Multiple VCenter servers, loop "foreach"?

I need help with the syntax to change some of my existing scripts to connect to multiple VCenters servers that we have now in my environment.  Something along the lines of:

$VCenters = VIServer1, VIServer2, etc..

Foreach ($VIserver to $VCenters)


SE connect-VIServer $VIserver



Can any input on how I achieve this?

Thank you

Hi SNEdwards,

I do it this way:

$vCenters = VIServer1, VIServer2, etc.

ForEach ($vCenter in $vCenters) {

connect-VIServer $vCenter -User $VcUser -Password $VcUserPassd

... code to run against each vCenter...

disconnect-VIserver -confirm:$false

It will be useful.



Tags: VMware

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    I think there could be a problem with the cmdlet.

    You are using PowerCLI 5.5 R2 I guess?

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    # Download info, sort, email me-VMs.csv
    Get - vm | Select name, VMHost, VApp, Powerstate, @{N = 'IP address'; E={$_. {{Guest.IPAddress [0]}}, @{N = 'DnsName'; E={$_. ExtensionData.Guest.Hostname}} | Tri - VMHost property, name. Export-Csv-path ALL - VMs.csv - NoTypeInformation

    Thank you!

    Potentially, you can store your password as a string that is encrypted in a text file as I described here Powershell: securing the credentials using the PSCredential class | Deans blog

    This will allow you to recover the encrypted string and convert it into a secure string supplied and this move to the PSCredential class for authentication.

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    You have therefore three sites.

    The first time, you will choose vCenter Single Sign-On for your first server vCenter Server.

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    No addition of a second vCenter does not replace the first. Not sure why it happened with mine. the second time, it worked fine. So I think I did something wrong.

    So the the bottom line is you can go ahead and do it. It should work.

    If you found my answer helpful, review the allocation of points by choosing the correct and useful answers

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    Here's the script:

    $VmInfo = Foreach ($vcenter in $global: DefaultVIServers) {}

    ForEach ($Datacenter in (Get-Data Center |)) Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($Cluster in ($Datacenter |)) Get-Cluster | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

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    "" | Select-Object - property @{N = "VM"; E = {$VM. Name}},

    @{N = 'Vcenter'; E = {$vcenter. Name}},

    @{N = "OS"; E = {$vm. Guest.OsFullName}},

    @{N = 'Center'; {E = {$Datacenter.Name}}.

    @{N = 'Cluster'; E = {$cluster. Name}},

    @{N = 'Host'; E = {$vm. VMHost.Name}},

    @{N = "HostVersion"; E = {$vm. VMHost.version}}






    $VmInfo | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture-Path "D:\report.csv".

    Try like this.

    -What is produced fewer lines?

    $VmInfo = Foreach ($vcenter in $global: DefaultVIServers) {}

    ForEach ($Datacenter in (Get-Data Center-Server $vcenter |)) Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($Cluster in ($Datacenter |)) Get-Cluster-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($VM in ($Cluster |)) Get-VM-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    ForEach ($HardDisk to ($VM |)) Get-disk hard-Server $vcenter | Sort - Object - property name)) {}

    "" | Select-Object - property @{N = "VM"; E = {$VM. Name}},

    @{N = 'Vcenter'; E = {$vcenter. Name}},

    @{N = "OS"; E = {$vm. Guest.OsFullName}},

    @{N = 'Center'; {E = {$Datacenter.Name}}.

    @{N = 'Cluster'; E = {$cluster. Name}},

    @{N = 'Host'; E = {$vm. VMHost.Name}},

    @{N = "HostVersion"; E = {$vm. VMHost.version}}






    $VmInfo | Export-Csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture-Path "D:\report.csv".

