    Links DCBindingContainer = (DCBindingContainer) BindingContext.getCurrent () .getCurrentBindingsEntry ();

    DCIteratorBinding dcIteratorBindings = bindings.findIteratorBinding("CustomClientView1Iterator");

    Line rowss = worksheet.createRow (0);

    ViewObject yourVO = dcIteratorBindings.getViewObject ();

    Get all the lines of a ViewObject

    RowSetIterator iter = yourVO.createRowSetIterator ("CustomClient");

    ITER. Reset();

    int rowCounter = 0;

    While (iter.hasNext ()) {}

    A cell = null;

    line oracle.jbo.Row = ();

    print header on the first line in excel

    If (rowCounter == 0) {}

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    int cellCounter = 0;

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    cellA1.setCellValue (colName);

    cellCounter ++;



    print the data from the second row in excel

    rowCounter ++;


    short j = 0;

    int cellCounter = 0;

    excelrow = (HSSFRow) worksheet.createRow ((int) i);

    rowss = worksheet.createRow (rowCounter);

    {for (String colName: {row.getAttributeNames ())}

    System.out.println ("Hello" + row.getAttribute (colName));

    System.out.println ("Hello" + name of column);

    cell = rowss.createCell (cellCounter);

    rowCounter ++;

    cell.setCellValue (new HSSFRichTextString (rs.getS));

    {if (! isBlank (colname))}

    If (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    System.out.println ("column name" + colName + "row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ()" + row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    logic for the cell formatting

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnName")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    make double if you want to convert as a result

    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnRegDate")) {}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCancelDate")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());


    } ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnUndertaking")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());



    ElseIf (colName.equalsIgnoreCase ("CcnCode8")) {}

    {if (null! = Row.GetAttribute (colname))}

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    }                                                                                                            }

    on the other

    cell.setCellValue (row.getAttribute (colName) m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());

    cellCounter ++;


    worksheet.createFreezePane (0, 1, 0, 1);


    Workbook.Write (OutputStream);

    outputStream.flush ();



    catch (Exception e) {}

    e.printStackTrace ();



    The demo "big grid" is obsolete and has been replaced by SXSSF, which is compatible with XSSF (see new Halloween Document) API.

    Theoretically, all you need to do is replace "new XSSFWorkbook()" by "new org.apache.poi.xssf.streaming.SXSSFWorkbook ()" in your program.

    You better post any specific questions of POI on the forum of the user Apache POI (see mailing lists , Apache POI)

    Kind regards


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