PO / GL - amount of grouping problem report

I have a purchase order with 2 distributions - a single line divided between 2 accounts charge.

I'm working on a GL Transaction SQL Listing report.

When I view the Bills matched with the PO, to the level of distribution, I can see 2 lines - one for each inv. distribution:
AMOUNT   |  PO_NUMBER  |  PO_DATE                | PO_LINE_AMOUNT
-3.96    |  00001294   | 08/04/2009 10:57:46     | 45              
-41.04   |  00001294   | 08/04/2009 10:57:46     | 45              
I have an SQL statement composed of 4 unions. It pulls the data from GL.

I have another SQL statement that accesses tables of purchase.

I join these tables on the battlefields of the somme, where I join the quantity of the GL SQL with the PO line amount.

GL will normally go out as something like for example-45, and the PO line amount will come out as something like for example 45.

Since one is positive and the other negative, I join the SQLs via:
... AND (pla.quantity * pla.unit_price) = ABS(xyz.amount)
It was working fine until I ran into a purchase order with distributions of split.

Given that the amount of-45 was divided in - 3.96 and - 41.04, it may associate with the 45 of the PO line amount.

I tried to make a SUM of the amounts of GL, because then the join would work.

However, the fact, rather than get a-$45, I get an amount of-180, which is four times that.

Somewhere in my things SQL will c. hurt. I guess it's because of the split distribution.

I apologize for the 1001 cardinal rules of SQL I probably broke up with SQL below and for being dense, coarse, ignorant and generally not worthy of posting on this forum!

Any advice much appreciated.