  • Migration between vCenter servers, publishes the setting destination folder

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    #The CSV should be in the following format
    #Even if there's not going to be a change, the
    #cells cannot be blank use "" for blank
    #Import the CSV
    $vmlist = Import-CSV d:\scripts\naotest-UCSmigration.csv
    #Prompts user for the source and destination vCenter servers
    $SourceVC = Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the source vCenter?'
    $DestVC= Read-Host -Prompt 'What is the destination vCenter?'
    #connects to the source vCenter for right-sizing
    connect-viserver $SourceVC
    #check tools status first
    write-host ""
    write-host "Checking VMware Tools Status before proceeding." -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
                  $ToolsStatus = (Get-VM $vmname).extensiondata.Guest.ToolsStatus -eq "toolsNotRunning"
                  IF ($ToolsStatus -eq $true){
                  write-host ""
                  write-host "Tools is not installed or running on $vmname. Remediate on guest and restart the script" -foreground Yellow
                  write-host "Script will exit" -foreground yellow
                  write-host ""
                  Else {
                  write-host ""
                  write-host "Tools running, script will continue" -foreground green
                  write-host ""}
    #Power down all the VMs in the list
    write-host ""
    write-host "Powering down all VMs in the list.  Script will sleep for 2 minutes before continuing" -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
      $vmname = $item.vmname
      Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vmname -Confirm:$false
    #sleep for 2 minutes before continuing
    #may need to adjust depending upon time for
    #servers to shut down
    Start-sleep -s 120
    #stop VMs that haven't shut down
    write-host ""
    write-host "Stopping VMs that have hung on power-down" -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
      $vmname = $item.vmname
      Stop-VM -VM $vmname -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
    #Right-size CPU and memory
    write-host ""
    write-host "Right-sizing CPU and Memory" -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
        $vmname = $item.vmname
        $cpu = $item.cpu
        $mem = $item.mem
        Set-VM -VM $vmname -NumCpu $cpu -MemoryGB $mem -RunAsync -Confirm:$false}
    #start the VMs after the vCPU/Memorychange
    write-host ""
    write-host "Restarting the VMs to enact the vCPU/Memory change"          -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
        $vmname = $item.vmname
        Start-VM -VM $vmname -RunAsync
    #Wait 5 minutes for the VMs to completely Power Up
    write-host ""
    Write-host "Sleeping for 5 minutes to wait for all VMs to power up" -foreground green
    write-host ""
    Start-sleep -s 300
    #Power down the VMs in preparation for migration
    #NOTE:  It's necessary to power them up after the right-sizing
    write-host "Power down and sleep for 2 minutes"
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
      $vmname = $item.vmname
      Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $vmname -Confirm:$false
    #Wait 2 minutes for the VMs to completely Power down
    Start-sleep -s 120
    #stop VMs that haven't shut down
    write-host ""
    write-host "Stop VMs that haven't shut down normally." -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
      $vmname = $item.vmname
      Stop-VM -VM $vmname -RunAsync -Confirm:$false
    #disconnect CD-ROM
    write-host ""
    write-host "Disconnect any connected CD-ROM drives."
    write-host ""
    get-vm $vmname|Get-CDDrive | Set-CDDrive -nomedia -Confirm:$false
    #remove VMs in list from inventory on the source vCenter
    write-host ""
    write-host "Remove VMs from inventory on the source vCenter."
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
      $vmname = $item.vmname
      Remove-VM -VM $vmname -Confirm:$false
    #disconnect from the source vCenter
    disconnect-viserver -Confirm:$false
    #Connect to the destination vCenter server
    connect-viserver $DestVC
    #Add VMs to the new vCenter server
    write-host ""
    Write-host "Add VMs to the Destination vCenter"
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
                  $VMXFILE = $item.VMXFILE
                  $CLUSTER = $item.CLUSTER
                  $VMHOST = Get-VMHost -location $Cluster | Sort $_.CPuUsageMhz -Descending | Select -First 1
                  $VMFOLDER = $item.VMFOLDER
                  $RESPOOL = $item.RESPOOL
                  $VMNETWORK = $item.VMNETWORK
        New-VM -VMFilePath "`"$VMXFILE`"" -VMHost $VMHOST -Location $VMFOLDER -ResourcePool $RESPOOL}
    #change the network for the new vCenter
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
    $vmname = $item.vmname
    get-vm $vmname | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $vmnetwork -confirm:$false
    #Power up the VMs on the new vCenter server
    write-host ""
    write-host "Powering up VMs on the destination vCenter."  -foreground green
    write-host ""
    foreach ($item in $vmlist) {
        $vmname = $item.vmname
        Start-VM -VM $vmname -RunAsync

    The CSV looks like this:

    vmname, cpu, mem, vmxfile, cluster, vmfolder, wrap, vmnetwork

    ATEST-VM002, 1, 4, ATEST-VM002/ATEST-VM002.vmdk,DEV-STND1,DEV\Dev\Infrastructure,DEV-root,VLAN-123 [DEV-DATASTORE]

    The error is:

    New - VM: 2015/12/16 14:46:49 New - VM can not find the folder with

    the name "DEV\Dev\Infrastructure".

