On TextField

Hi all, I have a stupid problem with a TextField.

the idea is simple, the user write something in the object Textfield press on enter and display a popup with text.

When I override the keyChar method, I can not write in the TextField.

Can someone help me?

This is my code:

Text of TextField = new TextField("","test",45,0) {}
{} public boolean keyChar (key char, int status, int time)
System.out.println ("KeyChar:" + key);
If (key == Characters.ENTER) {}
System.out.println ("heard enter");

Returns false;


text.setEditable (true);

PD: Sorry for my English.

Try to re - delegate the event key like this:

return super.keyChar (key, status, time)

Instead of:

Returns false;

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    / Sebastian

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    Welcome on the support forums.

    You can file bugs in jira:

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    Given that hintText works oddly, it is a prototype of bad

      Label {
          id: myTextHint
          visible: myText.text.length > 0
          bottomMargin: 0
          translationX: ui.du(2)
          textStyle.color: Color.create("#999999")
      TextField {
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          hintText: "Subject"
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    TextField {}

    Input.Flags: TextFieldFlags.AutoCapitalizationOff


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    TextField {}

    ID: tx

    clearButtonVisible: false

    Input.Flags: TextInputFlag.VirtualKeyboardOff

    text: "ddddd".

    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Text

    preferredWidth: ui.du (60.1)

    preferredHeight: ui.du (60.1)

    textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.PointValue

    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 40.1


    maxFontSizeValue: 100



    There is a very ugly way using scaleX and scaleY

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    hand. QML

    import bb.cascades 1.4
    import bb.cascades.datamanager 1.2
    import bb.system 1.0
    import bb.data 1.0
    Page {
        id: root 
        titleBar: UIControls {
        //! [0]
       content: Container {
            leftPadding: ui.du(2)
            rightPadding: ui.du(2)
            topPadding: ui.du(2)
            bottomPadding: ui.du(2)
            InputControl {
            // The ListView that's used to display the artist data
            //! [1]
            ListView {
                id: myListView
                //property variant dq: defaultDataQuery
                // Associate the list view with the data model that's defined in the
                // attachedObjects list
                layout: StackListLayout {
                    headerMode: ListHeaderMode.Sticky
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                    spaceQuota: 1.0
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type:  "item"
                        Container {
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Japanisch
                                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                                topMargin: 5.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                    color: Color.create("#7a184a")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Lesung
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 9.0
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                    color: Color.create("#ff1818e9")
                            Label {
                                text: ListItemData.Deutsch
                                textStyle {
                                    base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.TitleText
                                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
                                multiline: true
                                textFit.maxFontSizeValue: 8.0
                            Divider {}
                        }// Container
                    // Use a standard list item to display the data in the model
            } // end of ListView
        attachedObjects: [
            //! [2]
            // One of the default provided DataModel's
            GroupDataModel {
                id: dataModel
                grouping: ItemGrouping.None
            DataSource {
                id: dataSource
                // Load the data from an SQL database, based on a specific query
                source: "WadokuJT.db"
                //query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%Wasser%'"
                query: "select Japanisch, Deutsch, Lesung from WadokuJT where Deutsch like '%" + stext + "%'";
                onDataLoaded: {
                    // After the data is loaded, insert it into the data model
                type: DataSourceType.Sql
            } // end of DataSource      
        ]//! [2]  
        actions: [
            //! [8]
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Search")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_search.png"
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.Signature
                onTriggered: {
                    myListView.dataModel = null
                    //myListView.dq = defaultDataQuery
                    myListView.dataModel = dataModel 
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Settings")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_settings.png"
                onTriggered: {
            ActionItem {
                title: qsTr("Help")
                imageSource: "asset:///images/ic_help.png"
                onTriggered: {
    } // end of Page

    And here is my InputControl.qml

    import bb.cascades 1.4
     Container {
         property alias stext: txtSearchText.text
        Label {
            id: lblSearchText
            text: "Searchtext\r\n"
        TextField {
            id: txtSearchText
            layoutProperties: FlowListLayoutProperties {
            hintText: "Enter Searchtext"

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Give InputControl an id (in main.qml), for example someId.

    Access the variable an alias like someId.stext

  • problems with application to a textfield focus

    It comes to the page, what am I doing wrong?

    import bb.cascades 1.0

    ID: addPage
    appScene variant property: Application.scene
    Signal custom to notify that this page should be closed
    signal is)
    title bar: title {} bar
    Title: qsTr ("Add Location") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
    dismissAction: {ActionItem}
    Title: "Cancel".
    onTriggered: {}
    The custom here signal to indicate that this page should be closed
    The signal would be treated by the page that invoked it
    addPage.done ();
    {Of container
    background: Color.Transparent
    TextField {}
    ID: cityfield
    hintText: qsTr ("enter city or Postal Code") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
    inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.Text
    input.submitKey: SubmitKey.Search


    onAppSceneChanged: {}
    This triggers the update if the stage of the application is set to
    This Page QML.
    cityfield.requestFocus ();

    Do you want the text field to get the focus (and pull up the virtual keyboard on Z-devices) as soon as the page is loaded?