Thank you

SQL below:
SELECT DISTINCT SUM(xyz.amount) amount
              , pha.segment1 po_number
              , pha.creation_date po_date
              , pla.quantity * pla.unit_price po_line_amount
           FROM po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
              , po.po_line_locations_all plla
              , po.po_lines_all pla
              , po.po_headers_all pha
              , po.po_distributions_all pda
              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
              , ap.ap_invoices_all aia
              , ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all aida
              , (SELECT vvv.ibs_company
                      , vvv.ibs_service
                      , vvv.ibs_account
                      , vvv.ibs_centre
                      , vvv.ibs_spare
                      , vvv.period_num
                      , vvv.period_name
                      , vvv.period_year
                      , vvv.period_start_date
                      , vvv.period_end_date
                      , vvv.amount
                      , vvv.effective_date
                      , vvv.je_description
                      , vvv.je_source
                      , vvv.line_description
                      , SUBSTR(
                         , INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                         , (
                              INSTR(vvv.line_description, '.')
                            - INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                        ) invoice_number
                      , vvv.posted_status
                      , vvv.posted_date
                      , vvv.je_name
                      , vvv.je_category
                      , vvv.batch_name
                      , vvv.actual_flag
                      , vvv.vat_code
                   FROM (                                      -- Requisitions
                         SELECT glcc.segment1 ibs_company
                              , glcc.segment2 ibs_service
                              , glcc.segment3 ibs_account
                              , glcc.segment4 ibs_centre
                              , glcc.segment5 ibs_spare
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date period_start_date
                              , glp.end_date period_end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0) amount
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description je_description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description line_description
                              , jeh.status posted_status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , jel.reference_4 req_no
                              , prla.line_num req_line_no
                              , ' ' po_no
                              , NULL po_line_no
                              , NULL invoice_no
                              , NULL invoice_line_no
                              , pva.vendor_name supplier
                              , pva.segment1 supplier_no
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME je_name
                              , jec.description je_category
                              , jeb.NAME batch_name
                              , usr.description created_by
                              , jel.je_line_num journal_line_no
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code vat_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id sob
                              , glcc.code_combination_id ccid
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , apps.fnd_user usr
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Purchasing'
                            AND jel.reference_1 = 'REQ'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND prda.distribution_id = jel.reference_3
                            AND prda.requisition_line_id =
                            AND pva.vendor_id = prla.vendor_id
                            AND prla.created_by = usr.user_id
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Purchase Orders
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description
                              , jeh.status posted_status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , prha.segment1
                              , NVL(prla.line_num, pla.line_num)
                              , jel.reference_4
                              , pla.line_num
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , pva.vendor_name
                              , pva.segment1
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME
                              , usr.description
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , po.po_headers_all pha
                              , po.po_lines_all pla
                              , po.po_distributions_all pda
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , apps.fnd_user usr
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Purchasing'
                            AND jel.reference_1 = 'PO'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND pda.po_distribution_id = jel.reference_3
                            AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                            AND pda.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
                            AND pva.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
                            AND prda.distribution_id = pda.req_distribution_id
                            AND prla.requisition_line_id =
                            AND prha.requisition_header_id =
                            AND pla.created_by = usr.user_id
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Invoices
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , pla.item_description
                              , jeh.status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , prha.segment1
                              , NVL(prla.line_num, pla.line_num)
                              , pha.segment1
                              , pla.line_num
                              , jel.reference_5
                              , jel.reference_3
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , pva.segment1
                              , prla.suggested_vendor_product_code
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME batch_name
                              , NULL
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , ap.ap_invoice_distributions_all ida
                              , po.po_distributions_all pda
                              , po.po_lines_all pla
                              , po.po_headers_all pha
                              , po.po_requisition_headers_all prha
                              , po.po_vendors pva
                              , po.po_req_distributions_all prda
                              , po.po_requisition_lines_all prla
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.je_source = 'Payables'
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND TO_CHAR(ida.invoice_id) = jel.reference_2
                            AND ida.distribution_line_number = jel.reference_3
                            AND ida.po_distribution_id =
                            AND pda.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                            AND pva.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
                            AND pha.po_header_id = pla.po_header_id
                            AND prda.distribution_id = pda.req_distribution_id
                            AND prla.requisition_line_id =
                            AND prha.requisition_header_id =
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name
                         -- Actuals
                         SELECT glcc.segment1
                              , glcc.segment2
                              , glcc.segment3
                              , glcc.segment4
                              , glcc.segment5
                              , glp.period_num
                              , glp.period_name
                              , glp.period_year
                              , glp.start_date
                              , glp.end_date
                              ,   NVL(jel.accounted_dr, 0)
                                - NVL(jel.accounted_cr, 0)
                              , jel.effective_date
                              , jeh.description
                              , jes.user_je_source_name je_source
                              , jel.description
                              , jeh.status
                              , jeh.posted_date
                              , jel.reference_1
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , ' '
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , NULL
                              , ' '
                              , NULL
                              , jel.creation_date
                              , jeh.NAME je_name
                              , jec.description
                              , jeb.NAME
                              , NULL
                              , jel.je_line_num
                              , jeh.actual_flag
                              , jel.tax_code
                              , gsb.set_of_books_id
                              , glcc.code_combination_id
                           FROM gl.gl_je_lines jel
                              , gl.gl_je_headers jeh
                              , gl.gl_je_batches jeb
                              , gl.gl_je_categories_tl jec
                              , gl.gl_code_combinations glcc
                              , gl.gl_periods glp
                              , gl.gl_sets_of_books gsb
                              , gl.gl_je_sources_tl jes
                          WHERE jeh.je_header_id = jel.je_header_id
                            AND jeh.je_batch_id = jeb.je_batch_id
                            AND jeh.je_category = jec.je_category_name
                            AND jec.LANGUAGE = 'US'
                            AND jel.code_combination_id =
                            AND jeh.actual_flag = 'A'
                            AND jeb.actual_flag = 'A'
                            AND jeh.je_source <> 'Payables'
                            AND NVL(jel.reference_1, ' ') NOT IN('PO', 'REQ')
                            AND glp.period_set_name = gsb.period_set_name
                            AND glp.period_name = jeh.period_name
                            AND jeh.set_of_books_id = gsb.set_of_books_id
                            AND jeh.je_source = jes.je_source_name) vvv
                      , ap.ap_invoices_all aia
                  WHERE sob = 2
                    AND ibs_company = '40'
                    AND ibs_service = 'FD'
                    AND ibs_account = '87161'
                    AND ibs_centre = '3330510'
                    AND aia.invoice_num =
                            , INSTR(line_description, 'ERS')
                            , (
                               - INSTR(line_description, 'ERS')
                    AND posted_status = 'P'
                    AND actual_flag = 'A'
                    AND 1 = 1) xyz
          WHERE prha.requisition_header_id = prla.requisition_header_id
            AND plla.line_location_id = prla.line_location_id
            AND pla.po_line_id = plla.po_line_id
            AND pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
            AND pha.po_header_id = plla.po_header_id
            AND prla.requisition_line_id = prda.requisition_line_id
            AND aida.invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
            AND pda.po_distribution_id = aida.po_distribution_id
            AND (pla.quantity * pla.unit_price) = ABS(xyz.amount)
            AND prha.org_id = 7041
            AND prha.authorization_status = 'APPROVED'
            AND prla.suggested_vendor_name = 'CE INT.EMPLOYEE SERVICE CENTRE'
            AND prha.creation_date >= '01-APR-2009'
            AND xyz.invoice_number = 'ERS-3001013-26255'
            AND aia.invoice_num = xyz.invoice_number
            AND xyz.posted_status = 'P'
            AND xyz.actual_flag = 'A'
       GROUP BY pha.segment1
              , pha.creation_date
              , pla.quantity * pla.unit_price;