    D:\scripts\vm-uscmigration.ps1:144 char: 5

    + New-VM - VMFilePath "'" $VMXFILE'"'-VMHost $VMHOST - location $VMFOLDER


    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: (SAT1-DEV\Dev-NAOTEST\Infrastruc

    ture:String) [New - VM], VimException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Core_ObnSelector_SelectObjectByNameCore_ObjectNo

    tFound, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.NewVM

    I pulled information from RVTOOLS path (as well as most other relevant information). Is the incorrect path information, or is it a problem in my script?  Any help would be appreciated.

    P.S. I know not that defining the network will work or not, I did not get that far!

    Thank you!

    This is because the screenshot in my post was taken in an old PowerCLI release.

    The current version shows other default properties.

    Direct the result of Select - property *, then you will see all of the properties of the Folder object.

    You can try to use the function and use the returned object file on the location setting.

  • Syncronize "tags" between vcenter servers

    Maybe someone already has a solution to do this, so I'll ask here until I get out all my hair.

    In one of our vcenter, we started the use of the tags later. Similar to this is the way we want to go, so now the challenge is to "synchronize" tags between all of our vcenter servers.

    I hope that some of you already have a way to do this, or an idea on where to start.

    I suppose we could export using csv and import them to a different vcenter? Or is there a better way?

    Suggestions are welcome at this stage...

    Best regards

    Jorgen S

    You can use a CSV file to export/import of categories and labels.

    Something like that.

    Note that according to the number of connections that you opened, you must use the Server parameter to indicate the location of export/import.

    (1) export

    & {{foreach ($tCat in Get-TagCategory)

    $tags = get-Tag-category $tCat

    {if ($Tags)}

    $tags | Select @{N = 'Category'; E={$}},@{N='cDescription'; E={$tCat.Description}},@{N='Cardinality'; {E = {$tCat.Cardinality}}, Name, Description


    else {}

    $tCat | Select @{N = 'Category'; E={$}},@{N='cDescription'; E={$tCat.Description}},@{N='Cardinality'; E={$tCat.cardinality}},@{N='Name'; {E = {""}}, @{N = 'Description'; E={''}}


    }} | Export Csv C:\tag.csv - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    (2) import

    foreach ($tag in c:\tag.csv Import-Csv - UseCulture) {}

    Try {}

    Get-TagCategory-name $tag. Category - ErrorAction Stop


    Catch {}

    New-TagCategory-name $tag. Category Description $tag.cDescription - $tag cardinality. Cardinality-confirm: $false


    if($tag.) {Name)

    Try {}

    Get-Tag-category $tag. Category-name $tag. Name - ErrorAction Stop


    Catch {}

    -Tag - new name $tag. Name - category $tag. Category Description $tag. Description-confirm: $false




  • A list of virtual machines to different vCenter servers

    I am running a report that connects to the servers multiple vCenter.  Within these vCenter servers, I have a number of clusters and in each group a subset of virtual machines that I'll call acme VMs with the acmevmnaming convention 1, acmevm3, acmevm2, etc.  They all start with acmevm*.

    Is it possible to create a report that tells me how many acme VMs are in each vCenter, and how many are in each cluster?

    I suspect Re: access on behalf of the cluster of a VM answer this question on the cluster?

  • Multiple ESX servers to access the same data store

    We connect our ESX servers to an Equallogic SAN iSCSI using VMWare iSCSI card.   I have a data store that has ISO files to store.   So far, I can connect only this data to an ESX Server store on time.  I have to disconnect an and connect manually to the other.  We currently have a facility relatively bare bones (don't have vCenter again, grouping, etc.).