    Try to create a property on the qml page:

    property bool showVKB: false

    And add this method in your qml:

     onShowVKBChanged: {
            if (showVKB) {
                // This focus request shows the VKB if the Page is created via a ComponentDefinition (see main.qml)

    And then, in your qml page that drives this page, set the showVKB property:

    page.showVKB = true;
  • TextField uppercase in QML

    How can I set the textfield object to control all text entries in the field are UPPERCASE? Thank you!

    TextField {}
    ID: plutextfield
    text: 'TEST '.
    textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
    textStyle.fontSizeValue: 12.0
    textStyle.lineHeight: 2
    textStyle {}
    Base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
    textAlign: TextAlign.Right

    TextField {}
    onTextChanging: text = text.toUpperCase)

  • How know or identify a centered TextField?

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    To determine if the control focuses:


    To request the update:


  • Tests of TextField


    Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?  I want text large enough to read, but it's true lower case.  I'm just playing make a primitive text editor and I started with the code in the page Web Adobe FileReference.

    package {
        import flash.display.*;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.net.FileReference;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.FileFilter;
        import flash.text.*;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
        [SWF(height="600", width="1024", frameRate="30", backgroundColor="#ffffff")]
        public class EditFile extends Sprite {
            private var MyTextField:TextField = new TextField();
            private var MyButtonField:TextField = new TextField();
            private var MyFile:FileReference = new FileReference();
            private var C_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
            public function EditFile() {
                C_format.bold = true;
                C_format.size = 40;
                MyTextField.border = true;
                MyTextField.width = 700;
                MyTextField.height = 450;
                MyTextField.multiline = true;
                MyTextField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
                MyButtonField.background = true;
                MyButtonField.backgroundColor = 0x339933;
                MyButtonField.x = 850;
                MyButtonField.y = 120;
                MyButtonField.height = 30;
                MyButtonField.text = "Click here to save";
                MyButtonField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickhandler);
                stage.nativeWindow.visible = true;
            private function clickhandler(e:MouseEvent): void {

    Another thing cute is my cursor keys work (sort of) in the TextField, even if it does not exist on the keyboard of the pop-up window (maybe it should be?).  The mouse can select text, but not to change the insertion point as the cursor keys can.

    Thank you


    Hey harry,.

    change this line:


    This line:

    MyTextField.defaultTextFormat = C_format;

    that should do the trick even if I can't use my keyboard on my laptop for some reason any... works only if I type with the integrated keyboard.

    Edit: I forgot to put the explanation hah... defaultTextFormat property applies the format of text of w/e tell you him AGAIN all text entered in the field. the setTextFormat method applied the text of w/e format that say you the CURRENT text in the field.

  • TextField, submitted using c ++ does not

    Hi all

    I am trying to connect to the TextInputProperties::submitted(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl*) signal, but in fact it does not. This is my code:

    TextField *inputField = uiPage->findChild("damageInput");

    I see no error on the console. In any case my events onSubmitted method is never called, even if it is declared as a crack:

    public slots:
        void addClicked();
        void subtractClicked();
        void onDialogFinished(bb::system::SystemUiResult::Type );
        void onSubmit(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl *);

    I did something wrong?

    The only mistake I found on the log of the device is that:

    Dec 09 11:10:54.807 com.example.MagicManager.testDev_agicManageref1201b1.237248764... 0 csuifw_error ERROR ClientObject::removeAttributeListener() 15555 - recorded none of these headphones attribute on object

    But I don't know if it is related to my problem. Any idea?

    In theory, it is not strictly necessary,

    I tried to add the name with the same result.

    In any case, I found the problem, whas my fault.

    in fact in the connection, I stated as a crack the onSubmitted method events:


    But the crack in the class's onSubmit:

    void onSubmit(bb::cascades::AbstractTextControl *submitter);

    Then, to fix this problem, solved the problem. Unfortunately this kind of errors is not recognized by the compiler.

  • Detection of ENTRY in a TextField?

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    Look at the "input" and http://developer.blackberry.com/cascades/reference/bb__cascades__textinputproperties.html property

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    1 key board is not coming by clicking textfield on Simulator, it will show on real device

    2. I want to show 6 pictures long in size on a page to display scrolling but memory is out of range


    No. 1: If you started the Q10 Simulator, it is expected for the real device has a physical keyboard. The Simulator startup, select the Z10 and test again to get the virtual keyboard.

    2: this question would better fit for a new topic. In any case, a strategy would be to cut the long cards for the smaller pieces and loading them dynamically, effectively keep in mind a few.

Maybe you are looking for

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