Hi jimr,.

you could do your resume at a lower lever without the need for a group

-sample of how you can summarize without a group of

with t as (
select 1 as po_number, 1 as amount from dual union
select 1, 2 as amount from dual
select po_number, sum(amount) over (partition by po_number) from t

If you code could be changed with something like this:

SELECT vvv.ibs_company
                      , vvv.ibs_service
                      , vvv.ibs_account
                      , vvv.ibs_centre
                      , vvv.ibs_spare
                      , vvv.period_num
                      , vvv.period_name
                      , vvv.period_year
                      , vvv.period_start_date
                      , vvv.period_end_date
                      , vvv.amount -- replace this with "sum(amount) over (partition by invoice_number)"
                      , vvv.effective_date
                      , vvv.je_description
                      , vvv.je_source
                      , vvv.line_description
                     -- move this into each SELECT that forms part of the UNION, so it will be repeated, but it'll make it a bit neater at this level
                      , SUBSTR(
                         , INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                         , (
                              INSTR(vvv.line_description, '.')
                            - INSTR(vvv.line_description, 'ERS')
                        ) invoice_number
                      , vvv.posted_status
                      , vvv.posted_date
                      , vvv.je_name
                      , vvv.je_category
                      , vvv.batch_name
                      , vvv.actual_flag
                      , vvv.vat_code

Tags: Database

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    3 b. errors compared to those listed here: http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/blogs/mowgreen/index.php?showentry=1122 or go to http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com > click on help and Support link in the left pane > solve problems on your own.


    How to reset the Windows Update settings?


    Launch a collateral request for assistance free Windows Update:

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • Windows Problem Report requested I uninstall and reinstall Adobe Flash Player

    Adobe Flash Player problem report not working does not properly uninstall is fine, but entered in reinstall it and won't let me no and says I need Flash player to do. Bit confused I've only followed links windows according to the problem report.


    How to do:


    Uninstall Flash by using the uninstall program Flash Adobe link above.

    Flash is sometimes corrupted.


    Reinstall Flash, after 1st unchecking / uncheck the toolbar Google download option there.


    It comes with Vista, upgrade install and activate Forum.


    They will help you with your question IE in Forum Internet Explorer above.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Displays error message the problem report for this solution has been deleted or modified on the computer and is no longer available installation multifunction printer

    Original title: solve PC issues icon

    install your all-in-one printer driver, then click on it, then it will take you to a screen that indicates the problem report for this solution has been deleted or changed on this computer and is no longer available. But since it is presented as a problem, it's not going to disappear.

    1. What is the brand and model of your computer and the printer?
    2 did you change on your computer before this problem?
    3. the printer is working correctly?

    4. are you clicking on a program from the printer or printer driver file?

    Look for error messages in the device to the printer driver manager.

    a. Click Start.

    (b) in the search box, type Device Manager.

    Follow the suggestions and see if it works very well.
    Method 1
    Check if the problem persists in a clean boot state.
    How to troubleshoot a problem by performing a clean boot in Windows Vista or in Windows 7
    Note: After a troubleshooting follow step 7: reset the computer to start as usual

    Method 2
    You can uninstall and reinstall the printer and see if it works very well.
    Install a printer

    See also:
    Find and install printer drivers in Windows 7

  • GANYMEDE + Administration problem reports

    Once we improved GBA to 4.1 Build 23 (1) 3.3.4 we no longer get the information in the report of Administration GANYMEDE files +.