    Is there anyway to connect the same data store to multiple ESX servers?  I tried to adjust the volume of Equallogic SAN for read only (since I just need to read ISO files), but I can't connect to ESX servers when I do this.

    Remember that the volume is enabled for clustering.

    From v4.x Equallogic firmware, there is an option advanced on each volume.


  • RAY of relief with multiple Radius servers

    Wism2 version 7.6.130

    I have multiple Radius servers for different wireless LANs that are used for authentication. For example:

    WLAN1 - Radius1, Radius2

    Wlan2 - Radius3, Radius4

    WLAN3 - Radius5, Radius6

    Radius servers have different types of user to the authentication databases.

    My question is, when you configure RADIUS of relief in Active mode on the WLC he must receive a successful authentication response in order to stay active or simple an answer?

    Thank you


    "My question is, when you configure RADIUS of relief in Active mode on the WLC he must receive a successful authentication response in order to stay active or simple an answer?

    Hi Waqas,

    It doesn't have to be a successful authentication, could be access accept or decline. You may have noticed with mode active there is a section to specify the user name (default: cisco-probe) what it does is when the radius known as death wlc server use that specific account to query the server radius on the specified time intervals.all these responses would also be responses to refuse access. Just a response if accept or reject to keep active.

    Look here to see little more on the functionality of relief

    See you soon


    WLC actively interrogate the radius server

  • ICPPX 4.05 and/or call Mgr 4.13 multiple LDAP servers for redundancy

    We run IPCCX 4.05 to high availability (active / standby) and Call Manager 4.13 Pub/Sub. In this configuration, we use LDAP for authentication AD instead of the directory of DC (not my choice... things you inherit in life).

    The call of Bishop and/or the servers IPCCX can be setup to point to multiple LDAP servers for redundancy?

    CAN CM 4.13 and/or IPCCX 4.05 LDAPS support (as I have said, things you inherit)?

    Our sysadmin team won our main server to the DC, and with him all functins LDAP search broke. Needless to say they will be put in place of LDAP or LDAPS on our main and backup DC in the near future.

    Any information/suggestions/recommendatinos are appreciated.

    Thank you



    This IS possible.

    If the CRS web interface admin (/ appadmin) is available:

    1. open a session

    2. go to the system > LDAP information

    3 type the FQDN / IP addresses (I recommend the latter) for LDAP servers, separated by commas (for example, I have something like in our laboratory: "," - works like charm)

    4. a window will appear asking if the LDAP information must be created or you just want to add another LDAP server (~ configuration already there). Choose wisely :-)

    5. restart the server. No, restart the CRS engine is not enough.

    If the CRS web administration interface is not available (~ as you said Mr. Sysadmin won DC backend), the there is a chance to get rid of this guy ;-) Anyway, there is always a chance that you can make it work. Of course, the LDAP server must already contain the appropriate configuration.

    1. connect to the CRS Server using rdesktop/VNC

    2. look for this file: C:\Program Files\wfavvid\properties\ it's just a plain text file. Look for this CCNIniFile=c:\\winnt\\system32\\ccn\\ccndir.ini

    In fact, it can be something else too, this is the default path.

    3. this file contains the information that we are looking for: LDAPURL 'ldap://, ldap://' and other important things like passwords and base DN

    Change it according to your needs. :-)

    4. restart the server.

    Good luck.


  • Managing 2 vsphere vcenter servers

    We have 2 each Vcenter server running data centers.  (Principal and Dr. Colo data center).  In Vcenter 4, we had our configured client vsphere where we could both stop VCenter VShpere inside servers.   I could log into my main data center and the VCenter servers were visible and manageable.  (Even with our Colo).  Somehow during our migration up to 5 VCenter, we lost that connection.

    I would like to pick it up where I can see them both again.

    Thank you

    Looks like the linked Mode must be configured again.

  • Save multiple vCenter Server 5.1 with vSphere WebClient 5.1

    How to save multiple vCenter Server 5.1 with vSphere WebClient 5.1?

    simple enough... on your vCenter > https://localhost:9443 / admin-app / > registry vCenter Server... that's all

    Greetings from Munich, Ralf

Maybe you are looking for