    AAA new-model

    AAA-authentication failure message ^ CC connection failed, Please Try Again. ^ C

    prompt password authentication AAA Non_TACACS_Password:

    AAA-guest authentication username Non_TACACS_Username:

    AAA authentication login default group Ganymede + local

    AAA authentication login no_tacacs local

    the AAA authentication enable default group Ganymede + activate

    AAA authorization config-commands

    AAA authorization exec default group Ganymede + local

    AAA authorization commands 0 default group Ganymede + local

    AAA authorization commands 1 default group Ganymede + local

    AAA authorization commands 15 default group Ganymede + local

    AAA authorization network default group Ganymede +.

    AAA accounting exec default start-stop Ganymede group.

    orders accounting AAA 0 arrhythmic default group Ganymede +.

    orders accounting AAA 0 NetAdmins arrhythmic group Ganymede +.

    orders accounting AAA 1 by default start-stop Ganymede group.

    orders accounting AAA 7 by default start-stop Ganymede group.

    orders accounting AAA 15 by default start-stop Ganymede group.

    AAA accounting system default start-stop Ganymede group.


    It is a known issue, you must apply the hotfix ACS to solve the problem.

    Patch for the unit is available on


    The patch name: ACS SE rollup

    Patch for windows acs is available on


    The patch name: ACS rollup

    That should solve the problem

    Kind regards


    Note: If this answers your question, then please mark this thread as solved, so that others can benefit from.

  • Help group above report

    Hello guys,.

    What I have to do, is to modify an existing report that is in the table style to the group above data model.

    First, I changed the data model to extract the existing data model group and I got no problem with that.

    Secondly, I added grouping framework for my new recordings of grouping (master) and put inside the previous image of grouping (details).

    The problem is when I generate the report that each record is separated by a huge empty line:

    This photo shows this blank line between records:

    [IMG] http://I59.Tinypic.com/bdl46p.jpg [line]

    I think I tried everything, I even deleted all the fields of the report and left only my two group executives, but problem still exist.

    This is my body of report:

    [IMG] http://i62.Tinypic.com/28a3u5l.jpg [line]

    If you have ideas, what can be wrong or what to do, please help

    You mean, there's already detailed report, now you want to change to master detail (group above).

    At the level of the model:

    You divided the existing group into two bases on simple request, haven't you? means there are now two group master and detail.

    means, group existing, becoming a master and detail created a new group. Let's say that G1 is the master (existing) and G2 (new) group retail.

    If above understanding is correct then proceed as follows

    Place the new extensible framework (say RG2) within the existing extensible framework (let say RG1 and assign the name of the new group G2 to RG2. framework and place all the Group detail fields in extensible framework newly established RG2.

    Hopefully, you will get the expected changes in this way.

  • Home Group problems a1-830 to win 8 laptop

    First of all... Hello world. OK, my problem is... I have a laptop (windows 8) connected to our wireless network and I want to connect to his home groupgroup so I can stream/view movies/photos/music on it... File Explorer of, I added to my apps and he acknowledged the Group and files BUT I can not even access... Error message: connection fails. account has no permission... Does anyone have a solution for this... Help, please! Thank you

    You must check the permissions of the folders/files on your portable computer and activate it for everyone or a single user with password.

  • Malwarebytes MS Security Center problem reports.

    After installing Windows Security Essentials (MSE), I ran Malwarebytes' Anti - Malware (MWB).  He reported this:

    Infected registry data items:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Center\UpdatesDisableNotify (Disabled.SecurityCenter)-> Bad: (1) Good: (0) not-> no action taken.

    Is suggesting that MSE is to blame for this registry problem (if it is indeed a problem), or maybe it was a problem that existed on my system before I installed MSE and appear all the time because I ran MWB before installing MSE?

    How can I "fix" this issue?


    It's probably a pre-existing condition.

    Assuming XP, open the Security Center - of the control panel and click on change the way Security Center alerts me. You can enable or disable notifications as desired.


    ~ Microsoft MVP Windows Live ~ Windows Live OneCare | Live Mesh | MS Security Essentials Forums moderator ~.

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